Lovely Literate's Literary Cravings

Started by LovelyLiterate, July 13, 2021, 10:22:04 PM

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About the Author
I figure the best place to start would be with a small introduction. I am new to this site but not to writing in general. I have written stories in the past, but this would be the first time I am writing them in open threads, so that is both exciting and a bit terrifying. I do live in Japan, which means that I have an odd time schedule. I do not know if people have posting requirements but unless you live in Asia as well, I figure our paths won't cross for more than a few hours a day. I would love to be able to get a post in each day, but I always want to let my partners know that I will have an odd and limited schedule ahead of times.

As for my preferences, I will make sure to get out an O/O thread shortly. Feel free to ask about any specific kinks, but there are no requirements as to what to have in any story that we write together. Beyond that I would love to get to know people and talk whenever possible. Always feel free to reach out to me with ideas or just to say hi, I love getting to talk to fellow writers as we craft the story and make sure that we constantly check up on the plot and plan out where to go next.

General Character Aspects
So the next big thing I think is important is to let you know what kind of characters I enjoy writing. Here is a list of what most of my characters should be like and what to expect from them.

  • I am a male and will primarily write male characters. Any sex scene with my characters will involve my character being a male. I can write female side characters, but they will be for the plot and not for any sex scenes
  • I am straight. I am really only looking for MxF stories at the moment.
  • My characters tend to be either white males or males of other species. I can definitely write other ethnicities, but I want to make sure I am being respectful and not stereotyping anyone when I create a character.
  • My O/O thread will take some time. In the mean time please let me know if you have any questions about my kinks. There is nothing that I require in any story and I love to include my partner's favorite kinks whenever possible.

Writing Style
Since I am brand new to this site, I would prefer to write all of my stories in threads. This will seem to be the easiest way of keeping track of things and it generally appears to be the common practice on this site. I am definitely open to writing stories in private messages, so if you prefer that just let me know. Other than that, feel free to reach out to me for any questions or concerns, or if you just want to chat.

For a more detailed look at my writing and to see examples of my ongoing stories feel free to look over my Ons & Offs which has links to my other stories.

Associated Pictures
All of the story ideas I have listed below come with pictures for possible face claims in this story. There is no obligation to use any of these pictures. If you like the concept and not the picture attached to it just feel free to let me know. You do not need to find a woman with a similar body type nor do we need to use pictures at all. These are just some of the images that helped inspire the idea and I thought it would help illustrate the type of character that would work in this story. I will never demand my partner choose a certain face claim or have their character look a certain way. I always want my partners to have a character they can enjoy playing, so please don't let the images put you off from an idea just because they do not represent a character you would want to play.

Table of Contents

Active Stories

Stories in Hiatus
Major Update
August 2021 Updates

  • Corruption of College
  • Can't Be Tamed
  • Natural Enemies
  • Hate is a Powerful Motivator

September 2021 Updates

  • Opposites Do Attract
  • Cosplay Gone Wrong
  • The Pregnancy Request
  • The Wrong Decision
  • Revenge in the Wild West

January 2022 Updates

  • You Call That Netorare
  • A Fated Pair
  • Who Knew Being Bad Could Feel So Good
  • To Be Loved and Used (Sugar Daddy Story)
  • She Couldn't Love Me, Could She?
  • Picture Plots

July 2022 Updates

  • We Really Are Compatible
  • A Goblin Thief
  • Two Passing Stars

July 2022 Updates

  • Layout Overhaul

September 2022 Updates

  • Stories in Hiatus List
  • To Share a Dream
  • Let Me Help You Out
  • Unused Openers


Modern Stories

To Use and Be Used
I have always been a fan of IllWillPress, and I think it is safe to say it may have have had an impact on the type of women I like. While Germaine in the web series always struggles with money because she mostly refuses to give into the male patriarchy and instead only focus on art to get by, I would like to use this story to develop a relationship between someone like her and the person her work is meant to take down. In the end, this would be a story about a goth artist struggling to make it on her own and who has found herself in more and more desperate need of money.

My character would be a wealthy business man, the typical middle aged man who grown bored of his seemingly perfect life and has found himself wanting something new to take himself out of the rat race and to make him feel alive again. Whether he is already married or single would be completely up to you. For this story I would love for these two characters to meet and realize that they could use each other. My character provides the financial support while your character helps him live out his sexual fantasies. Where I think this story could really shine is in how our characters come to terms with this transaction and if they want to continue it and for how long. On paper they are both getting what they want, but does it cash with their morals and who they present themselves to be?

What if feelings start to develop and they realize that this should be more than just a transactional relationship? How would they explain it to the people around them, how could they trust that the other person was being genuine, and what kind of person would either of them became if they opened themselves up to the other and were willing to change to realize that there was something there?

Who Is the Bad Guy?
For this story, this is one of the rare occasions where I would show my character's face before consulting with my partner. While it is subject to change, especially if we change the country, I think he really fits the story well. This story would be based off of my character being an American who was forced to move to Japan at a very young age due to his parent's work. Here he would meet your character and her eventual boyfriend in elementary school. When he first arrived in Japan he didn't speak the language and your character's eventual boyfriend bullied him relentlessly. This was because the future boyfriend was scared that my character would become more popular than him, and not due to any racism.

The thing is, this fear of the boyfriend came true. As my character learned the language and adjusted to the culture he became popular due to his ability in sports and standing out for being the only blonde kid in school. The boyfriend would be someone who didn't mature and with his lack of confidence didn't make friends. He saw himself as a nerd and that is who he became, only really having your character as a friend. Now my character has not been a perfect guy, he was bullied by the boyfriend as a kid and he is taking his revenge on him in high school. The story could therefore go in two possible directions.
1) If you wanted more of a non-con/dub-con angle to this, I was thinking that your character and the boyfriend are on the student government board and in charge of protecting the morals at school. They check school uniforms and prevent anyone from so much as holding hands on campus. So when my character catches your characters making out he is able to steal a picture and use it to black mail your character into going out with him.
2) Your character could take it on herself to approach my character and see if she can get him to stop the fighting between them. I think this would be a slower build but it would end up with your character eventually leaving her boyfriend for my character as she realizes who each really are.
In this I would like to focus on the story of the handsome jock not being as bad as the nerd makes him out to be, and the nerd not being some innocent guy who is picked on for no reason. Each character will have their good and bad sides, and it is who they are in the end that really matters.

Let Me Help You Out
This story would involve a me writing a rotating cast of probably three to four guys. If you wanted to expand the list and add additional female characters later on, I am sure we could figure out a way of doing that, but in this story there would be no primary love interest. Instead, this story involves a group of friends coming up with a business arrangement to help your character out. I believe this story would work best in a college setting, but it could really take place anywhere. Maybe our characters have known each other for a while, and every time they hang out it is quite obvious that your character is doing everything in her power to avoid spending money. The group accommodates her as best as possible, but lately she has had to miss out on a few events they know she has wanted to go to. One day as one of the male friends is heading home from a party YC wasn't able to make it to, he spots here walking waiting for a bus in a shady area of the town. He pulls over and offers her a ride home. Maybe YC is embarrassed to be discovered over here but never the less accepts because the bus is running late.

That is where they finally start to discuss her financial situation. YC is doing everything on her own, paying rent, tuition, books, and clothing. She is barely making it work and as they discuss finances the friend offers to help her out. Maybe YC doesn't want to be a charity case and refuses, but as they continue to talk the strike up a deal. YC won't take the money for free, but she will allow him to suggest a trade. His suggestion, one night together. They are just friends, but when he offers her a few hundred dollars she can't help but think it is a tempting offer.

In the end she would accept (obviously with whatever haggling will be needed). The two hook up, exchange funds and then expect to go about their lives like nothing happened. The story from here will be how this will alter their friendship. What will it be like if he makes the offer again, or what will happen when she decides to approach him for the first time? I thought having multiple friends would make the story more interesting. Eventually they learn about the deal and they each take their own method to join in on this. Maybe one friend wants to have sex while the other friend only uses this to fulfill his unique fantasy of watching or being watched. Juggling between relationships and figuring out where the boundaries are could be a lot of fun.

Saving A Former Lover
Our characters were high school sweet hearts. They both came from broken families but they loved each other nonetheless. They both had dreams of getting out of this dead end town and making a life for themselves. They always pictured that they would accomplish their dreams together, but life isn't that easy. When your character is offered her big break, she jumps at the opportunity and asks my character to go along with her, to travel the world as her support. While my character would want nothing more than to join her, his family needs him back home. His father has fallen ill and they need someone to stay behind and help pay for his medical costs. My character turns your character down, and they get into the fight of the century before vowing to never speak to each other again.

Time passes, and my character is still stuck in the dead end town. He had made a comfortable life for himself in construction or maybe even as a local artist. Of course he misses your character, but he assumes she is off to bigger and better things, and is better off without him. My character finds himself going to a friend's bachelor party, where his friends promise him a night they will all never forget. One of the men has found a stripper, someone who he tells them will do anything so long as they pay her enough. It sounds disgusting, but MC agrees to go to support his friends. The bachelor party is going great, but when the lights go out and the music starts to play, my character is in for the shock of his life. When they call in the stripper, out walks your character, his former lover who is supposed to be out in the world and famous by now. Instead, she is high and out of her mind on drugs. My character can see the signs of abuse and desperation in her face, as she is doing anything to make ends meat and manage this drug addiction.

