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I've been watching Tengen Toppen Gurren Lagann- about to start One Piece and Sailor Moon.  ;D


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Fandom Request Thread!


Quote from: Juicy Lucy on January 20, 2014, 06:10:57 PM
I've been watching Tengen Toppen Gurren Lagann- about to start One Piece and Sailor Moon.  ;D
Congrats, now you will be paraphrasing, parodying, and quoting Kamina in your head for days to come. :P


Quote from: Juicy Lucy on January 20, 2014, 06:10:57 PM
I've been watching Tengen Toppen Gurren Lagann- about to start One Piece and Sailor Moon.  ;D

One Piece is the best anime I have ever seen. Start it A.S.A.P. If you guys have seen bleach or read the manga let me ask you all a question. What the hell do you think Kisuke Urahara's Banki is?
Status: Stepping away for a while.


Just got started with UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie... I have got a lot of laughs out of the first disc so far.


Quote from: Sasquatch421 on January 26, 2014, 07:16:20 PM
Just got started with UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie... I have got a lot of laughs out of the first disc so far.

I've only watched a few episodes so far but I found this show to be hilarious from what I've seen. It's on Amazon Prime Instant Watch for those who have access to that.

I'm going to take my time. I have all the time in the world. To make you mine. It is written in the stars above.

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Anime?  Count me in, although my tastes the last few years have gotten quite particular.

My list of 'have seen's is quite long, but here's a few.....and hopefully it gives a good cross-section idea of what I enjoy:

- Cardcaptor Sakura (Shoujo / Magical-girl)
- Kingdom (Historical/period/shounen)
- Ranma 1/2 (Rom-com/action)
- Naruto (shounen Action)
- Ai Yori Aoshi (Harem comedy/romance)
- The 12 Kingdoms (Fantasy, Light-novel adaption)
- Akira (Sci-fi/post-apocalyptic)
- Spirited Away (Ghibli/Miyazaki)
- Eden of the East (Sci-fi)
- Record of Lodoss War

Can't forget my gateway, Samurai Pizza Cats, either.

Not the biggest fanatic of mecha, thus the lack of a title from that genre.  Then again, my first and last there was Gundam Wing....probably not the best 'jumping-off' point, but I digress.

My anime intake has been rather limited lately, what with a good percentile of titles that are on the streams being of the 'otaku'-pandering sorts.  Had enough of the tits-and-ass stuff, frankly.  Ditto that for shounen....way too long and overdrawn.  It sounds like I'm not missing much judging by this thread....lots of 'classics' recommendations and stuff that people may have missed in the early 2000s.  This is nice to see.  The only contemporary series I've even seen being halfway popular based on mentions in forums are Attack on Titan and Sword Art Online.....the only two that come to mind for me right now, and neither appealed to me.

I did list Kingdom above, which was the last 'series'-type anime I took in.  It's a shame the animation....a horrid-mix of cel-shaded 3d and traditional 2d..... pretty much killed an otherwise good historical period story with plenty of action.  The 2nd season never even got picked up for streaming (S1 was through FUNimation).  SAO and Titan proved to be the 'hits' of 2012....ah well.

I've more or less recently been building the backlog of things I saw prior and enjoyed, mostly stuff that aired on TV years back (Yu Gi Oh, Digimon, Monster Rancher, etc.....these are more-or-less 'had to be there for them' shows...or they may not be enjoyable) or are old fan favorites that I've only gotten around to in the last few years (Tenchi Muyo OAVs), and have been discovering anime-inspired Western faire (Avatar / Korra, etc)......some good stuff there for being aimed at a tween/young-teen audience.  I couldn't believe I wrote it off for years.

I am hoping to pick up a copy of Wolf Children real soon, seeing as FUNimation will have vendor space at my local anime con in a couple of weeks.  I hear that was a good one, and have been wanting to see it for months
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Quote from: Haruki on January 31, 2014, 08:20:24 AM
and have been discovering anime-inspired Western faire (Avatar / Korra, etc)......

Oh, I liked Samurai Jack very much. Not an 'anime' in the sense like Naruto or Trigun and the like because it was American made, but I loved it so very much.
Ons/Offs // Request Thread (Updated 3/10/24) // Slow to Reply at the Moment


I hope you all don't mind if I join this chat.

