Witches and their Fiends (NC, Dark Rom, Soulmates, Eldritch, EX) temp CLOSED

Started by Sephiriel, June 30, 2017, 06:33:41 PM

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1. Eldritch Victorian setting.

2. Story loosely based on The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R.Ward and The Witching Hour series by Anne Rice.

3. Artwork or artsy pictures for character appearance.

4. Looking for a 60 % smut - 40 % plot ratio.

5. A Coven is made up of Witch Sisters (not always blood relations involved) and their Mates. Usually they are summoned mates or tracked by magic, rarely chanced upon.

6. Rules of the Coven and established punishments (usually ritualistic) for breaking them:
•   Monogamy required if Soulmate is found. - Punishment: Ritualistic rape for females. Ritualistic torture for males.
•   Tainting a Sacred Union ('Homewrecking'). - Punishment: Ritualistic rape or caring for their children (if any) or serving the offended Couple.
•   Never betray your Witch Sister. – Punishment: Exile.
•   Do not betray the secret of your nature, origin, magic or abilities. – Punishment: Being stripped of your sanity.
•   Raising the dead is forbidden. – Punishment: They become your ‘children’ and you are responsible for their new life as for their actions.
•   The Word of the Matron is Rule. – Punishment: Being stripped of one of your main senses or of a magical ability of her choosing.
•   The Coven’s interest is above own interest. – Punishment: Temporary enslaving; at the bidding of the other members.

GM’s Note: Rule breaking is encouraged for dramatic and plot purposes.

Fae Protocols

Courtesy of TheHangedMan

Never tell a lie; to lie is a grave offense, and is the sign of an unskilled mind. The bending of the truth, the twisting of words, is the skilled way.
Be generous and, above all, fair in your dealings, for no one enjoys the company of a curmudgeon or penny-pincher; equitability is the skilled way.
A being is only as good as their word; when a word is given, it must be carried through. To give a word and then renege on it is a grave sin. To be honorable is the skilled way.
A gift is something to be appreciated, and one good gift deserves another. However, propriety demands that we never acknowledge the giving or the receiving of the gift directly. Tact and subtlety are the skilled way.
One should always seek to act hospitably towards those of a good and friendly disposition, for in turn, we may one day need to rely on the return of such good faith and deeds. Warranted Charity is the skilled way.
Privacy is one of the greatest rights that an entity may have; to intrude is to be unskillful. Respect for privacy is the skilled way.
A secret may be shared, for in the sharing is a kind of magic; but the sharing weakens the magic, cheapens it. To keep a secret is to act in a skillful manner.
Stories are a great past-time and source of inspiration, but there is no love to be found for the braggart who can not back up their stories. Seek never to brag or boast too loudly, for to do so is unskilled.
Even when offense has been brought down upon you, there is no need to act the part of a churl; maintain composure, do not give in to petty rudeness.
Manners are the cornerstone of society; seek always to have and utilize good manners, for they are the skilled way.
Thanks is to be expressed through deeds, never words. To cheapen a thanks with mere words is to insult and trivialize the task that was accomplished. Once more, the skilled Fae must call upon subtlety to properly thank those whom have bestowed a kindness upon them; and those wishing to stay in the good graces of a Fae must similarly be cunning folk.
It is right and justful to punish those whom have offended. Therefore, seek never to offend; seek always to be skillful.

7. Threats and events issued by GM (yours truly) and firepyre
ENEMY – A league of Monster Hunters with their own creatures, some members can have personal issues with the members of the Coven (eg. a Hunter in love with a Witch already bonded; Personal revenge on account of blood; Clan feud etc.)
8. Witch races: solely human, but preternatural traits are allowed (eg. fangs, elemental aspects, nekomimi, shapeshifting etc)
9. Fiends (Mates): humans, demons, monsters, werewolves etc.
10. Player NPCs are welcomed and encouraged.
11. The three groups should be fairly strong with members close-knitted. Witches care for one another more than family members do. Fiends become Blood Brothers once allowed in the Coven. The Hunter's group is more military-organized, but very tight nonetheless.  No one's safe from animosity of course, even within the same group.
12. Power System - courtesy of firepyre:

      Witches are very effective against hunters, who have little protection against magic.
      Hunters excel at dealing with fiends, their determination, abilities, and specialized weapons giving them an edge.
      Fiends are able to go toe to toe with the Omega, and he is wary of them. Multiple fiends will force him to retreat.
      The Omega eats witches for breakfast. Washed down with a glass of milk.

