We have Rights Too. [Active and recruiting] GLBQT & Straight!

Started by Mxyzptlk, March 21, 2016, 12:16:15 AM

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Please keep in mind when answering the questions in the character sheet do not break any E site rules! Any flashbacks should not mention age. And if they do please stay within the guidelines of E. All characters involved in sexual situations must be at least 16 years of age. That includes flashback scenes. You can allude to there having been abuse or even consensual activity, or mention in general terms that it took place, but cannot describe it in any detail.

To Parents: Ladies and gentlemen I would like to welcome you to the one and only cure for your gay children, also known as the wonderful name of Jamison Clarke Preparatory University. Located in Richmond, Virginia. Just the name sounds like a great idea waiting to happen. What do you think is going to happen when the only cure to your child being gay is sending them to a school that could cure them? We will scrub the gay away and give them a higher education.

To the potential Undergraduate Students: So your parents think that sending you to a school filled with nothing but GAY kids will cure you? Now that is a cure that you can put my name on the list for. So welcome to the school that has just about everything you could ever dream of. No more wondering if the girl you like or the boy you like might be gay just like you, because, well, THEY ARE...JAMISON CLARKE PREPARATORY HOME OF THE KNIGHTS!

To Postgraduate Students: Jamison Clarke University plays hosts to a very large campus that specializes in, Medicine, Law and the Arts. You do not have to have gone through the undergrad "scrubbing the gay out" program in order to attend the University as a Postgraduate. In other words, straight, gay, doesn't matter the school is now opened to all kinds of people. It's a high class almost "Ivy League" type of program, people from all over the country and all over the world apply to attend the prestigious school.

OOC: Anyone is encouraged to apply. We do not discriminate. We need gay and straight characters. Including professors, postgrads and outsiders.

Jamison Clarke "Scrub the gay" Program Pamphlet
Pamphlet for Jamison Clarke Preparatory University "STGA" Program.
Ages 18-22. Preparing them for the world, giving
them college credits, whilst scrubbing the gay away!

JCPU: So we hear that you have a major problem. Has your son just told you
that he no longer wanted to play football and has been seeing another
boy for who knows how long? Did you catch your daughter making out
with another girl on the couch only to find out that she was not into boys
like you thought she was? Has your son or daughter never had a relationship
with a member of the opposite sex? Is this something that you felt that you can
not handle? Do you fear that your child has caught the gay disease....?

Student: The gay disease? Is that what they are calling it these days? I did not
know that what I had was a disease. Did you know that my liking girls
while being a girl myself is a disease? My parents think it's like Cancer and these
people seem to think that they have an answer. Lets read on and see
what the brilliant plan to cure me is, shall we?

JCPU: We here are Jamison Clarke Preparatory University feel that we have the
answer to all of your problems. Our school prides itself on being able
to put young boys and girls back on the right path and scrub
the gay away for good. We want to make sure that you can have
the child back that you always knew that you had.

Student: So basically, my mom and dad are going to send me
to a school filled with other girls who like girls or boys who like boys
for an entire year or however long it takes until my disease
is gone? Does that make sense to any of you? Throwing a
bunch of gay kids together is not the
cure to this problem they feel they have, but all I can say is...

this is going to be one hell of a year...

GM NOTICE: I've seen plenty of people who say no to this game because of the exclusivity of who attends the school. There are plenty of different sortings, and you do not have to make a character that is involved in the program to join the game. Think outside the box.  We are providing a setting GLBQT people can interact with straight people.


