[Recruitment] Gunsmoke Golarion a Gestalt Mythic 6 Pathfinder Adventure

Started by Re Z L, June 11, 2021, 03:19:16 PM

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Re Z L

Looking to gauge some interest for an admittedly more complex Pathfinder game that I'm calling "Gunsmoke Golarion" to borrow a name from one of the inspirations for the idea. This draws inspiration from things like Trigun, Mad Max, Fallout, and could perhaps best be described as a mash-up of Golarion with Dark Sun's Athas (note: magic is not restricted in this game like it would be in the Dark Sun setting, all classes function as normal). The basic premise and details are:

WHO — The game will revolve around an experienced group of adventurers, mercenaries, pirates, scavengers... The actual dynamics of the group is up to the players. The key is that the group of PCs know one another reasonably well and have some history with one another. The group size would be up to 6-7 characters, possibly with an NPC or two depending on how the group is organized (think hirelings).

WHAT — The game will be a semi-guided sandbox game. The start of the game will throw everyone into a job they've already taken on, but after that things will open up. If you want to build up your mercenary/adventuring company you can do that, if you want to explore the world you can do that, if you want to figure out what happened to the world you can do that. While the level is capped at 6 this is still what I would call a high-powered, high-fantasy game.

WHEN — The game is set about 200 years into Golarion's future. Approximately 200 years ago something happened that caused the planet's resources to begin to dry up. Mines stopped yielding ores, crops started to die, once-fertile soil turns to sand, rivers and lakes dry up... Golarion now is little more than a desert world, though there are some tenacious jungles that remain, savannahs, and arid stony grounds. Firearms will be common (with a few minor changes). Despite the name of the game you don't have to use guns, but they are something that will be available for everyone depending on their proficiencies.

WHERE — As mentioned the game will begin with a job that you all have taken on, which makes where we start very flexible. My initial thought is to start in what would originally have been the River Kingdoms, but where we start (and where we go) could be almost anywhere.

WHY — Individual and group motivations could be all over the place. A lot of weird things have happened in the past 200 years, perhaps you're interested in figuring out why that happened, maybe you just want to make money, maybe you're looking for something. I just would ask that they be cohesive within the group. Two individual motivations don't need to be the same, but they shouldn't directly oppose one another (ex. one wants to abolish all slavery, the other wants amass a group of slaves, or something like that). You don't necessarily need to have anything in mind for your character's motivation, and it doesn't have to be huge, it's just food for thought.

HOW — The game will be using a lot of unique rules. Basically levelling is capped at 6 (and everyone will begin at level 6). Instead of levelling up the traditional way you'll be gaining feats as you gain experience. On top of that as play progresses you'll unlock the Mythic Tiers as well. Mythic Tiers are gained through unique trials which you can either seek out specifically, or simply uncover as I secretly throw them at you. Your characters will also be Gestalts which is a combination of two classes into one, taking the best of both (ex. the higher of the two class's hit points). Why am I doing it this way? A couple reasons. Encounters may not be straightforward and I want everyone to have options available to them to contribute in ways aside from just combat. For example someone might need to use Knowledge Engineering, or Disable Device to weaken a monster that is otherwise invulnerable. Another reason is to keep magic from becoming too overwhelmingly powerful which makes encounter design much more difficult and can make some characters feel less useful to a situation. I'm also trying to make things like crafting magical items more accessible.

SMUT — This will be more story driven, I'll likely set up a side thread for more intimate encounters. In the main thread we'll likely fade-to-black to keep the action rolling, and if desired the fade-to-black scene can continue in the side thread. So, if you want to make a super-sultry, sexy character feel free, seduction is certainly a way encounters can go, and I'll try and make sure you can have your cake and eat it too  ;)

The game world is very different, and it's worth mentioning that deities will be strangely silent throughout (barring strange circumstances). Many of the old major cities still exist to one degree or another. There are a large number of tribal groups as well. Despite all these changes classes all function normally, magic works the same, divine magic works the same, etc.

