Star Wars: Tales of Grey Squadron CLOSED

Started by BlackStone, June 08, 2019, 01:52:25 PM

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The government would call them pirates, outlaws, criminals.  Countless Imperial worlds and protectorates had been raided, legitimate shipping terrorized, cargo number into the millions of credits.  Countless ships of the Imperial Navy, as well as elements of Corellian Security have been tasked to bring these criminals to justice.  The system and powers labeled them criminals, but in their minds, they are heroes, liberators.


What the Empire would call the Rebellion now had spread to become something more, the Alliance to Restore the Republic.  More and more star systems were joining everyday, and what once had started in isolated worlds under Imperial oppression had become far more.  Still, the odds and the stakes were high, as the mighty fist which was the Imperial Navy had a long reach.  For now the Alliance had to operate as they had been, from the shadows, with surprise, to hit the Empire where it was vulnerable till the time the tables could be turned.  It would not be long as the shipyards at Mon Cal and other locations were producing capital star ships which could stand against the Empire, but time might not be on the Alliance side.  The war was entering a time of desperation.  It needed miracles, it needed heroes. 

The following are stories of such heroes, though at the time they did not believe them to be such.  No, they were merely a loose organization of diverse and dedicated people believing in a cause, doing what they could for the Dream.  These are the stories of Grey Squadron.

Below is the sample character sheet.  Please post the sheets here and myself and RegretNot will review them and make suggestions for tweaking if needed.  If there are any questions, let me know.  I will also be putting up a example sheet so people can see what the template looks like filled out.  Also for right now, no Force users.  I want us to get the game underway before we add such an element to the game.

[float=right][img height=300 padding=5]Paste the URL of the image you are using here.[/img][/float]
[b]Player ID:[/b] Your Elliquiy login ID

[font=French Script MT][b][size=20pt]Character Basics[/size][/b][/font]
[b]Name:[/b] What are they called
[b]Gender:[/b] Self explanatory
[b]Archtype:[/b] Daring Commander, Ace Pilot, Grease Monkey, Sneaky Slicer, Gun Bunny (etc, one or two words which sum up your concept)
[b]Race:[/b] Something which makes sense to be able to fly in either a Z-95 or a Y-Wing
[b]Rank:[/b] Everyone is at least a Flight Officer.  We have room for one Commander, Captain, and two Flight Lieutenants

[font=French Script MT][b][size=20pt]Character Appearance[/size][/b][/font]
[b]Height:[/b] In inches and/or cm
[b]Weight:[/b] In Lb and/or Kg
[b]Hair Color:[/b] Specify if not clear from the photo, or put As Picture.
[b]Eye Color:[/b] As above
[b]Skin Color:[/b] As above
[b]Build:[/b] As above.
[b]Distinguishing marks:[/b] Is there anything unusual about them, piercings, tattoos, scars,  missing limbs, etc.
[b]Additional Info:[/b] If you want to write up a brief written desc feel free, but not required

[size=12pt][b]Personality:[/b] [/size]
What sort of person are they, how do they react to others, what pushes their buttons, what calms them down. Please type at least one paragraph

[size=12pt][b]History:[/b] [/size]
Feel free to be creative but do try to limit the big damn hero moments, as I promise you will have your moments in the game. Also not looking for war and peace here, but should be enough to give both you and us the GMs a handle on the character

[size=12pt][b]Specializations:[/b] [/size]
As stated, everyone should have three military/support specialization.  At least one of these needs to be pilot, but does not need to be the primary skill.  As without starting, secondary specialties are not as skilled as primary, and tertiary skills less than both primary and secondary
[size=12pt][b]Character Flaws:[/b][/size]
Your character should have at least one.

[b]Other Info:[/b] Anything else you think might be important. Sexuality as well as On and Offs if you wish to include them should be included here.  Again they are optional

Concepts Needed
Commander (Captain) of Grey Squadron
Star Fighter Weapons Expert

Current Concept Issues
Three Flight Lieutenants (Two Only)

Roster Availability
Eight out of Twelve slots filled
Flight Lieutenants available: 0
Captain available: 1

Concepts App'd
Ace Pilots: 1
Commando Specialists: 1
Communications Specialist 1
Engineers: 2
Frontwoman: 1
Linguist: 1
Melee Specialist: 1
Slicer: 1

Game Threads
OOC Thread
Personnel Roster Thread
Prologue - Planet D'Qar
Chapter 1 - The Final Frontier


Player ID: Blackstone

Character Basics
Name: Virva (In'Virva Jaxtona)
Nickname/Callsign: Steel Lady
Gender: Female
Archtype: Daring Commander,
Race: Twi'lek
Rank: Captain (Colonel equivalent)

Character Appearance
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 45 Kg
Age: 45
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Light Red
Build: Lithe and athletic
Distinguishing marks: Scar on her right cheek
Additional Info: Virva is tiny for a Twi'lek, and has often been mistaken for a youth in the past because of her height.  She does not have the lush and inviting form of others of her sex for her race.  The right side of her cheek has a thin patchwork of scaring from a battle wound she suffered in which she could not get bacta treatment in time.  She decided to keep it so as not to be mistaken for a teenager, to give her an air of authority, and as a badge of honor.