The following are not the names of the characters (but can be), just the role names as in what roles they fulfill in the Coven.


Matron Witch – played by Jane Storm (GM)
Clan Elder – played by LordLuck (co-GM)


Fayth  - Element of Fire   - Reserved for Kokaine
Harmony – Element of Water - Reserved for Undine
Chastity – Element of Air claimed by Jane Storm
Hope – Element of Darkness - Reserved for Wicked Emi
Payne – Element of Blood - Reserved for neoextra1
Joy – Element of Light - Reserved for Sirian Eve
Intensity -  Element of Chaos - Reserved for Nymphadora


Wrath - Reserved for MisoThe Mouse
-   Curse: Blindness during the day
-   Cure: Soulmate’s kiss on the eyes allows visual impairment for a few hours, he sees in shadows 

Rhage - Reserved for Ana1360
-   Curse: Beast transformation, does not discern friend from foe when it goes berserk
-   Cure: Soulmate’s voice lulls the inner beast and can control the time of change

Vishous  - Reserved for TheLegionary
-   Curse: Reading minds, glimpses of most potent current thoughts, “they never shut up” 
-   Cure: Soulmate’s thoughts cannot be read and at will she can cloud his curse

Phury - Reserved for TheRomanticPerv
-   Curse: Unquenchable lust, to the point of physical pain if not satisfied
-   Cure: Soulmate is a nympho 

Tohrment - Reserved for TheHangedMan
-   Curse: Ability to predict the future, but no one believes him
-   Cure: Soulmate can intervene to change minor acts of the future

Zsadist - Reserved for Imogen
-   Curse: Inability to establish affectionate relationships with anyone
-   Cure: Soulmate can/ is willing to endure most of his ‘needs’ (must be open to extremes)

Therror - reserved for Julles
-   Curse: Tormented by the pain and sufferings of others, extremely emphatic
-   Cure: Soulmate’s touch acts as an “ignorance” shield for a couple of hours

(Both Male and Female) 

The Omega – Leader from the shadows - Reserved for firepyre

The Alpha – Next in Line, Leader upfront - Reserved for Dreaming of Reality 
The Seer - ability to track Witches and their Mates and other Supernatural Creatures - Reserved for skyre

The Betrayer - double agent or betrays the Hunters League due to personal reasons (ON HOLD)

Watchers – Cloaking abilities, Illusionists, Mental powers, Precognition etc 
Machinists – Alchemists, Steampunk, Energy and electricity manipulation etc
Warriors - Magically Enhanced Physiology, Weaponsmiths, Weapon wielders
Tamers – Are in control of the Hunter Creatures and Monsters, Can gain some of their traits and physical powers or abilities

- courtesy of firepyre-

-The omega/hunters will draw on elements of gothic horror. The omega himself is as much nightmare as reality.

-The omega isn't human, and feeds on magic, making the witches his primary foodsource. As such, magic cannot hurt him, which is why the witches need the fiends to protect them. The omega seeks to capture the witches, so he may slowly drain and feed off their magic. He won't be happy if the hunters manage to kill a witch.

-Hunters are humans (chosen for their grudges against the witches/fiends) that have accepted the Omega's gift/curse. The curse grants them power and slows aging, but over time it corrupts them, turning them from righteous hunters into twisted killers.

-The alpha will usually be in charge of recruiting humans for the Omega to turn, as well as leading them during the day to day. She isn't necessarily the oldest, but she was chosen by the Omega himself, and as such enjoys a special connection with him.

- Hunters can be themed somewhere between Van Hellsing and Jack the Ripper, depending on age and personality.