Lastly, while this has a lot of rules going on, and is a bit different from the typical Pathfinder game, I'm welcome to having people that are newer to the Pathfinder rules join up.

If you're interested just let me know, and if you have any questions feel free to ask!  ;D

And to close, have some Brom art:

Character Submission Criteria

To submit a character for consideration you do not need to complete a full character sheet. The only info I will require is as follows:

  • Name
  • Race
  • Classes
  • Brief personality
  • Brief description
  • Brief character history
  • Any additional important info you wish to include

The world has changed a lot and some of that information is below, but if you're having trouble figuring out a character history just let me know and we can work through it together, just have a basic idea of what you want it to be like first.

Here's a template that you can use to put everything together (not all of it needs to be filled out, just cover the details mentioned above):

[float=left][img width=200 padding=10]http://via.placeholder.com/200x350.png?text=Character+Image[/img][/float]
[font=georgia][b]AGE:[/b][/font] Must be 18+

[font=georgia][b]CHARACTER HISTORY:[/b][/font] (Just a simple 2-3 paragraphs)

[font=georgia][b]PERSONAL GOALS:[/b][/font] (These can be in-character goals, or goals that YOU the player want to have happen as well--example: "Find my parents", or "Make my character's personality change for the better")

[font=georgia][b]PERSONALITY TRAITS:[/b][/font] (Feel free just to use a quick list of 7-10 adjectives that best describe your character here)

[font=georgia][b]PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:[/b][/font] (A picture is good, but give us a little bit more here, nothing too long)


[font=georgia][b]ADDITIONAL NOTES:[/b][/font] (Any additional notes you would like to place here, perhaps looking for character ties, or open story hooks, whatever)

Character Creation and Setting Info

Character Creation

Level: 6

Stats: 25 Point Buy

HP: Max level 1, half + 1 all others (example, a character with D8 hit dice would gain 8 Hit Points at first level and 5 (D8/2 = 4; +1 = 5) for each following level) add Constitution as normal

Wealth: 20,000 gold, no more than 5000 on any one single item; you may craft your own items at a 10% discount if you have the requisite feats to do so

Traits: 2 (campaign specific traits are open as well, but may need to be modified, ask before taking them), note the Adopted trait grants you a racial trait of your choice which does not take up an additional trait

Drawbacks: 1 at most, which will give you an additional trait, Oracle curses may be taken as a drawback but they grant none of their beneficial effects

Skills: Background Skills are in play, additionally the Unchained Skill Unlocks are being used.

Gestalt: Characters will be gestalts, which basically means that they levelled up two classes simultaneously. The general rules can be found here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/gestaltCharacters.htm

Third Party Material: Anything from Dreamscarred Press is good (Psionics, including mythic psionics, path of war, etc.). The fan-made Beguiler conversion is fine as well (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6bKY5cuGjh9VFA1OF8xVmtqWjA/edit?resourcekey=0-m32wZf5KWlLzoUlbQwmB6A).

Character Advancement

Mythic 6: Levelling stops at 6, so everyone is already at “maximum” level. Experience is still gained, and Mythic tiers will be gained during play. Every 8000 experience gained grants the character a new feat. They still need to meet the prerequisites for these feats. Special feats have also been added for things like class features. Skill feats have also been changed slightly (see house rules below).

Class Feats: Characters may take these feats after reaching maximum level (level 6). These feats unlock the higher level class features for whatever class(es) you have. For example a sixth level rogue could gain a feat that increases their sneak attack from +3d6 to +4d6. After acquiring 7 of these class feats a character can take a class feat that unlocks that class's pinnacle ability. All 7 of these class feats must be for the same class. Note that some feats (like Extra Rogue Talent) are effectively the same as these feats and are included in this category.

Prestige Feats: Similar to Class Feats, characters can take these feats to gain the class features from Prestige classes that they meet the prerequisites for.

