Kimetsu No Yaiba(DEMON SLAYER) - Gauging interest

Started by Notorious, July 28, 2020, 04:16:30 AM

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So I'm guessing that there are a lot of anime fans out there on the E site, and if you're a fan of anime/manga at all then I'd find it hard to believe that you don't at least know what "Kimetsu No Yaiba" is, even if you haven't actually gotten around to watching it or reading the manga for it. It's the smash hit anime of, what I would consider, the decade with the only real contenders being Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia. I'd say those are really "The Big Three" in the anime world, and if you haven't heard of it or given it the chance that it deserves then I would STRONGLY suggest that you do. It's exceptional, to be honest, with many compelling, interesting, unique and powerful characters to pick out as your favorites while you follow the story of a young, future legend Demon Slayer and his sadly ill fated sister who clings to her humanity by way of her love for her brother. It's got a little bit of every emotion you can experience on the vast spectrum of emotions we're capable of and it delves into a deep, dark world of demons that lives in secret parallel to the human world it threatens.

To fully understand it, assuming that some of you don't know anything about it, I'd at least suggest looking at a little bit of information on it, but on to my primary point...

I'm not sure what kind of influence that a story like this would get, and I don't know if there would be a big group that might wish to take part in this world of Kimetsu No Yaiba, but if you're interested in taking part in a group story then please feel free to let me know. That being said, some of the characters are on the younger side, so we would have to age them all up to at least 18 years old. Not only that, but you all will need to help me decide if we should have ONLY cannon characters, or if we should have a mix of cannon and original ones. Obviously the cannon characters would eventually run out if enough people joined up, so that would be a must eventually, but hell I supposed I don't even care if we USE cannons to begin with. I think we're all capable of putting together some interesting and unique characters all our own if we would simply like to use the world that it's set in and construct our own protagonists for the story.

I'm really down for anything, but I'm not going to write the first word or put together some character lists and start up some threads unless there is some genuine interest here and a nice group of devoted writers to start with. Otherwise we can scrap it and assume there's not really much desire, which is fine too. : ]

If anyone would prefer to sign up please feel free to! And hey, if this doesn't work out even though YOU might be interested, then please let me know and we can do a one on one story OR just a small group of three, four or so if need be and keep the story in one long running thread. I'm really okay with anything, so lemme know!

Here's the link to the OUT OF CHARACTER discussion thread. Feel free to pop in and chit chat! Clicky Click

---   ---   ---


Character sheet for the storyline appears as such, the code for the profiles will be listed below it if you'd like to go ahead and get started. : ]







Family/Bloodline: Family relations, surnames, anything you want to be connected to past characters or to show no relation at all


*If the above is not applicable please feel free to remove it in it's entirety or whatever is not necessary*

Rank: Mizunoto→Mizunoe→Kanoto→Kanoe→Tsuchinoto→Tsuchinoe→Hinoto→Hinoe→Kinoto→Kinoe   - Elite/Pillar rank = Hashira

Combat style: Choose one(Combat Styles List)

Blade color: Choose one(Blade Colors List)

Biography: Two paragraphs at least describing their brief history/backstory would be nice, but some characters are meant to be shrouded in mystery as well, especially in stories like these. Please feel free to omit this section and simply list this individual's past as "Origin Unknown" if you would prefer.

Physical Attributes

Style of dress: Typically worn attire

Notable scars/tattoos: Notable markings of any kind

Physical condition: How in shape or out of shape they are



Eye color:

Hair color:

Personality Attributes

Likes/Joys: List at least five

Dislikes/Fears: List at least five

Strengths: List at least three

Weaknesses: List at least three

Gear: Anything that they would need with them during their travels

Training details: Who they learned from(whether or not the name/character is relevant or considered cannon)

Extra information: Anything extra that you would prefer to add, though it is not necessary if everything has already been summed up

[float=right][center][img height=300][/img][/center][/float]