Virva has a chip upon her shoulder, and feels as if she is always having to prove herself despite her abilities and her war record.  The fact she had been a frigate commander during the Clone Wars, and one of the few female Twi-leks serving in the Republic Navy seems lost on many.  As such there are times Virva can be a bit aggressive in her strategy, but her boldness often pays off.  She does take risks, but as she has told her crew she did not sign up for the Alliance to be part of some suicide mission, and has no intention of putting her crew in such a situation

In'Virva Jaxtona and her family had their shipping business when the Clone Wars came to Ry'loth.  In the first day of the Separatist invasion she lost her family.  It hardened and changed Virva, and during the length of the Ry'Loth occupation till its liberation, worked with the Republic and ran the blockage several times to bring in needed supplies.  Once the Separatists were beaten back, Virva joined the Republic Navy, with high recommendations from Captain Jan Dodona and other Republic officers.  She was given a field commission, and served first as pilot to frigates, then commanding them, and was part of man operations as advance scout for the fleet.

As what happened with many aliens once the war was over and the declaration of the Grand Empire, Virva found herself dismissed from the Navy.  She returned to Ry'Loth and her former shipping company.  Over the years however, Virva like many others recognized the rotten core which was the Empire.  Virva became a smuggler and procurer of supplies for the rebellion, and when the call went out for combat veteran officers to form the core of the Alliance to restore the Republic's infant navy, Virva was among the first.  She served for three years on the Corellian Corvette, the Bantum III, protecting and guarding Alliance supply lines.  When the Alliance finally got their hands on a Quasar escort carrier, Virva was recommended as its commanding officers.  She now serves on board the Vanguard, the base of operations for Grey Squadron, performing combat rapids and special operations missions for the Alliance.

Capital Ship Tactics - Virva was a natural at large starship tactics and it was often her bold suggestions which enabled her forces to provide vital intelligence to the Republic during the Clone Wars
Transport Pilot - Virva has been behind the cockpit of a transport since she was a teenager, and used those skills to her advantage when in the Repubic Navy.
Logistics - Virva seems to know when and where to get what she needs, or to make the best used of the supplies she has on hand.

Character Flaws:
Virva always feels there is a need to prove herself, and has little patience at all for people who dismiss her for her size and race.

Other Info: GM Character


Player ID: Elfguy

Character Basics
Name: Tania Sandford
Nickname/Callsign: Spank
Gender: F
Archtype: Ace Pilot
Race: Human
Rank: Flight Lieutenant

Character Appearance
Height: 5'10
Weight: 140
Age: 28
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: Green
Build: Athletic
Distinguishing marks: Tattoos on her arm and cheek
Additional Info: She tends to dress lightly with a breathable outfit, sunglasses, and always carries a vibrosword and small pistol hidden in her belt.

Spank is what many would refer to as a hot head. She gets angry quickly and would rather rush into action rather than think up a proper plan. It's both what makes her so good at her job and what brought her trouble in the past. Despite not enjoying the chain of command, she's a very easy girl to get along with. In fact Spank tends to be flirty and very outgoing, her trademark greeting being to give a good slap on your butt as she gets in range, which is precisely where her nickname comes from. She likes to joke around and be sarcastic, being the first one to join in when there's a party. But once she gets into battle, she doesn't let anyone hold her back, friend or foe.

Unlike many rebels, she isn't a career soldier. In fact Spank was a mercenary before joining the rebels. She honestly never cared for galactic politics, however she found that with the Empire tightening control everywhere, she can't do the same types of jobs that she used to when she first started. Basically, she flies for the thrill of it, and to prove to others what she's capable of. So it only made sense for her to join the underdogs against the biggest and baddest opponent out there. She isn't in it for notions of justice or peace, she's in it for the glory. That obviously makes it hard for her teammates to trust her, since she has an unknown origin and different motivations, but her skills quickly got her where her name couldn't.

Her main skill is her charms. Spank is able to talk her way out of many situations, or seduce anyone she wants to. She has a beautiful athletic body and knows how to display it for full effect. When charms fail however, Spank knows how to use those muscles of her to good effect. Her second skill is her melee combat. While she doesn't typically use blasters, if she manages to get close she can use her fists or the small vibrosword hidden on her body for good effect, neutralizing multiple enemies in no time. Her third skill is her piloting skills. She is the type of pilot to always go at full speed and avoid obstacles rather than going against them guns blazing. She isn't the best shot around, but her agility allows her to get to her destination unscathed.

Character Flaws:
Her ego is her main flaw. She knows what she's capable of and often rushes into action without thinking of the consequences. That has made her underestimate her opponent in the past, and has gotten her into trouble with superiors on many occasions.

Other Info: Spank is bi but mainly into girls. She is very flirty so it's no surprise that she's had multiple romantic encounters in the past, and is always open to more. However she is not one for commitments, and doesn't want to settle down. Any romance so far has been short lived.