Mythic Tiers: Characters will unlock Mythic Tiers in this game and can gain all 10 of the tiers through play. Mythic Tiers are not unlocked through experience, instead they are unlocked through trials. Players may seek out these trials actively if they want, but they will also be secretly included throughout normal play. These are generally more difficult encounters, but are not necessarily combat encounters. When Mythic Tiers are unlocked their feats may be purchased as normal as described above.


We're using a mix between the "Commonplace Guns" and "Guns Everywhere" rules. The more basic weapons are simple weapons, and the slightly better versions are martial weapons. Prices have been adjusted across the board, and some statistics have also been altered. Furthermore, the Misfire rule doesn't cause guns to explode except as noted for the Blunderbuss and Culverin. A Misfire imparts the Broken condition to the weapon, which can be repaired by anyone with at least 1 rank in a Craft skill that could reasonably be expected to repair metal parts or at least 1 rank in Knowledge (Engineering). Gunslingers gain the Gun Training class feature at level one and do not gain the Gunsmith class feature, Gunslingers are also always treated as if they meet the prerequisites to repair any firearm. It takes 1 hour to repair a firearm. I have removed some firearms that I felt were superfluous or didn't really fit. If for some reason you really want to use one that I've removed just let me know and I'll see what we can work out. All changes to firearms are reflected in the table below:

Firearms Rules

Simple Weapons

Name                            Cost      Dmg (S)      Dmg (M)      Critical      Range      Misfire      Capacity      Weight      Type      Special
Breech-loaded Pistol            150g      1d4          1d6          x4            30 ft      1-2          2              4 lbs      B and P   --
Coat Pistol                      25g      1d3          1d4          x3            10 ft      1-2          1              1 lb       B and P   See Notes
Dagger Pistol                    30g      1d3          1d4          x3            10 ft      1-2          1              1 lb       B and P   See Notes
Pepperbox                       175g      1d6          1d8          x4            20 ft      1-2          6              5 lbs      B and P   --
Pistol                           35g      1d6          1d8          x4            20 ft      1-2          1              4 lbs      B and P   --

Name                            Cost      Dmg (S)      Dmg (M)      Critical      Range      Misfire      Capacity      Weight      Type      Special
Breech-loaded Musket            250g      1d10         1d12         x4            60 ft      1-2          2             12 lbs      B and P   --
Blunderbuss                     100g      1d6          1d8          x2            special    1-2 (10 ft)  1              8 lbs      B and P   Scatter, See Notes
Musket                          110g      1d10         1d12         x4            40 ft      1-2          1              9 lbs      B and P   --

Martial Weapons

Name                            Cost      Dmg (S)      Dmg (M)      Critical      Range      Misfire      Capacity      Weight      Type      Special
Revolver                        220g      1d6          1d8          x4            40 ft      1            7              4 lbs      B and P   --

Name                            Cost      Dmg (S)      Dmg (M)      Critical      Range      Misfire      Capacity      Weight      Type      Special
Culverin                        300g      2d6          2d8          x4            30 ft      1-2 (10 ft)  1             40 lbs      B and P   Scatter, See Notes
Repeater Rifle                  280g      1d8          1d10         x4            80 ft      1            5             14 lbs      B and P   --
Shotgun                         275g      1d6          1d8          x4            30 ft      1            2             12 lbs      B and P   Scatter

Coat Pistol: Gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal this weapon.
Dagger Pistol: This weapon can also be used as a dagger, if the weapon misfires the dagger portion is also considered broken. Counts as a double weapon when it comes to enchanting it.
Blunderbuss: The Blunderbuss is designed to use whatever ammunition is put into it, which can include anything from rocks and nails, to properly sized balls of lead. It fires either in a cone of 15 ft with loose ammunition, or with a range increment of 10 ft. A blunderbuss will explode if it misfires while it has the broken condition, damaging everything within 10 feet.
Culverin: The Culverin is effectively a portable cannon. Firing it without proper bracing imposes a -4 penalty on the attack roll and knocks the user prone. A culverin will explode if it misfires while it has the broken condition, damaging everything within 10 feet. Due to the amount of powder it requires and it's relatively rare use, there are no alchemical cartridges that will work in the Culverin.