[b]Family/Bloodline:[/b] Family relations, surnames, anything you want to be connected to past characters or to show no relation at all


[i]*If the above is not applicable please feel free to remove it in it's entirety or whatever is not necessary*[/i]

[b]Rank:[/b] Mizunoto→Mizunoe→Kanoto→Kanoe→Tsuchinoto→Tsuchinoe→Hinoto→Hinoe→Kinoto→Kinoe   - Elite/Pillar rank = Hashira

[b]Combat style:[/b] Choose one([URL=][U]Combat Styles List[/U][/URL])

[b]Blade color:[/b] Choose one([URL=][U]Blade Colors List[/U][/URL])

[b]Biography:[/b] Two paragraphs at least describing their brief history/backstory would be nice, but some characters are meant to be shrouded in mystery as well, especially in stories like these. Please feel free to omit this section and simply list this individual's past as "Origin Unknown" if you would prefer.


[b][color=maroon]Physical Attributes[/color][/b]

[b]Style of dress:[/b] Typically worn attire

[b]Notable scars/tattoos:[/b] Notable markings of any kind

[b]Physical condition:[/b] How in shape or out of shape they are



[b]Eye color:[/b]

[b]Hair color:[/b]


[b][color=maroon]Personality Attributes[/color][/b]

[b]Likes/Joys:[/b] List at least five

[b]Dislikes/Fears:[/b] List at least five

[b]Strengths:[/b] List at least three

[b]Weaknesses:[/b] List at least three


[b]Gear:[/b] Anything that they would need with them during their travels

[b]Training details:[/b] Who they learned from(whether or not the name/character is relevant or considered cannon)

[b]Extra information:[/b] Anything extra that you would prefer to add, though it is not necessary if everything has already been summed up

:-:-:Episode List:-:-:

Episode I: "The Burden of Purpose"
Episode II: -
Episode III: -
Episode IV: -
Episode V: -


For posts in our story, once your character has been accepted of course, you can use this header to keep track of your encounters/locations/confrontations and so on.

[float=right][img height=350 padding=5]Insert image here![/img][/float]
[b]Slayer type:[/b]
[b]Clothing| Gear:[/b]
[b]Notable Features:[/b]


Thanks peeps,

- N

Bekah Boo

Ooooooo *leaps into interest check*

I am beyonnddd interested!


Haha XD

Alright, ya little coffee monster. I'll be leaving this up for a whole you see if we feel anymore fishes in, and if we get enough we'll start a full scale story. If not, though, then we'll take a handful and make the best of it with a long running post/thread. : ]


Count me way way in as someone who has finished the manga, loved the ending, and is closely watching the anime... :D



I'd potentially be down if we were doing OC's. I'm not the biggest fan of playing with cannons or being tied to the original story of a setting.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


A full stable of OC's for this particular Demon Slayer world story line is actually something that I'm discussing with someone else right now for what would be obvious reasons to anyone who's already blasted through all of the manga. I can let you know if you like or you can just check back here when we figure out what we should do.

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Notorious on July 28, 2020, 09:22:36 AM
Haha XD

Alright, ya little coffee monster. I'll be leaving this up for a whole you see if we feel anymore fishes in, and if we get enough we'll start a full scale story. If not, though, then we'll take a handful and make the best of it with a long running post/thread. : ]

Heh hit the head on the nail there for sure ;3

Great I can't wait really, I loved the manga to pieces so I've always been interested in seeing what could be done in the universe and all. I already have a basic concept which should be quite amusing to say the least ;3




Not going to lie, but they look more badass than their dad... even in his final form :D Especially Muika...


: D

Found that artwork like 5 minutes into searching for some stuff that I could use for them and I was lie... "Alright, I guess I'm done.", lol


You have my interest. I really enjoyed the anime. I didn't read the manga yet. But I prefer OCs because it brings a unique flavor to the story.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Pandemonia (Vox Machina-inspired)

Bekah Boo

I agree with using OCs rather than cannon characters, at least outside of possibly using them as NPCs to move the story along.


