Guess something about the next Person.

Started by Mordred, March 24, 2012, 06:29:59 PM

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Observing Trifles

Horror in the "traditional" sense, as in monster/slasher films, not so much. Psychological and body horror gets my interest like nothing else, though.

The next person likes romantic comedies.
|| the hunt ||

i'm caught up in your design
and how it connects to mine
i see in a different light the objects of my desire
not acid nor alkaline



Give me The Notebook or Autumn in New York any day!  :)

Next person is a Whovian! (Doctor Who fan, for those who were curious.)


 :-[ "Hello I am Snapes and I am a whovian"

the next person has a show they are obsessed with as well.
A&A: updated 12/24/15
There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.

Observing Trifles

Tons of them.

The next person has an early start tomorrow.
|| the hunt ||

i'm caught up in your design
and how it connects to mine
i see in a different light the objects of my desire
not acid nor alkaline



yup 2:30 am

the next person has fallen asleep at work
A&A: updated 12/24/15
There is something wrong in life when my most dominate side is my muse, and she doesn't listen to me. She skips around doing her own thing and ignoring me.

Observing Trifles

I almost did the other day. >>

The next person has had an alcoholic beverage today.
|| the hunt ||

i'm caught up in your design
and how it connects to mine
i see in a different light the objects of my desire
not acid nor alkaline



No, early here.

The next person has an idea for a story, but cannot seem to find the right person to write it with.


I was like that for a bit with all of m Doctor Who plots but I finally found 3 people (each a different Doctor) to do one with!

The next person is really hooked into at least one rp more then others.


haha. This is true. I do have a favorite at the moment.

The next person is searching for the perfect plot for their next rp

blue bunny sparkle

Nope... I've got too many plots that sit around rattling my brain and want to get out... but not enough time to write them all!

Next person has wayyy too many rps going on.


Very true. But I enjoy each and every one of them.

The next person has quite a few books stacked up waiting to be read.
Now we live, tomorrow not
Enjoy your pleasures, lest they rot
Let not them pass this very day
For on the morrow regret may with you stay


Only three... the Lisbeth Salander trilogy...

The next person has traveled abroad.
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."

Observing Trifles


The next person goes out of state regularly.
|| the hunt ||

i'm caught up in your design
and how it connects to mine
i see in a different light the objects of my desire
not acid nor alkaline



Unfortunately, I don't any longer.

Next person absolutely loves waffles.

Observing Trifles

Meh, I could take or leave waffles.

The next person is a vegetarian.
|| the hunt ||

i'm caught up in your design
and how it connects to mine
i see in a different light the objects of my desire
not acid nor alkaline



Not really.

The next person wants to cuddle the beloved person right now, but cannot.


I guess that is true.

The next person is in a really good Sunday evening mood?
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Mr Bigglesworth

Yup, I am!

The next person is excited about an upcoming event.

Observing Trifles

Not really.

The next person has somewhere important to be tomorrow.
|| the hunt ||

i'm caught up in your design
and how it connects to mine
i see in a different light the objects of my desire
not acid nor alkaline


Daoine Sidhe

Not in the least.  Definitely gonna do nothing, if I can help it.  :P

The next person enjoys cooking at random hours.
Entice Me (O/O) | Engage Me (RPs) | Find Me (A/A) | Play with Me (Ideas)
Actively seeking good RP partners.

I honor the Oath.


Yes, actually.  Breakfast at midnight...mmmm.

the next person has big feet and a really big.... heart.

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


yes, i have to leave the room when my neices and nephews get in trouble and have to be dealt with.
Infinate in mystery, is the gift of the goddess, and we seek it thus, reaching for the sky.

~Final Fantasy 7 Loveless Act 1


Well, uh, you didn't ask the next person a question so I shall go with what Belle33 asked.

Yes, I do have a big heart, but I can be a jerk sometimes. <_<

The next person likes tacos better than burritos?
Not accepting new RPs

Apologies | Ons/Offs | Finds | Requests + Rumbelle Craving

caine89 sent to soon sorry.....

no burritos can hold more than tacos:P

the next person will be checking this will in the bed
Infinate in mystery, is the gift of the goddess, and we seek it thus, reaching for the sky.

~Final Fantasy 7 Loveless Act 1

Observing Trifles


The next person drinks way too much caffeine on any given day.
|| the hunt ||

i'm caught up in your design
and how it connects to mine
i see in a different light the objects of my desire
not acid nor alkaline