Firearm Ammunition

Similarly the ammunition that guns use is more widely available. All guns have the ability to use doses of black powder and bullets or the alchemical cartridge variations (with the exception of the Culverin which requires much more powder to fire correctly). Typically alchemical cartridges are used since they're so readily available and raw black powder is typically only used in emergency situations (though most usually use raw powder in the case of the blunderbuss). Ammunition costs are 10% of what their normal costs are as shown here. Alchemical cartridges do not increase misfire chances.

House Rules

Elephant-in-the-Room Feat Taxes: We're going to use the changes to some of the feats described in the Elepehant In The Room feat tax adjustments. You can get the feat changes here: https://mammothisland.itch.io/elephant (it's a pay what you want download link)

Some important changes for people to be aware of, Weapon Finesse doesn't exist, it's just a trait that finesse-able weapons have now, Weapon Focus applies to weapon groups instead of single weapons.

Skill Feats: Feats that only grant bonuses to skills have been adjusted. Skill Focus only ever grants a +3, but it also grants the effect of a skill unlock (for example taking Skill Focus Perception with 3 ranks of perception grants the first perception unlock; taking the same feat with 5 ranks in perception grants the second perception unlock). Likewise feats that grant a bonus to two skills (such as the Acrobatic feat) grants a skill unlock for one of the two skills, chosen when the feat is taken. Remember that all skill bonuses from feats are untyped and stack with all other bonuses. The Mythic versions of these feats will grant another ability unlock, so a character with 6 ranks of Acrobatics, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), the Acrobatic Feat, and Mythic Skill Focus (Acrobatics) could have all four skill unlocks for Acrobatics.

Crafting: You do not need to be a spellcaster to craft items, but you do still need to have the correct feats. Requirements to craft items may be bypassed by collecting special materials. For example, a spell that needs to be used for the creation process can be replaced by a scroll for that spell, or perhaps a part of a creature that uses that spell as a spell-like-ability, or perhaps a rare gemstone.

Bonus Spells per Day: The bonus spells received per day for having a high ability score are double of what is shown on this chart: https://aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?Name=Determine%20Bonuses&Category=Generating%20Ability%20Scores

Metamagic: Metamagic feats will be adjusted on an as-needed basis, generally I will probably half the normal increase that it would normally take. Additionally bonus spells granted from high ability scores above 3rd level can be used to cast Metamagic-adjusted spells (for example a wizard with 20 intelligence could cast an Empowered Fireball even though it would count as a 5th level spell).

Questions and Setting Info

But what about spell levels above 3rd level? Learnable/castable spells are capped at 3rd level. Other methods of using higher level spells exist only as powerful magic items. This is mostly to keep magic from becoming completely overwhelming and to make encounters a little easier to design in (hopefully) interesting ways.

Gods? It’s uncertain if the Gods were cut off from Golarion exactly because of the event that happened 200 years ago, but since then they have been strangely silent. Extraplanar creatures have also been less common than before as well, those few that have been around either don’t know what’s going on or aren’t telling. Regardless of this Divine and summoning magic is unaffected.

What happened 200 years ago? Nobody really knows, and the exact date isn't even well agreed-upon. It is generally referred to as "The Wasting". Resources began drying up at an exponential rate, some regions went from habitable farmland into wastelands or deserts over the course of a few months. In some areas people became inexplicably ill and died within months. Rivers dried up, or became poisonous, whole forests withered away, mines stopped yielding ore and gems... Even the oceans became more dangerous, and dead fish began to start washing up on shore. Of course people adapted and continued on as best they could.

