The Tootsie's Writing Idears!

Started by Phobetor, December 04, 2008, 08:30:30 PM

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**Please keep in mind:**
I am constantly making changes to this!
If you are interested, please PM me!

Basic things to know:

I do Forum, PM and IM Stories. But...
I am only doing Forum Stories right now
I can and do write Female or Male characters.
I can and do write with Males or Females or Lieges.
I do research my possible partners posting habits and O/O's to see if we're a good match.
And if we are not, you will be informed. I do not like to leave people hanging just as I don't like when others leave me hanging.
Having said that : I do have the right to refuse a game and I do not want to be given the 3rd degree about it. :-)
**My availability: Check my A&A - My days off are all over the place and I'm sometimes available in the evenings**


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*New* Sins to Witness
High Profile clients were the only ones she cared to have. She had been an Escort for so many years now that she knew they were the ones to not get attached and to be as discreet as she wished them to be. Just because she sold her body, it didn't mean she wanted everyone to know. This one client was her favorite one, because he did not ask her to sleep with her, merely to dance. she was getting ready she heard a commotion outside and when she peeked through the door, she found her client being slowly strangled...until he fell limp. If only she hadn't made a sound -- had she even made one?! -- they wouldn't have caught her. One minute they were about to talk away and the next, they were headed to partly closed door and they snatched her up.

She had been certain she was going to die. Instead, the goons took her to their boss...and he offered her a proposition. He would not kill her for witnessing the murder...but she would work for him. She would make herself available to the men they needed to kill, and she would distract them so his men could do their job...and then she would stand watch as they killed them. She could not call the cops. She could not runaway. If she did either, she would die.

So this one has many options. Maybe she finds an innocent she doesn't want killed. Maybe she falls for the Don or one of his bodyguards? Maybe she comes to enjoy being the distraction and wants to do more, be more involved? The possibilities are there!

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*New* Cause we're buddies...right?!
A favor.

All she needed was a favor from him, a small request. It was her ten year high school reunion and the committee had planned an entire week of 'extravaganzas'. The last thing she wanted to do was to go to the reunion by herself, especially because her first 'love' would be there. She was different now but the thought of seeing him while she was still single...insecurities piled up. Plus, it was asking a friend so...what was the harm in that?

So. Pretty self explanatory I would hope? lol I can play the male or female in this scenario. They go to the reunion for the week, things happen and they end up sleeping together and having feelings for each other. It can be a very short story -- where it's only a week -- or it can continue on to them coming home and either ignoring what happened or continuing it.

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*New* It's the End of the World as we know it!
Wrong place. Wrong time. Wrong year. Whatever she wanted to call it, here she was knee deep in wrongness. She was a Prophet. A good ol' Prophet of the Lord and she was screwed. Someone had murdered her Guardian Angel and now there was a ransom on her head. She had no place to go, no where to hide and the visions that she wrote kept coming. But how could she write them if they were becoming darker and more horrifying? How could she write them when it portrayed the end of days. The demise of the world.

She had always hoped that her devotion to the Lord would win her favor but here she was...alone. With demons, angels and other things coming after her and no one to help her. She had been, in simple terms...deserted. And she had no one to turn to.

So...your Character is open to be whoever you want them to be. Male/Female/Angel/Demon/another Prophet...whatever. I left it pretty open for us to collaborate. And I'm perfectly fine if someone wants to be the Prophet. I can play Male or Female.

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Hatred is SUCH an understatement
She had been running from the law for three years now, been dodging the men who kept coming after her. She wasn't going to go down until she got revenge. So cliche, wasn't it? But that was the name of her game. She had murdered three of the four men who had slaughtered her sister. She was down to the last one and the cops were hot on her trail. But she wasn't going to go down. She wanted the last one...because he had been the one to order the hit on her sister. All because she had dated his brother and he might have told her some things about the family business. No. That wasn't good enough. She wanted his blood and she would get it.

So this can go one of many ways. Dark and twisted where the final guy catches her and tortures her. Or the cops find her and they help one another. Or maybe the final guy isn't as bad as she thought he was. get the idea. I'm willing to bounce ideas back and forth! :)

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Duty Always comes First
The job of a Muse was to inspire, to touch the road blocks that the mind put before us and watch it demolish to bring forth the best work. And as a muse, she had worked alongside some of the best and brightest. And as always, she faded into the background and let them do their best work. But...someone could see them. Never before had her life been in danger but the person or creature that could see them was now ending their lives. She had to continue doing her job, especially now that her current chage was close to finishing their master piece. She just needed to hang around a little bit longer...and then she could go back to the safety of Olympus. Until then...her charge was more important than her life.