Player ID: Rebelle

Character Basics
Name: Alyla Russ
Nickname/Callsign: Tinker
Gender: Female
Archtype: Grease Monkey Scoundrel
Race: Human | Corellian
Rank: Flight Officer

Character Appearance
Height: 67 inches
Weight: 128
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tan
Build: Athletic build
Distinguishing marks: Freckles dotting her skin, Alyla also has scars that run along her arms, looks like burn marks, nothing disgusting but they're part of the trade
Additional Info:

Alyla tends to be a quick charismatic talker, which is strange for someone who spends so much time in the engine room.  But open the door just a fraction, she can burst right in and charm away.  Alyla is very quick witted, most times thinking outside of the box when it comes to keeping a ship flying upright, or sideways depending on what you need it to do.  There are moments when she is quick to anger, this is usually when she sees people being terribly mistreated.  She's also been known to be reckless and start fights she may or may not be able to finish and needs to be talked down when she starts going down that route.

Alyla was born on a ship, her parents died on a ship, and she was picked up by someone who was considered an uncle to keep her from being considered an Orphan or worse yet sold into slavery, or have someone take advantage of the poor girl who's world had just crumbled.  He was a salty dog of a space farer, but he treated her right and looked out for her.  Which was a good thing, because when she came of age - Alyla inherited.  Not only did she inherit the riches that her parents had, but also a company that assisted in after market modifications for ships.  To say that tinkering with an engine was in her blood was an understatement.  Alyla didn't really overly care for the business aspect, it wasn't that she was lazy, but to be perfectly honest she didn't want to be restrained to a company at such a young age, to not go on grand adventures as her Uncle Zep had told her about. 

So she did the only thing that she knew she could do, give it to someone who would do right by her parents memory and by the customers who came to them.  After all, not all ships that came in needed to be modified for extra space or extra speed.  And not all customers could pay the prices that were asked.  It was a fine line between legal and illegal, but it was something that could be done with flair.  So she... signed off the business to that old salty space captain Zep, knowing it would be in good hands while she still looked for what else was out there.  What she found was a dismal place, dark and dangerous.  But she also found out that she thrived in it.  A quick word, a quick shot if needs be, and a quick twist of a spanner.  She lived by her wits, and she had always been told she would die by them.  That time hasn't come just yet though. 

It was well known she was a smooth talker, and one night her services were requested by someone who was looking to negotiate a good price.  For what?  She wasn't sure, she didn't ask.  But she was able to help the two parties come to terms for whatever it was, and she went about her merry business, looking for a good game of sabacc to entertain herself with.  Unfortunately, that wasn't to be... You see, it had all been a set up.  Someone wanted Alyla's skills, not just the way she could woo or cajole, but also the way she wielded the tools of her parents trade.  These were not peaceful times after all, and Alyla could no longer be free from choosing a side, she had seen the devastation wrought by the Empire, had heard about the Rebellion.  Zep had always told her to keep her head down, but in this instance there was no say in the matter, the woman was approached with an offer to join something, to make a difference.  To help make sure that the good people of the galaxy would no longer suffer.

Well.. who was she to argue?

And it wasn't like there was a good game of sabacc to be had that night anyways.

Engineer/Mechanic: Needless to say it's in her blood.  She played with spanners when other children were playing with toys.  She can 'listen' to an engine or a machine and tell you what's wrong with it.  She's been known to make the impossible possible when it comes to eeking out just a little bit more power.  Alyla likes to create and seems to be most at ease when she has tools of her trade in her hand.
Slicing: Every good engineer needs to understand how to slice, it goes part and parcel for the course.  She's not the greatest at it, so it would take her a bit longer, but she gets there in the end.
Gambler/Gatherer: A good game of Sabacc is much like a good game of gathering intel.  You just know how to read a person, find out their weaknesses, their wants, and use it to your best advantage.  She can read tells and spots things others might miss.  An easy going smile, a few friendly words can put a person at ease either at the table or in a dark room.
Pilot: She's Corellian, her parents were both spacefarers, she might not be as good as some, but she's better than quite a fair bit of people.  Evasive maneuvers are her bread and butter.


Character Flaws:
Reckless: There is just something about Alyla who seems to enjoy finding trouble, and if she can't find it - she'll go looking for it.  Some call it a suicidal streak, but to be frank... it's bravado pure and simple.

Other Info: Alyla has disposable income as of right now, though more than likely that will and can change.  She tends to not spend it on lavish items, at least for herself.  She has been known to spread the creds to those who need it the most when she sees them.  She's pretty handy with a pistol, but then again in these times.. Who isn't?
See Player's O/O's

Captain Whitebread

Player ID: Captain Whitebread

Character Basics
Name: Kaulo Ma
Nickname/Callsign: Fin
Gender: Male although genitals are sheathed
Archtype: Combat Monster
Race: Karkarodon
Rank: Flight Officer

Character Appearance
Height: 263 cm
Weight: 167 Kg
Age: 45
Hair Color: None. As Pictured
Eye Color: Black. As Pictured
Skin Color: Blue back, white belly.  As Pictured
Build: Muscular.
Distinguishing marks: Small fin on the back of his head.  Visible gills.  Various tattoos and battle scars.
Additional Info: Capable of breathing air or water. 