    Power Absorption  - Reserved for The Omega
    Magical Energy Absorption – Reserved for The Omega and The Alpha
    Flight  - Reserved for Shapeshifters (shifting into something that is naturally able to fly)
    Invocation – Can be used by all Witches
    Summoning/Banishment – in relation to Mates (specific Witches)

    Force-Field Generation
    Elemental Manipulation
    Magically Enhanced Physiology
    Potion Creation - for various purposes (i.e. explosive, healing)
    Reality Warping – works temporary as illusions
    Supernatural Properties Manipulation
    Sympathetic Magic
    Animal-Based Abilities
    Elemental Manipulation
    Plant Manipulation
    Weather Manipulation
    Emotion Manipulation
    Necromancy (including spirit control and ghostly summoning)


[float=right][img height=350]IMGURLHERE(ARTWORK)[/img][/float]
[b]Name:[/b] – you can keep the role’s name if you like it
[b]Gender: [/b]
[i]- Virtues:[/i]
[i]- Vices: [/i]
[b]Role traits:[/b] curse, cure, element, reserved power etc.
[b]Powers: [/b] max three, besides role traits
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] max three, besides role traits
[b]History:[/b] optional;
[b]Current status:[/b] If Witch, part of the Coven (or exiled) / If Other – where and what your character is mostly up to
[b]Additional:[/b] Music themes encouraged


Role - means the actual role name (Intensity, The Omega, Vishous etc are all roles)
Role traits - for Mates, please mention Curse and Cure - other magical abilities are their own, independent of the role
               -  for Witches, please mention TBA - they will be the Cures once pairings are established + Elemental
               -  for Hunters, please mention TBA, still a WIP on that part - Omega gets Power and Magical Energy Absorption + Creation, Alpha gets Magical Energy Absorption

... think of them as mandatory powers and skills for each role......


Setting threads (OOC, Public, Private)
Curse list
Special roles/tasks
Character Communication

Family ties
Hunter organization

WORK IN PROGRESS - Simply checking out interest atm


There can only be one king.

Sirian Eve

You have my interest. I never read the books, but they sound curious.



There can only be one king.



Quote from: TheRomanticPerv on June 30, 2017, 07:59:54 PM
Phury all the way.

A man after my own heart! ;)

My Lady Jane has her hands busy, but we are soon to flesh out this tale... with sexy results. ;)


Rereading BDB at the moment, actually.
Sadly, have not read the Witching Hour series...

Quite interested in this!
A&As UPDATED Jan 3, 2025

Status: Crafting offline
Unavailable for new plottings, sorry.
O&Os Please review
♪As flawed as you may think you are, you're perfect to me!♪


Great minds, Luck. Great minds...

I cannot say I've read the series either, ladies, but with these two, we're in good hands.
There can only be one king.


A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


Quote from: TheHangedMan on June 30, 2017, 08:58:27 PM
I'd be down for playing Tohrment.

I'd just think it'll be comical how nobody will believe your character. Go for it. And long time, no see as well, buddy.
There can only be one king.


Interested in Fayth/Fire.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 0/0

My O/Os

Neo In Matrix

Have not read the books but still, the idea looks really interesting. so i am interested in playing. May be as a male/female victim/soulmate of a witch.

| O/O Thread | O/O - F-List (Male) | O/O - F-List (Female) |

| Ideas (All Genders) | Face-Claim List and Galleries |

| a/a | RPs |
Apologies. Slow posting due to workload. But trying to match uo will quickly do. Thanks for your patience. .!!! :)


Aww, I liked Fayth, too. That's alright, I was interested in Harmony or Chastity, or Therror. I like them all! Lol. :D


Hmm. Finding time for another game might be stretching it a bit, but put me down as a maybe. Omega or one of the other hunters might be fun.

Ana 1360

Waves at Jane and Lord Luck. I would love the opportunity to write for "Rhage" or "Therror".

Only with your approval of course. The rule breaking sounds like so much fun. If not a fiend perhaps a warrior hunter. I would so love to write in a Victorian setting.