So this can go in many different ways. She could be captured or the charge she's helping could see her and/or be the one to cure something or other. It can be a love story or an Extreme. Set in Modern of Futuristic. I am always happy and willing to discuss different ideas.

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I -do- Black Dagger Brotherhood Stories and I'm ALWAYS game to play them. First off, let me give you my main "No-No's":
I DO NOT write about the actual Brothers.
I DO NOT change the character pairings.
I DO try and go by the book.

I'm perfectly fine and happy doing scenes where the actual Brothers appear, but for the most part the character's we will be writing about are not normally in the JR Ward story-line. They can be Brothers/Vampires/Warriors but cannot be already established and written about.

I'm not putting a story idea because I want to bounce ideas around. My main concern if finding people who KNOW who the Black Dagger Brotherhood is and who are wanting to write about them as well! =)

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That's it for Now!
I am always open to ideas, alterations or anything like that!
If you want to PM me with any of YOUR stories, I am always willing to listen!!!
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Number 1

Welcome to E

Number 2

Are both series wonderfully I love them both

Number 3

If you are willing to play a male character I am more than happy to roleplay with you. I love Pride and Prejudice and vampire of course.

Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.


:) Awesome!

I am willing to play a male and I actually do not mind it if it is a Vampiric Pride and Prejudice version.

Where both families are Upper Class Vampires and they still have arranged marriages!

Let me know what you think!
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I love it but I was hoping for more of an Elizabeth/Darcy since that is the basis of the story

Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.


What elements do you want in a vampire style roleplay. Im not familiar with twilight, but i am familiar with underworld, kindred the embraced, the blade films. one for ourselves, what are you thinking up.


Im definitely up for a Messenger based Rp. It would be a nice switch. ^^ Ill add you and we can come up with something nice im sure.


Quote from: Alexander on December 07, 2008, 02:12:03 AM
Im definitely up for a Messenger based Rp. It would be a nice switch. ^^ Ill add you and we can come up with something nice im sure.

Okay, I've added you! :) Hopefully we can talk soon and come up with something!
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Quote from: playfullchick76 on December 07, 2008, 02:01:46 AM
What elements do you want in a vampire style roleplay. Im not familiar with twilight, but i am familiar with underworld, kindred the embraced, the blade films. one for ourselves, what are you thinking up.

We can decide that if we do a Vampire RP. There can be different ways to be done. In Twilight, they drink the blood of animals and they can go outside but they don't sleep. In the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, they can't go outside, they only drink the blood of other vampires and they sleep. So it completely depends on how we want to have them done.
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alkaline veins

Hey! I love like... all of your ideas haha. And I'd love to try out one over IMs sometime. Once I get approved hopefully we can discuss it further!!! I love the seduction idea too!


Can I get in on this too?

Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.


Quote from: Ashleebabe on December 08, 2008, 12:09:11 AM
Can I get in on this too?

Morning! You can get in on whatever you'd like, babe! I'm trying to see if I like IM based story better or Forum b/c I'm on and off the Forum but I'm constantly on IM so I have to see which is better for the people I'm writing with! But I'm definitely game for you to write a story with me! :)
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IMs work best if we're all in the same country. Thats why the forums are good, and the time difference doesnt matter too much. Im definately up for a vampire one, from a series on genre that im familiar with.


Kingdom Torn Apart and Greek Mythology
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Kindred the embraced is what i long to rp the most. the series only went 8 episodes, but i loved every one of them.


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Hey there Tootsie.  I like the way Mrs. Robinson sounds, if you're interested.  It'd be nice to play a good older woman/younger man story, without it being NC-related.


Awesome! I'm definitely interested! I'll send you a message or you can message me with more ideas!
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Added Angela Dawson and Teacher/Student
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I'm interested in both the neighbors scenario and the teacher/student scenario (similar ideas?). Let me know if you're up for it!
I'm sorry all, but life has caught up to me and all the workload associated. I will try to get back to the stories ASAP!



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Updated with BlackDagger Brotherhood Story
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Removed Teacher/Student Stories.
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Updated with "The Four Elements" Story.
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Updated with "Criminal Minds" story.
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Updated with "Twisted Fairy Tales" Ideas.
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