[Adult/Mature] Dying to try out Exalted 2e...

Started by Vanity Evolved, June 22, 2008, 06:33:46 AM

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Vanity Evolved

After another read of some Exalted stuff, I've realized how much I want to try it still. If possible, I'm looking for a solo game, low power to high power (say, mortal through to Solar Exalted) which moves at a generally faster pace - I love RPing out the small things, but taking months just to finish a small dungeon or earn enough XP for a whole one charm just puts me off completely.

I added the adult/mature part because one of the parts of Exalted I would love to play out is how different it is. I love epic romance, epic combat, fighting against the odds, and sexuality in Creation is just so different to ny other fantasy setting I've seen that it's something I'd -definately- like to explore.

So, if you're interested, or want to brainstorm some ideas, just drop me a PM or whatever. =)


Heh, good luck.

The one primary challenge I've found with the Exalted system is that it tends to eat up ST's like nothing else.

I wouldn't mind a game of Exalted 2e, but my issues with the current system means my ideal playstyle would be a horrendous mish-mash of the nicer bits of 2e and 1e in one horrendous, lovecraftian beast lurching spastically across the landscape.


Hey! I was reading your OP and I think I might be a perfect ST for you. I haven't been approved for the boards yet, and I have limited experience with playing by post, but if you'd want to do a chat game or if you could put up with my total incompetence with playing by post then it could probably work.

I tend to give out obscene amounts of XP because I think the game just works better that way. I usually hand out about 5 to 7xp a scene, but I mitigate it by enforcing training times/training requirements [ie, just because you have the XP for it doesn't mean you can learn Ebon Shadow style]. Further, I tend to focus on games that have a broad scope - ie, youre character travels through creation and actually effects the makeup of nations, people, etc. Also, I primarily joined these forums because I think that sexuality isn't something I can usually bring up with the four people I run a game for currently. It feels slightly wrong because sexuality and Exalted go hand and hand in my opinion.

Anyways, if you want to do a Solo game, let me know. If not I'd be more than willing to run a game for a few players.

Take care!
- Liz


Couldn't find the edit button. Guh, I suck at forums :D !

KingMob, you'd actually love the players I have in this current game of mine. So far they've rejected certain parts of 2e, like Social Combat, and demand I do 1e style social combat. I'm also really not too strict with the rules, so, while it follows alot of the basic mechanics I'm definitely willing to edit here and there.

What about 2e aren't you a fan of?


*smiles* At the moment Quint you can not be signed up for adult roleplay yet. If you are approved then you can. The edit button comes with approval.


All apologies! If I get approved I'll keep you all posted and maybe we'll run a game together. Sorry for the presumption on my end.


Sounds awesome, likewise Ild love to jump into a 2nd edition Exalted game so consider me another interested player
Brandon: What makes him tick? - My on's and off's - My open games thread - My Away Thread
Limits: I do not, under any circumstances play out scenes involving M/M, non-con, or toilet play


Well, I just got approved! So, if you're interested in a game why don't you drop me a line. Try to tell me what sort of medium you'd like to play, and what sort of game you'd like to do. I'd prefer to get something of a group game going [naturally solo sessions for individual PCs will occur], but if you want to we can do Solo sessions as well. I'd prefer chatrooms over playing by post because I'm super new to playing by post, so, if you want to do that it's going to take me a day or two to get acquainted with the systems involved.

So, yeah! Just tell me what sort of game you'd want to play, if you'd be fine playing with others and what sort of medium you're down with in a PM!

Take care!
- Liz


Hail and well met.  Are you lookign to run a group game or a one on one? 

Also, are any of you intrested in an expereinced Dragon Blooded of Lookshy game?  Erotic Content being fairly vanlila...  By exalted standards, anyways... 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: QuintessenceX on July 09, 2008, 03:16:35 PM
Couldn't find the edit button. Guh, I suck at forums :D !

KingMob, you'd actually love the players I have in this current game of mine. So far they've rejected certain parts of 2e, like Social Combat, and demand I do 1e style social combat. I'm also really not too strict with the rules, so, while it follows alot of the basic mechanics I'm definitely willing to edit here and there.

What about 2e aren't you a fan of?

Ignoring the slow thematic changes that have been infesting bits of 2e(I admit, I don't like the new Abyssals book or Dreams much, but I think we can all admit that Lunars 2e is the best thing ever), my dislike of 2e Social Combat is both horrendous and obscene.

To be fair, my raging hardon of peeved dislike, if you will, is derived from two different games I've played in.  ("So, what do intimacies do?"  "Um... nothing, apparently!  Your essence 4 social combo does jack all, and the Dragonblooded still hates you." "...")

Yeah, and I don't like Martial Arts, either.  Yeah, I'm weird.   :)

I freely admit that I'm a big Solar fan and the other Exalts never really held much interest for me.  Yeah, I'm boring.   ;D I'll drop you a line, Quintessence, and see what we can work out.  I'm not that big a fan of forum play-by-post either, as the last Exalted PbP game I was end ended rather, uh, abruptly and creepily...


