Star Wars: Tales of Grey Squadron CLOSED

Started by BlackStone, June 08, 2019, 01:52:25 PM

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Captain Whitebread

You need to add Pilot to his list of specializations, Trilobite.

And welcome to E!
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


For those who have not yet, please post your characters to the Personnel Roster Thread


Attrition once more strikes.  Looking for four or more characters.  Since some lethal characters posted only once (or none) new characters are more than welcome.  Game is still just getting started so easy to jump right in.



It has aliens, and likely aliens with tentacles...

No, seriously, yes the game is lgbt+ friendly and characters of all shades and such welcome.


Cool I find it always better to check sometimes people can get mean about it. Is there any specific character type needed?


Any having a pulse and some form of circulatory fluid we GM's can spill in copious amounts


Kicking myself I didn't notice a star wars game that had gotten off of the ground earlier.

Throwing my interest into the ring if you're still recruiting and it's not too late. Thinking of reviving a concept I went with for another star wars game on here with some alterations, manic/cowardly/not-too-bright type. Was gonna be a pilot in that one but for this, I could imagine him being something else.

Captain Whitebread

Well, your timing is perfect.  We are on our second round of recruiting and the PCs are all pilots of some degree or other.

There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


So it would seem.

If you remember that game Tolvo tried to set up I was thinking of modging with my chap in that until he fit in

Captain Whitebread

 And doesn’t ring a bell. Then again I likely miss 3/4 of the Star Wars threads on here.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Ah well. we'll see how it works once I've done the sheet and sent it off anyway

Captain Whitebread


Anyone else throwing their hat in the ring?
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Player ID: mayovagn

Character Basics
Name: Bar Tledg Zlaan
Nickname/Callsign: Debacle
Gender: Female, can appear and function as a male
Archtype: Field Intelligence
Race: Clawdite
Rank: Flight Officer

Character Appearance
Height: 142cm
Weight: 58kg
Age: 28
Hair Color: Various, naturally without hair
Eye Color: Various, naturally black
Skin Color: Various, naturally grey/green and reptilian
Build: Slim and spry
Distinguishing marks: Various, naturally none
Additional Info: In her native form Bar is like most clawdites, sunken eyes, grey/green reptillian skin, and thin protruding lips. She is small for her species.

Bar will play to the needs of the moment, one moment an observer, the next the very picture of charisma, she moulds herself to the needs of the mission with a lithe mental professionalism. Underneath this exterior there is a quiet woman who is defined by an introvert nature with extrovert tendencies. She is loyal, moral, comfortable with herself but unsure of exactly her position in the universe and always seeking answers to the big questions. She is always looking for answers and truth in everything she does and is not always above bending her moral code in order to achieve them. She is very fond of music, poetry which she dabbles in where she can and takes great delight in taking holograph images.

Bar was not born on her species home world, her parents had left Zolan for work on one of the moons in the Corellian system on one of the factories before the Emperor rose to power. Bar's mother was a extremely talented in the design of sensor and flight control systems and her father was a materials scientist, both skills that proved extremely valuable to the Corellian Corporation. They took the work as it offtered them far better oppotuntities than they would have had under the oppressive Zolander regime. The pair found themselves unable to return to their home planet at the conclusion of their contract to the corporation howevcer as the rise to power of the Empire brought with it a blockade of Zolan.

Bar's parents were well used to such privations and using their abilities slipped away from Corellia before the Director of the design base they were working on could turn them in to the local Imperial forces. They had enough at that point to buy themselves passage to the outer rim and travelled for a while before finding themselves work for a shadowy organisation that landed them back in the mid rim on Bothawui.

Their status as fugitives from the Empire meant that they could be paid very low wages, not more than room and board, and that they had to constantly and consistently excel at their work. Their talents were used to design and create systems to conceal and powerful long range sensor palets on otherwise innocent looking vessels and even small hand held devices that could be used to intercept all manner of communications and, in some cases, perform automated cryptographic processes on that intercepted intelligence. When Bar came along a few years into this arrangement the couple started to plan their escape, they could bring a daughter into the universe, but they were damned if they were going to allow her to be brought up in such conditions and determined that by the time their little girl was twelve years old they would be away from their new masters for good. The plan however took slightly longer to come to fruition and it wasn't until bar was sixteen that the family managed to secure passage off world at last, using perfectly legitimate, if stolen, identities, after all they were Clawdites! The escape did not go quite as planned however and it was discovered, too late, that Bar's parents had, without their knowledge, been implanted with tracking devices. The family was found within six months on Ord Matell and were offered a simple choice, return to Bothawui or be exposed however when the agents arrive Bar was not at home, having left the building they were staying in to explore with some friends she had met soon after arriving on world. She returned home to find her parents gone and had to piece together events from the recordings on the buildings security net.

Alone in the outer rim Bar turned to talents and skills she had learned from her parents and an upbringing on the world that was the home of the Bothan Spynet to survive, building on her natural talents of observation, stealth and charisma, learning quickly how to insert herself into a strange society and not just survive but thrive. She went about life with an eye on building up the resources, skills and contacts to return to Bothawui and rescue her parents and spent a good deal of her time and money training with the infiltration of one of the most secure planets in the galaxy in mind. Running in the rebels was something that happened quite by accident.

The small rebel cell were able to forge papers that Bar needed to move freely from planet to planet in the inner rim, yet, she couldn't afford their prices and agreed to work for them as a fixer. At that point it was well known that she had a reputation for being able to make deals happen, her other talents as yet unknown to the rebel cell. Bar excelled at almost every job that was thrown at her and this was noticed further up the chain and soon she found that the papers she wanted involved a trip off world to meet with some kind of Rebel brass who apparently had some kind of offer for her.