Sirian Eve


Neo In Matrix

Oh. Changed my mind. Wish tonplay a Payne Witch. Element of Blood. Her hunger is satisfied best by blood and sex after that. She is a nymphomaniac blood-lusty witch and so if andbwhen her soulmate is found, she is surely going to break rules due to her lust.her captivating eyes and powers doeant allow her victims to remember anything which helps keep tge secrets of the coven safe.

| O/O Thread | O/O - F-List (Male) | O/O - F-List (Female) |

| Ideas (All Genders) | Face-Claim List and Galleries |

| a/a | RPs |
Apologies. Slow posting due to workload. But trying to match uo will quickly do. Thanks for your patience. .!!! :)


Quote from: TheRomanticPerv on June 30, 2017, 09:34:33 PM
I'd just think it'll be comical how nobody will believe your character. Go for it. And long time, no see as well, buddy.
Haha. I like to joke that it'll be about business as usual for me.  ::) I will likely play him as a Sidhe; Faerie Folk. So lots of purple prose and cunning, deceptive word usage (which is probably why nobody believes him).
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!


There can only be one king.


Possibly interested.

I like the idea of Hope, a wild witch at one with nature. A bit of a hippy at times, but all about the natural order of things. Probably cares for a lot of animals so forth too. I picture her having a wolf. What is it with my characters and pets. LOL I can see her loving to go sky clad under the moon light and skinny dip....yup she is brewing in my head as we speak.

I have an idea for her counter part but I don't want to walk on anyone's toes. Plotting will have to happen!

MisoThe Mouse

Interested! Wrath would be my first choice, or maybe a hunter warrior.


Welcome all, friends and new players, didn't expect so much interest in less than 24 hours, this is wonderful.

@*hugs Ana* what an amazing surprise, of course you can get either "Rhage" or "Therror", pick your favorite!

For those of you who have picked already, I reserved the roles and will clear them only if you back down or change your minds.

For those who are undecided, I left the roles open until you make up your minds :) - best not take long, I think

Honestly didn't expect same roles to be popular so they're only two options: battle to the death in the arena or whoever makes a more compelling character sheet first gets the role. (*whispers to Luck* not as fun as the arena, trust me)

@*holds onto her panties as if for dear life* Pervy, it's quite the honor to have you back! Just what the game needed, some TRP spice and sprinkles, trust me ladies, you'll come back for more...

@*finally scoops up Hanged and settles matronly on the Director's chair* Added powers and Hunter roles as well as character template. I have quite the skilled worldbuilder here in my lap *pets* and hoping for another special guest, so if you have any ideas regarding the setting and powers that are not listed, feel free to add. The Roles come with certain abilities themselves and some powers are reserved for certain roles, but each character is allowed additional ones (up to three). Please keep power-weakness ratio balanced.

I prefer that you post up character WIPs here rather than send them via PM.

Relations highly encouraged! Pairing you lovely players up is one of my extra special and most cherished prerogatives as GM (no surprise to those who've been part of my games before) but I hope the soulmate pairings will come naturally once character threads are up. If any of you have any trouble with mixing up or relations my inbox is open 24/7 and both me and LordLuck are more than happy to oblige. In this game it is MANDATORY that everyone gets paired up, I don't want any singles here. Of course, doesn't have to be from the get-go, not going to gloss over the intricate courtship stages and whatnot, they're the best part!

Conflicting and darker relations are also highly encouraged. Family ties (incest or not) also. The three groups should be fairly strong with members close-knitted. Witches care for one another more than family members do. Fiends become Blood Brothers once allowed in the Coven. The Hunter's group is more military-organized, but very tight nonetheless.  No one's safe from animosity of course, even within the same group.

I apologize if this feels a bit rushed, must be the excitement seeping out  ;D Details will come in time, open to any and all ideas you have and what you'd like to see most in this story. 

And last but not least, if you're reading the series *low fangirl-screaming in the background* yay, still at the second book so no spoiler please :D If you haven't read the mentioned series, DO EET!!