Samurai Jack was the first 'anime' I saw along with Inuyasha. Me, I love watching Hellsing, both the original and ova. I've seen so much anime that I probably can't remember the names of all of them, but I'll try.

Wolf's Rain
The Future Diary
Sword Art Online
Spice and Wolf
Highschool of the Dead
Jigoku Shoujo
Ghost Hunt
Fooly Cooly
Deadman Wonderland
Black Butler

There's actually more than that, but those are the ones I would watch over and over and over again. This doesn't include the movies either. I don't know why I enjoy anime so much, but it always seems to be better than the cartoons they show on tv, more thought out and unpredictable. I love it.

Quote from: Haruki on January 31, 2014, 08:20:24 AM
I am hoping to pick up a copy of Wolf Children real soon, seeing as FUNimation will have vendor space at my local anime con in a couple of weeks.  I hear that was a good one, and have been wanting to see it for months

Wolf Children made me cry. I rarely ever cry with movies but that one made me do it for once. It was so nice, at least in my opinion. It's the word "wolf" that made me watch it, and I'll watch it a second time though I just saw it for the first time two days ago.

Drake Valentine

Trying to pick apart some things that may not been mention, but then again I did a quick stroll so might end up re-mentioning things.

Not sure of the Japanese name for it, but the English Title was

-When Seagulls Cry (Or something like that) Very morbid mystery anime.
-Kuroko's Basketball (Again another unsure of Japanese title, this one I seen on Crunchy Roll. One of few sports animes I enjoy, even though I don't watch many of them.)
-War on Titan
-Machine Dolls (or something like that, not sure of Japanese name, might be call Machine dolls)
-Pilot's Love Story (Not sure of Japanese title if it has one, another one I am watching on Crunchy Roll)
-The reboot of the Hunter x Hunter series.
-Magical Warfare (Unsure of tittle. Again, another series watching on Crunchy Roll.)

Older anime I enjoyed
-Vandread (outspace/mech/love story)
-Claymore (Hate how it ended, they could of continued it. ;\)
-Rourni Kenshin (Minus all the filler episodes and crappy ending. Another anime that could of been extended upon.)

Other Anime
-Jor... Joru... Jorumounodo(whatever it is spelt as >_>`) Basically arms dealer type of anime. I didn't like how it ended, but then again I think it ended same way in the manga going what others said about it. So.. still... ;\
-Familiar of Zero was some good series.
-Fate/Stay Night (Think was name) was good season, I haven't watched the other one that was suppose to happen before the modern day events.
-Persona 4. Actually a good anime in comparison to some of the other crappy animated Persona animes.  I mean, if you have no plans of playing the game and not currently playing the game, then it is something to watch. If you already beat the game, it is still something to watch. xD
-Gundam Seed (By far the best of the Gundam titles in my opinion)
-Death Note
-Both seasons of Code Geass (By far the best Mecha  anime in my opinion. I mean hell, it is like Mech meets Death Note)

*Shrug* There are lots of anime out there, and I am sure I probably watched over five-seven times the ones I listed so far. Unfortunately it is hard to list them all. Easiest way would be to find a site that has animes where you can search by category with image of the anime, and brief description regarding them.

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Raped, Bloody, And Humiliated, Little Alice in Wonderland."

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Was finally able to nab the first two collections of Fairy Tail... I am loving this series so far! Where can I find a Happy?


I think some of the most memorable anime I've seen that immediately springs to mind is:

  • Ranma 1/2
  • Hellsing (original + ova)
  • Rurouni Kenshin (Trust & Betrayal + TV Series, until Shishio died)
  • High School of the Dead
  • Naruto Shippuuden (but my god, the fillers...)
  • Bleach
  • Full Metal Alchemist (original + Brotherhood)
  • Code Geass
  • Princess Mononoke
  • Record of Lodoss War
  • Akira
  • Jūbei Ninpūchō (aka Ninja Scrolls; the movie more so than the series)
Mostly that's all that's coming to me right now.


Ooh! An anime thread..that mostly includes stuff that isn't what I've most enjoyed watching! I could give a big list of finished things, but right now my top two animes currently running are Kill La Kill (Epic, over the top! Magical Girl storyline taken to the best possibly place) and Log Horizon (Very different from SOA, of which the first season was super good - but I thought the second season was a letdown in a number of ways)

Of things that are finished, these are the ones that stuck with me the most.