Anyone saying that a Karkarodon is an emotionless killing machine has never fought one.  Like all of his kind, Kaulo is a remorseless killer but that is not to say he is emotionless.  To be stalked by a Karkarodon is an exercise in terror.  An apex predator, they lives to fight, glorying in the kill.  For them, killing is an almost religious experience.  Eternally patient, they explode in a frenzy of violence when the moment arrives, whether it is in a dogfight, hand to hand combat or just looking for food.  Once the fight is over, he returns to his quiet waiting state.  It has taken him a long time for Kaulo to learn that it is possible to fight without killing, such as when prisoners are needed or a bar brawl erupts.  In those cases, he tends to try not to get involved.

When not involved in combat, he is quiet, as if waiting for the coming storm.  He has a dark, gallows sense of humour and does not see practical jokes as funny, which of course makes him a target for them.  He bears them with quiet patience.  He considers his squadron mates allies, calling them 'loa', a rarely used karkarodon word meaning 'meat you don't eat'.  The enemy is simply 'meat'.

Kaulo has been fighting all his life.  It is the nature of his species.  He has a natural ability to think in three dimensions, which makes Karkarodon's (and other aquatic species, for that matter) natural combat pilots.  An inborn ability to be aware of what is going on in either a dogfight or a feeding frenzy almost makes up for their poor forward vision.

While his species was useful in the attempted takeover of Mon Cala, they were not used effectively elsewhere and Kaulo was tossed aside when the Empire rose.  When the rebellion started, having seen the fighting that could be done, Kaulo changed sides.  He is not the greatest pilot but his understanding of dogfight tactics is second to none.

Aquatic predatorEssentially amphibious, Kaulo is ponderous on land but he is a lethal apex predator in the water.  He needs no gear to dive and can remain underwater for an unlimited amount of time.  It is literally his natural habitat.
Hand to hand combat Equipped with extremely effective natural weapons and a skin that is thick and abrasive, Kaulo is almost as deadly on land as he is in the water
PilotWith a natural understanding of three dimensional movement, Kaulo is a brilliant combat tactician.  Sadly, his piloting skill does not match his ability to predict the movements of a battle.

Character Flaws:
Kaulo, like all Karkarodons, has poor forward vision.  There is an enormous blind spot directly in front of him, which explains why he is always moving his head from side to side, as if searching for something.  It is just one more reason, along with his emormous bulk, that requires his Y-Wing to sport a customized cockpit.

Kaulo has a hard time distinguishing a 'real' fight from one that is less serious.  He's badly injured several people in bar brawls before he learned to just step back and let the loa fight itself.

An obligate predator, Kaulo prefers his food live.  He can eat an enormous amount and then will not eat again for several days or weeks.  It would take him a long time to starve to death.

Thick skin prevents dehydration but Karkarodon can easily end up suffering from heat exhaustion because they do not vent heat easily.

Other Info: Sex is strictly for reproduction for Karkarodons and generally follows a fiercely contested mating season.  It is something triggered by seasonal changed on the planet Karkaris and is unlikely to be duplicated elsewhere.  Without these changes, there is no urge to breed.  Kaulo is unlikely to reproduce or even desire to until he returns home.

There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Masked Insanity

Player ID:Masked Insanity

Character Basics
Name: S'kani Voorma
Nickname/Callsign: Grease
Gender: Female
Archtype: Grease Monkey, Technical Genius
Race: Twi'lek
Rank: Flight Lieutenant

Character Appearance
Height: 171cm
Weight: 69 kg
Age: 22
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Grey-Brown
Skin Color: Curacao Blue
Build: Slim.
Distinguishing marks: Slave Tattoo between her Lekku
Additional Info:

Somewhat reclusive, tends to keep to herself during off-hours. Once in the cockpit, though, she seems a different person, keeping the comms alive with chatter and commenting on every development. It seems she prefers to interact with people at arms length most of the time. Fiercely loyal to those she considers friends, but slow to admit new people to that circle.


S'kani was born into one of the countless slave communities of the Twi'lek diaspora. She was raised on Nar Shaddaa, her parents working gruelling shift to give her and her siblings at least the most basic of amenities. She was the oldest of nine siblings, and very soon was expected to do her part. While her siblings played, she worked on making junk she scavenged into workable tools, and the occasional toy, too. Her grand project was C-10-T, a droid decommissioned after four of its six limbs.

The droid kept puzzling her for months. She brought it back to working order, only for having it shut down and damage itself in its first shift. Only once she removed its memory core did she realize the truth. The droid had gone too long without a memory wipe and grown a full-fledged personality. One that resented its slavery, and prefered destruction to continual servitude.

The machine's conviction sparked rebellion  in the teenage Twi'lek. If a mere machine could fight for its freedom, so could she. She regretted leaving behind her family, but she figured she had given them enough. After stowing away on a pleasure cruiser, she travelled the rim, working odd jobs, first as an engine hand, but soon as a flight engineer. She fell in with the company more out of habit - originally freelancing for them, and eventually becoming a core part of the crew.