The second my character sees yours he knows he has to save her. He pulls her out of the party and brings her home with him. From there he will try and make her stay with him to help get her back on her feet. How will the pair do together, will they fall back in love? Can your character forgive mine for not joining her on the world stage? Does she have the ability or even desire to get off drugs after years of addiction. Maybe she enjoys being a stripper and doesn't like to feel like my character is judging her. There is a lot of drama that we could work out in this story if you would be interested in giving it a shot.
Possible Face Claims

The Wrong Decision
Your character has always had a type. She has fallen for the bad boy her entire life. The man who isn't afraid to dominate her and who treats her like trash but leaves her breathless in the bedroom. She has bounced around between failed relationship after failed relationship figuring that all that she was meant for was pointless hookups and abuse. That is, until she meets Character 1. They run into each other at the bar and he doesn't approach her like she is just some slut he wants to bang for a single night. He actually cares about her and wants her to be happy. They have a pleasant evening together and he even asks for her number, telling her he has to head home early that night due to a business meeting in the morning.

He is the first man that hasn't tried to fuck her right away, and she is moved by his charm. They plan a second date and although he leaves early, she stays around for one last drink before calling it an evening herself. That is when she meets Character 2. The man has always been her type, and when his attention falls on her she knows she is in trouble. They begin to talk and before she realizes what is going on the pair are in the back of the bathroom or in the alley fucking like wild animals. He leaves her after he is done with her, making her wish for any way of contacting him again.

Yet she has Character 1 now, someone who will look after her. This story will be about YC trying to forget Character 2 and moving on to a steady relationship with Character 1. Of course throughout the story Character 2 will continue to show up in her life, making her fall for his temptations over and over again and jeopardizing her chances with Character 1. Will she be able to call things off with Character 2, or will she forget the safe possible relationship with Character 1 to end up being Character 2's girl because deep down she knows he is everything she craves.

Two Passing Stars
He had been in the porn industry for far too long. MC had been in the industry since he was 18 years old, joining when porn was something you could only watch if you bought the VHS or were bold enough to go into the movie theater to watch with other desperate single men. It took him years to work his way up from just being a cameraman to actually being the one in front of the camera, but eventually he made it. He made a name for himself and by the time porn was something you started to stream and watch online, his star had begun to fade. He was an older man, now in his late 30s (or early 40s). People didn't want to watch him on stream anymore, and he was being pushed out of the industry.

That is where your character comes in. She has been interested in joining the industry for her own reasons. Yet maybe she has heard too many horror stories of what could happen to a woman in the industry if she was not careful about who she worked with. Our characters could meet at a bar, maybe YC recognizes mine and decides to approach him and tell him she is a fan. They hit it off and after a few drinks YC admits to wanting to be in front of a camera herself. That is when the idea hits them. They could work together. They could post their own videos and make porn together with his knowledge of the industry and her undeniable charm they would be a smash hit.

This story would focus around the eventual and inevitable shift in power. How MC would go from the desirable mentor to someone who YC no longer needs. What would it be like when MC needs YC more than she needs him for the first time. Will they want to continue to be together when she starts to work with other men in the industry, or will they find out what they thought of as love and an exciting partnership was only a fleeting adventure together once YC finds more alluring opportunities presented to herself. As always, this is just a reference image, we can change it around to a character you are more interested in playing if you would like.

She Couldn't Love Me, Could She?
As a bit of context for this story, I generally tend to play very dominant and confident male characters. Because of this, I wanted to work on my writing style and try to play a more shy and less self-assured character. This setting would involve a younger man, somewhere around the ages of 18 to 21 depending on the setting of the story. He could be a senior in high school or an undergraduate who has finally moved out of his small home town and into a big university. Growing up in a small town, he found himself never fitting in with the other students at his school. As a young child he was very weak and couldn't play sports or afford to keep up with the latest trends and fashions that the other kids followed.

The problem with coming from such a small community was that he could never escape the image he had fostered for himself as a youth. It didn't matter if he began working out, or if he started to grow into a man that was objectively attractive, everyone in his high school always saw him as the nervous little kid that he was. Though this never stopped my character from wanting to change himself, to make himself a better person in order to finally find love.

This is where your character comes in. For this story I envisioned her to be an older woman, though the age range is completely up to you. She is incredibly gorgeous, someone who knows that she has the attention of everyone in the room the moment she steps into a new place. While she regularly works out at the gym, she has grown used to, and is frankly tired of, these big muscular men hitting on her every time she steps foot in the gym.

Our characters would meet when your character happens to spot mine struggling with some free weights. She decides to help him out and the two begin to chat. My character would assume your character is far out of his league, and therefore he wouldn't try and hit on her like everyone else in the gym. Maybe that fact alone makes my character more endearing to yours. Or maybe it is just the fact that she missed the slow burn of a potential romance without the guy trying to get into her pants the first second he could.

I would like to explore this kind of relationship, hopefully with the idea of your character being the more dominant partner. I have never done a full FemDom story, and while I am not interested in kinks like pegging, I think it would be a lot of fun to see how their relationship develops as she realizes he is still a virgin and wants to learn how to please her when they eventually get to that stage in their relationship.
Some NSFW Inspiration

To Be Loved and Used (Sugar Daddy Theme)
For this story, our characters would both be living a life that they can no longer tolerate. While your character's background would be completely up to you, I figure there are a few themes we could explore. Perhaps she is in a toxic relationship with a boyfriend who she lives with, someone who is controlling and demanding, someone who will control her finances and needs to approve of whatever she does. This could be the type of man who expects his woman to work for him, maybe someone who wants your character to be a stripper for the ability to brag how attractive she is while simultaneously hating that other men get to look at her.

Another possibility could be that your character was forced to run away from home. She had an abusive family or her family discovered a secret about her that she was trying to keep secret such as she is actually an atheist in a religious family or she could be bisexual and have her religious parents discover her girlfriend. Either way she finds herself on the streets and in need of money.

My character would find himself in one of two situations. The first could be that he is trapped in a loveless marriage. He could have married a woman who has grown cold and distant from him due to his career. I think in this angle it would be best if my character was a politician. That way there is a reason he can't just divorce his wife, he has an image to maintain as a family man with high morals, thereby making this story even more dangerous for him and his career. If, on the other hand, you didn't want him to be married, he could have either recently gone through a painful divorce or lost his wife due to a car accident or illness.

Regardless of the circumstances, my character would be looking for some relief for his pain, and that is when a friend recommends Daddy's Angels. It is the latest Sugar Daddy website, a site where men can chat and meet up with younger women, and if they get along they could agree to form their own Sugar Daddy style relationship, with the terms of that relationship to be decided between the pair. My character is sure that he is just looking for an instant hook up. Maybe a one time fling to get him through these dark times and to feel young again.

Your character could either be new to the site or an experienced user in need of some quick cash. She was expecting to just get the money she needed and to never have to see the Sugar Daddy again after this. For this story, I want to delve into the relationship that would form between our characters. How neither of them was looking for love but how they find it in the end.

One of the best ways I thought of approaching this was having the initial meet up be agreed to just be about some rough and passionate sex. Your character is expecting to be used and thrown away as soon as my character's wallet is empty. While their initial hook up is indeed passionate and as rough as expected, what takes place next catches both of them off guard. Instead of just getting in the shower and leaving after sex, our characters find themselves cuddled up together, holding each other and just talking and getting to know each other. In the end, these two need each other both physically and emotionally, and the story will be about finding out how to save one and other.

Cosplay Gone Wrong
Both of our characters have a similar problem, and without knowing it, both have come up with a similar solution they feel will save their relationships. They have both been with a significant other for a while, and the spark has gone out of their relationship. By this point, they are more likely to be fighting with their partner than enjoying their time with them, and in the end all four individuals would be better off if the relationship just ended. Yet our characters aren't quitters. They might need this relationship to be able to afford their apartment, or they just don't want to call it quits when they believe there is still a way to solve their problems.

So they come up with a solution, they need to spice up their relationship. Luckily, there is a convention in town and they know their partner has always enjoyed conventions like this. That is where their brilliant idea comes in. If they aren't feeling the spark with their partner, why not rekindle that spark with their partner's favorite character? Maybe some role play in a crowded convention could help show them why they were together in the first place. After a brief discussion, everyone decides on the characters they want to play. It doesn't have to be cannon, maybe they want to see what Spiderman and Princess Leia would be like together. The only requirements for this story would be that all four people would need to wear a mask as part of their costume.

The couples both agree that surprise will be the key element to this story, just letting their partner know who they will be dressed as and to meet at the convention. Our story starts with a mix up. Perhaps all of the characters chose rather popular cosplays. Our characters would run into each other assuming that they were in fact talking to their significant others. When they initially feared the flirting would be awkward, for some reason today they are clicking with their 'significant other' like never before. There is a natural chemistry there that they haven't felt in ages. It isn't long until they need to slip into a broom closet to take advantage of the passion that hasn't existed for months or even years.

What happens when it is all over? After they have both had the best sex in their entire relationship only to pull off the mask and find out that they are actually with a complete stranger? Will they want to find their current partners and explain the situation, or will this be the wake up call they need to realize they would be happier with someone else?

Hate is a Powerful Motivator
We have all had that one coworker that we can't stand. Someone who has always stood in our way and found out how to undermine you at any opportunity to make sure that they would be the first to receive a promotion. Someone who you can't stand and yet who you can't afford to call out at work. This story would involve two coworkers who have hated each other's guys since the very first time they met. They have competed for everything, trading blows as they competed with each other for promotions until both are near the top. There is only one more promotion ahead, one of them will be made the regional manager while the other will finally be forced to work under them for the next few years. The last promotion all rides on closing the biggest contract of their career.

Our characters' CEO has sent both of our characters off to a foreign country to close an international contract. The person who signs the deal will be the next regional president. With so much on the line our characters can't help but bicker and get under each other's skin. After the first day of negotiations do not go to plan our characters are offered another opportunity by taking the client out to dinner. This leads to far too many drinks, and after getting the client into a cab our characters continue to drink just to prove who can hold their liquor better. One thing leads to another, and our characters wind up waking up next to each other in bed. That is when it all comes back to them, an argument lead to a push, which lead to a shove, and those touches ignited something in our characters that needed to be released.