Races? Races remain mostly unchanged. Shorter-lived races don’t really know anything about the world of Golarion pre-Wasting aside from old stories. Longer-lived races may have elders who were alive to watch the world change over time. The races that existed in main cities haven’t changed a great deal, but secluded racial groups have undergone some changes—especially in areas that were particularly devastated by the Wasting.

Dwarves abruptly shut the doors to their underground settlements around 30-40 years into the Wasting. Anyone outside wasn’t let in, including any Dwarves that had been outside the city. Since then there’s been no contact with any of them, and reportedly when people tried to dig past the door they found that the tunnels had also been intentionally collapsed.

Gnomes have had some of the hardest changes. Bleaching has increased at a tremendous rate, which has made their life expectancy about the same as a halfling. The eldest of Gnomes are usually insane, which is the only way to truly keep the Bleaching from occurring. Rarely some Gnomes will survive becoming Bleached (see the alternate racial traits). Tribes of Bleachlings aren’t common, but are a threat in the wild. While they are largely emotionless seeming, they are extremely cruel and cannibalistic. They eerily stalk prey, and passionlessly kill them in gruesome ways before eating the remains.

Elves have become less common in the world, the majority of them remaining around the Mordant Spire. Some suspect that most of them have left Golarion, or at least tried, similar to what had happened prior to the Earthfall catastrophe. Many elves have become pirates that sail along the western coast sometimes going inland to raid for supplies. Rumors persist of Desert Elves and Jungle Elves that survive in the deep deserts and deep jungles. If they exist they are extremely reclusive. Meanwhile the Drow have been mostly trapped underground following the events with the Dwarves.

Halflings have been largely unchanged by the events of the Wasting. They have lived alongside humans throughout the years and have formed something of a symbiotic relationship with them. Where you can find humans you can almost always find halflings as well.

Other races still exist but were generally small in number originally, what was once rare is now almost unheard of in some regions. One last important group to make note of is the Fey who have become extremely hostile, the few remaining jungles are extremely dangerous for this very reason, but they may also be found in bogs or in deep deserts or the great glacier of the north.


Gonna plant a flag of interest for this one. What sources are allowed? I assume first party sources, right, or are any 1pp disbarred?

Re Z L

Quote from: Changingsaint on June 11, 2021, 04:31:52 PM
Gonna plant a flag of interest for this one. What sources are allowed? I assume first party sources, right, or are any 1pp disbarred?

All Paizo material is allowed, I'm also planning to allow the Beguiler fan-made adaptation, and Dreamscarred Press material. I did consider the Spheres of Power material as well, but I'm not overly familiar with it, and I think the gestalt helps with the flexibility that the Spheres usually offers.


Re Z L

Quote from: Changingsaint on June 11, 2021, 04:36:07 PM
Does DSP include Path of war as well, then? Or just psionics?

All DSP material, so the Psionics and Path of War, and any other little things they have added :)


Quote from: Re Z L on June 11, 2021, 04:40:05 PM
All DSP material, so the Psionics and Path of War, and any other little things they have added :)


Thinking a Warlord (Path of War), and... Something. Kinda torn between a steelfist commando warlord for a wuxia/martial arts feel to the character or a Desperado for a more rooty tooty point and shooty cowboy feel, then.

Maybe a brutal slayer stalker x something, as well.

Callie Del Noire

Re Z L




Me me!  Pick me!  :) 

May I play? 

So, is firearm technology still early firearms?  If so I might want to combine a Musket Master with an arcane caster or psion.  I'll go divine instead of we have a shortabe. 

But if we've gotten into percussion cap technology--with revolvers and lever action repeaters--then I can get decent use out of a gun without needing the gunslinger class. 