[td]Woo's and Won'ts / Absences
Stor-E Writers Registry[/td]


Name: Weeping Marigold
Gender: Male
Role: Tohrment
Race: Sidhe (Autumn)
Age: About 300, kind of lost count after awhile
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Likes the skyclad look, and will use it when he can get away with it; however, when he can't, he prefers light, loose clothing in bright, Autumnal colors. His clothing often features eye-like patterns to it.
Personality: Mercurial is to be expected when dealing with the Fae; he is a capricious being, a creature of strong passions and strange laws.
- Virtues: Charity. While being a member of the House does require servitude and work, he often handles more than his fair share of it. Does he use his magic to aid him? Of course, but that's neither here nor there. Clean is clean, and everybody appreciates having an impeccably clean table to eat at, with spotless plates and silverware.
- Vices: Wrath. Nobody ever listens to him! Beyond that, they do things like have iron implements around! Or they break their words so casually, or do any of a million other little things that just... ARGH! OH MY GOD! HUMANS! SO! ANGRY!
Role traits: Can see the future, but, nobody ever believes him; thankfully, his soulmate can intercede to alter events (and so possibly does understand his mad ravings).
Powers: Plant Manipulation: He is gifted with both the Green Thumb, which nurtures plant life and encourages its growth, as well as the Black Thumb, which brings nothing but rot and decay.
Telekinesis: Fae trickery of a sort. A power he often enjoys utilizing.
Reality Warping: Fae trickery of the grandest sort! He is especially proficient at using this power in natural environments, and can make travelers become lost on even well--worn paths, forcing them to go in circles, for hours; so long as he keeps up the concentration.
Weaknesses: Any question asked him three times, he is compelled to answer as honestly and truthfully as he is able.
Being Fae, he has a very deceptive manner of speaking; he never outright lies, and often does tell the truth, but never in a straightforward manner. His puzzling speech is often dressed up in elaborate prose, further compounding the issue, which can put him at odds with other members of the House.
Allergic to iron. While touching it alone won't kill him, it will leave him weakened and cut off from his magic; a weapon of iron will leave grievous wounds on him that will never heal naturally.
Has a True Name, which, if discovered, will grant total power to the one who knows it. Generally acts neurotic about names.
History: Some children are born special. They grow up to become something amazing, shining with bright souls, shiny souls. But some of them never get the chance to grow as a human; some times, they are seen by those whom dwell in the Otherworld, and such was the case in this youth. A sweet woman's melody lured the young boy off into the woods; woods which quickly began to turn in on themselves, which spiraled into a labyrinth dotted with flowers and colors he had never seen before, heavy with sweet scents he had never smelled before.

The boy fell unconscious, eventually, lulled into sleep by the magical Marigolds whose name he now claims for his own. But the Marigolds, which so often kill--hence their name--only put him into a death-like slumber. The Leanan Sidhe stalked through the meadow, unharmed by such paltry things, and scooped up the sweet, young child, and absconded with him; her child now. She nursed him back to health, just as a mother should.

It took quite some time to bring the stubborn youth around to understanding his new position. She had to sing him many of her special songs to ease his mind, and erode... not who he was, no, but his memories of where he had been before. It made the transition easier if he didn't remember. His sparkle, as she called it, would shine so much better with her to guide him. She said it was so, and so it was so!

The youth, you see, was blessed with what many in Old Ireland would call the Bard's Tongue; it is a gift, not of cursing or blessing, but of prophecy. That what is spoken in haste, and quickly forgotten, shall come to pass. The blessed Tongue is as much burden as it is gift, for such a person is just as often held responsible for the bad tidings they predict as they are to be thanked for helping avert crises. The Barrow-dwelling Woman helped him to cultivate and fine-tune his power.

She also fed him the finest of Fae foods, and exposure to these foods and the magic of the Otherworld slowly changed him, physically, mentally, and spiritually. If there is anything of his Humanity left at this point, it is mere scraps of sun-bleached cloth; tatters blown about in the wild winds. His wings grew in nicely, his ears elongated, his soul grew in infinitely spiraling complexities that were either pleasing, fascinating, or sickening to the more finely attuned and arcane senses of certain Art practicioners.