  • 1. Character sheets/surveys will be needed in order to be accepted into the gameplay. If a GM has any questions on your sheet they will contact you. Please post your sheets HERE. Once you have chosen a face for your character and sortment, you may claim it below (with a date of when you'll be creating your full sheet). If you've been accepted either by PM or in a reply below, you can begin posting in the OOC and game play. Only if your sheets are up.
  • 2. We will have a face claim sheet, in order to keep others from using the face you claim. Only celebrities. No cartoons or anime.
  • 3. Names can be confusing yes. We ask that you pick a first, middle and last name for your character in case there is someone else who has the same first name, we should be able to tell the difference between one character and another.
  • 4. Character limits - For now, we would like to keep it at one character for every possible sorting, simply because there are plenty of people that like to make a million characters, claim faces and names and it leaves little room for others to join us. Plus it gets annoying. So if we have 7 sortings, you should only have 7 characters. This includes GMs. Update: We are increasing the character limit. However, if we see you make a million characters and aren't active we will be contacting you in PM because holding up faces just for the sake of, isn't fair to those coming aboard. Please keep that in mind when creating characters.
  • 5. Teachers, Professors or staff can have relationships with their students, however, the school (IC) will fire that staff member. So please keep that in mind if you're going to have a plot with that angle. In other words, must be in secret.
  • 6. No god-modding, this is a given.
  • 7. Ideas are always welcomed so please don't be afraid to share them with your GM.
  • 8. We ask that you use some sort of word processor to run your posts through. No one is perfect and can have mistakes but a continuous amount of mistakes starts to wear down the other writers. 
  • 9. On that note. We are all skilled writers, we don't have a post requirement but we ask that one liners be eliminated unless of course you're posting in the communication tower topic during text messages, social media and email IC. We expect you to write a story with details. At least two paragraphs is fair and if a person you're writing with gives you 5 paragraphs matching it is always a common courtesy.
  • 10. No drama - Please if you have a personal issue contact the other writer or bring it up to a GM in private. Do not air your dirty laundry in OOC.
  • 11. We are laid back GMs, which means we're providing a pretty amazing setting for your characters to interact with. It is up to you as a writer to collaborate with other players and make the script come to life. We are not here to hold your hands. We want to have as much fun as you are rping, plotting and writing.
  • 12. Please keep in mind some writers are busier than others and don't have the luxury of replying daily, don't expect to join this game and get a reply every day. In other words, real life happens. 
  • 13. Oath of the "Drake" - Read it, take it and learn it before joining our game LINK to Oath or please don't bother joining if you don't.
  • 14. How to join - As stated above in the setting description. Please post your character face claim in this thread then proceed to post your character sheet in the character sheet thread. Use the OOC for communication so as not to clutter this thread up. There is no need for any approval process through the GMs at the moment. As long as your character fits within the parameters in any of the sortings etc. However you can run it by a GM if you're not sure etc or have any questions about WHRT.
  • 15. Smut - Just because some relationships eventually lead to smut doesn't mean you should join the game just to smut it up. Real life doesn't work that way or else we'd never leave our homes. So please bring depth into your character's life. If you are here just for smut and/or cyber you are in the wrong game.
School Administrators - Principal, vice principal, secretary, office assistance, etc.
Teachers - Professors, teachers, etc.
Counselors - Pretty self-explanatory, students will need counseling in every aspect of their stay.
Bronze Students - If you're 100% gay and there's no changing you'll be in this group till the staff feels you've progressed
Silver Students - Bi students or students that the administrators feel are improving their control around others.
Gold Students - So you're a year away from graduation if you could control yourself and stay straight.
Postgraduate Student - This sortment is geared towards the actual university. You do not have to be forced to attend. Admissions into the program requires an essay (IC), High GPA and SAT scores as well as higher education studies whether it was at Jamison or elsewhere. Some of the majors offered are, Criminal Justice, Criminal Law (and all laws thereafter), Medical Doctorate, Nursing, MBA, Business, political Science, Art and Music. Etc, please check the class list for classes being offered. Jamison Clarke has a teaching hospital on campus and most of the med or surgical students complete their internship there.
Outsiders - outsiders can range anything from parents, friends, family, lovers or even the bag boy at walmart. Meaning these people aren't enrolled at Jamison.

With those sortments in mind, please remember that an outsider can easily become a student or staff member at Jamison, so sortings can change.

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff




the OCC
Pop in and say hi!

This is the area for posting your
character's information, in pre-coded form.

All the muses' faces live here.

A Tumblr Collection of Pretties
Just in case you need help deciding which face to choose, here is a helpful
list to consider. Please make sure to check the Paper Trail
link, under "The Cast," to see if they are free.

•   •   •


  • Secretary
  • Office Assistant
  • (Open Positions)
  • (Open Positions)



FIRST MIDDLE LAST Snowden Persephone Frost

Basics - let us never forget what we might have missed.
AGE: 18
SEX: Female
SORTMENT: (Bronze Class, Silver Class, Gold Class, Administrative Staff, Professors, Outsiders) Bronze
OCCUPATION: (Please specify what year you're in or work you're doing.) First year, tutoring English
ETHNICITY: Scottish-French (American)
SIBLINGS: 5 brothers, all older - Seth, Simion, Psyrus, Patrick, Eric and Caric.
PARENTS: James Boxlightner and Carol Masters
HOMETOWN: Jacksonville, Florida
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 155 lbs.
FACE CLAIM: Maureen O'Hara https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/11/3b/0b/113b0b3de0c5f7f6ab8cec4a6dbadbc9.jpg
MISCELLANEOUS: (add anything extra) Bit of a temper, dominant by nature, could possibly be a sub for the right person, feisty and was sent to the school because her mother wants the gay GONE. Snow has had a very, VERY bad relationship with her mother and is the youngest of 6 children, and the only girl. She suffers from severe depression but doesn't realize it, and is very mistrustful of everybody, because she believes that there are no truly altruistic people in the world. She's into girls only, but that's only because she's never been with a guy - she thinks they're gross. This comes from her having had to clean up after her father and 5 brothers all her life at the demands of her catholic mother, who believes a woman should have a good husband and family with plenty of children. The matter has gotten so bad that Snow's mother has threatened to find her a husband if she flunks out of college. Snow, for her part, hates this school because it's trying to destroy something that's natural to some people. She's never really had any friends since she was a small child, and is intrinsically silent about her own problems. She wishes desperately that she could have ONE person she could trust completely and not be afraid to talk do, but she understands that that's never likely to happen.