I don't have much experience with path of war, but I've noticed they have a fun option for a finesse fighting katana girl:

Themes that catch my attention: 
--Someone with an interest in restoring the environment. 
--Someone with interest in restoring contact with the gods. 
--An engineer type who sees the world's current hardships as a problem to be overcome with intelligence and ingenuity. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Looks fun so I'm planting an interest flag.  Not familiar with pathfinder; though.  Only ever played D&D,

Re Z L

Quote from: Muse on June 11, 2021, 11:53:38 PM
So, is firearm technology still early firearms?  If so I might want to combine a Musket Master with an arcane caster or psion.  I'll go divine instead of we have a shortabe. 

But if we've gotten into percussion cap technology--with revolvers and lever action repeaters--then I can get decent use out of a gun without needing the gunslinger class. 

It'll have some of the Advanced Firearms (notably the revolver, rifle, and shotgun), as well as a selection of the Early Firearms. All firearms will take the alchemical cartridges, but you can still use the raw powder and bullets in a pinch. Advanced firearms are available as martial weapons, and I'm still figuring out how I want to handle some of the Early Firearms in terms of proficiency, but there will probably be a couple of them that count as Simple weapons.

Quote from: Muse on June 11, 2021, 11:53:38 PM
Themes that catch my attention: 
--Someone with an interest in restoring the environment. 
--Someone with interest in restoring contact with the gods. 
--An engineer type who sees the world's current hardships as a problem to be overcome with intelligence and ingenuity. 

These are definitely all themes that could be explored :)

Technology isn't too far advanced at this point, aside from firearms. You'll run into some forms of steam engines here and there. Things like trains don't exist for various reasons, mostly resource scarcity and few "countries" wanting to work together to help make it happen.

Quote from: AribethAmkiir on June 12, 2021, 07:20:01 AM
Looks fun so I'm planting an interest flag.  Not familiar with pathfinder; though.  Only ever played D&D,

Pathfinder is basically an adapted form of the old DnD 3.5 edition, so if you're familiar with that at all it's not too hard to pick up. Otherwise I don't mind helping answer questions along the way :)

They have an official, online index of all the rules and stuff here: https://aonprd.com/Default.aspx

Mister Ugly

So you are using basically the epic 6/P6 codex system?
With gestalt?

I am book marking this!!!
Character gen would help?!

"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits"
Albert Einstein

What makes the ugly feel pretty ...

Re Z L

Quote from: Mister Ugly on June 12, 2021, 03:50:21 PM
So you are using basically the epic 6/P6 codex system?
With gestalt?

I am book marking this!!!
Character gen would help?!


Yup, basically it's the Pathfinder version of Epic 6 :)

Was waiting to see how much interest there would be before I put all the character creation stuff together, but it looks like there's enough interest to move forward with that...

I'll post up more stuff tonight/tomorrow with all the character building info.


Re Z L, what do we need to be accepted into the game?  Do we need to do a whole charater just to find out if we get to join. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Re Z L

Quote from: Muse on June 12, 2021, 05:25:11 PM
Re Z L, what do we need to be accepted into the game?  Do we need to do a whole charater just to find out if we get to join.

I don't need to see a full sheet, just a synopsis of the character with two of the classes you'll be going with and maybe any example feats you feel might be relevant. I'll put a better description of that together when I add the rest of the info!


  Aribeth Amakiir and I are working together on our characters to see if we can build up a strong synergy and maybe a little shared backstory. 

  Let me know if this is too light hearted for the theme. 

  A few generations several samurai from Tian Xia and their wives were exiled to Inner Sea Region.  They were all warrior-poets, among the most elegant and artistically inclined of samurai, and were able to make their way as entertainers rather than sell their swords to an unworthy employer.  They passed their skills and blades to their heirs. 

  Daughter of this lineage and a psionically gifted fortune teller, Kotone grew up in a group of traveling players who braved the dangerous wastes to carry news and entertainment from settlement to settlement.  Actress, dancer, and especially singer, Kotone excelled in both artistry and martial prowess.  She had her mother's psionic power as well--gifts that came to her most fully when she used her will to create sound. 