Jury-Rigging and combat repairs
Starfighter Customization

Character Flaws:
While she regrets having left her parents and siblings behind, her main flaw would be a tendendy to withdraw and try to solve any issue she has on her own, instead of yielding to other, more qualified teammates. Usually, she only involves them once a minor issue has spiraled out to become a near-disaster. Oh, and there is that fact she is essentially "stolen property".

Other Info: See Player O/Os, but nothing is strictly required as long as the story is good.


Player ID: RegretNot

Character Basics
Name: Cas Sauvon
Nickname/Callsign: Sear
Gender: Male
Archtype: Hardnosed Commando
Race: Zabrak
Rank: Flight Officer

Character Appearance
Height: 1.8m
Weight: 85 kgs
Age: 28
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tan
Build: Lean Muscular
Distinguishing marks: Facial Tattoos, tattooing on body as well from cultural rites
Additional Info: Small scars on his upper lip, along his forehead by his tattoos.  He is almost always in functional military clothing not very willing to be unarmed even during flight briefings. 

Sear can come off as gruff but merely has spent a lot of time in terse situations from his time on R'yloth under warchiefs and Empire presence to joining the Rebellion and serving in Special Operations.  He speaks with purpose and keeps a far away gaze when not engaged in conversation or conflict.  He has a rather pessimistic outlook because of his life experiences but can still enjoy fun or camaraderie when he finds it.  Like most Zabraks he is very proud and takes great accomplishment in his ability to push through pain and adversity. 

Cas Sauvon was born on R'yloth to his mother and father, that had left Iridonia for better to only find what amount to worse.  They were held to hard labor that both were skilled at as young Cas and his two sisters were drafted to help in the mines.  Mar, his mother, educated them the best she could but was one day taken from them by stormtroopers at the accusation of inciting rebellion against the Empire.  The memory stuck hard with Cas as his father, Dorn, choose to put his head down and continue his labors collecting the small amount of credits he could at dreams of getting off R'yloth to something better.  Cas found his father too short sighted and delusional as he took up with a crew for transport off the rock and found his way towards the more friendly confines of the Rebellion.  From the first day he absorbed all he could already having a good idea how to fight from his time in the mines and how to work hard from genetics and strife. 

Cas found himself quickly having his dreams of being a ace pilot dashed for his skill with a blaster and a det cord as he was assigned to a specialized team after only a few missions with Rebellion ground command.  His deadliness with a blaster and patience made him a valuable piece of support on many operations into more than unfriendly targets.  He spent three years with his unit getting commendations from his captain and learning how to operate in the questionable to complete the mission.  There was still the want to fly that happened everytime they were on a transport being dropped in and made apparent when he was forced into getting behind the controls a few times. 

His name was put in for Grey Squadron by his captain with high marks as he understood the kind of unit he would be running with and jumped at the opportunity.  Past skills and his own flying could be coupled as Sear looks forward to the next step. 

Special Combat Operations: Years spent in Special Ops has given him knowledge on all manner of specialty combat from long distance support, guerrilla warfare, munitions, small unit tactics, stealth maneuvers, etc. 
Demolitions: His knowledge of detonation devices, from times into mines and then in his unit, and how to even make something go boom in a pinch has developed in his past unit where he is usually the one you call when you need something gone to atoms. 
Piloting: A more than capable pilot he can be a bit aggressive and still has to work on his squadron tactics left to be better at being given commands than giving them.
Marksman: The blaster is not an extension of his arm but his eye.  When given even a moment to sight up Cas tends to almost never miss his target. 

Character Flaws:
Desensitized:  The fog of comabt has made Cas cold, colder than he should be.  He can see operations as a numbers game when it comes to casualties and loss when it's not his own unit and it can lead to questionable assessments. 

Other Info:  Cas has been left with a very black and white view of the Empire, leading one to hate rather than dislike or moral differences, it bleeds into his own actions at times. 

O/Os are much like players. 

Thunder Splash

Player ID: Thunder Splash

Character Basics
Name: Jan Dar Jokimba
Nickname/Callsign: Protocol
Gender: Male
Archtype: Translator/negotiator
Race: Gungan
Rank: Flight Officer

Character Appearance
Height: 1.85 m
Weight: 75 kg
Age: 37
Hair Color: As Picture
Eye Color: Orange
Skin Color: As above
Build: Lithe but strong
Distinguishing marks: his right ear has a large scar on it from blaster fire, he also has a handful of scars on his arms as well as red tattoos up both arms.
Additional Info: Jan Dar almost always looks like he’s either indifferent or in a bad mood.

Jan Dar is clipped, professional, and precise. He doesn’t have time for any whining or complaining, and almost never jokes or fools around, he is far too busy for that! Like a chiding father he is always getting on others to make sure they have finished their duties and not to slack off or shirk their responsibilities. He is neat and orderly and like the world to be that way as well. Jan Dar also Despises the gungan stereotype and will give you a stern lecturing about how wrong it is! If he doesn’t just deck you in the face for your racist stereotyping. He can be made to open up, especially if you keep the corellian brandy flowing, but otherwise is a by the books kind of guy. He can keep his growing annoyance or exasperation in check if he is negotiating with outsiders, but has a little more trouble keeping the flares and sighs at bay with those he is familiar with. He cares for those around him, just in his own special way. What some may see as ridicule or chiding he sees as doting.