Because of the harshness she's been raised in, she learned to be a hardass, but she's also the type to defend the underdog - which is why she's known for getting into fights. That and when people talk about her. She absolutely hates it when people judge her for no reason (too many times of her mother's criticisms) and she will get right up in someone's face and start a fight. She doesn't like to, but she learned to stand her ground because if you back off once, you'll never stop losing ground. Snow also likes dressing sexy, looking hot, so when she looks amiss, wearing sweats or her hair not styled well, something's wrong.

Physically, she's 5'9, a DD chest, red hair that falls to her waist in thick, loose waves, usually worn back and styled. She has deep green eyes with an occasional flicker of hazel in them. The thing is, one wouldn't be able to tell what she does for a workout, but she has two preferences, the former more than the latter - swimming and dancing. She started swimming when she was a child (again, the victim of an ambitious mother) and found that not only did she like it, but it was an excellent way for her to channel the ever-growing rage she'd had to deal with. Dancing was the way she coped with the pain and hurt. Of all things, she watched the YouTube videos of Yanis Marshall, and began to learn how to mimic his moves - and so has learned how to dance in heels of all types. She does know how to dance in sneakers and such, but when she wants to show off her killer body, she dances in heels.

That being said, she has a talent for writing, and is actually good at what she calls "patchwork fashion" and can make some pretty hot outfits from just about anything. Depending on how covered she wants to be, she can use anything from strapping tape to feathers to silk and others - her most notable costume was a gown made from sheer white silks, embedded with clear rhinestones, and then worn with nothing else but a black collar with leash.

Character Survey - we never understand what is on our noses.
001. What type of porn gets your motors revving? (be honest) Girl-on-girl, especially asian girls. Redheads, brunettes that are sexy AF. Girls moaning, masturbating, getting spanked, sex toys being used on them. Girls eating each other's pussies. Girl on girl using strap-ons.

002. Do you think being gay is a disease, or do you think people are born gay? They're born that way! My mother's an idiot.

003. What is your earliest memory of being gay/bicurious/straight, if any? I was five years old and met a beautiful woman, who was my Sunday School teacher. She was young, and I kept thinking about sneaking under her skirt at the desk and wanting to taste her thing-thing, to see if it tasted like mine.

004. What's your best and worse memory? My best memory is the first time I tasted a girl's pussy - it was over at a friend's place for the weekend, nobody was home, and we had all the time in the world. My worst is that when I came home, her mom had found out and called and told my mom, and my mom beat me within an inch of my life.

005. What's the most attractive feature in someone else? Their personality, but if you have to have a physical feature, then their eyes. They're the mirrors to the soul.

006.  What is the best pickup line you've ever heard or said and the worst one? Worst one: "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Did it hurt when I decked you in the face? The best one? "I think you're cute. May I get to know you?" Seriously. That was it.

007.  How do you respond to help of any kind, especially when you never asked for it? I'm okay with it, but if I tell you I got it, let me do my thing. If I'm still having trouble, I'll ask for help. I won't reject it or anything, but sometimes, there's too much help, ya know?

008.  Pussy Cat or Cock Dog? Pussy cat.

009.  Are you a vengeful person? Sometimes. Everyone can be.

010.  What is your most Bizarre talent? I can loop my tongue three times.

011. Did you feel violated taking this survey? No. I think you're nosy and a pervert, but no. (OOC: This is done as if the character were filling it out, I hope that's right.)

012. Anything else? Can I turn this in, now?

History - we need to know where we come from.
OVERVIEW: (Small Paragraph History and or personality, up to you. Just add some information please.)
Snow's personality isn't bad, she's just very.... pushy. She doesn't like people who don't know how to make decisions, but at the same time, she's the type that defends the underdog. She's also very much into eating pussy, but if someone wants to eat her, she's a little nervous about it - namely because she's never been able to come from it. She's been raised by her mom and dad (they divorced when she was eight, and she's been shipped between both for years - her mother staunchly believes that her daughter has become infected with the gay disease, while her father argues that her mother's being stupid, gays are born as they are, and besides, why is she worried? She has five other children who are straight (at least, as far as they know). But she's got a horrible relationship with her mother, filled with bitter arguments and harsh words, and while she puts her game face on and doesn't let anyone see her upset, when she's alone is when the tears come out. She's afraid to build friendships because she fears nobody will understand her, and this school's presence is proof of that. This is the ultimate hell for her, she thinks she's being forced into a school where she's going to have the "gay" beaten out of her, and she's so tired of physical abuse (which her mother has also put her through).

OTHER – because I really don’t understand.
CONTACT: (IM, PM, etc.) PM's on Elliquiy.
Report to moderator     Logged
"Pulseless and cold, with a Derringer by his side and a bullet in his heart, though still as calm as in life, beneath the snow, lay he who was at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat." - Bret Harte




Outsider- Senior Partner at Towler, Thomas and Clarke Law Firm

Basics - let us never forget what we might have missed.
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
SORTMENT: Outsiders
OCCUPATION: Senior partner at his father's lawfirm
SIBLINGS: two younger siblings. Twins - Revelin and Autumn Towler (19 years old)
PARENTS: Katie Belaire Towler && Kenneth Towler
HOMETOWN: London, England
EYE COLOR: Crystal Blue
FACE CLAIM: Ian Sommerhalder
MISCELLANEOUS: Looking for someone to play Autumn Towler (pm me if you're interested), Eros has serious OCD and is bordering on incest with his sister. He's currently engaged to Fox Elizabeth Kingsley (Skye). And is very picky when it comes to who he shares his bed with. OCD is one fault. The other being that no one is good enough for him or his siblings. Fox is perfect in his eyes, perhaps because she resembles him and his siblings.

