Age of Sigmar/Warhammer Fantasy discussion

Started by wander, May 09, 2018, 11:57:28 AM

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Escalation is moving to 1.5k so I've been hard at work bringing a list in for 2nd edition Pestilens.

Right now I'm going forward with this;

QuotePoints: 1,500pts.
Allegiance: Pestilens.
Home Realm: Hysh.
+1 Command Point.

o Verminlord Corruptor = 220pts
> General.
> Command Trait: Master of Rot and Ruin.
> Artifact: Aetherquartz Brooch

o Plague Furnace = 180pts
> Bonus Artifact: Liber Bubonicus.

o Plague Priest = 80pts


30x Plague Monks (plague scroll, contagion banner, bile-chimes) w/ foetid blades + woe-staves. = 210pts

30x Plague Monks (same as above) = 210pts

30x Plague Monks (same as above) = 210pts

Ratling Gun Weapon Team = 80pts (Ally)

Ratling Gun Weapon Team = 80pts (Ally)

Battalion: Contagion of Filth = 170pts

Chronomantic Cogs Endless Spell = 60pts

+500pts was a lot to play with, though I can see the army taking more of a shape now and at the full 2k at League's end, it'll look very similar to this build.

The Verminlord now has the Aetherquartz Brooch from Hysh (as seen in Malign Sorcery) as their artifact now. This was partly as I kept forgetting to use the Bilious Bell and I like the Brooch's ability to roll a d6 for each Command Point used and on a 5+ it is returned. Allows more uses of 'Gouge-Tear their Eyes!' and also 'Inspiring Presence' for super-killy monks that won't flee when hit back! (I also get a nice bonus Command Point at the start of the game because of my battallion).

I decided to add a Plague Priest in as a cheap way to possibly get more Echoes of the Great Plagues out. Now that the 'Master of Rot and Ruin' command trait allows the Verminlord the ability to summon them like the Plague Furnace (who can do two prayers with the Liber Bubonicus now), there should be ample chances for some Great Plagues to hit.

We have more Plague Monks and this time I have some Ratling Guns allied in. I'd rather have two Ratling Guns than a Plagueclaw as whilst the threat range dips by 6", rather than gambling the Plagueclaw's better damage on a single attack (which could fail on turns I need it), I now get to roll many dice for ranged attacks. It's totally worth gambling on a d6 to get double attacks, to total 8d6 rolls to hit total for the two Weapon Teams.

The final add, of which I was debating to do it here or save it for 2k though which I think is pretty amazing, is the Chronomantic Cogs Endless Spell which my Verminlord Corruptor will be able to cast and have kept near him (the Cogs are a non-moving spell) for him to manipulate. The main ability for it is 'Speed Up Time' which gives all units +2 to their Move and +2 to charge rolls. This is for the obvious benefit of getting the Plague Monks into melee sooner and just giving more board control. Casting roll of 7, so may not go off immediately, though could be good to have if only to use 'Slow Down Time' and get a reroll for the Verminlord's 4+ save.

My only concerns are again wondering if I have enough Plague Monks to be a credible threat, however 90 Monks seems fine for this level. 'Look out Sir!' should be able to protect the Plague Priest.

It'll take time to snap everything up for the army though, so probably not many batt-reps incoming from me for a good while for this particular build yet.


Question... I still mostly play old school Warhammer Fantasy... is that still cool as well bros... XD


I really like old school Warhammer Fantasy n.n


That was when the Skaven had way more hero and Lord choices... but still Thanqoul and Boneripper where the best XD


Wood Elves had named characters back then too, I miss the sisters of twilight  :'(


Me to... given they could revive each other over and over again... like a boss. Plus don't forgot Fantasy's version of THE EMPEROR!!!!


Quote from: Andol on August 15, 2018, 05:15:35 PM
Question... I still mostly play old school Warhammer Fantasy... is that still cool as well bros... XD

It's very cool. Especially compared with what came after...  ;D

But yeah Age of Sh... Sigmar is the law of the land now. Soon all of the old Warhammer Fantasy awesomeness will be flushed down the vortex.

The worst part is I never played any tabletop warming. I literally was a Total War computer game fan who reluctantly purchased Total War Warhammer two years ago and I just fell in love with the game... And then fell in love with the lore. Own loads of the core books and the like. Not to play, just for reading. :)
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Regarding Warhammer Fantasy / AoS: has anyone here played Shadespire / Nightvault? Could you guys tell me more about this game?