Jan Dar Jokimbo has had to struggle upstream against raging rapid his entire life. The galaxy has never paid much mind to the gungans and has always seen them as a simple or primitive people despite all the evidence to the contrary. Wishing to rise above this prejudice Jan Dar set out at an early age to prove a gungan can amount to just as much as all the other races could. Throwing himself into his studies Jan Dar was top of his class all throughout his schooling and was one of very few gungans to venture into Theed and join its university. Here Jan Dar found his love of languages, wanting to learn as many of them as he could to communicate with and learn from as much of the galaxy as possible. By the time he graduated he knew so many languages that others took to calling him an organic protocol droid. But Jan Dar put his skills to good use. As soon as he had graduated the Confederacy of Independent Systems threw the galaxy into chaos and plunged it into the galactic civil war. Jan Dar joined the Grand Army of the Republic and fought in some of the early battles of the war. However his vast knowledge of languages and customs came in handy and he was often put in charge of leading insurgent groups on separatist planets and assisting in getting them armed and backed by republic forces.

But when the conflict came to an end all of Jan Dar’s achievements accounted for poodoo when Sheev Palpatine, the senator from his own world, became the emperor. His xenophobic empire squashed the gungans of his home world and ruined the name of Naboo for the rest of the galaxy. But Jan Dar would have none of it. Trying to spur his people to rebellion proved fruitless so the gungan veteran took off into the stars to find a way he could stop this horrible empire from hurting his people and their name across the galaxy in whatever ways he could. He quickly met up with a small resistance group and through them eventually joined the rebellion proper. With his experience in the clone wars and his determination to prove to all the galaxy that a gungan could be more than just a slang talking buffoon from the oceans of Naboo Jan Dar sought to put and end to the empire it’s evil emperor.

*1st: Languages, customs, translation, and negotiations: Jan Dar LOVES learning a new language, and the culture and customs that go along with it. The man is fluent in nearly 30 languages and can get by in dozens of others. He is a breathing, organic, protocol droid and he is proud of that. And with so many languages and customs known Jan Dar knows how to talk to people as well. He can convince them what they need to do and can help smooth out disputes with his words much better than with violence.
*2nd: infiltration and recon: all his time spent behind enemy lines trying to inspire rebellion on Separatist held worlds homes Jan Dar’s skills in getting into and around somewhere unseen and unheard. This was especially important being that a gungan would stick out like a sore thumb on many worlds. Jan Dar can get in and out without anyone knowing he was there.
*3rd: piloting: While serving on the Army of the Republic he learned how to fly fighters and small shuttles. He even managed a light freighter or two in order to smuggle himself behind enemy lines. Jan Dar May not be the best pilot out there but he is o e you wouldn’t mind having as your wing man.

Character Flaws:
Haughty: Jan Dar has worked so hard to prove he is better than people think he is that he believes he is better, or at least smarter than most people. This is a trait he has trouble turning off and so comes across as rude and like he is looking down his nose at you, most likely because he probably is.
Low tolerance for ignorance: Jan Dar has trouble working with slackers and the blissfully ignorant. He cannot wrap his head around it wanting to always learn new things and improve what you know. He has trouble tolerating people that are simply content exactly where they are.
Low empathy: He has trouble empathizing with others. He has struggled so hard to get to where he is and survived and he has difficulty understanding that others might not have his fortitude.

Other Info: Jan Dar can most often be seen pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation at the sheer stupidity of absurdity of the people around him. Surely everyone who has worked with him has experienced his particular type of charm.


Player ID: Caradoc

Character Basics
Name: Lur Galvan
Gender: Male
Archtype: Adept Slicer, slick pilot, medic
Race: Human
Rank: Lieutenant

Character Appearance
Height: 69 inches
Weight: 163 lbs
Age: 38
Hair Color: As Picture.
Eye Color: As above
Skin Color: As above
Build: As above.
Distinguishing marks: beard, thin build
Additional Info:

Lur Galvin feels the dual drives of being one of the best slicers, and his later coming into being a pilot. He’ll readily admit he’s not the best pilot out there (although he’s getting better), but will challenge anyone who questions his slicing ability.

Lur Galvin was a skilled slicer. He mostly kept his talents confined to teaching, being a university professor. He’d probably still be in the classroom except for two things: his friend Torrell Hawke and the Empire coming to Chandrila. Hawke was a pilot in the Chandrilan military who came to the university to recruit. They ended up becoming friends, and Hawke talked him into piloting a shuttle. Galvin was as surprised as anyone to find out he had a knack for flying.