Character Survey - we never understand what is on our noses.
001. What type of porn gets your motors revving? (be honest) I don't have time for that trivial crap. But I suppose straight porn. Though I do like to watch two guys get it off, as well as two women.

002. Do you think being gay is a disease, or do you think people are born gay? No I don't think it's a disease. People's tastes can change over time.
003. What is your earliest memory of being gay/bicurious/straight, if any? Earliest memory? This survey is anonymous, correct? Walking in on my sister naked, fresh after a shower.

004. What's your best and worse memory? Worse: catching Autumn in the act of sexually pleasing another man. Best: -smirks- walking in on my sister naked.

005. What's the most attractive feature in someone else? Cleanliness, Nice clothes, Eyes, Clean finger nails. (you didn't specify if it had to be just one feature)

006.  What is the best pickup line you've ever heard or said and the worst one? -sneers- I don't need or use pick up lines. Women fawn at my feet.

007.  How do you respond to help of any kind, especially when you never asked for it? -sadistic laughter erupts from his chest at this question- I'd probably smack the person that attempted to help.

008.  Pussy Cat or Cock Dog? Neither, I'm not a fan of animals in general. Filthy little buggers. -pears at paper closely and smirks- um, Pussy.

009.  Are you a vengeful person? Naturally

010.  What is your most Bizarre talent? Able to keep every hair in place as well as stay clean even after strenuous sexual activities.

011. Did you feel violated taking this survey? Somewhat, where's the maker so I can pay my respect?

012. Anything else? I bore easily. 

History - we need to know where we come from.

He hates all things pink, even on women.
Sex is a game to him
He adores all things in water.
He hates getting dirty.


Factor 1: Aggressive narcissism

1. Glibness / superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Pathological lying
4. Cunning / manipulative
5. Lack of remorse or guilt
6. Shallow
7. Callous / lack of empathy
8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
9. Promiscuous sexual behavior

Factor 2: Aggressive Schizoid personality

1. Emotional coldness and detachment
2. Limited capacity to express either positive or negative emotions
3. Consistent preference for solitary activities.
4. Very few, if any, close friends or relationships, and a lack of desire for such.
5. Indifference to either praise or criticism.
6. Taking pleasure in few, if any, activities.
7. Indifference to social norms and conventions.
8. Preoccupation with fantasy and introspection.

In conclusion:
just an absolute sociopath, a cold-blooded, mass-murdering, narcissistic, sick son of bitch.


He dislikes anything dirty, this ranges anywhere from his nails, to his shoes, and women. If he finds one hang nail, he cringes and looks for a nail clipper to remove it quickly. No dirt under the nails ever, which is hard for Eros considering he'd love killing with his bare hands. Normally you find him with gloves on. His shoes have to shine and look immaculate 24/7. Once the soles look worn he throws them out. Therefore you will not see Eros with the same shoes for more than two months.

If you are to try and court Eros , keep in mind your appearance must be perfect. Well proportioned in every aspect. Hair nicely done, never over do your make up. Natural but perfection is what makes Eros tick. Let's not mention scent, indulge his senses with Lavender and soap, you will easily have Eros eating out of your palm.

Born to Katie Belaire and Kenneth Towler, both from wealthy families. They wanted a safer world for their two boys Eros and Christian. Christian was a year older than Eros , and at about age 4, Eros witness something that would forever change his life. His brother his hero, was brutally slain in front of young Eros. Some speculate it was Eros himself, no one knowing the truth of a masked man that entered their home and slit Christian's throat. Leaving Eros there to witness the entire thing. The boy sat beside his brother proding him to wake up and crying because of the red stuff that was seeping out of his brother's neck, dirtying the floor.

For a year Eros was an only child, his parents promised not to have more and devote their attention only to him. That is until he was about a 5 years old. When mysteriously for Eros his mother announced she was expecting. During the summer, he gazed into the sleeping face of his baby brother Revelin and twin sister Autumn. Frowning he went back to playing and emerged himself with the "wrong crowd" as he attended school. By the time he went home for the holidays he was unrecognizable as the shy young boy that had left home. To his parents surprise he was always getting into trouble at home and pre school.

Needless to say throughout the years as he grew up Eros detached himself from his siblings and parents. He hated them all, it's not that he didn't love his parents, he resented them for bringing new members to his family after what had happened to Christian. The younger Towlers know nothing of this story or why Eros is so withdrawn from the family.

He forcefully sees them during holidays but that is all. After recently receiving his law degree, he is now seeking to rule the world. Taking over as senior-partner at his father's law firm. Whilst multitasking and controlling his fiancee, brother, and sister in the process.

OTHER – because I really don’t understand.
OTHER CHARACTERS: Hayden Sky, Shane Harris
CONTACT: (IM, PM, etc.)