From here the story would be how they will handle their new emotions. I do not picture these two to fall in love. Ideally both of our characters would have significant others, making it clear that neither of them would be able to use this affair against the other and for a reason for them never to become more than coworkers. Realizing how much they loved this hate sex and finding out how to spark another encounter without admitting what they really want will be the drive of the story. What situations will they find themselves in? How can you get the other person to agree to fuck you in an empty conference room in the client's building? What can you get into on the plane ride home after the contract is signed, or after they both fail to deliver and need a way to vent their frustrations at an impossible job.

So Much Beneath the Surface
Your character would be a respected woman in the community, someone who takes care of others and is looked upon more for her motherly qualities than as the young beautiful woman that she truly is. She takes care of everyone and rarely thinks of herself. Yet even kind hearted people have their own needs, needs that are often left unattended as they are taking care of others and not themselves. For this story your character could be the maintenance woman at my character's apartment, or maybe just a next door neighbor that looks after everyone in the block.
This would be a romance story, but just because your character is a mild mannered and gentle person, it doesn't mean that she doesn't have needs and desires that would seem to contradict her outward nature. I would love to explore your character having darker kinks that are often unexplored because her partners just assume she would prefer the more vanilla and gentler ways of making love. Maybe my character stumbles upon your character's online personality where she is interested in BDSM and hard-core sex. Maybe he walks by her place when she is pleasuring herself and overhears her desires and needs.
My character would want to help her explore her sexuality. This is not a story about exploiting or blackmailing your character due to her kinks. Instead it is about helping her realize that she can maintain her caring and loving image while still allowing her freak flag to fly in the comforts of her own home.
NSFW Inspirational Images

Opposites Do Attract
All her life, YC has been known as a 'tomboy.' She grew up with a few sports loving brothers and with a father who only wanted sons instead of daughters. Her household was not a loving and supportive one. If anyone showed signs of weakness her father would take it out on them. It did not help that from a young age many of the kids in her classes picked on her for her choice in clothing and activities. At school they demanded that she be more feminine and at home they demanded she act more masculine. Growing up like this hardened YC, she had to learn to protect herself and get into fights with anyone who would question her.

Throughout high school things didn't get easier for her. As she grew into her body and developed curves that the boys found appealing she was soon picked on for other reasons. Now guys wanted to 'fuck' her. They didn't want to ask her out and go on dates, they just assumed that since she was a bad ass that she would be down to fuck any guy who could stand up to her. So she had to deal with that mixture of harassment from all sides, feeling like she had to prove herself to everyone.

This story would take place after high school. I would love to play someone who is seen as her polar opposite. A weaker male character who was picked on for being considered nerdy and too skinny to play sports or do anything besides play video games. This relationship would be about two people who no one would expect to have anything in common. Sure they might have no interest in each other's hobbies, but they both relate to each other given how society and their families have treated them. From there it would be fun to explore this relationship and how the roles might change with YC being the more assertive and protective one where MC helps her own up to her feelings and learn to express herself.

Corruption of College
Your character has always considered herself a nerd or a social outcast. In her mind she would never be someone who people would want to hang out with or have fun with. She was that wallflower that was supposed to work hard throughout her life and only have fun with the few people who so happened to notice her. That was what she told herself when she applied to college, and her goal was to make it through those four years without a single blemish on her record. She wasn't going to party, she was just going to study and pass all of her classes with flying colors before getting a job that would pay a decent salary. It wasn't that she was opposed to partying, or that she had any moral hang ups with alcohol and drugs, she just never thought she would be the kind of girl to have those experiences. Sex and parties were for the pretty skinny girls that she saw on the internet, for people who posted videos of themselves on social media so mocked up that they were barely recognizable as real humans.

The reason for her convictions and her self-doubt can be broken down into two causes. There definitely could be more, but I think these two would give us the most to work with.
1) The Boyfriend: This option would involve your character having a long term boyfriend during this story and therefore would involve her cheating on him. I know this is not everyone's cup of tea so this could be changed to a recent ex who still contacts her. This man in her life is a manipulative scumbag. He found her when she was at her lowest lows, when she had no self-confidence and when she needed someone to look out for her. He was kind to her, telling her how special he thought she was, but making sure never to tell her she was beautiful to make sure that she truly believed no one but him would love her. This is a wolf in sheep's clothing, someone who pretends to be a fragile nerd but who wants to manipulate those around him. He was accepted into an out-of-state university and knew that your character couldn't afford to go there. He believed he could never find anyone as good as your character, so he made sure to tell her about how her life would be ruined if she went to any parties without him. How everyone would lie and take advantage of her to their own ends to get what they want. With this man constantly filling her with self-doubt while simultaneously promising that he will save her and make sure she has fun when he is around, he will try his best to cut her off from anyone but himself.
1) The Father: This option deals with religion and again could offend people. If you like this angle but want the father to have a different reason for his level of control, just let me know. Here there is no boyfriend, only a religious family who has told their daughter that the only thing she should hope to accomplish in life is to find another man of the same religion and become his obedient wife. Sex and partying are strictly immoral, and anyone who soever looks at another man that isn't a member of their faith or approved by her parents is a true whore. This version will really work into the immorality and degradation aspects, with your character eventually learning that there is nothing wrong with being considered a 'whore' so long as she is in control of her body and does what she wants with it.

With either of these plots, MC will be an upperclassman. YC's roommate finally convinced her to go to a local party. YC figured that she would just go for a few minutes to get her roommate to shut up and stop bringing up the fact that she doesn't know how to have fun. That is where our character's meet. MC will instantly take a liking to her and work to convince her that she can have fun and be herself. That first night at the party maybe ends with our character's hooking up after a night of drinking and having fun. This could end with her regretting her decision initially, or just realizing what she was missing. Eventually this story will focus on your character realizing she wants to become more of a party girl and have fun with herself. MC will be there to help her, be it just by trying more adventurous things with each other, or involving other guys (or girls) along the way. I would be more than happy to write a few MMF scenes here so your character can experience threesomes and gangbangs as she starts to realize who she is and what she really likes to do.

Can't Be Tamed
This story takes place in that ever so realistic Simplevile. That town that never existed but where the inhabitants all pretend like they are good religious members of society with no problems and an idealistic lifestyle. Here, so long as you conform to the norms and show no real sign of individualism, then you should be destined for the perfect life. The problem was that your character decided that she wasn't just going to follow the examples of everyone else in her class. She was not going to be some obedient little girl who did as her parents told and would settle for the life of a 1940s housewife in the modern era. Instead, she expressed herself, she rebelled, and she became the town pariah. She was the exact thing that mother's warned their daughters not to be, an apparent sex symbol who would steal your man (or woman) and run off with them to do all the drugs and communicate with Satan. At least, that is what everyone who didn't talk to her believed. To what extent any of those rumors were true is certainly up to you.

This story would involve your character's parents coming to my character for help. He is a pillar of the community, someone who has raised a 'strong religious family' and who even has a daughter of his own around your character's age who is 'on the right path.' They will ask him to look after their daughter and show her how to become a woman with religious values. If you wanted him to be the local priest/religious figure as well we could definitely include that spect into the story. When our characters eventually meet your character instantly recognizes how my character is looking at her. How this upstanding man is no better than anyone else and how he simply is able to hide his desires better than the other men in the town.

From this point on, the game would be on. This story would involve both of our characters attempting to use the other for their own personal ends. My character will love the raw sexuality of your character and how independent she is. His goal might be to just have her become his mistress, someone who he can try out all of the kinks his wife would never allow him to experiment with and who he can finally be his real self around. Your character could use my character to get the money and possessions she never had based on her own upbringing. Maybe she wants to show this hypocritical town that no one is perfect and she can do that by ruining the marriage of the most prominent man in the town and exposing him for who he really is. How this story ends is completely up to you. We could have a character exposed or we could slowly change their relationship from one of exploitation and possible revenge into one where the two develop true feelings for each other and have to figure out how to handle this new relationship and how many lives it would ruin if they did end up with each other in the end.

I Love My HotWife
I have always wanted to explore a consensual 'hotwife' story. This story will involve me playing two main male characters, the husband to your character, and the new lover. This will not be a cuckolding story or a story where the marriage is ruined in the end due to infidelity. I would like to explore this story from the angle of two lovers who want to explore a new kink together. The husband and wife are still in love, and they still enjoy making love to each other. A large aspect of this story will be in the differences between how the wife makes love to these two men, enjoying both for their own reasons.
At some point in their marriage the pair will be comfortable enough with each other to admit that they both have an exhibitionist (wife) and voyeuristic (husband) kink that they want to explore. They love the idea of making each other happy and are excited to finally find a parter who is willing to indulge them in their respective kinks.
How they choose the other man is completely up to you. Is there some physical difference or age difference between the men that the pair finds attractive? Is it just a personality difference, or would this even perhaps be a man they both have a person relationship with? Be it someone completely at random or a friend/co-worker/past-lover, the three eventually agree to try out this experiment.
The lover in this story will have to cope with finding his ideal woman who he can never have. Sure, he gets to have sex with her whenever he wants, but in the end of the day he knows she will never leave her husband. What will be the breaking point in this relationship? Who will want to end it first? Will anyone want to escalate it beyond what is already agreed upon?
These are all of the questions I would love to explore with this story.

