Star Wars: Tales of Grey Squadron CLOSED

Started by BlackStone, June 08, 2019, 01:52:25 PM

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Juggtacular's obvious Hawkwood is an Imperial Spy!!!  XD



Captain Whitebread

We've got a couple of characters who could be potential spies, mine included.  At least two characters have changed sides from Imperial to Rebel for various reasons.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Player ID: Hawkwood

Character Basics
Name: Pash Arakine
Nickname/Callsign: Mother (as in -Hen)
Gender: Male
Archetype: Fighter Vet / Imperial Defector
Race: Human, from Anaxes
Rank: TBD

Character Appearance
Height: 1m80
Weight: 81kg
Age: 40s
Hair Color: As Picture.
Eye Color: Dark Grey
Skin Color: As above
Build: Average
Distinguishing marks: Slight scarring on the right side of his face from almost eating a blaster bolt. Now heavily reconstructed, just not very well.
Additional Info: The most immediately noticeable thing about Mother is his accent; he has the cut-glass core-worlder Imperial accent so very common amongst the upper echelons of the imperial navy.

Mother grew up in a military family with tradition of service to planet, Republic, and more recently Empire. Whilst he could ignore the more overt signs of the shift to tyranny, he wasn't blind to it. He has a strong sense of loyalty to his wingmates, and earned his nickname for always bringing his pilots home. He's still conflicted about his defection; he has a profound sense of duty and respect for those that went before him and feels he is unworthy of their legacy having 'disgraced the uniform'. As such, he'll always do his best to redeem himself. The whole 'rebel'-thing goes very much against the grain - order and discipline aren't just virtues but ways to live.

Mother attended the Anaxes academy as a legacy student; having had six generations of his family pass through those doors meant he could afford the astronomical fees. Rather than follow his mother's side of the family into the navy proper, or his father's side into ground-forces, he instead joined the starfighter corps. And unlike most of his peers, he qualified into the Skipray Blastboat rather than TIEs. It was during his second tour in the Outer Rim that he finally lost his faith in the Empire. His squadron had been tasked with locating survivors from an attack on a terrorist training centre; something that the TIEs couldn't do given their lack of hyperdrives. They'd formed a happy crew, the four of them flying together for at least 20 missions. And so, in the depths of a system most people had never heard of, his flight of two stumbled across three unarmed freighters. Whilst they claimed to be agri-haulers, the mismatched and battle-damaged ships couldn't hide from the truth.

"This is the Imperial Navy. Power down your engines, Eclipse Angel flight of three"
"Copy, Navy. We're shutting down now."
"Negative, Mother. No survivors"
"Say again, Banshee"
"You heard. Dust them"
"But sir, the scan logs; they're unarmed civilians"
"Wanted terrorists. Now, dust the freighters or I'll have Redline restrain you"

The Skipray wasn't exactly a spacious ship, and the sudden tension that filled the air was palpable. Redline, the copilot's hand was already going for her sidearm. The two gunners were likewise slowly turning in their seats, curious about how this'd end up. He was faster than Redline, and spattered her chest cavity across the other side of the cockpit with his blaster. The other two fumbled for their weapons, one even managing to get a shot off. Pash felt the skin on his face peel and burn as his helmet took the full force of the shot. It was ironic that the standard-issue imperial helmet could actually stop something. And then he killed his other two friends whilst they tried to kill him.

"Redline! Restrain Arakine and remand him for disciplinary process"

"Sorry Banshee. She's not going to be doing that" his voice was thick with pain - emotional and physical - as he locked his targeting computer on his wing-commander. The blur in his eyes were tears and molten helmet. The volley of torpedoes would've been enough to crack open a capital ship, and was more than enough to atomise the other Skipray.

"Eclipse Angel, this is Mother. You people had better be rebels because I want to defect..."

That had been [a narrative-appropriate time period] ago.

Imperial starfighter tactics: It's much easier to kill someone when you know how they were trained. Much harder when you knew who trained them.
Pilot, heavy-fighters / bombers: Go big and heavy or go home.
Sensor Operations: If can see it, I can kill it.
Sabacc: Because being a pilot in an Imperial patrol squadron means you spend a lot of time doing not much. So you in fact spend a lot of time gambling and playing cards.

Character Flaws:
Looks, sounds, and acts like an Imperial, even after so long. He carries the weight of his betrayal heavily, but could have acted in no other way. In particular, killing his friends has left him damaged.

Other Info: Anything else you think might be important. Sexuality as well as On and Offs if you wish to include them should be included here.  Again they are optional


Approved.  The first post in this thread contains the links to the OOC and current game thread.

Captain Whitebread

Love the character.  Also love the show the character pic comes from.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Still room for more people.  Get in on the fire fight with mutant ninja jawas about to kill everyone....

Wait...did I say that out loud?

Damn post op I have revealed my diabolical plan to bath in the blood of lamented players...