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff


This might catch more attention in the gm looking for players board.
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Quote from: Tamhansen on March 21, 2016, 11:22:45 AM
This might catch more attention in the gm looking for players board.

>< we realized the mistake we made far too late after it was posted. We're working now on getting an Oracle to move it for us. Thank you for looking out <3

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff


i'd hate to see a good idea get lost, just because people didn't find it.

Good luck with the game.
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Quote from: Tamhansen on March 21, 2016, 01:58:19 PM
i'd hate to see a good idea get lost, just because people didn't find it.

Good luck with the game.

ahhh thank you for the compliment on the good idea. And thanks for the luck wishes.  ;D

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff

la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Quote from: la dame en noir on March 21, 2016, 02:22:20 PM
OMG this sounds beautiful. I'm definitely interested.

So many possibilities! :D When you're ready throw up a character sheet and you're in. We already have various topics created. Hope you join us and thanks for the compliment <3

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff


for signature vvv

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff

la dame en noir

Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff

la dame en noir

Adeyemi Blu Afunu

Basics - let us never forget what we might have missed.
AGE: Twenty[20]
SEX: Female
SORTMENT: Bronze Class
ETHNICITY: West African (American born) Parents are from Nigeria
SIBLINGS: 2 Sisters: Chichima(13) and Kayefi(18)
PARENTS: Joseph and Nkoyo Afunu
HOMETOWN: Atlanta, Georiga
HAIR COLOR: Black(Dreaded)
HEIGHT: 5'4"
WEIGHT: 125 lbs
FACE CLAIM: Manaka (clothing maker)
MISCELLANEOUS: (add anything extra)

Character Survey - we never understand what is on our noses.
001. What type of porn gets your motors revving? (be honest)
Lesbian - I really like the kind that is soft and sweet, but I'm sometimes in the mood for something very hardcore.

002. Do you think being gay is a disease, or do you think people are born gay?
It's not a disease, we are definitely born this way. I wish more people would think this way.

003. What is your earliest memory of being gay/bicurious/straight, if any?
I was in kindergarten, about 5 years old. I was best friends with one of my classmates, she was an adorable curly red-headed girl. I adored her and gave her a kiss whenever I could. Ever since, I have been nothing but attracted to women.

004. What's your best and worse memory?
I came out to a friend of mine and told her I was in love with her, it backfired. All I can say is that we do not talk to eachother anymore.

005. What's the most attractive feature in someone else?
Their personal style and personality. It shows me that they're creative like me and that we can have a one on one intellectual conversation.

006.  What is the best pickup line you've ever heard or said and the worst one?

007.  How do you respond to help of any kind, especially when you never asked for it?

008.  Pussy Cat or Cock Dog?
I love alll the animals - but I like/love Human Females.

009.  Are you a vengeful person?
No, I try to be as peaceful as possible.

010.  What is your most Bizarre talent?
I don't have any bizarre talents, wish I did though. Do you have a fire-eating club?

011. Did you feel violated taking this survey?
Very, but its whatever.

012. Anything else?
Goodluck trying to change who I am.

History - we need to know where we come from.
OVERVIEW: (Small Paragraph History and or personality, up to you. Just add some information please.)

OTHER – because I really don’t understand.
CONTACT: (IM, PM, etc.)
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
A&A | FxF |
O/Os | FxF Writers Directory


Welcome to WHRT, la dame en noir!
Adding your info to the wall asap.  ;D


psst. Skye could you reserve James Franco as Julian Cartier - Counselor, please? I'll throw up a sheet for him asap.

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff




Interested if you'll have me.

Basics - let us never forget what we might have missed.
AGE: 19
SEX: Female
SEX PREFERENCE: Bisexual, heavy preference for women
SORTMENT: Silver Class
OCCUPATION: 2nd Year Student
ETHNICITY: English (Mother) & Brazilian (Father)
SIBLINGS: Sister - Nathalia Rocha (33), HBIC @ Private Security Firm
PARENTS: Mother - Aurora Marie Samuels-Rocha (51) & Father - Santiago Rocha (56)
HOMETOWN: Long Beach, CA (since age 10)
HAIR COLOR: Brunette, but sometimes dyed
EYE COLOR: Dark Brown
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 135lbs
FACE CLAIM: Shay Maria

Character Survey - we never understand what is on our noses.
001. What type of porn gets your motors revving? (be honest)
I typically only watch porn with a partner but Girl on Girl--though skip the toys and fisting *shudder*--or Guy on Guy is my preference. I'll pass on most of the straight shit stuff as it just either makes me laugh or cringe.

002. Do you think being gay is a disease, or do you think people are born gay?
Ignoring the fact that I may have "infected" a few girls previously, physically I feel like a million bucks so I'd have to say no, it isn't a disease. Though its probably not as simple as being born gay. I'd break it down for you, the whole nature/nurture thing, but neither of us is really interested in that.

003. What is your earliest memory of being gay/bicurious/straight, if any?

004. What's your best and worse memory?
Best? Duuuuude! Too many to name. My life was spec-fuckin-tacular, bruh! The worst tho? Definitely coming out to my mother. Dear gawd!