I believe that's the general consensus here among everyone else anyway, and considering the fact that it will be the primary Antagonist's offspring who will be serving as our new Antagonists for OUR story in the DS universe we're actually going to be doing a big time jump into the future here, so original characters are going to be something of a must. The events of the manga have already seen completion and anyone following by the manga instead of the show already knows what happens. So, to avoid any spoilers, I hope you all will respect that we DO NOT wish to get into anything regarding the current anime's story line or the further along manga it is derived from because we do not want anything revealed/spoiled. Respect one another and understand that you can ruin things for everyone else if you're not taking good care with what you are sharing with everyone else and PLEASE remember to just focus on OUR world and OUR characters in the DS universe and not what's already taken place in the past.

That being said, we can discuss a little bit about our world if you all have questions, but for now it's very much new and presently being worked on. The current protagonists can be descendants of the previous slayers I suppose, but for the sake of leaving their fates, or lack thereof, a mystery to everyone involved in the story I would encourage that we maybe try and be a little more original. After all, bloodlines aren't of utmost importance in stories like these as they are something like Naruto where all of the most powerful Ninja are related to the strongest ancestry and stuff. There are a couple characters in DS that have some blood ties that are important, but it's not imperative for your character to be related to Tanjiro or any of the other Slayers so that you can ensure they're strong and somehow "special" in the extended scope of the story. So, in short, originality in all regards is very much encouraged. That being said, though, you can feel free to fabricate your own ancestry and suggest that maybe your character is descended from a long line of slayers or that they hale from a specific school of DS art forms and maybe were taught by some of the same people/families that the cannon characters learned from. That's all fine. I think that most of you are going to grasp what I'm trying to say here, though. I'm trying to remind us all that the word "original" when we're talking about OCs, really does need to be exercised as much as possible while staying true to your style and preference for how you'd like to write your character.

As far as our timeline is concerned I think we're going to push this story up from the current events of Demon Slayer about 25 to 30 years into the future and as the world begins to realize that the age of the Demon Slayer has not yet come to an end we will be provided with a host of gory, violent crimes that were impossible for any one human to commit. Entire towns slaughtered, many devoured, some perhaps even just drained of their youth until they're nothing but lifeless husks, each clearly left with the never ending expression of terror on their faces. The Core hasn't been actively deploying Slayers for more than a decade by this point, training has been slow and they've become lazy and feckless. With this new threat, however, while more and more violence begins to occur across the world, the local governments begin to call upon some young slayers in training and even some who were recently retired after thinking that the threat of demons had finally come to an end for their world.

Sound good?


That sounds good to me, but is it the same family who leads the Demon Slayers the same?


We could arrange that as well. I assume the Demon Slayers is a bit of a family venture and would stick close to home, take contracts and such and let that be their premier opportunity to earn going forward. Maybe there's another generation taking over at this point and they're starting to lose a lot of money and notoriety until the twins begin building clan of the most powerful demons that they can create or find. In turn their Demon Slayer Corps ends up being needed again and some new faces present themselves while some of the retired slayers come back into the fold and begin operating for them again.

Something like that was tumbling around inside my head, but while we're on the subject we can get a ranking structure figured out for this too, but it would mostly just be for the sake of referencing a character's level of experience and years of service. We can use whatever structures of rank they had for the show, but it doesn't give you any express control or exceptional powers, prowess in battle or anything like that. What you're capable of is entirely up to how well your stories are structured and your approach to given situations. So no power-gaming, god modding or any bullshit like that. It won't be tolerated, but I think that we're all fully capable of acting accordingly.

Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, this is about coming together to enjoy a story with one another and if someone's a "god among peasants" so to speak, it won't be very much fun. You've got to have your strengths and weaknesses. You need your moments of where flaws can expose you, and a little danger of the mortal sort only makes the story better. Be the damsel in distress sometimes, and then others be the hero. It's part of what makes this all fun and it will allow you to explore your characters on a much more personal and realistic level.

*Jumps off soapbox*

That's about it. ^_^

- N

Ryu Wojin

I would be interested in joining. Two questions though.

What point in our journey are we starting out. Are we starting when our lives are normal and not demon slayers? Or after we successfully finish the Final Selection? You kinda hinted that we decide, but I assume we should answer the question if a season veteran is going to entertain training a brand new demon slayer who just got involved with demons.

Are human-aligned demons good for selection? Combating the demonic urges but being on the side of humans.


Your journey in relation to the timeline is entirely yours to decide. Like I mentioned before, some of our characters might be new to the Corps. while others might be returning veterans who had retired because the threat of demons was thought to be exterminated with the death of the Antagonist from the Manga. What none of our characters would know is that the previous Demon King, or whatever you'd like to call him, had twin children. He didn't create them, they were born, and thus capable of creating their own subordinates and wreaking havoc all their own.

You can start as a new recruit, a seasoned vet or returning veteran, maybe even a blade for higher who used to hunt demons. Anything within reason, really. You could even make a demon character who miraculously has managed to maintain control of their personal urges kind of like Nezuko.

We can work final selection into the storyline if you'd liked, but please understand that OUR story is one occurring 25-30 years after the events of the show end, MEANING that demons are suddenly removed from the world after the Demon King meets his end, but slowly over time people start swearing to demon sightings/encounters again and before long we fully understand that there is a new threat. Perhaps when we start our story we can have the first natural selection that they've had for more than two decades(because they haven't been necessary) until now when they realize they have a big demon problem again.

For the second question, I'm assuming that my prior comments have already answered that for you. What I will say, though, is that it would be wise to have your demon(should you choose to make one) have something tangible and emotional to tether themselves to that can give you a good... anchor to their need for reason and rationality and such. A good reason to RESIST their urge to do what comes naturally to them. For instance, if not for Tanjiro, Nezuko would very likely have been a blood thirsty monster just like the rest of them. She didn't resist those urges to kill and feast on her own and she was reminded of her love for her brother through the process and in doing so managed to retain a fragment of her humanity and has been able to build off of that and get better at resisting her instincts. So if your character had a sister, brother, close friend or something like that, then maybe that would support their story line that much better as to why they're a... "high functioning" demon among society. That makes sense, right?

Maybe consider seeing if one of our writers that have expressed interest here already might want to make a sibling or friend for your character(assuming you'd like to do a demon character) and see how that goes.


Some cool images to consider using if you're getting excited about the story!



I plan to make a newb because I like character development.  :-)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Pandemonia (Vox Machina-inspired)

Bekah Boo

I might go for a seasoned slayer who is yanked out of retirement for myself, I have a few ideas I'm plugging away at but this image spoke to me lol.

Drunken Slayer


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 30, 2020, 02:58:46 PM
I plan to make a newb because I like character development.  :-)

Nice. Can't wait to see what you develop. : ]


Quote from: Bekah Boo on July 30, 2020, 03:05:09 PM
I might go for a seasoned slayer who is yanked out of retirement for myself, I have a few ideas I'm plugging away at but this image spoke to me lol.

Drunken Slayer

Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh I like her. She looks like she's got some stories to tell... perhaps over some wine or sake shots? : P

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Notorious on July 30, 2020, 03:07:42 PM
Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh I like her. She looks like she's got some stories to tell... perhaps over some wine or sake shots? : P

Hehe oh of course ;3
She's going to carry a gourd of plum wine on her back at all times, her family famous for their technique so she'll be quite the talker and sharer ;3


I think I might be going with the rigid, silent and disciplined Slayer, fresh out of retirement, although reluctantly so!