It turned out that the rebels had turned slicers to dig into her background, found much that they found alarming but realised that if she could be convinced to work with them, she would be a powerful asset. The offer was that she would train to work as part of a rebel strike team as an Intelligence officer and Pilot and, well, when the occasion called for it, infiltrator, fixer and spy. In return the rebellion would turn their hand to finding and mounting an operation to rescue her parents, if they were still alive, even if that meant having to extract them from the Bothans.

It wasn't entirely clear if this was genuine, but the oppotunity to learn piloting and other military skills was too good an oppotunity to pass up. Besides, these people were fighting the Empire who had put her family in this position in the first damn place. Bar agreed and found herself passed from training post to training post for over a year before even seeing the inside of a real cockpit. The locus of the first entire year had been Remote Intelligence Interpretation, Field Operations, Prone to Capture, Close Weapons, Tactical and Support drill, Enviromental Survival and finally Field Intelligence. This then lead to basic flight, advanced flight before finally being thrown at a Z-95 Headhunter. She found she had an affinity for it that surprised her deeply, she had never suspected that she would be good at flying any kind of space vessel leave alone a fighter. There was an exhiliration and a feeling of being firmly in control of herself, the machine and her own destiny. The ship felt 'right' it was a connection to her parents and her upbringing around ships. At the close of all this she was sent on under conditions of secrecy to her new home, a small fleet of ships out who knew where in the galaxy. All this time she had kept asking about her parents and been told over and again that the request was logged in the rebel intelligence net and if something came up she would be notified. Every time the same answer.


Field Intelligence - The art of the steal. Bar is an extremely skilled infiltrator and forward observer/scout. Her natural shapeshifting ability allows her to make it into and out of situations where other personel would not be able. As a rebel spy she is trained in close combat and escape and evasion techniques with an emphasis on putting her target down as quickly and efficiently and above all quietly as possible and making her escape.

Pilot - The art of flight. Bar is a great, though not quite exceptional, combat pilot. She is still a little green around the gills and doesn't have enough actual combat experience as yet, but has a natural talent that can be honed in time into a powerful and formidable skill.

Fixer/Dealer - The art of the deal. Bar is charismatic, canny, clever, a good listener and is adept at using a situation to her advantage to sercure a deal against all odds.

Character Flaws:
Bar's loyalties are torn between the rebellion and her parents, she is not convinced the rebels are doing right by her and actually seeking actively to find her parents and that, if they did, that they would inform her much less actually seek to rescue them. She suspects she is being used, but see's an oppotunity to learn skills that could be vital to her plan. She sympathises deeply with the rebel cause however and does form attachments and friendships with her fellow officers. She is a little overconfident. Her natural abilities as a Clawdite to change her appearance are nullified if she is not able to concentrate on maintaining the change by drugs or if she is rendered unconsious. Bar's changeling abilities are limited by mass and since she is so slight, this can limit her to only making herself in facimilies of smaller examples of other species such as women and children and even to not being able to copy many larger species at all.

Other Info: Ons and Offs same as player

Bar hasn't really decided if she a sexual being leave alone one who is interested in one gender or the other. She can find herself attracted to people of other species but finds that deeply odd and is mistrustful of it. She is alone in the universe as most of her species are trapped on the homeworld and even those are not large in number.
All hail Eris! Kallisti! All Hail Discordia!

Member in good standing but poor sitting and terrible leaning of the Most Secret Order of the Stone Bonker of the Kakapo


Mayovagn, I like the character.   Links are at the start of the thread for OOC, Character Bios, and current game thread.  Feel free to post in the OOC and Character Bio thread and we will go from there to get you into the game.

Captain Whitebread

There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Giving this game a bump as the Prologue is nearly finished and about to move onto the first main mission, perfect time for new players.  Also getting writer's block?  Don't want to come up with a character?  Since I do like to try to keep continuity we do have a number of abandoned characters with only one post, certainly less than three, which you could take up.  Here is the  Personnel Roster thread.  See a character you like?  PM me and I will let you know if they are available.


Still accepting players as we are at a point to easily insert new players.  Accepting new characters, or if anyone wants to take up an abandoned character as there were several I was looking forward to seeing played.

Grey Squadron Personnel Roster

The following characters are available.

Captain Cas Sauvon  Squadron Commander
Flight Officer Jan Dar Jokimba
Flight Lieutenant Tania Sandford
Flight Officer Alyla Russ
Flight Lieutenant S'kani Voorma

Looking forward to have you in this game.


All hail Eris! Kallisti! All Hail Discordia!

Member in good standing but poor sitting and terrible leaning of the Most Secret Order of the Stone Bonker of the Kakapo


I've been eyeing this game for some time, if you're still open to new players/characters, I'm interested. I could use some Star Wars RP :)

I don't have a character yet, but I can come up with something within a day or two.


Come on down!  You are the next victim  in my...

Wait that's not how it goes..,


mmmm so how do y'all feel about a sniper??   You know, JIC...or even a med bay doc? Because inquiring minds and all that..

Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Does she have tits and arse to break a credit crip when they bounce off of them?


All hail Eris! Kallisti! All Hail Discordia!

Member in good standing but poor sitting and terrible leaning of the Most Secret Order of the Stone Bonker of the Kakapo


Quote from: BlackStone on October 15, 2019, 08:40:59 PM
Does she have tits and arse to break a credit crip when they bounce off of them?

Well she's blue...however her ass is debatable!!

Quote from: mayovagn on October 15, 2019, 08:47:56 PM


Thst man used YOU to lure me if he was not enough.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.