The Perlemian Route: A Star Wars Smugglers Adventure [Int Chk]

Started by vanTheMad, February 02, 2016, 01:38:02 AM

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Attention, elligible spacers, navigators, mechanics and engineers! The Laughing Dianoga, Wayfarer-class medium transport (Imperial Bureau of Ships and Services official designation TR77-114BHB-LR40) is currently seeking to take on new crew in all positions. To apply, please contact Captain Coryn Dahn. Jedi need not apply.

I'm looking to organize a small group of players (myself and 3-4 others, perhaps 5 if interest is great enough) to take the roles of various crew members aboard a relatively small smuggling vessel. I'll be taking on the role of captain, but my character will be very new to the role, and likely will not be so much a commander as he will be the pilot. This is just an interest check at the moment; the few loose ideas that I'm set on are the relative location (see the title) and the general era (sometime between 18 BBY and 2 ABY). Additionally, I would prefer to keep Force-sensitivity to an absolute minimum, as I feel it can derail games if not everyone is on the same rough power level.

Please let me know if you are interested; once I can decide if we've got enough interest, I'll make the recruitment thread



Also interested! I'd like to transfer over my Rodian Trader/Assassin character character from Edge of the Empire (the Star Wars smugglers-themed system game) to this. Basically he poses as a trader, but is the sniper-dude of the smuggling crew. Basically Jayne, but less of a potato. ^^ (He may have a similar wooly hat though ^^)


Mmm, yes, I do own the rulebooks for all three Fantasy Flight Star Wars games, but would prefer to keep this game without a system. Still recruiting, obviously!


Yeah, no worries I figured. I meant I'd write him as a freeform character but that's where he originated from. :)


I would be interested, but i think that level of interest is contingent on learning more about what you happen to have as an idea.


Three players with vague interest is enough to warrant making an actual recruitment thread. I will let you know as soon as it is up!


Alright, head on over to for the official recruitment thread and a more expanded story idea.