On another note: recently, I ordered quite a lot of Warhammer models, as I got into Dragon Rampant and needed a fantasy army :) I admit that some of the new models are cool: I got myself Morathi, a Verminlord, a Darkoath Warqueen, one big Start Collecting: Sylvaneth box, even some Stormcast Eternals. Fluff for these models will be mine, though - basically, I'm building an army for a Dark Queen :)

BTW. I'm looking at this girl at the AoS rulebook cover and she looks so sad:

I bet she has a heart-wrenching story to tell! I guess these big golden paladins aren't as bright and holy as it may seem... Scary stuff must be going on with them out of sight! ;)


Make sure to have a generals handbook if you want to play... or at least I did. So I could some attempt at using my old favorite models in the new system... I guess...


Necromancing my own thread to give a quick rundown on how things have changed for me since last being here!

I've been playing Pestilens for a while now and I've enjoyed the changes for the most part that the Skaventide battletome did to Skaven in tightening up their rules and giving them new options with their Gnawhole terrain pieces and their new Endless Spells.

My own 2000pt army is as follows;

Allegiance: Skaventide
Realm: Shyish
Total Points: 2000pts
Extra Command Points: +1


Plague Furnace (200)
- General
- Master of Rot and Ruin
- Liber Bubonicus

Plague Furnace (200)

Verminlord Corruptor (280)
- Shyish Artefact: Ethereal Amulet.


40x Plague Monks (blade + staves) (280)
> both musicians
> both banners

40x Plague Monks (blade + staves) (280)
> both musicians
> both banners

40x Plague Monks (blade + staves) (280)
> both musicians
> both banners

20x Plague Monks (blade + staves) (160)
> doom gong
> icon of pestilence

1x Plagueclaw Catapult (160)

1x Congregation of Filth (160)

I was debating on dropping the Congregation to instead get an extra 10 Plague Monks on the final blob (80pts), then getting the Chronomantic Cogs Endless Spell (80pts) for my Verminlord to cast to get the Plague Monks up the field quicker, with their Doom Gongs already giving them +1 inch to advances and charges.

The smaller squad of Monks would therefore get a +1 to wound, due to the Strength in Numbers army ability, though I'd lose the perks of the battallion giving the Monks a 6+ FNP, along with the bonus Command Point (which aren't all that important since the changes brought on by the Skaventide battletome) and the bonus artefact I can give or take.

I went with Shyish for their Home Realm and the Ethereal Amulet as I didn't need to worry on Command Points since Skaventide changes the Verminlord's ability of 'Gouge-Tear the Eyes' to a prayer for the Plague Furnace called 'Rabid-Rabid!', thus me grabbing two of the things, as getting +1 attack to both weapons makes the Monks delete anything they can attack. Instead I like the thought of a chosen Hero having an amulet that gives them an Invulnerable Save, though it's not that huge a buff to take.

The Plagueclaw is there as the Skaventide battletome stops Pestilens being mandatory battleline if they take on non-Pestilens units, so I had to drop my Ratling Gun allies. I didn't want the army to be pure melee so I bit the bullet and got one. I want to play a few games and see how it performs before considering the worth of a possible second one. I'd never deploy more than two Plagueclaws though, they're too expensive points-wise and aren't all that great in all honesty.


Coming up for pre-order is not only Cities of Sigmar battletome (souping the old Empire, Elves and Dwarves together) and Orruk Warclans battletome (souping Ironjawz -aka Black Orcs- and Bonesplitterz -aka Savage Orcs-), though also the Age of Sigmar Gaming Book, consolidating the most important gaming rules for matched play (and I expect some errata and FAQ clarifications will be thrown in there to make it the most up to date resource alongside it's 31 different battleplans).

I forgot to ask in my last post also if anyone has jumped on or plan to jump into playing Age of Sigmar?

2nd edition has really brought things together after a shaky start and the 2019 Battletomes have all been really strong.


Nagash would like a word with this thread...

So, I recently got into Age of Sigmar, and just played my first game. I lost pretty terribly, but it was a blast*.

Wot I played...

Stormcast Eternals (Hammers of Sigmar):

Lord Arcanum on Gryph-Charger
2 x Knights-Incantor

5 x Sequitors
5 x Sequitors
5 x Evocators

... that's it, for a tidy 980 points.

Crowning moment of awesome was my two Knights-Incator both suiciding with their flasks to instantly wipe out 2 enemy heroes and 5 Khorne Blood Warriors (I rolled an incredible 3 6s). Just like that.