Ive kind of always wanted to do a dragon blooded of the Blessed Ilses because the different houses and their quarreling sounds interesting. I havnt played Lunars, sidreals, or abbyssals (I dont even have their book yet) but Ild be open to trying them out. Solars I have played and I find them interesting but Ild like to try out the other types before going back to them

Heres my question to everyone. What do we want out of an Exalted game?

I want everything it has to offer but Im still relitivly new to the game having only played once before almost a year ago
Brandon: What makes him tick? - My on's and off's - My open games thread - My Away Thread
Limits: I do not, under any circumstances play out scenes involving M/M, non-con, or toilet play


Just noting a similar interest in Exalted 2E.

My preference would be for a Dragon Blooded game orienting around the Scarlet Dynasty, as I just particularly enjoy that bit of the setting and feel it has a lot to interact with in terms of rich culture, backstory, rp options, the like. I find the society of it neat.

If the GM was feeling especially ambitious, some big sweeping political/courtly/military extravaganza where the players are all notable elders of their houses mucking around with each other/the rest of the world would be particularly cool.

But that idle hope aside I'd be looking for something that basically played across the scope of that society, from the depths of its decadence, to the heights of its force of personality driven, over the top accomplishments and such grandeur as it has for its own.


Amazing, how I seem to be in the minority with my love/desire for a Solar game in the Scavenger Lands.

I mean, I had heard for the longest time since 1e that Dragonbloods had a big following, but I've never actually seen it put into practice.   ;D


Dont get me wrong, its not that I want dragonbloods because I have some love for them. I just want to try them because I havnt had the opportunity in the past. The same goes for Sidereals, abyssals, and Lunars. I also want the blessed isles because it seems more interesting to me then Lookshy or playing outcasts
Brandon: What makes him tick? - My on's and off's - My open games thread - My Away Thread
Limits: I do not, under any circumstances play out scenes involving M/M, non-con, or toilet play


Quote from: KingMob on July 11, 2008, 08:50:35 PM
Amazing, how I seem to be in the minority with my love/desire for a Solar game in the Scavenger Lands.

I mean, I had heard for the longest time since 1e that Dragonbloods had a big following, but I've never actually seen it put into practice.   ;D

It's just something I've done a lot to where it doesn't really engage me anymore. The Scavenger Lands Solar thing.

And honestly I'm overall more partial to the Dragon Blooded.


Hey guys, just a quick update!
I'm currently in the process of setting up two games. This puts me at 3 total games that I'm running right now which is totally manageable given my current schedule and job, in so much as the scenes happen at scheduled times. Now, I have a desire to run a Terrestrial, pre-civil war game and watch how the characters influence all of this. However, 4 games is kind of stretching my limits a bit and I must confess that I have little desire to find the peeps and throw them into a group. If any of you crazy kids want to do a group game, it would be huuuge omfgwtfxthankyou if you could orgnaize the groups on your own. I can take one more game, currently, but any more than that and I'll have to eventually cut one in just a month or two.


Well, what would you be looking for the theoretical players involved to do?

In terms of game setup that is.


Meh, anything really!
I've been following Exalted and playing since 1e. I know alot about the fluff [though I can suck with the mechanics from time to time!] to place any sort of game. Since it will be a group game, naturally, I think the ERP ought to be done as schedule, solo [or possibly multiple] side sessions instead of actually making an entire plot scene turn into something erotic. But, yeah, if you wanted to play a Sidereals game, I could do that. Solars, Abyssals, Lunars, Dragon-Blooded, Mixed, even Akuma if you want. Naturally the characters have to have some reason to work together, so I might refuse characters that dont play well with others.


Well, to be a lil more specific.. for instance, are you looking for the players to post the overall campaign premise, characters and such stuff, and you'll then run it?


I guess what I'd look for is a base of players who are willing to play together with a similar theme in mind. The campaign premise doesn't have to be articulated - it could just be "Solars in the South" or "Dynasts before the civil war". In so much as they all agree upon a very basic concept and are willing to play at a set time I'll run it.


If/When I get approved, I would love to try out some Exalted here.  My tastes tend run for Solars and Dynas Dragon Bloods, though I think Dreams of the First Age (any genre) would be fun as well. 


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Current Posting Speed: 1-2 times per week

Come to me, just in a dream. Come on and rescue me.
Yes, I know. I can be wrong. Maybe I'm too headstrong.


Well, from the opinions voiced so far in this thread, people seem to be angling towards a Dragonblooded game.

No Solars running around the scavenger lands for me, it seems.  Ah well.   ;D


I'd love to play anything.  A dragon blooded of the dynasty would defiantly be on the list. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


I love Exalted. I might be convinced to ST if no one else has offered it up yet, but I'd have to see how juggling my other threads are going first.  Don't want to have too much on my plate at the same time. :)
|| Games I Play||
Not Available for RP
|| O&O || Requests ||  A&A ||
Current Posting Speed: 1-2 times per week

Come to me, just in a dream. Come on and rescue me.
Yes, I know. I can be wrong. Maybe I'm too headstrong.