The Pregnancy Request
To start this plot off, I want to make clear that this is a story involving a lesbian relationship with YC being bi-sexual. This is not a plot about changing anyone's sexuality and if it comes across as such please let me know as I would hate to write something that would be offensive. In this story YC and her partner have been attempting to conceive a child for several months or even years. Despite their best efforts, up until now nothing has worked. They are running low on costs and know that realistically they only have one shot left at this before they will have to give up.

On their trip back to the fertility clinic they are given a new booklet of potential sperm donors to choose from. While browsing through the selection YC realizes that she actually knows one of the men in the picture, MC. How they know each other is completely up to you. Perhaps they dated for a period back in college or they are simply former coworkers. When she brings this information up with her partner the two of them decide to go to MC directly to discuss a bold new plan. Over drinks they let him know that they are desperate to get pregnant but can't afford more procedures.

This is when a deal is struck. MC will have an entire week to be with YC. They will sleep together as many times as possible in order to get her pregnant. This story won't involve YC falling for MC or leaving her partner. In the end it is a non-romantic set of encounters where YC is able to live out some of her favorite kinks with a partner she knows will do whatever she wants for the course of this week.

Possible Variation: If you are interested in writing a FFM story, the setting would obviously need to be changed so that both women are bi from the start. A fun way of wrapping up this potential plot would be for a final threesome together. A celebration of the news that YC is finally pregnant after all of those expensive failed attempts.


Historical Stories

Revenge in the Wild West
This story would be my first attempt at a historical Western piece. This plot is focused around our two primary characters taking down a corrupt mayor of a local town and the gang that he used to gain control and intimidate the locals. Your character would be a resident of the town, someone whose family (could be her husband or her parents) owned land that the main villain needed to get his hands on. Maybe the government is looking to build a railroad through the property, or he could have found out that there is oil under her land and he wants it so that he can develop the land or sell it to the highest bidder. In either case the main villain will use his gang to take the land by force, possibly killing her family/husband in the process.

Your character will be away from the family land when the villain attacks, and she comes home to find the local gang has taken over and killed her loved ones. While she could try and fight back herself, she knows that she is outnumbered and doesn't have enough experience with a gun to take on a small private army. So she has to retreat for now, heading to a nearby town or bar to think of a way to get revenge. In order to survive she takes up a job as a local bartender or performer. That is where she will meet MC. For this story I thought he could either be the lone travelling gunman or a federal deputy sent out to explore allegations of wrongdoing in the region. Either way, your character knows she has to get him on her side as an ally to get her revenge.

Perhaps she sees MC flirting with some women at the bar and decides to seduce him, dressing up as a local prostitute and spending the night with him before telling him of her plan. These two can work together from there on, with us adding in new characters for YC to seduce and take out along the way to eventually defeating the main bad guy and reclaiming her home and town.

Who Can You Trust
Who Framed Roger Rabbit was an amazing movie and my first real introduction into the Noir Genre. This is a concept I would like to expand on and see how it could play out without the story having to worry about censorship or appealing to a wide audience. Similar to the movie, this story would start out with your character's husband missing and presumed dead. The cops all believe that your character killed him. Why not, your character was young and beautiful, she was the most sought after woman in Hollywood and yet she married this wallflower of an executive, seemingly only for the money. My character is called into the scene to investigate as your character insists she couldn't have been the killer. Your character claims to have proof of her innocence, and even apparent leads as to who she believes the real killer is.

Now, unlike the story this is based off of, I would love for your character to have actually killed her husband. She has a long term plan to take over Hollywood and take her revenge on those people who have wronged her and denied her what is rightfully hers all these years. In order to do this she needs a detective, someone who can help track down the killer she created and use to take out her enemies. This story would play out with your character seducing mine and convincing him to help her 'find her husband.' Throughout the story we can introduce new characters, new targets for our characters to take out. Of course my character never fully trusts yours, but she always seems to be one step ahead of him. Will he be able to figure out that she is the mastermind behind all of this before he helps her take down half of the city, or will he be killed in the end because he fell under your character's charm just like everyone else.

Bonus PlotThis story can play out just like a normal crime drama. However, I think it would be even more interesting to have this set in the human/toon world that the Roger Rabbit Story is based on. I would love to dive into the world here and see how Humans and Toons would interact. Is there resentment or stereotyping that can play a role? What would a real Toon gangster be like? How do Toons act when they are just a minority and used and abused by Humans because the Humans think that as they created Toons, they can do what they want to them. This just adds another layer of drama that could make the story that much more interesting


Fantasy Stories

Joining a Caravan
This story is based upon the NSFW Webcomic Alfie. I absolutely love the world that InCase has created here and I highly recommend anyone take a look into this if they enjoy fantasy stories and great world building, on top of an amazing art style. This story would focus on your character being a halfling female from a small community. That community has a strong moral code and feels that outsiders and any changes to the strong traditions are not to be welcomed at all. Of course, your character would want to get out of there as soon as possible, and when she spots a small caravan coming into the town for its annual harvest celebration she spots her opportunity. MC would be the caravan master, either on a lone caravan, or in a large group filled with other races and peoples depending on how many characters you would want to include in this story. Either way, she will approach my character and see if there is anyway he can agree to take her with him. My character will know the rules though. Halfings are not allowed to leave the village without the councils permission, and if he takes her, he and his caravan will be banned from the village forever. Yet there is something in the way your character speaks that resonates with him, and he finds that they have the same adventuring spirit and desire to live a free life.

So he agrees to take her on, in what roll is completely up to you. Maybe she becomes the accountant or a merchant herself, perhaps she is content to be his personal lover, just exploring the world with him as they run into new species along the way. For this story it would be great to have other side characters that portray other species and races. Our characters might be in an open relationship to allow them to explore the other races together, taking part in threesomes and orgies knowing that in the end they love each other and aren't worried about something like sex get in the way of their relationship. Having them both learn about open relationships and sex like this together would be a great story, on top of the adventure we are going to have together.

NSFW Goblin Character Reference

Pact of Power
In this world everyone has access to magic and can become a sorcerer, witch, warlock, etc. While everyone has the ability to use magic, how much magic they can produce is decided at birth. You can be the most brilliant witch or wizard in the world, but your ability to cast spells is limited by the amount of magical ability you have, or if you are lucky, on what magical items you have access to to amplify your own abilities. Society is then built based upon who can preform great feats of magic, and who can only make a plate levitate for a few seconds or change their hair color for an evening. For this story, I would like to focus on my main character being someone born into a family with very little magical abilities. This has cast him as a servant and the lowest class from birth. He has had to work for everything in his life, and he has seen those in the upper class flaunt their abilities and take advantage of others just because they were born with more magical reserves than others.

What is worse, not all in the ruling class have access to magical abilities. Over the years the families have made up for their children's lack of magic by giving them tomes and other magical items to make up for their children's lack of talent. The ruling class horde their power and these items, never sharing them with the rest of the population in order to maintain their control. My character has had enough, he wants to shake up the system and take down these corrupt families. That is where your character comes in. While the human population knows that demons exist, they haven't been seen in centuries. That is because humans learned that demons like Succubi and Incubbi can syphon the magic from one human, and either keep it for themselves or give it to others. They are afraid of that ability and have burned and destroyed every summoning manual available to keep demons from coming into this world and taking their power that the humans covet so much.

Our story would begin with my character finding one of the last summoning manuals left in the world. He knows how to use it, and finds that as long as he binds himself to whatever demon comes out of the portal, even someone with as little magic as him can summon a demon. Your character would be the first demon in centuries to be summoned to the human world. How would she react, what would she want from this pact that my character is offering? I can see this story being based upon them targeting different humans and clans and stealing power, or just simply about a demon learning to care for another being for the first time, as demons generally do not fall in love with their own kind.
NSFW Link 1
NSFW Link 2
NSFW Link 3

Natural Enemies
Onis and Humans have been at war for centuries. While every Oni has the strength of a dozen men, they have never had the ability to manipulate magic the same way that Humans are able to. These differences in their strengths have lead to an uncomfortable stalemate, with each side claiming half of the island that they reside on. Both Humans and Oni warriors train their entire lives to prevent the other side from raiding their lands and trying to capture their ancestral territory. Despite the need to constantly train, there hasn't been a full on war in over 70 years, and the surviving generals barely remember the last time they had fought the other side.

This story would begin with two assassinations, with the heads of the leading families each being killed in their sleep. Naturally they blame the other race, assuming that this is the first step before an all out war is set to begin. Our characters have been tasked with getting revenge, each being sent over as the most skilled warrior to take out the other side's generals before any real battle can even take place. As luck would have it, our characters run into each other at the border between our lands and of course instantly begin to fight to make sure they do not enter into each other's lands. During the fight the two cannot help but ask questions to each other, after having trained their entire lives to fight an enemy they have never met.

At this point they will figure out that the assassins weren't enemies from each other's sides but conducted by members of their own tribe as a justification for going to war. Perhaps the spells/weapons the 'assassin' used were ancient relics that haven't been used in decades, or they find out that their own leaders had no knowledge of the other side's leader being assassinated. From here the pair would agree to work together, realizing that a war with the other side would only devastate the entire region and lead to both of their annihilations. Learning how to trust each other and finding out who betrayed them would be the crux of this story.

A Fated Pair
It may be obvious by this point, but I am a huge fan of InCase's artwork and comics. This is an idea based off of his NSFW Xenobiology Comic. The basic plot for this comic is that the Puazi are an alien species that have begun to live among humans. While they act as normal humans, they have an incredible attraction to humans that makes them incredibly horny at seemingly the worst times. While this could lead to a completely smut filled romp with multiple characters, I was looking to take this in another direction.