A few months, and many flying hours later, the Empire came to Chandrila, in search of Mon Mothma, a rising star in the Rebellion. Galvin had never thought about politics, but that day, he ended up “borrowing” a Z-95 and flying wingman for Hawke. They were separated, and Galvin fled the planet, never knowing what happened to his friend. He managed to find the Rebels, impressed them enough with his slicing to be taken seriously, and stealing whatever time he could in simulators. Needing something else to do with his time, he began assisting in medbay when he was at loose ends.

At this point, he’s still not sure who brought him to the attention of Grey Squadron, but he’s happy for the opportunity and does what he can to make their missions succeed and look for more information about Torrell Hawke.

slicer, pilot, medic

Character Flaws:
sarcastic, impatient, proud of his intelligence

Other Info: Lur Galvin is a straight male who can be a bit standoffish when he first meets people. Once he makes friends, he goes above and beyond for them.
So tell me do you wanna go?
Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you

My Ons and Offs

A/A's Updated 1/25/17


Player ID: BennyQ

Character Basics
Name: Jovashan Velralis.
Nickname/Callsign: Anvil.
Gender: Male.
Archtype: Ace Pilot/Rudimentary Combat Medic.
Race: Mirialan.
Rank: Flight Officer.

Character Appearance
Height: 6’1” / 1.85m.
Weight: 185lbs.
Age: 31.
Hair Color: Blond.
Eye Color: Emerald green.
Skin Color: Green.
Build: Broad shouldered, lean physique elsewhere.
Distinguishing marks: Mirialan facial tattooes across his cheeks, from the corner of his eyes, and upon his chin.
Additional Info: Small braid of hair down the right side of his head. Possesses burn-scars on his back from a crash that nearly killed him.

Jovashan is a dry-toned yet wisecracking pilot with great pride in his profession as a pilot. He has a bleak outlook on life however and can cause his humour to be morbid, using it as a coping method with all the death and despair in the galaxy. He has bouts of apathy which contrasts his role as a medic but like some cynics in life, his forgotten idealism and pity often springs up from time to time. He has little tolerance for military red tape, often forgetting to salute superiors or address them by rank, and believes he can accomplish his job better without their oversight.

Jovashan was born on the core world of Chandrila, a world that became deeply supportive of the fledging Rebel Alliance in the years after the Clone Wars. Jovashan thought little of politics though, having a decent middle-class upbringing that allowed him to attend institutions for higher learning, where he studied and trained to become a medical airlift pilot, assisting emergency services in bringing far out wounded and injured to medi-centres around the world. He earned his nickname, Anvil, during his training period given the amount of times he crash-landed given his rash style of flying and walked away. He eventually reformed and toned that down a bit to pass the training. The urgency and desperation of these cases however suited Jovashan, a decisive and brash pilot, which sometimes was threatening to his patient through a possible fiery crash given how madly he flew at times. For many years, he was content in this exhilarating lifestyle, but as the Empire grew more and more repressive, he fell afoul of some local authorities.

And they had no qualms imprisoning the young Mirialan when he disregarded the new, unfair Imperial policies on medical care. He was finally ousted from his profession when he failed to follow new protocols, ones that forbid those with suspected rebel affiliations and criminal records from being serviced at any Imperial run medical centre, which was all of them at that point. No matter how badly they were dying or injured, the doctors were forced to turn them away. Still, Jovashan flew the dying patient to the hospital and forced at gunpoint for that individual to be treated, as he refused to have even one “death in transit” mark on his record. The patient was saved, only to be jailed afterwards along with Jovashan. He was stripped of his wings, black balled from the industry, and told by the court he would never fly again.

By all accounts it seemed he would now spend his life in prison for defying the Imperial authorities. Fortunately for him, Chandrila was a world deep in Rebel sympathies and he was offered a secret deal by certain ministers. Serve his penal term by working for the Rebel Alliance, or be allowed to rot in an Imperial prison. He chose service and thus was assigned to Grey Squadron, where he serves as a pilot and their combat medic when in the field.

Pilot. Ever since he could think and look, Jovashan had yearned to be among the stars. He received piloting training as part of his education to become an emergency medical airlifter and has honed his skills over the years as such, dashing in and out of metropolitan cities at high speeds to bring an injured or wounded patient to the medical centers.

Medic. Having served as a medical air-lift pilot, Jovashan is no stranger to modern injuries and diseases that could inflict a person. Having been around doctors and received basic medical education as a perquisite as a medical pilot, he is knowledgeable about handling most blaster wounds and performing some battlefield surgeries, enough to keep someone alive until the real doctors can look to them. Because this contradicts with his apathy for life, he often downplays his medical expertise as being no more than “knowing where to stick the bacta needle.”

Cool-Headed. Jovashan has little regard for the lives and suffering of others. He is no hypocrite, his own is included and therefore can retain a measure of calm in the face of dangers and fatal risks.

Character Flaws:
Apathy. Is not really touched by the miseries of an oppressed galaxy, understanding death to simply be the reality of life regardless of who is in control. His lack of concern can lead to potential collateral damage during raids and a “finders-keepers” mentality when it comes to looting and stealing. Has no qualms about doing anything necessary to get the job done or complete the mission.