I'm working on getting my army up to 2000pts right now - primarily by beefing up my Sequitors to units of 10 and adding in another unit of Evocators, for a Cleansing Phalanx of utter destruction. I'll need another battleline for that - not sure what that will be yet.
I also might change the setup entirely - I'm building towards a Grand Convocation, but it's a bit ... ehh, so I might retool my army to include some shooting.


Huge fan of Warhammer, but I only ever played back in the days of Hero Hammer, 4th ed mainly, before I got completely carried away from the war game by Warhammer Fantasy Role-play. I still say The Enemy Within is the best pre-written campaign in Role-playing history, and Shadows Over Bögenhafen is the best pre-written adventure. As things stand Warhammer Total War scratches any and all itches I have for epic battles in this setting and I should be uploading a couple of campaigns to my youtube soon. I just hope they fix sieges and do something about the absurd resilience of routing units before the third game comes out because as issues go they're genuinely horrible blights on what is otherwise a near-perfect game.


Warhammer Fantasy is coming back in 3-5 years. ;) It's being rebranded as Warhammer: The Old World.

... for my above list, I've somewhat arrived at the following:

1 x Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (possibly Astreia Solbright - she's cool!)
1 xKnight-Incantor

10 x Sequitors
10 x Sequitors
5 x Evocators
5 x Evocators
5 x Judicators
5 x Judicators

1 x Celestar Ballista

1 x Cleansing Phalanx

Endless Spells

The overall goal here is to get the absolute blender that is the Cleansing Phalanx stuck into combat with the baddest enemies. With that battalion, empowered Sequitors reroll all their (already impressive) hits, wounds and saves. In scientific terms, that's a lot of hurt, and the staying power to keep dishing it out against all but the toughest enemies. And that's without counting the Evocators, that are even more terrifying on their own, dishing out wounds and mortal wounds like it's going out of style.
The shooting (Judicators and Ballista) are there to provide support and harass enemies. My game yesterday really showed the need for something like that - my opponent was able to keep objectives locked down with squishy units while my melee elements were tied up across the map. That just won't do.
This list also has a ton of magic. While none of the wizards are especially strong on their own, there's 4 of them in this list. That's a lot of potential for mischief no matter what. Stormcasts have a couple of decent offensive spells, and some really nice support spells to make the melee even more terrifying.

This leaves me 130pts to play with, which is probably going towards a hero, but I'm undecided as to which one.
Lord-Castellant seems like a decent choice to beef up the already tough Sequitors' saves.
Knight-Venator seems like it could make for a decent hero/monster assassin.
Neave Blacktalon doesn't really fit, but her model is absolutely boss, which is about 2/3 of the game to me.

Otherwise, picking up two Endless Spells seems worthwhile (and would put me at 2000pts exactly, which is satisfying).
1 x Dais Arcanum (which would beef up the Knight-Incantor)
1 x Everblaze Comet (which ... it's a comet. That blasts things. What's not to love?)

Overall, I think this is pretty balanced. It's not a competitive list, though. Experienced players might've noticed the lack of 4 Celestar Ballistas + Lord-Ordinator. This is because I'm not a monster, and I like having fun more than I need to win. ;)


Come, rise from your grave, thread! Nagash demands it!

So, I figured I'd see with Geedubs getting all new folks into the hobby to pass time in quarantine and that the AoS:Soulbound rpg has been out for a while to get things going again for the fantasy side of things, for those who want to chat the GW stuff not set around 40k.  ;D

Age of Sigmar 3rd edition got announced officially earlier this month, though the Broken Realms books that have been dropping these past months hinted strongly to the new edition with how similar they were to the 40k Psychic Awakening books.

You can read a general overview on AoS 3e here;

We got Soulblight Gravelords (read: AoS Vampire Counts) in the interim and as for the current metaplot in-game, rather than write it down here, I'll drop this recent article which talks more on the set-up going forward...

Pretty nice to see a new big guy (for you) with Kragnos, God of Earthquakes. He's a centaur-like monster the size of a Gargant model and works an independant model for Destruction Armies.

As for me, I still got my Pestilens army and it still uses the same list with a minor tweak of the Verminlord is going to have a new artefact now that the one he has isn't for Matched Play any longer.

Skaven are really an afterthought it seems now sadly, no changes since I last posted for my Pestilens lads, rules-wise.

