Give the person above you an Ego-Pep! Spread the love, people ;)

Started by Amelita, July 17, 2010, 05:41:50 AM

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Tell the person something great about themselves, compliment them! (no, you don't have to know them, just tell them what everybody needs to hear once in a while... or every day!)

Amelia, you look SO hot today, and you're smart and fun and a great writing partner! (see how it works? Do that for the one above you :) warm fuzzies all around! )

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~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
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Michael Corvus

Amelia, you look SO hot today, and you're smart and fun and a great writing partner!  ;D
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The Oath of The Drake
*Currently Only Seeking Group Games*


Corvus, you are very intelligent, adorable, witty and fun. Just so you know, you know.

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red



RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red



Michael Corvus

It's your cleavage... It's perfect. I just calls ofmpfmmpf *nom nom nom*
My O/O's | My A/A's | My Characters
The Oath of The Drake
*Currently Only Seeking Group Games*


your witty and sexy and I want my hands where that girls hands are

Harley Quinn

You're so cute and hilarious, I can always count on you for a laugh.
Ons/Offs - Absences

Note: Since I get mistaken for this other member a lot, my username has a space and is Harley Quinn - I am not HarleyQuinn


you're so sweet and i'd love having smexy smex with you ;)


Gal you are my big huggable sexy teddy bear. You are always sweet, always there for snuggles, and always willing to play soft or rough. X
"She distrusted a moon like that. A full moon could only wane, a new moon could only wax, but a half moon, balancing so precariously between light and dark ... well, it could do anything..."

*Luci's Ons and Offs Post*

*Luci's Apologies and Absences Post*


Luci, your always so nice to me. your very smexy and tempting, and you taste really sweet.



thirteen, you were one of the first i got to know here, you inspire me each time i write with you, you are sweet, kind, smexy and if i had to choose a mistress it  would certainly be you, as i know you'd be a great one =D


Gala your way nicer to me then I deserve. your always there with a snuggle when I need you.


Dolly, noone could ever be nicer to you then you deserve it, cause you deserve all the best the world has to offer, when your happy, you make everyone else be so as well, you're so sweet and by that can go quite're great.



you're sweet and coudly are your breasts...makes tripple sweet and cuddly!


(Ignore me in the line, reply to Galanthor please. I just wanted to say You guys are awesome! That's how to spread the love properly  :-* ok carry on...)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


I am what Nightmares are made of.....



You seem like such a lovely person, Galanthor. Such good taste. I mean, look at the name: Galanthor... Need I say more? ;)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


I think it's great you now nordic gods, you're sweet and you love snuggles, wanna marry me?
By the way, didn't thought of the god while inventing the name, although i'm german =/


Ah. Another display of fine taste. I'm excellent wife-material  ;) I think it's very cute that you're German. I'm tempted to dust off my language skills... (see how I gave myself some love in every other sentence? ...god, I'm good. lol)

Back to you, sweet fellow European. I can't wait to be accepted, I bet your writing rocks :)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red