Denno Coil (If you like things like Spirited Away)
Gurren Lagann (For Epicness)
Arakawa Under the Bridge (For Crazyness)
Black Lagoon (For Awesomeness)
Kimi ni Todoke (For what I think of is the most frustratingly realistic relationship~)
GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka (For crazy/andsometimes awesomness)
Eden of the East (Pretty smart stuff!)
Mushi-Shi (Engaging!)
Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei (For Craziness)
Samurai Champloo (For awesomeness)
Seto no Hanayome (For Hilariousness)
Toradora (For relationshipness and funny..and yanno, it does stuff right!)
"My mind is not in the gutter, I just happen to have a really good view of it from my high horse"



So who here enjoys Puella Magi Madoka Magica is much as I do?


I've actually been wanting to watch more anime lately since my brother was watching Code Geass on his computer at some streaming site. I tried watching a few episodes, but the plot just seemed a little...I dunno. I couldn't get into it.

But it got me looking at things. My computer's too shitty to use his streaming website for more than like one episode at a time. And most of the Netflix stuff isn't really doing it for me. I've been trying to get into some mech stuff (other than Code Geass, cause I dug the mechs, but all the other shit was a bit busy for me) and I decided to watch some more gundam stuff.

As for my favorites, a lot of it is stuff I used to watch on Cartoon Network. Here are those:

Speed Grapher (I dunno, just liked it a LOT. Probably my favorite)
Cowboy Bebop (cause it's a classic for me)
Rurouni Kenshin
Yu Yu Hakusho
Cyborg 009 (God, I love this one so much, even though it has such a goofy style and it's super old.)
Persona 4 (watched it on Hulu since I never got to play the games)

Those are the only ones coming to mind right now.

Do you guys know if there's a thread like this for manga anywhere on the site?


Quote from: Yugishogun on March 09, 2014, 07:04:27 PM
So who here enjoys Puella Magi Madoka Magica is much as I do?

I watched the third movie recently!  I'm not ... not sure how I felt about that.
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

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A and A


Quote from: meikle on March 20, 2014, 08:41:27 AM
I watched the third movie recently!  I'm not ... not sure how I felt about that.

Which character is your favorite?


spoiler might be an actual spoiler from the anime!  but it is from my favorite scene and doesn't say much without context.
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

edit: to make my spoiler note sound less dramatic.
Kiss your lover with that filthy mouth, you fuckin' monster.

O and O and Discord
A and A


Understood, Melkie.


I finished
•Code Geass
•Princess Mononoke
•Record of Lodoss War

Now watching
•Rurouni Kenshin (TV Series)
•Ranma 1/2


Still love Ranma 1/2!

For myself I finished:

~Appleseed XIII: Tartaros & Ouranos
~Samurai 7
~High School of the Dead

Now I'm not sure if I want to finish IkkiTousen Great Guardians, more Saiyuki or rewatch Hellsing Ultimate...

Chris Brady

Currently watching: Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei  Interesting, but as it's just started I withhold any judgement.
My O&Os Peruse at your doom.

So I make a A&A thread but do I put it here?  No.  Of course not.

Also, I now come with Kung-Fu Blog action.  Here:  Where I talk about comics and all sorts of gaming


I'm also a fan of anime and manga. Currently I'm watching a lot of Fairy Tale, Bleach, Titans and One Piece. But I'm a HUGE fan of Naruto, and currently waiting "patiently" for the next chapter and episode :)
Beforehand I also watched a lot of Hellsing and I've actually read the Pokemon manga (because I'm that awesome  8-) )


I haven't watched any anime in a long while, so I was thrilled to find Fairy Tail on Netflix and Hulu. I've been watching those seasons even though Hulu is missing part of season five and all of season six. :(

The last time I watched some anime was when by friend loaned me Sailor Moon on VHS and when Slayer's was out, which I have most of the DVD's for.


Yes I love anime! I recently got into anime in 2008 and I'm watching anime that people recommend me to watch. Recently I've seen Wolf's Rain and right now I'm finishing up Gungrave. Looking forward to watching the next anime, just not sure what I'll watch next.

My List=)

"True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen." ~Francois de La Rochefoucauld