005. What's the most attractive feature in someone else?
A sense of humor. The ability to simply be themselves, no matter who that turns out to be.

006. What is the best pickup line you've ever heard or said and the worst one?
Do people really use pickup lines?

007. How do you respond to help of any kind, especially when you never asked for it?
Depends on what the help is for and if its actually helpful. If you mean like this whole academy thing well, yeah, y'all can keep y'all's "help".

008. Pussy Cat or Cock Dog?
Kittehs all day! (Take that as you will.)

009. Are you a vengeful person?
Unless you count spankin' that ass, for the most part no. Though I suppose the right set of circumstances could set me off.

010. What is your most Bizarre talent?
Er... not sure actually. I'm good at caricatures and tagging. Oh! I can run up walls and leap from building to building like Spiderwoman! Minus the actual powers part.

011. Did you feel violated taking this survey?

012. Anything else?

History - we need to know where we come from.

Domino is slightly taller than average with a good balance of curves and muscle, having been toned by her active lifestyle and natural athleticism. She's very casual and urban in terms of style and unrepentantly tomboyish. Sneakers, snapbacks and fitted caps, hoodies... she loves it all. In fact when looking for signs of vanity in the youngster it is most easily recognized in her large and well cared for sneaker collection--talk about obsessive! Dresses and skirts are things to be avoided if at all possible, purses are absolute 'hell no's, and don't even get her started on heels. Domino can clean up nice when necessary but if it isn't strictly necessary, it isn't happening. She's not shy or overly body conscious and she doesn't care if you think she looks like a boy or if you're surprised when she dresses up or whatever and will promptly tell you what you and your observation/opinion can go and do. Jewelry is judged on a case by case basis but simpler is usually better with her and she is not fond of yellow gold and thus usually will not wear it.

Tattoo-wise, Domino sports a large koi fish tattoo on her back, a pair of indigo feathers on each ankle that were stylized to look as if each hung from a tribal anklet to drape across the top of her foot, a newer skull and roses tattoo that covers her left forearm, and the word "amor" on the side of her right palm. She also has her ears pierced several times each, her navel pierced, and her left nostril is pierced with a tiny stud as well.

Domino is a bright kid who is well aware of what she wants while being unafraid to go and get it. She is strong-willed and opinionated and not afraid to speak up when she needs or wants to do so but for the most part she's just chill. She's no uber calculating con-artist or slick silver-tongued devil but she does possesses a very raw and instinctive charm that usually allows her to freely interact with a wide range of individuals. She doesn't try and win people over however, but rather only ever strives to be herself regardless of the circumstances. It makes her seem a little odd and, at times, quirky, but oh well.

Enthusiastic about life in general, Domino is very energetic. When she's up she's up! and when she's not, you'll notice the difference right off. Maybe its all the Mountain Dew and Doritos or maybe its something else but there are times when sitting still is a real chore. That said, when she does settle down she comes off as almost feline, poised just so but able to spring back into action in a moment.

Generally curious (and even just plain nosy to a degree) she always wants to know who, what, when, where, why, and how. Even when she knows it's none of her business she can't help but ask that extra question or go digging where she doesn't belong and she can be amazingly persistent. It's gotten her into trouble before but even the awareness of potential consequences doesn't seem to deter her from finding out what she wants to know. To say that she can be impulsive and more than a little reckless is an understatement really. Guess it is a good thing that she's proven to be resourceful and adaptable. And fast.

For Domino art is the filter of her life. All her emotions, be they joy, laughter, confusion, hurt, anger or anything in between, are put into her art. From freerunning to skateboarding or even sparring, from drawing to painting, singing to dancing... all of it allows her to process and decompress. There are times when she will opt to keep her peace, to save the truth of her feelings for something more private, and it is in these things that such feelings emerge. Otherwise she's playful, engaging, attentive, and genuine but with a wicked temper and a goofy sense of humor.

Freerunning, skateboarding/skating/biking, poker, partying, making mixes, graffiti art/mural painting, sleeping/cuddling, making weird concoctions that may or may not be edible, flirting her ass off!

No thank yous!
Mentions of her mother, boredom, manual labor, pointless tasks and busy work, "training", morning classes, being on someone else's schedule, too many veggies, hearing about "rules" in art or music, people who feel determined to ruin someone else's fun

Random Facts
-Born in London but moved to the US with her sister when she was 10.
-Attended a school for the arts from 11 to 18
-Is in actuality more of a cat person ;)
-Has a seriously undeniable thing for older women
-Is left handed but has a killer right hook
-Has more male friends back home than female
-Got sent to this school because she seduced one of her mother's friends in her dressing room during a dance recital

OTHER – because I really don’t understand.
CONTACT: PM, Mumble, Hangouts/Skype/YIM(when it wants to work)

Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 0/0

My O/Os




Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 0/0

My O/Os



Counselor - Julian Cartier

Basics- let us never forget what we might have missed.
AGE: 31
SEX: Male
SEX PREFERENCE: yes please, preferably giving anal Women and Self
OCCUPATION: Counselor on self love
SIBLINGS: A faternal twin brother, Jace Cartier
PARENTS: Jared and Evelyn Cartier
HOMETOWN: Currently residing in New York
EYE COLOR: Brown sometimes Hazel
WEIGHT: 180lbs
FACE CLAIM: James Franco
MISCELLANEOUS: I love mirrors.