He joined the Autumn Court, which his mother also served. Members of the Autumn Court are perhaps the most well-versed in the arts of trickery and guile, preferring the Subtle Arts over overt displays of power. They are also known to partake in the Wild Hunt, and some of the most skilled archers of the Hunt are known to belong to the Autumn Court.

Adventure, and the yearning for glory and story, is keen among the people, and so it was with the youthful Weeping Marigold. One day, in his early 100's, having learned just about all that could be taught to him by his mother and his instructors at Court, he set off into the Fae Wilds to refine his knowledge; over the years, he participated in many Hunts into the mortal realm, both Wild and tame. It was during one such hunt that he felt a stirring; a yearning; a desire.

He needed to explore this realm of mortals. He needed to understand these things, these... people, better.
Current status: Open
Likes: Chocolate, offerings (but never call them gifts, never call them offerings, never make reference to them as anything special period!), people that "get it!" (Fae protocols), most animals.
Dislikes: People that don't "get it!" (Fae protocols), spiders (Arachnophobic, but shhh), when people put him in what he calls 'logic traps' (asked three times to answer a question that would reveal a secret).
Ons: Magically strong, dominant, well-endowed women. People with fascinating, atypical personalities; "bright souls" (whatever that means).
Offs: The weak-willed, scat/watersports, gore,
Zsadist: Can be absolutely infuriating! But he also "gets it!" which is nice. Some times, I sneak back to the Otherworld, and bring him Fae goodies, because he appreciates them a lot. Unseelie wines are apparently a demonic treat; I don't really like the wine made from children's laughter, though. Bit too bitter.
Musical Theme; the song that lured him into the Fae Wilds

Fae Protocols

Never tell a lie; to lie is a grave offense, and is the sign of an unskilled mind. The bending of the truth, the twisting of words, is the skilled way.
Be generous and, above all, fair in your dealings, for no one enjoys the company of a curmudgeon or penny-pincher; equitability is the skilled way.
A being is only as good as their word; when a word is given, it must be carried through. To give a word and then renege on it is a grave sin. To be honorable is the skilled way.
A gift is something to be appreciated, and one good gift deserves another. However, propriety demands that we never acknowledge the giving or the receiving of the gift directly. Tact and subtlety are the skilled way.
One should always seek to act hospitably towards those of a good and friendly disposition, for in turn, we may one day need to rely on the return of such good faith and deeds. Warranted Charity is the skilled way.
Privacy is one of the greatest rights that an entity may have; to intrude is to be unskillful. Respect for privacy is the skilled way.
A secret may be shared, for in the sharing is a kind of magic; but the sharing weakens the magic, cheapens it. To keep a secret is to act in a skillful manner.
Stories are a great past-time and source of inspiration, but there is no love to be found for the braggart who can not back up their stories. Seek never to brag or boast too loudly, for to do so is unskilled.
Even when offense has been brought down upon you, there is no need to act the part of a churl; maintain composure, do not give in to petty rudeness.
Manners are the cornerstone of society; seek always to have and utilize good manners, for they are the skilled way.
Thanks is to be expressed through deeds, never words. To cheapen a thanks with mere words is to insult and trivialize the task that was accomplished. Once more, the skilled Fae must call upon subtlety to properly thank those whom have bestowed a kindness upon them; and those wishing to stay in the good graces of a Fae must similarly be cunning folk.
It is right and justful to punish those whom have offended. Therefore, seek never to offend; seek always to be skillful.

Here is a WIP to get people interested. hehe.
A&A's and O&O's *Status: Here and there | Games: Aiming for punctuality*
"In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends."
"In the ocean of knowledge, only those who want to learn will see the land."
"Before you roar, please take a deep breath."
Check out my poet tree!

Cold Heritage

If Ana opts not to take Rhage, could I put my hat in for that one?
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.