For this story, I was thinking that we would tone down how much Humans are able to effect Puazi. While Puazi could generally be turned on by Humans, I would think for this story that it is very manageable. They would be more like teenagers, constantly under the stress of their hormones but able to control them and not be forced into any situations they did not explicitly want themselves. Of course, there would be one exception. The one in a million chance that a certain Human and Puazi would be destined to be together. Just those two being put alone in a room together would set off something primal in the backs of both of their minds that just demands that they have sex as soon as possible. To be clear, this is a two way street. The human in this situation would not be able to resist the Puazi either.

I would prefer to play the human in this scenario, but I am happy to reverse the genders and have a male Puazi with a female Human. In this story I would love to explore the relationship of these two individuals who meet and are literally incapable of controlling themselves around each other. While in the end they would absolutely love the sex they had together, neither of them want to turn this seemingly random hook up into a relationship. What obstacles lie in their way? Are both or one of them seeing someone else when they run into each other? Are they trying to focus on their careers or studies and are not looking for random hook ups that could get them expelled or fired if they are caught? The story would revolve around their struggles being found in the same room together. From random meetings to ones that one of them plans out without the other knowing.

Even if they want to form a relationship, would that even be possible. Maybe they both want to get to know each other and just have a cup of coffee together. Would that be possible when one touch could send them over the edge? There are a ton of angles we could take this story in, so if you are interested please let me know.

Who Knew Being Bad Could Feel So Good
This idea would be based around the Soul Eater style of combat. In this universe, magical weapons were forged centuries ago in order to combat the growing tide of evil that was taking over the world. Not only were these weapons incredibly powerful, but they were gifted with sentience and could transform into a human like form as well if they so chose. Only 9 weapons were ever forged, and each was given off to a different clan tasked with protecting the people from the evils of the world. Your character would be one of those weapons, someone who was entrusted to the Shinobu Clan. She has been a loyal servant to the clan for over 200 years. Every generation she is bonded to a new master, someone destined to be the 'chosen one' amongst their people who will be tasked with defeating the ultimate evil.

Yet while each of her masters has worked with her to hold back the forces of evil, no man or woman who wields your character has ever truly been able to defeat the evil. As the generations passed and she has been passed from Hero to Hero, she begins to lose faith in Goods ability to triumph over Evil. Yet things seemed different with her new Master. He was a young and pure soul, someone with incredible potential. Of course, his clan has always been pure of heart. Despite YC being incredibly beautiful in her human form, not one of her masters has ever tried to see if she might enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. She has only known the path of Good and purity, and your character has never gotten the chance to find out who she really is.

This story would begin with your character and her Master being captured. My character has found a way to draw your character out of the blade, to bring her into the mortal realm when normally it is only her Master who can summon her like this. The story would feature MC attempting to corrupt YC. Ideally this would be about YC realizing that she has always been meant to be evil, to take what she wants and to conquer the world. Our characters would form an unstoppable duo as she realizes how she has been repressed for centuries and held back from being who she was meant to be. What would the corruption entail, would her fellow weapons rise up to try and defeat her, or would they want to join her and pure the world of the concept of Good once and for all?

We Really are Compatible
This plot is based off the fun show Interspecies Reviewers (Potentially NSFW). For those who have not seen the show, it is basically a story where adventurers go and review brothels run by and designed for different species in this world. The story is a smutty comedy that features differences in what certain species find attractive and how compatible some people are with others. For this plot, while I think a continuation of the story could be fun, it doesn't really lead into anything more than a series of unconnected one-shots. Therefore, I thought a much more fun idea could be to have both of us play a group of characters. Per haps up until this point the different species/races have lived generally separate lives given the wars and differences between the groups. Yet as a continental peace treaty is being drafted there are now plans for a city to be built to house all of the different groups that want to participate in this experiment.

In this story, most people would have never been with anyone outside of their own species/group of people. Honestly, most people do not even know if interspecies relationships are possible or desirable. Yet as people will be living together in this new city, the leaders of each group have determined it will be best to figure out what kinds of pairings work and what don't work. Our story would feature a group of individuals who have volunteered to participate in this experiment. While the initial scenes could just be seeing what sex is like with different people, it would be great to explore what bonds form in this group. Could a relationship really work when everyone knows their main job in this experiment is to sleep with as many people as possible? Would this story just be fun as a connection of one shots and figuring out what unique pairings we could make along the way?

A Goblin Thief
He thought of himself as a pure Mage/Priest/Paladin. Someone who was devoted to his life to his craft and the pursuant of knowledge. Over the course of his life he had collected a large array of magical artifacts and valuable possessions, possessions he believed to be held safely in his tower and guarded by the spells and incantations he had set up to defend them. Of course, he could never account for a truly skilled thief. He had heard that there were certain Goblin and Halfling thieves that could get past incantations, but until he met YC he had believed that those were just wishful tales people told themselves when they didn't have access to the powers he had. Yet that night he heard the alarm, someone had tripped one of his defenses.

That was not a new occurrence, people had always been tempted to steal from him. What was new was this particular alarm, it was the alarm from his inner sanctum. An alarm he had never heard before because no one had ever gotten this far into his home. Yet whoever it was had done it, and he found himself more curious than angry as he made his way down to his dungeon to see who had been this clever. His final alarm was the trickiest, and it had fooled even this skilled thief. For as he walked into the dungeon he saw her, a cocky thief waiting behind those steal bars and giving him a confident glare as if he had somehow been the one to fall into her trap.

The question is, what would come out of this first meeting. Ideally this story would be about these two teaming up together, finding that with a master thief our characters could break into any establishment in the world. This could also just be a fun smutty one shot, as the two strike up a deal for MC to overlook the thief's attempts to steal his most valuable possessions given her very persuasive offer. While the picture is of a Goblin, I think any kind of character or any kind of woman would work for this story, so don't feel that the image is the one I would expect anyone to play if that isn't for you.


Manga/Comic Based Ideas

Moving Past One's Reputation
This story is based off the manga Dare Demo Dakeru Kimi Ga Suki (I like the Girl Who Sleeps with Anyone). While the manga is about a nerdy virgin falling for the school slut and the two eventually becoming a couple, I think this is a relationship that can be explored in much more depth with three main characters. For this story, I would like to have it based on three characters, with me playing both the virgin and one of your character's primary partners. Your character, like in the manga, would have a reputation of sleeping with just about anyone. The virgin character would approach her to lose his virginity, and when she accepts his proposal it turns out that they truly do have a connection.

Here, instead of just focusing on the virgin character getting your character to see him in a monogamous relationship, this story would explore what relationship works best for our characters. Maybe the virgin character will get confidence and want to sleep around once he knows he is good in bed. Maybe the playboy sleeping with your character and a dozen other partners sees how close your character and the virgin are getting and realizes he is scared of losing your character. As for your character, maybe she doesn't want to be monogamous and just wants to add the virgin to her favored sexual partners or maybe she chooses any of the guys to settle down with. I would love to explore the possibilities of this story and see who changes the most out of the three characters and why.

A Pokemon Adventure
I absolutely love Pokemon and the idea of being able to adventure out into the world to catch amazing creatures and go on a true adventure. The setting for this story would see a big change from the normal Pokemon universe. Instead of kids and pre-teens going out on their own Pokemon adventures, now only licensed trainers are able to go out on their journeys. There have been far too many accidents, with Pokemon and humans being hurt to allow Pokemon to be used by anyone under the age of 18. These days, to start off a journey you must have graduated high school and been accredited as a trainer in order to wield a Pokemon.
For this story I would love to focus on two trainers who meet up and decide to travel together to become legendary Pokemon trainers. How they meet up is completely up to you. Some possible variants include:
  • Character A is a failed Pokemon trainer. He/She was unable to get past the first gym without cheating when he/she started out on their journey. Disgraced, they turned to Team Rocket and stealing Pokemon in order to follow their dream of becoming the very best. Character 2 is a Pokemon collector, they love catching rare Pokemon, but are not interested in becoming a Pokemon champion. When Character A targets Character B, they eventually begin to talk and realize that Character A isn't a bad person, they were just put into a bad situation. With Character B's help, Character A leaves Team Rocket and the two decide to become champion trainers as a duo, all while being on the run from Team Rocket
  • Character A and Character B meet near the end of their journey to the Pokemon Championship. They have collected all of the badges except one, but it is there that they have run into a roadblock they can't seem to pass. They both come to the conclusion that they need a legendary Pokemon to beat this final opponent. When they meet in the field they realize they are after the same Pokemon. How will they agree to team up, who will get to keep the legendary Pokemon, and will the pair part ways once the Pokemon is captured?
  • Character A loves Pokemon, but was never a skilled trainer. He/She has been researching Pokemon their entire life and finally found a clue to a legendary Pokemon that no one has ever seen before. They need help tracking it down and capturing it. That is where Character B comes in. He/She has collected all of the badges and championships they have ever craved, and now they need a new challenge. When they hear that Character A is looking for a partner to track down possibly the world's most powerful Pokemon, how could they say no?

Crime Pays More Than Being A Superhero
This story can focus on existing Superheroes or can be based upon brand new superheroes in a new/existing universe. The idea would be to have your character be more of an anti-hero, a Black Cat, Catwoman who are more interested in securing what they want than in taking over the city. Our characters have done battle before and while my character might have stopped yours a few times, your character always gets away in the end. Your character knows that her life would be so much easier if my character was not just tolerant of her, but actually on her side. What would it be like to have a super powered hero actually helping her out on her missions, taking out her rivals, and even breaking into areas where she herself could never manage to get into?
This story would be able convincing my character to switch sides. Seduction would play a role of course, but she would need to convince him that 'doing good for good's sake' is not the right way to live. Maybe that will come about by showing my character how he is the only hero who lives by this code of values, and how it is holding him back. Or maybe it is just about showing him that breaking the laws will do more good than evil at the end of the day.
From there our story will be about taking out various badguys and super heroes to pull off more and more elaborate heists. Does my character help her dressed in his alter-ego persona, or does he create a brand new anti-hero who he will have to pretend to chase down somehow at a later point to keep his real identity and image in tact.
This is really up for debate and discussion depending on whether or not we want to use established heroes or new heroes entirely.