Character Survey- we never understand what is on our noses.
001. What type of porn gets your motors revving? (be honest) I like to record my own sexual episodes and rewatch them. But anal is always fun. None of that fisting and mental shit. Don't wanna break the girl either.
002. Do you think being gay is a disease, or do you think people are born gay? I think learning to love yourself would stop you from being gay. No one is born one way or another our families and experiences mold us.
003. What is your earliest memory of being gay/bicurious/straight, if any? 16, My babysitter (ya I know my parents didn't trust me alone in the house) jerked me off whilst watching in the mirror, then proceeded to ask me to do her up the ass. The things you could see in the mirror change you. I looked amazing going at it, even if I broke my dick in the process.
004. What's your best and worse memory? my first Anal sex experience. The worst was getting beat on by some guys who thought I was gay. Its not gay if you love yourself!
005. What's the most attractive feature in someone else? Their ass of course.
006.  What is the best pickup line you've ever heard or said and the worst one? Best - Your ass is pretty tight, want me to loosen it up? Worst - I actually haven't heard any bad ones. They all make me snicker most times.
007.  How do you respond to help of any kind, especially when you never asked for it? Surprised and grateful for it, then proceed to check in a mirror to make sure I look presentable.
008.  Pussy Cat or Cock Dog? Pussy of course.
009.  Are you a vengeful person? Nope.
010.  What is your most Bizarre talent? Kissing myself. Wanna see?
011. Did you feel violated taking this survey? Hardly I could use a good violation.
012. Anything else? Have you ever been fucked up the ass? Just wondering.

History - we need to know where we come from.
OVERVIEW: Julian is a fun loving guy. He loves himself a bit too much though. Constantly looking into mirrors, kissing himself. The man even shows students how to love themselves in a special counselors workshop class. Some people think he's gay, others can see he's all metrosexual once they get to know him. But Julian loves women. He loves women so much and loves their asses. He can't get enough of some butt loving. The man is a counselor at Jamison Clarke because he wants to be able to mentor young minds and help them with their lives. After being beat up by a gang of boys at 16 who thought he was gay, Julian vowed to help educate young Gay, Lesbian and Bi people even if it is at this school. So why not show them how to love themselves first?

OTHER– because I really don’t understand.
OTHER CHARACTERS: Hayden Sky, Shane Harris, Eros Towler

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff



Bronze Student - Shane Harris

Basics - let us never forget what we might have missed.
AGE: 20
SEX: Female
SORTMENT: Bronze Class
OCCUPATION: 3rd year repeating. I refuse to have the gay stamped out. Besides it's too much fun tempting the other girls.
SIBLINGS: Only child
PARENTS: Father- Shane Harris, Mother- Sandra Harris (deceased)
HOMETOWN: West New York, New Jersey.
EYE COLOR: Baby Blue
WEIGHT: 125lbs
FACE CLAIM:  Ruby Rose
MISCELLANEOUS: Shane refuses to conform to Jamison Clarke's standards. This is her 3rd year starting classes.

Character Survey - we never understand what is on our noses.
001. What type of porn gets your motors revving? (be honest) I don't generally watch porn, I rather just participate in my own sexual activities (which are often) But I like the more realistic, romantic girl on girl. None of this scissors shit. Lesbians don't scissors. And what's with the girl on girl porn that features high heels? No joke yo, fuck that. I'd you're gonna keep your shoes on it's gotta be a quicky and you gots to be keeping a few more items of clothes on. Preferably in a club up against the wall. So porn? Not a fan, it's gotta be tasteful and realistic and always girl on girl. 
002Do you think being gay is a disease, or do you think people are born gay?  It's not a fucking disease. That's what I've been preaching about for years. No one listens in this place. Yes we're born gay. Some take longer to realize it though. I bet the majority of the people "reformed" cause of this school are married or with their beards. Straight my ass. I'm sharp as a marble and straight as a pretzel.
003. What is your earliest memory of being gay/bicurious/straight, if any?  Going down on my friend Tiffany while our friend that was a boy watched. Course I didn't know what the hell I was doing, I just kissed it a few times before her mother called out for us. (we were in her room hiding in the closet. -snorts-)
004. What's your best and worse memory?  Best memory: first time I actually had sex with a girl. It was with two, one of them was a model. I didn't come out the closet, I jumped the fuck out of it. Worst memory: I had an ex who slapped me once, right after I caught her cheating on me. That was the last time I was taken for a sucker. The last time I had a relationship. I rather have fun with random girls and not commit to the insane lesbian's and the damn u-haul they like to tug around.
005. What's the most attractive feature in someone else? Eyes, the windows to the soul.
006.  What is the best pickup line you've ever heard or said and the worst one? Best pickup line: "Hi" Worst line: "Hey baby, I could turn you straight, you just ain't ever been with a real man."
007.  How do you respond to help of any kind, especially when you never asked for it? I say thank you, unless it's rather intrusive at which point I either tell that person to fuck off or wear a fake smile and wonder what the fuck was that all about.
008.  Pussy Cat or Cock Dog?  I actually like dogs and cats, but since I can see you scratched out the other question, clearly my answer is, Pussy. Idiot.
009.  Are you a vengeful person? Not really. I just don't give a fuck.
010.  What is your most Bizarre talent? wouldn't say it's bizarre, I'm a good DJ (as in music)
011. Did you feel violated taking this survey? Nope, did you? I'm in Lancelot dorm - Room 7, stop by if you need tips on how to feel violated.
012. Anything else? Ya, tell your mom to stop texting me.