So, anyone getting into the fantasy side of GW - if not in AoS, then in Warcry, or Underworlds? Any lucky few manage to get the new Warhammer Quest before GW quickly squatted (if you know, you know)?

Let's chat, lore... Army lists, model painting, fave factions/characters, let's get a-going!  ;D


New stuff for Heroes coming in 3rd edition with 1 Hero of each player getting to do a 'Heroic Action' along with tweaking of how use of Command Points works (also going second now gives +1 command point, which is a nice concession, as the occasional alpha strike is a thing with certain armies atm). Now using them actually feels like the commanders in an army are issuing actual orders rather than simple +1s or rerolls etc.

My only concern is the added aura ranges for commaders giving orders via Command Point use may lead to turtling up, which some armies don't deal well with. Though I'm sure it'll shake up the meta in interesting ways...

Also Monsters get a cheeky melee buff with choosing a 'Monstrous Rampage' action after charging... Oh, looky... My Verminlord Corruptor has the 'monster' keyword!!  XD
Of these, I see 'Stomp' (roll a d6, on a 2+ do 1d3 MWs to a target unit within 3") and 'Smash to Rubble' (roll a d6 and on a 3+ destroy a faction terrain feature that's within 3"!!  :o ) as particularly useful.

Now I can picture my Verminlord booting a hole right through an army's fortifications and then rip-tearing until it is done with his Plaguereaper blades!  O8)


I think any of the Verminlords would have a lot of fun with that rule... I can't remember does Lord Skreech have that kind of monster keyword?


Lol, Lord Skreech does have the Monster keyword!  ;D

I'd be surprised if the Verminlords all had it and the big daddy version didn't in all honesty. XD

You can see his warscroll for free for GW in their warscroll builder. Linking him here as it's kosher to do so, given it's from the devs direct.  :-)

Verminlords and Skreech are all Heroes too, so they get the command point auras in 3e too.


I could see Skreech and the assassin based Verminlord making stupid good use of that rule given how well they can just pass out the wounds in close combat.


Yeah, my Verminlord Corruptor is a pretty capable beatstick.

I'm kinda glad he qualifies for the monstrous rampage, originally he was in my army as a tough unbind anti-wizard, though you can use a Heroic Action to do an unbind now.

Still, saving on command points to go full Gargant against the enemy along with unbinding whatever spell they want to send my way is a nice thing.

What are you playing, if any faction atm, Andol?


Skaven myself... though my leaders are usually Thanqhoul and Boneripper, or Lord Skreech... or both if if I have the points. I haven't really had a chance to play in a while, plus now I am starting up a 40k army anyway since that is what people play at my local game stores.


Wew lad, Thanquol is 390pts and Lord Skreech is 320pts...
710pts just on two Heroes!  :o

I say that and I got 680pts on three Heroes myself in my Pestilens list...  :D

I actually haven't played in a while myself, plague times and all. Still, with Soulbound out and 3e around the corner, I'm surprised it's only us two chatting on things here. I actually far prefer AoS to 40k.


Well if you think about it they are a worthy combo piece together. Since Thanghoul can use the spells of other Wizards on the field I believe?... Correct me if I am wrong, and so by running him with Skreech I could just have the pair of them spam the Dreaded Thirteenth Spell. Now that is unless I forgot the rule and you can only do each named spell once per turn. I only played Age of Sigmar when it first came out.

The reason I stopped was a combo of lack of people to play against and that I prefered the complex min/max nature of 8th edition. That is the other reason I switched to 40k... since it still has that style of play XD.


Phew, I'd need to look it up on their warscrolls... Assuming you were using the ones from the Skaventide battletome from 2nd edition.

40K is just gunline and alpha strike... I prefer AoS as in general it's much more melee based and has far less janky crunch.

It falls kinda moot though. Noone else wants to talk more on it here.


Heck I am always willing to talk about it.  >:) I may not play the game, but that is only because of lack of people to play with. Like did you see the new model and rules for Lord Kroak. I was like... dude... can you make him any harder to kill. Yeah the whole thing about potentially losing him in one shot sucks, but... if you put him in a position that he takes that much damage... you are not playing him right. Aka the skink priest cannon fodder tactic that was so deadly in 8th edition as well.

The design of that model though, man is it ever worthy of the oldest thing in Warhammer Fantasy if I am correct on the lore. Since by being the oldest 'living' Slann... he came from a time before any of the other beings... well... not counting Chaos Demons... XD