Alternate Story:This version would have my character not be a super hero at all. Instead, he is just a regular scientist at a major corporation your character is trying to steal from. The original plan is simple, seduce my character and steal the information needed to break into the corporation and never see him again. Yet after your character has successfully slipped into my character's apartment and is about to seduce him, my character actually offers to help her willingly. My character is sick of the current way things are run, and thinks that with your character's skills they can work together to take down the corporation, and the super heroes and villains that are standing in your character's way. This would involve my character being more of a supporting role, coming up with new gadgets and strategies instead of fighting alongside with your character.

You Call that Netorare?
This is a story idea I came up with after watching a Netorare hentai and wanting to find a way to completely throw the genre on its head and reverse the outcome so that the villain gets his comeupins in the end. For those who are unfamiliar with it, I have a definition link here. The basic concept is that somehow a man is able to sleep with a woman, using either dub-con or non-con methods. She would not want to sleep with him, but in the end, he is just so amazing that he basically is able to fuck this woman into loving him. By the end of the hentai the woman is only able to think about this man's cock, and how absolutely amazing he is.
What I would want to do in this story is to reverse the outcome, to have the story start out as a traditional dub-con story where the man is able to position himself in a way that the woman must sleep with him. He can be amazing at sex, but there is no way he is going to be so amazing that it breaks this woman's brain. Instead, what I would love to see happen is for the man to become addicted to the woman. The all confident man will eventually lose everything as he becomes addicted to this woman he thought he could easily manipulate and control. With this concept in mind, here are two variations that could work.

Idea One: My character is the CEO of a large company. Your character is either married to or is dating one of his low level employees. This employee has never been someone who has been particularly good at anything, and one day he decides he wants to make a change in his life. So he begins to steal from the company. It starts out small, with him pocketing a few hundred extra dollars a month. But by the time the CEO catches onto him he has stolen a few hundred thousand dollars. By this point MC would be able to submit all of this evidence to the cops and have YC's significant other thrown in jail. Yet he has always been attracted to YC and decides that he can use this as an opportunity to finally get what he has wanted ever since he first laid eyes on YC. So he calls her into his office, telling her that he has all the evidence he needs to throw this man in jail for a long, long time.

YC would then be given the option to work off her boyfriend/husband's debts. She would work as his personal assistant, doing whatever MC wants until the debts are fully paid off. If this was a normal Netorare story, this would be the time where MC would show YC he is a god in bed, and she would soon forget her husband and just want to fuck MC for the rest of his life. Instead, they would still have an amazing night together. Yet instead of YC becoming addicted to MC's cock, she decides to form a plot to not only free her significant other, but to get revenge on this man who tried to claim her as his property. From then on, each time they meet she pretends to fall under his spell, letting him think he is winning. After MC passes out from their night of fucking YC would be able to sneak into his laptop, changing the data to make it seem as if the CEO was the thief all along. Eventually she will have him right where she wants him. He will be addicted to her, as she is the only partner who has ever been able to keep up with him sexually. She will have the evidence to throw him in jail, or make him into her own personal secretary after she becomes the new CEO of the corporation.

Idea 2: This is very similar to the first idea, but with a super natural element. Instead of YC being a regular employee or significant other of an employee, she could instead be a succubus. This story would involve YC finding mine in the street and sensing the potential to be able to milk this man for all he is worth. Maybe she uses her abilities to create a fake 'boyfriend or husband' for MC to potentially manipulate. She would be pulling the strings all along, loving to allow her targets to think they are in complete control up until the very last second where she either takes their lives or leaves them as a broken man wondering what they can do if she ever abandons them for good.

To Share A Dream
This idea was based off of the Manga I need to learn about Nemuri Musubime. The basic concept is that two individuals (in the case of the Manga, classmates) are able to enter into each other's dreams. Generally in the manga, the male character seems to have full control inside of the dreams, but that is just a boring fantasy. For this story, I would love for our characters to shift between going into each other's dreams. When inside of one person's dreams, that person has full control of the dream and can modify the situation or appearance of the other character.

For this story to work I believe we could write a tale about the consequences of these dreams and if these two individuals could ever form a real relationship after what they have been through. The characters should not know each other at first. Maybe they are co-workers in separate divisions, school mates, or just strangers who pass each other every day on the way to work or school. Either way, their initial interactions would be very limited. This would allow them to go into these dreams guilt free. Maybe at first they believe that this is just their way of working through some pent up sexual tension. They were attracted to each other but never said a word. In the first dream neither person would realize they had full control of the situation, and it would play out as a very realistic sexual fantasy. Yet when they see each other in their dreams for the second day in a row one of them begins to grow suspicious and test the situation. Maybe they change the scenario or the other person's outfit. Maybe they try and add in a third person to fulfill a threesome fantasy of theirs.

What I would love to work with is the consequences of their ability to do anything. Maybe making the guy a bit more fit or well hung would hurt his feelings and he would retaliate by adjusting the woman's appearance to be like a celebrity he has a crush on. Maybe there is resentment brewing between the two as they wish for more open communication but know that they can't approach each other in real life because what if this was all just a dream and they would come off as crazy for bringing it up out of the blue? The potential for drama and development are endless, and I would love to explore how the pair evolve from using the ability to control reality in the dreams for selfish ends to finding a way to make sure they both are loving each encounter and looking forward to falling asleep 'together' despite never being in the same room with each other.


Picture Based Stories

These are just an assortment of pictures that I have found while on this site that I would love to base a story off of. I am going to make sure they are all just URL links to save space. If you enjoy any of these photos and want to help plan a story around them I would love to either try a one shot or an entire plot together depending on what we come up with. Of course, if any of these are NSFW, I will mark them as such to prevent anyone from clicking on an image they don't want to view.

Welcoming Woman
Sultry Succubus
Amazing Afro
Wonderful Workout
Buxom Businesswoman
Bountiful Beauty
Fearsomely Fit
Outstanding Overalls
Doubly Delicious
Gorgeous Goblin
Lucious Lifesaver
Tantalizing Techno
Perfect Present
Fearsome Fighter
Gorgeous Goth


Unused Openers
The following posts are the unfortunate result of stories that just never got off the ground. Every once and a while there will be a chance that partners don't come through and work goes to waste because someone decides they don't want to write a story. These are all the opening posts of stories that never got a chance to succeed. If you are interested in any of these please let me know and I would be happy to write these out with you and modify them in any way to make the stories even more interesting.

Proving A Point
Summary: A misogynistic high school senior challenges a classmate to a game of poker and ends up proving his point to her after winning the game in front of their classmates. This can be reversed into him losing the bet or eventually losing everything because of his arrogance.

Taking the Tower
Summary: An adventurer and a succubus team up to take down a powerful mage guarding a tower. This story was based around the concept of magic users stealing power from every day humans and even demons to keep themselves in control. Together the main characters would work to free the magic and disperse it to the rest of the world, or be corrupted by it and use it for themselves.

A Theft Gone Wrong
Power was something every single person seemed to seek after, but once they finally got a hold of it, few actually knew what to do with it. That could be said about Benjamin Darkwarden, originally Benjamin Underhill as his family had lived for 4 generations under a hill as mushroom farmers. It was a fate he had assumed he would be destined to share as most humans never found ways to escape their fate in life. He had of course heard tales and legends that other people weren't bound by the caste system that the Humans used to determine who was royalty and who was the scum of the Earth. Yet for his people, you either were born into power or you died with nothing.

There was a third option, one that was practically unheard of in these days. People could rise and ascend their station if only they found a way to gain power. For most men and women, that power could come through skill in martial combat. At the age of 12 Ben found his power a different way. He was foraging in the forest for mushrooms like usual when suddenly the ground under him split open. He had stepped on a decaying log that had been covering the entrance to an ancient cave. He spilled down into the cave, crashing nearly head first into a pit that hadn't seen life in over 100 years. Inside he found a golden amulet with a blood ruby stone placed in the center. His first thought was to simply snatch it and sell it for enough money to pay off his family's debts. Yet the second he touched it he felt a surge of power flow through him. This was a magical amulet, a tool wizards used to store their power and enhance their magic.

Whoever created this was a powerful witch or wizard, for with just one touch Ben was able to fling a boulder across the room with a wave of his hand. With more exploration he found the cave was a destroyed magical fortress. There were ancient tomes that could teach him magic, and thanks to the amulet he found he could read the language that they were written in. That was when he knew his life would never be the same.

Twenty years later and no one remembered the Underhills. He had conquered this section of the land, tossing the old city lord into the street and claiming everything within 15 miles of his newly erected tower to be under his control. People had come to challenge him, but after defeating 2 battalions of the king's men, he was given this land to live out in peace so long as he did not expand his territory any further. Now, his primary ambition was to study the tomes he had found and learn as much about this power as possible. He knew he was strong enough to defend his land from most small attacks, but he would need even more artifacts if he wanted to expand his control any further. Without any challenge to his power and title he had begun to leave his amulet in the center of his tower as he spent his time studying the tomes and searching for hidden meaning.

He was no fool, while he placed the amulet on a stone pedestal in the center of his castle, he had thought he had placed enough booby traps around the tower to ward off any would be thieves. Even if they made their way inside somehow, he had other tricks up his sleeve, ones that only a fellow magic user would be able to detect. It was the final trap that was the power powerful though. He had in fact bonded the amulet to the pedestal to ensure that anyone who touched the amulet without first touching the pedestal in the right way would instantly be teleported to his dungeon.