History - we need to know where we come from.
OVERVIEW: As you can see, Shane isn't one for taking shit from anyone, including the administration and staff at Jamison Clarke. Her father shipped her off to this school when he found her in the throws of passion with her ex-lover. Because he raised her on his own, he hadn't realized how much of a tomboy she was until he caught her making the other girl scream. Soon after he decided to do right be her and enroll her at JC. Big mistake, in a fit of rebellion the lovely Shane decided to chop off her long blond hair and break free from the restraints society and her father wanted her to live by. Cutting her hair super short and dying it back to black. Shane collected various tattoos throughout the years. Her body is her canvas. Music is her life. And she will never graduate Jamison Clarke. They'd have to kick her out. This leads her to be disruptive in classes. Hitting on female teachers and students. There might be some teachers she conflicts with because of her attitude. But regardless of it all, Shane has fun doing what she does. She doesn't take life so serious and wants to leave Jamison Clarke. Hopefully, when she turns 21 that will happen. Until then she's practically a prisoner at the school. So why not be a bad influence on the young minds?

OTHER – because I really don’t understand.
OTHER CHARACTERS: Hayden Sky, Eros Towler, Julian Cartier
CONTACT: PM is fine.

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff


Student: Bronze
Basics - let us never forget what we might have missed.
AGE: 18
SEX: Male
SORTMENT: Bronze Class
OCCUPATION: First year, student.
ETHNICITY: French, with a little bit of Icelandic.
PARENTS: Evonny & John Rain
HOMETOWN: New Orleans, Louisiana
HEIGHT:   5’9”
FACE CLAIM: Andrej Pejic
MISCELLANEOUS: He has a tattoo of a voodoo doll on his left side, and both a nipple and a tongue piercing.

Character Survey - we never understand what is on our noses.
001. What type of porn gets your motors revving? (be honest): Masturbation, or something intimate and sensual. I also wouldn’t say no to a man in uniform, something exotic, or even some bondage-- depending on my mood.

002. Do you think being gay is a disease, or do you think people are born gay?: I believe that I was born this way. If it’s a disease, then I don’t want to be cured.

003. What is your earliest memory of being gay/bicurious/straight, if any?: My earliest memory was as a child-- I always wanted to be the barbie to my ken doll.

004. What's your best and worse memory?: My best memory was my first love. He was a little older, leather-clad, and showed me things that I didn’t even know existed! My worst memory-- that was probably when my mother caught me in bed with him. She looked as if her son had died.

005. What's the most attractive feature in someone else?: The eyes-- they can convey so many emotions, and the right gaze can make me swoon!

006.  What is the best pickup line you've ever heard or said and the worst one?: The best? “Are you a bulbasaur? Because, you are #1 in my heart.” The worst? “You must be a king dodongo, because I want to explode in your mouth.” Yes, I do have a tendency to be a nerd.

007.  How do you respond to help of any kind, especially when you never asked for it?: Due to some bad experiences, I tend to be weary of somebody offering me random help.Though I try to be polite, and try to look for the best, I can't help but be a little apprehensive towards said person.

008.  Pussy Cat or Cock Dog?: Oh, dogs, of course! I especially love the big ones-- they are much more fun to play with, and always seem up for new games!

009.  Are you a vengeful person?: Only when it comes to relationships.

010.  What is your most Bizarre talent?: I know how to pick locks, and am great at doing makeup in a moving car...I'm not sure if these are really 'bizarre'.

011. Did you feel violated taking this survey?: No.

012. Anything else?: Do you have a light?

History - we need to know where we come from.
OVERVIEW: Ebony is a sexual being-- he prides himself on his fluid nature, and craves to express himself on both a physical and spiritual level. That’s not to say that he will give it to anybody, but for somebody who catches his interest, his hunger can be insatiable. He has a craving for freedom, and also seems to have an attraction to both older men, and bad-boys-- which has left him quite some sticky situations. Finally, Ebony prides himself on his androgyny-- he believes that gender is fluid, and likes to express both his ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ sides in his appearance, the way he walks, and even the way he acts.

OTHER – because I really don’t understand.
CONTACT: PM: ErisXfrost


Zomg! A wild ERIS! -tackles- Welcome to the fold! Skye will put up your face claim tomorrow. But for now enjoy our game!

Shane: -totally steals Ebony as a close friend to corrupt the other folks with-

I've taken the "Oath of The Drake" for Group RPs | What makes Mxy Tick O/O | A/A | Poems/Stuff