  At first, Kotone was satisfied with this life.  There was certainly no shortage of adventure in traveling from city to city in these dangerous times. 

  Then she met a girl... 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Re Z L

I have updated the first post with a bunch of info, including character creation rules and the submission guidelines :)

Quote from: Muse on June 13, 2021, 12:58:19 AM

  Aribeth Amakiir and I are working together on our characters to see if we can build up a strong synergy and maybe a little shared backstory. 

  Let me know if this is too light hearted for the theme. 

The world itself is a bit on the grittier side, but I don't mind a little light-hearted fun :)

Looking over what you've got...

It looks pretty good, it fits in pretty well with what my plans for the first encounter is going to be as well.

I'll add this too: since The Wasting there has been absolutely 0 contact with the Tian Xia continent, which might be of some interest to her, but that's up to you.


Oh, that's interesting.  :) 

(By the way, please tell me we're using the background skill rules!) 

How long ago was the wasting?  A century? 

So does that mean i'm more or less in and it wouldn't be a waste of time to build my character? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)

Marie Reynolds

I am interested in giving this a go. I just want to make sure are hybrid classes allowed?


I'm interested in this. I've not normally been a big fan of Pathfinder (often found it too bloated and bogged down in rules and mechanics), so I don't have very much knowledge of it, but this idea interests me enough to give it another try because Gestault is kind of a cool idea I haven't gotten to play around with much.

Right now, I'm thinking Slayer/Inquisitor for what I've been looking at.


Quote from: Marie Reynolds on June 13, 2021, 11:16:17 AM
I am interested in giving this a go. I just want to make sure are hybrid classes allowed?

This is also what I'm curious about, I admit I was thinking Hunter/Inquisitor as well (Though I might switch inquisitor so as to avoid potentially stepping on SilkenVenom's toes), but if Hybrid classes aren't available I'm sure I can come up with another idea too.

Edit: mostly thinking this class combo as I'd rather not bring in Path of War if no one else is using it, for the sake of ease.

Marie Reynolds

Lol, Slayer is looking popular. I was looking at a Slayer/Brawler combo myself. If they are accepted.

Re Z L

Quote from: Marie Reynolds on June 13, 2021, 11:16:17 AM
I am interested in giving this a go. I just want to make sure are hybrid classes allowed?

Yup, Hybrid Classes are fine!

Quote from: Muse on June 13, 2021, 03:09:09 AM
(By the way, please tell me we're using the background skill rules!) 

How long ago was the wasting?  A century? 

Background Skills are being used

And The Wasting began about 200 years ago

(all the rest of the creation rules and more setting info is in the first post)

Quote from: Muse on June 13, 2021, 03:09:09 AM
So does that mean i'm more or less in and it wouldn't be a waste of time to build my character? 

I'm still looking to accept up to 6-7 players, at the moment I see 7 people have expressed interest. So while I haven't officially accepted anyone in yet, unless I get more interest all of them would be added in. Still I don't have a deadline in mind yet, but probably at least another week for people.

Quote from: SilkenVenom on June 13, 2021, 12:59:07 PM
I'm interested in this. I've not normally been a big fan of Pathfinder (often found it too bloated and bogged down in rules and mechanics), so I don't have very much knowledge of it, but this idea interests me enough to give it another try because Gestault is kind of a cool idea I haven't gotten to play around with much.

Right now, I'm thinking Slayer/Inquisitor for what I've been looking at.

Happy to help if you have any questions!

Marie Reynolds

Oh and  I just want to  be sure I understood this right class features form levels beyond 6 would be feats that can be taken when we accumulate 8000 exp.

Re Z L

Quote from: Marie Reynolds on June 13, 2021, 02:35:06 PM
Oh and  I just want to  be sure I understood this right class features form levels beyond 6 would be feats that can be taken when we accumulate 8000 exp.

That is correct, so for a Slayer after you gain 8000 experience you could gain the Stalker or Quarry class features (as examples, those aren't the only two options).