A crow's cry echoed throughout the tower and Ben's head shot up in surprise. That was the warning signal. Judging by how loudly the crow had cried it wasn't just the outer perimeter either. Whoever had broken in had gotten far...too far for Ben's own comfort. With a snap of his fingers he teleported himself down to the dungeon. That was where he had set up a large steal cage with bars only three inches apart that no one should be able to escape out of. When he appeared he thought for an instance this was a false alarm, as he saw no one in the cage. Then he looked down.

There, standing before him was a buxom and quite fetching female goblin. His eyes met hers and he couldn't help but raise his right eyebrow at her. He was wearing his dark navy cloak and brown leather jacket with dark pants. His hands went to his hips as he stared down at her and said, "Well, well, what do we have here? I surely wasn't expecting company this late in the evening. And it doesn't seem like you brought any gifts. That is very poor manners for a guest, wouldn't you say?"

Summary: A Goblin Thief breaks into a Warlock's tower to attempt to steal the artifact that is the source of his power. Once she is dealt with, the two individuals decide to form a partnership whereas the thief would work for him and they would go on to collect even more powerful artifacts together.

Blackmailing His Teacher
Benjamin Carter was a tech savvy high schooler. Most of his generation was adept with technology, but Ben had always enjoyed working with computers and figuring out how to get information that no one else had access to. It was a useful skill, and one that he knew that he could use to get a high paying job in Silicone Valley as soon as he graduated high school. Maybe that was why he had stopped caring about most of the classes he was still enrolled in. There were courses he had to take because of state requirements, but he had no real interest in the subjects when basically everything they taught here at the high school could be found online with a quick search on the internet. That mentality carried over into the more boring subjects, making him barely pay any attention or even show up to those classes at all.

Really, the only class he showed up to regularly and on time for was American History. It was a boring subject and the assignments were the absolute worst, but there was one reason to actually pay attention in that class. It was taught by Mrs. Jackson. In Ben's mind, she was the most beautiful woman at this entire school, hell, in this entire state. He knew a few of his classmates shared that sentiment, but most of them were far more interested in women around their age. Ben knew that Meira was married and had kids, but that didn't stop him from imaging what it would be like to even spend one night with a woman like her. She had curves for days, and there was a look in her eyes that made him think she would be an absolute freak in the bed if ever given the chance to let loose. Of course, that could just be his overactive imagination telling him what he wanted to hear.

Anyways, she was beyond reach, someone who was older than him, in a position of power, and married. The trifecta of unreachable aspects that would make any normal high schooler give up. In fact, Ben had given up a few weeks ago and instead decided to sate his cravings by simply looking up porn with actresses who resembled Meira. That search for the perfect porn video had taken him down a rabbit hole, going through the usual sites and then the back pages of the internet to find videos that were made before porn was big online and that had to be copied from DVDs and VHS players. It was in this search that he had found something last night that would change his life forever. It was a video made at least 10 to 20 years ago, one with a buxom young actress that he had never seen before. The description of the video said it was one of a kind, the only video this woman made before leaving the industry forever. She was gorgeous, and when the camera zoomed in on her perfect face he could see her light grey eyes...the eyes that perfectly matched Mrs. Jackson.

The woman in the video had used a different name, and he didn't know her maiden name, but this was undeniably Mrs. Jackson. That discovery had lead to this plan, having Ben attend her class as normal. She taught the last class of the day and usually as soon as the bell rang everyone jumped up from their seats to bolt out of the door as quickly as possible. Today, when most of the students got up to run, Ben stayed back. He had copied the video onto a DVD and onto his phone, having pulled up the video on his phone and stuffed it into his pocket before he slowly got out of his seat and headed over to her desk.

Today, Ben was wearing a black hoodie with his favorite orange jacket over it. He had on a pair of dark blue jeans and his black and red backpack slung over his back. As he approached Mrs. Jackson's desk he called out to her. "Mrs. Jackson, I know class is over, but I was wondering if you didn't mind me asking you a quick question." Ben never spoke in her class so he had no idea what Mrs. Jackson thought of him as a student, but seeing as the rest of the students had left he figured now was the perfect time to put his plan in action.

Summary: A high school senior finds his strict teacher took part in a porn shoot back in her youth and has decided to use that information to exploit her and create a relationship with her.

The Succubus's First Target
Benjamin Carter had no reason to suspect that this week would any different from any other week he had treaded through this year. While his life was certainly not dull by any sense of the word, he had realized that he had settled into a somewhat reliable pattern he couldn't seem to break out of. Maybe it just felt that way considering life after college was never as exciting as it was when he was young and didn't have bills to pay. Ben had quite the experience in college, having played basketball from a young age and being good enough at the sport to make it onto the high school varsity team and then onto his college's team to become one of their star players. He hadn't gone to a NCAA league ranked school, but he had been the star of the team while he played. This gave the tall six foot four inch man access to all of the parties and attention he could ever want.

It also left the man thinking that he was invincible. He began to take bigger and bigger risks to hopefully find his way onto a better team and maybe make it into the NBA one day. Yet in his junior year he pushed his luck too far and while trying to score a final point in the big game, he tore his ACL and ended his career in sports while simultaneously losing the game to a better team. The event humbled him somewhat, and he knew that he would have to find more in life than playing ball and hooking up with sorority girls as defining traits of his life. That is what brought him into LA and landed him a job at a large marketing firm. His natural good looks and years on the court had given him the confidence and charisma to be a natural salesman.

Despite his injury, Ben had maintained his daily workout routine, finding it to provided him with a sense of calm as well as allowing him to maintain his natural good looks. Ben was a tan man, having naturally tanned skin thanks to his father's Middle Eastern ancestry. He had gotten a few tattoos in his youth, having a large Jewish star on his right pectoral muscle and a broad sword along his left bicep. He had gotten some Kanji written onto his right shoulder, only after having his Japanese and Chinese friends both assure him the word said what he had wanted it to mean. While on his basketball team he had long dark brown hair, these days he kept it cut to only a few inches long, leaving it a big messy on the weekends when he would go to the bars to find a new partner for to spend an evening with.

He had never been the kind of man to want to settle down, at least, not so far. He had enjoyed his hook ups and occasionally brief flings, but for the most part he enjoyed his time alone. He was planning on hitting the bar this Friday night, but work had been so exhausting that he knew he needed to crash and would just head out the following evening. To be honest, something was different tonight. After arriving home from work he changed into a pair of baggy, dark pajama pants and a tight white t-shirt he usually wore when working out. The way he became so sleepy after just arriving home should have been more concerning to him, but somehow it felt like his mind was in a haze.

He had no way of knowing that certain pheromones had begun to leak into his apartment that were taking a hold of his body and his mind. Just a whiff of those pheromones told him it was time for bed, and he found that the second his head hit the pillow he was out like a light. That was when he found himself 'sleep walking' for the first time in his life. He was sure he was still asleep, yet his body got out of bed as he slowly made his way over to the front door of his medium sized apartment. He was groggy but for some reason he knew he had to get to the door, as if he was expecting someone despite not knowing who or what time it was. All he knew was that the tall man with dark chocolate eyes reached the door to his apartment knowing that someone was waiting for him on the other end. Without understanding why he reached for the door knob, unlocking the door and opening it up to find in a nearly drugged or drunken state that there really was someone waiting for him out in the hallway.

Spoiler: It was supposed to be a simple job. Your character is a demon who was recently given the title of succubus and sent to drain the soul of her first human target in the waking world. Up until this point she has only entered the dreams of humans and only experienced the human world through dreams. This shouldn't be any different, but for some reason she forms a connection with my character that prevents her from killing him in the end. She keeps visiting him, wondering what makes him so different and so difficult to kill only to discover there is a reason she was sent to the physical world to take his soul where for other humans she only needed to enter their dreams.

Taming an Oni
Benjamin Lightfeld had grown up in a small village outside of the capital of the Eastern capital of the human kingdom. The human territory was divided into four large kingdoms, each with their own strengths and weakness that prevented them from overtaking the other kingdoms and creating an uneasy tension between the realms. Some kingdoms were reliant on magic to defend themselves while others relied on their technology or natural physique and strength in combat in order to secure their borders. The Eastern kingdom was known for their fighting skills, and ever since a young age Ben was trained in the ways of martial arts. It wasn't due to a love of combat, but more a necessity for his relatively poor parents. They did not have enough money to feed a family of 8, and when Ben was born he was sent off to a combat monastery in order to become a warrior for the kindom.

He spent the next twenty years training and being sent on missions by the lords and ladies of the land. They treated him as a pawn, using him and his strength to solve the problems of small villages in order to gain even more taxes from those lands. It was this duty that had sent him out to this small village on the edge of the mountain side this morning. The village leader had sent word of a terrible demon invasion, of a monster of unimaginable strength and horror that was destroying the village for no reason whatsoever. They mentioned how this demon seemed to enjoy hunting young men for sport, although most of this information had been made up to make sure that the kingdom sent one of its strongest warriors to deal with this problem.

Demons were troublesome creatures. Someone from the Northern Kingdom had learned how to summon them, and there was a rumor that this witch or wizard had sent demons throughout the other kingdoms in order to sow chaos and destruction in the lands before they planned a full on invasion of the neighboring lands. Ben had never seen a demon himself, but he did not think to worry about an opponent he had never met. He was determined to assist these people, knowing that he had come from a village like this and that his parents would suffer a similar fate if he did not do his job properly and protect the interests of those with the money and power.