Insubordination. Jovashan despises anyone who is a career soldier, not understanding how they could be eager to serve like droids and kill other drones who believe the same nonsense. He considers most military personnel to be nerfs, following along their officer’s commands no different than slaves. His disregard for command and orders have led to groundings and court martials in the past, though his combat record keeps him afloat with his wings.

Other Info: See player's O/O's.
"With bae through thick and thin, she already thick so I'm halfway there."


Since the flow has slowed down and we are a couple of key officers short, I am going to ask if one of the three flight lieutenants we have want to be the Squadron XO?

Also I need folks to work out among you which ships you are going to fly, Y-Wing or Z-95's?  Keep in mind the way the two flights of the squadron break down to have one senior officer (Commander or the Captain) and one lieutenant divided between them.  So if one of the LT's pick Y-Wing, the other would be in a Z-Wing.  Any questions let me know.

Also OOC and Personnel Roster threads are up

OOC Thread
Personnel Roster Thread

Captain Whitebread

Kaulo pilots a Y-Wing because the cockpit of the Z-95 is a little tight for him.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Oh and all submissions approved save the the LTs need to decide who the squadron so is

Captain Whitebread

There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Thunder Splash

Quote from: BlackStone on June 11, 2019, 09:57:47 PM
Oh and all submissions approved save the the LTs need to decide who the squadron so is
Would the Lieutenants not be the SOs?


Captain Whitebread

The lts are SO to whoever they are in a relationship with.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Masked Insanity

I'm fine with taking care of the Z95 wing, IIRC they are the more "hacky" of the two fighters anyway, so it fits well. :)

Captain Whitebread

Y-wings are fighter/bombers and have one or two seats, whereas the Headhunters are single seaters with ‘cramped’ cockpits
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


I'm fine with either, I guess I can take a Z95 since Spank can fit in a smaller space.

Captain Whitebread

Ship names:

Unfettered Dreams

Cantina Bound

Broken Chains

People's Champion

Iron Angel
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


I'd be willing to take one of the Z-95's. But I can partner up for a Y wing, too. I'm easy.

You know we're going to try and find a way to scam some Incom X-Wings, or maybe A-Wings, right?
So tell me do you wanna go?
Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you

My Ons and Offs

A/A's Updated 1/25/17

Captain Whitebread

X-Wings developed from the Z-95, which were considered outdated when it went into production
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Yup. But there's one slicer/pilot who is going to be pulling every string and slicing every file he can to get to one.
So tell me do you wanna go?
Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where the runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true, it's taking over you

My Ons and Offs

A/A's Updated 1/25/17


I hope I'm not too late in submitting a character for this.  I've mostly been trying to get a feel for the site since I only joined recently.  I should be able to keep up a decent posting rate overall.

Player ID: Trilobite

Character Basics
Name: L'Istur De Keeg
Nickname/Callsign: Hush
Gender: Male
Archtype: Clever Jammer
Race: Duros
Rank: Flight Officer

Character Appearance
Height: 200cm
Weight: 78kg
Age: 30
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Green
Build: Slim
Distinguishing marks: Large scar above his left eye

L'Istur has seen a lot of shit over the course of his life and isn't phased by much.  In general he is somewhat of a thrill seeker who loves nothing more than space travel, and despises being planet-bound for too long.

L'Istur was born in the slums of Corruscant, and tried to hop planet by taking the first opportunity he could.  This opportunity specifically turned out to be on a freighter owned by the Crimson Dawn.  Over time he was able to work his way up from a mere assistant to being the ship's main comms officer, responsible not only for contacting other ships, but also for jamming communications to cover for other Crimson Dawn ships and operations.  For a while he was able to turn a blind eye towards many of the less savory operations of the Crimson Dawn, but the guilt built up to a near breaking point as he got more involved in operations.  However, circumstances would change before this could come to a head.  After a mission transporting a Crimson Dawn slicer to an imperial base, his ship was caught in an Imperial blockade above Malastare and raided.  During the raid Imperials Storm Troopers gunned down not only the security, but also the crew and passengers, taking no prisoners.  In the fighting L'Istur suffered a facial injury from an exploding power conduit that would eventually become a large scar.  L'Istur was able to barely survive by putting on a space suit and ejecting himself with the garbage.  While floating waiting for a passing ship that might never come, L'Istur had plenty of time to think.  Despite his inner conflict over the actions of his organization, he swore vengeance for the companions he had lost, and who had over time become the only family he knew. 

After being picked up by a passing group of Dug traders, L'Istur began to seek out rebel sympathizers, deciding that the Rebellion was his best chance at vengeance.

1. Communications Jamming
2. Underworld Connections
3. Astrogation
4. Piloting

Character Flaws:
L'Istur doesn't think things through enough, and will often ignore things that are blatantly obvious to others if they make his life difficult.

Other Info: See player On/Offs

So, the general idea I'm going for is that L'Istur's ship is the one responsible for jamming comms in general during operations as opposed to slicing or anything like that.  To do this it might need some specialized equipment, so I was thinking he could fly some a Y-wing variant sort of like the long probe Y-wing.  His ship could have the second seat and either the turret or torpedo launcher removed to make room for the jamming equipment.