He arrived at the village moments after the latest battle had taken place. He was able to see the damage this demon was able to wreck on this town and from the stories the men on the frontline told, she did it all by herself. This was apparently some truly powerful female demon, and Ben felt an itch in the back of his head at the idea of being able to fight someone as strong as her. He nodded as they told him where to go in order to find the demon. As a trained assassin and warrior, he was able to make his way through the forest and towards the demon's cave at an immense speed, being able to slip past the demon before she even returned so as to make sure there were no traps waiting for him upon her arrival.

As the woman approached her cave he took notice of her battle wounds and the battered state that her body he was in. Having survived horrible battles before, he could tell that she must have been in immense pain, yet that did not stop him from walking out and cocking his head at the demon as he pointed a finger at her. "Had enough fighting for the day then demon, or did you actually want to see what it is like to pick a fight with someone who is strong enough to take you one on one?" He flashed her a teasing smile, knowing that he might not be a match for her at her peak strength, but in this condition he figured he could hold his own. His two daggers were still tucked behind his back in their sheaths. He had enough honor to know never to pull out a weapon until he knew that his opponent was prepared to fight to the death.

Summary: An Oni has been attacking nearby villages as of late and MC has been sent to stop her. My character stumbles across your character after she is finally wounded and chased out of the last village she attacked. As he fights her he realizes that she is not attacking the villages for any malefic means, but instead is being overwhelmed by a powerful and natural Heat that causes her to want to mate with any potential partner in sight. Can they discover the cause of this Heat and why an Oni ended up so far into Human territory without any of her kind to help her?

A Healthy Rivalry
Benjamin Carter strode into the hotel's convention hall with his usual confident and subtle grin on his face. It was the look of a man who knew he had no true rivals amongst the various sales agents sent too woo the biggest clients at this convention. He was the top sales representative for AAAA insurance, one of the nation's top insurance agencies, only rivaled by Unity Insurance. Speaking of rivals, Ben found himself eyeing the crowd and not seeing any sign of Kara so far. While he wouldn't say that he was relieved to not see her at this very moment, in the back of his mind he knew that his job would be made that much easier without her presence.

Ever since joining AAAA insurance Ben had found that selling overpriced insurance policies to slack jawed executives had been one of the easiest jobs in the world. It was as if he was made for this profession, finding ways to smooth talk his way past any concern that was raised about the prices or what these plans actually even covered. It wasn't until his third year on the job that he finally lost a potential client. He had let his guard down, and that was the first time he had met Kara. She had come in at the last second with a more tempting offer and made the over confident Ben look like a fool for guaranteeing something that wasn't yet sealed in a contract. It was from that point on that a rivalry began to form between the two.

They were often sent out on assignments against each other as their companies competed for new clients. There was never a true winner either, and both always managed to trade blows and opportunities as they rose through the ranks of their profession. The last Ben had heard, Kara had made it all the way Regional Manager, a fitting title as he was now the Chief Executive of East Coast Sales for his company.

As Ben made his way towards the bar at the end of the convention hall he realized that today's assignment was practically done anyways, that he had no need to keep his guard up and that he could just enjoy the complimentary suite his office had provided for him. It was with that thought that he finally reached up to his collar and pulled off his black silk tie, slipping it into his the breast pocket of his navy Guichi suit. From there he went on to undo the top button or two of his dress shirt just as he spotted the bar that was beginning to fill up with other executives and members of the hotel here on business.

This was probably one of his favorite aspects of the job, getting to finish the day off by drinking on the company's dime and most likely bringing some beautiful young woman up to his hotel room to have a night of passionate sex with a woman he would never see again. Speaking of which, he spotted a beautiful black haired woman sitting at the end of the bar. Her back was turned to him but even from this distance he could see she had the figure of a goddess with curves in al of the right places. He could see a few other men eyeing her up, trying to gain the confidence to go over and talk to her. Smiling to himself he seized on this opportunity, making his way directly over to the woman and sitting down in the open seat next to her as he prepared his most charming smile and said to her, "Good evening miss, would you mind if I perhaps joined you for a drink this evening?" He hadn't even waited for her to turn to notice him, otherwise he would realize that she would know who he was just from his voice alone and be able to decide how to take advantage of her rival's first mistake of the evening.

Summary: Our characters are at the peaks of their careers in sales. They have been competing against each other for years now, both directly and indirectly. Now they have an opportunity to meet at a professional convention for the first time. There has been some underlying attraction, but can they actually trust one and other and not just make this relationship about burning off some stress with an angry and passion session of hate sex or a chance to possibly blackmail or steal information from their rival?

Taking Down Batman
Ben Fields had grown up in Gotham, that dark and seedy town that was more akin to the old crime ridden Chicago than to New York City, the place all of the stuck up elite wanted it to be compared to. Ever since he was a child, he dreamed of getting out of the city. It seemed like an easy enough task, just find a job somewhere else and move there, simple and done. The problem was that everyone else had that exact same plan. All of the suburbs and small towns surrounding Gotham were filled up with people like him, looking to escape from the psychos and mob bosses.

When he turned 15 he was told the city was going to change. There was a new vigilante on the streets, someone who meant business and who was going to clean up the streets. Yet Batman didn't really change anything. Sure, he got rid of a few of the big names, and the crime syndicates now liked to operate with a little more care, but that was it. For every villain Batman put away three took his place. It seemed like every week Ben would read about some no named villain like Kiteman, Blockbuster, and Killer Croc being taken down. Those names meant nothing to Ben, they weren't the people making his life miserable. He grew up in the projects, with a father who abandoned him at the age of 5 and a mother who had to get by as a waitress.

Ben was smart enough that he got good grades and was even able to graduate high school early. Now, at the age of 17 he was on his own, having gotten into Gotham University on a scholarship. This wasn't a full ride though, he would still have to pay for room and board, and that meant being only able to afford a run down apartment in the middle of the projects. It was the place where low paid city workers tried to get by in. Despite obviously having nothing of value in the area, Ben still had to learn how to protect himself. He was no martial artist or vigilante himself. He was a tall kid, standing at just 6 feet tall with a slender build due more to his lack of money than his exercise routine. He had the normal dark brown almost black hair of most people in Gotham, with his most distinguishing feature being his sharp ice blue eyes. He had amazing vision and awareness, having grown up always looking over his back to make sure he wasn't going to be jumped.

That was why three days ago he noticed something strange as he was walking back to his apartment from the school's library. He saw a woman in what looked like a black jump suit climbing up the fire escape to the top floor of his apartment. He half expected her to jump out a few minutes later with her arms full of the poor inhabitants goods, but this seemed to be her own apartment. This intrigued Ben, and he made sure to leave his apartment the next night and wait to see if this same thing would happen the next day. Sure enough, he spotted the woman first leaving, and then re-entering her apartment through the fire escape. Ben knew that that apartment was the most expensive on the floor, and whoever this was had the entire top floor to herself. She was up to something, probably just trying to make a name for herself as a new vigilante or villain.

The woman herself was absolutely beautiful, and Ben found himself drawn to her. He wanted her for himself, and as he memorized her patterns a plan began to form in his head. This night he made sure to leave the apartment like usual. He watched her leave and once he was sure she was gone he made his way slowly up the fire escape and towards her apartment. It was then that he found out where she entered and exited the apartment. Now, he just had to wait. The woman had been coming back in worse and worse shape each night, and as Ben lay in wait for her to come back he saw that she was quite stiff this night as well, even having to shake some sand off of her before she made her way into the apartment. It was due to this state that she didn't seem to notice him waiting in the shadows on top of her apartment's roof. He waited until she was inside and then put his ear to the ground, listening for signs that she had gone to sleep or relaxed before he made his move.

The second he heard the shower turn on he slipped down and entered her apartment building. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a black hoody with the hood pulled up over his head. Ben made his way over to her bedroom, careful not to make a sound as he slipped into the room and found the pile of clothes and messenger bag. He picked everything up, examining it quietly until he found a small bat shaped dot that was stuck to the side of her mask. It was a transceiver, and one that had not gone off due to being placed on her head due to a punch from Batman. Ben could have left then, but he decided that there was something much more fun that he could have than just this woman's riches.

So he took his seat on her bed, making sure her weapons and gadgets were far away from her as he rested his left hand on the messenger bag and leaned back. He waited until the shower turned off and for Selina to eventually open the bathroom door before cocking her a playful smile and holding up the bat transceiver. Before she could say a word Ben cracked her a smile and said, "Well well, what do we have here? I believe this is a bat transceiver, one of those things Batman throws on all of his villains to be able to locate them anywhere in Gotham. And whats this? It's not activated...yet." He held it up for the woman to examine before adding, "Would be a shame if someone were to activate it now, don't you think?" He looked this beautiful woman up and down, "My name is Ben by the way, why don't you tell me your name and give me a reason why I shouldn't do the Bat a favor and just push this button right now?"

Summary: This story was originally crafted as an OC researcher working for the Wane company in Gotham City. Catwoman had decided to break into his apartment to steal some tech he had been developing only to realize that he was working on gear for Batman. From here she decides to seduce and work with this researcher to take down Batman and the other super heroes and villains of this city to rule it herself. This does not need to be set in the DC universe and can be moved to Marvel or just OC characters and settings.


Hello E,

It has been over a year since I took a break due to work becoming a bit too demanding to focus on anything beyond small hobbies. I now finally have some free time again and I would love to get back into writing. If anyone I have written with in the past would be interested in writing with me again I would love to hear from you. If this is the first time you are looking at my thread thanks for stopping by and checking it out.

I am ideally looking for one or two stories, but more would always be welcome, so i hope to hear from anyone who is interested.

Thanks for reading.



A long overdue bump.

I came back a year ago and then life came and kicked me in the ass. I am hoping to get back into writing again.

If anyone would be interested in any of these ideas, or if you believe after reading my ideas that one of yours would work for us, please let me know and I would love to hear from you.