Black Sails, Dark Water (Freeform, Pirate/Supernatural) [Recruitment]

Started by Kakihara, January 26, 2024, 08:05:42 PM

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Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 31, 2024, 09:18:51 AMWill ↑↑this↑↑ be appropriate?

I believe so, though it should be more than one rune I would imagine so like a few tattooed on her hand, can be worked into an image.  

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Kakihara on January 31, 2024, 09:36:27 AMI believe so, though it should be more than one rune I would imagine so like a few tattooed on her hand, can be worked into an image. 
I like that too! I was considering a number of creatures whose venom causes fatigue. I'll come up with something clever I'm sure 🤭

Also, on an unrelated note, I would recommend that any players who intend to write for captains watch this video highlighting one method of running your ship:

Likewise for Quartermasters:

Granted, this is only one realistic depiction of pirates, and some players might want to write a more romantic version of their ship. Just the same, I think it's useful to understand the basics of real life piracy. 

Devilyn Sydhe

I was wondering if a fairyblooded of pooka ancestry would be overpowered if he had some shapeshifter abilities.  I am considering a sellsword or assassin with the ability to change his eye color, the length and color of hair, or even add or hide tattoos.  He would have to remain the same size and shape and possibly have a rune inscribed on the back of his neck to give him these abilities but I wanted to see if the concept would work before going forward.


Quote from: Devilyn Sydhe on January 31, 2024, 12:11:31 PMI was wondering if a fairyblooded of pooka ancestry would be overpowered if he had some shapeshifter abilities.  I am considering a sellsword or assassin with the ability to change his eye color, the length and color of hair, or even add or hide tattoos.  He would have to remain the same size and shape and possibly have a rune inscribed on the back of his neck to give him these abilities but I wanted to see if the concept would work before going forward.

Oooh, that sounds kinda cool, actually. I wonder how the hair length thing would work, but the rest sounds a lot more feasible. Kakihara would obviously have final say on that, but the concept is interesting, for sure!

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: Devilyn Sydhe on January 31, 2024, 12:11:31 PMI was wondering if a fairyblooded of pooka ancestry would be overpowered if he had some shapeshifter abilities.  I am considering a sellsword or assassin with the ability to change his eye color, the length and color of hair, or even add or hide tattoos.  He would have to remain the same size and shape and possibly have a rune inscribed on the back of his neck to give him these abilities but I wanted to see if the concept would work before going forward.
Well, fairyblooded don't have innate abilities so they would have to be Fae to have it as and ability.  Now he could have rune tattoos inscribed on him to allow that but then I'd say those tattoos could not be altered since those are what are allowing him to use the ability and he's pouring his magic into.  And as I detailed above, it would only be for as long as he poured magic into and it would use up the magic quicker than with an inscribed device as well as have to be re-tattooed every so often since the ink would fade after a number of uses.  But other than the runic tattoos powering the change not being able to change, I think the other changes are doable.  

Mediocre Author


Name: Captain Prudence Hawke
Nickname: "Witch Captain"
Age: 32
Sexuality: Rumored to be Pansexual, but officially unknown
Blood Status: Presenting as full-blooded Human, (secretly Fairyblooded)
Ethnicity: English
Occupation/Rank: Captain of the Crimson Hawk

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel Blue
Distinguishing Features: A tattoo of a several venomous animals on her right palm, curling around to the back of her right hand. These markings are most often concealed by her gloves.
Face Claim: Natalie Dormer

Personality: If there was a word to best describe Prudence in her old life, it would be "prudent"... but that name hardly applies to her anymore. She always played things safe for the first half of her life, before she threw caution to the wind and became a privateer. She always weighs the cost of combat, but it is rare that she decides against it. Fearless and daring, she is willing to risk everything in the pursuit of her goals, and God help those who stand in her way. She knows that as a female captain, she is likely to be underestimated, so she uses that to her advantage. She enjoys using guile and subterfuge to lull her enemies into a false sense of security before she strikes. It is often rumored that she has slept with hundreds of men and women alike, although those claims are ultimately unproven. Aboard her ship, she commands complete authority, and she is beyond brutal to those who step out of line. Most sailors who have served under her, consider her fair and trustworthy, but they warn all potential allies to know what they are getting into before entering allegiance with her. She is certainly not one to be trifled with.

History: Prudence was borne in Whitby, England.  The daughter of Captain James R. Hawke, a distinguished naval captain in the English Royal Navy, she was formally trained by in matters of court, grace, and elegance while her father spent his time abroad. But when he was at home, her father informally trained in sailing and fencing. She never learned about her mother, or the fact that the woman was a fae, a Leanan sídhe.

After her father's ship was destroyed by the French, her father was held for ransom, before dying in a French Bastille. Prudence immediately sold all of her father's land and valuables, commissioned a ship, and received a blessing from Queen Anne of England to become a legal privateer, hunting enemies of the crown.
Prudence acted as captain, and with a skilled and loyal crew, she became the bane of foreign vessels and pirates alike. The Crimson Hawk was respected and feared throughout the seas, and it was considered a jewel of English sailing.

However, when King George the First took the throne in 1714, he decreed that the excessive number of privateers were a threat to the strength of the Royal Navy, and he deemed that the Crimson Hawk in particular was a danger to the crown. Upon receiving the news, Prudence realized that her only options were to give up the sea or become one of the pirates which she previously hunted. Needless to say, English ships are now on her list of targets as well. She still considers herself a loyal servant of the late Queen Anne, but she holds no loyalty to the current monarch.

Weapons: Ornate Swept-Hilt Rapier,, paired with a parrying daggar, a flintlock pistol, and a tiny pepperbox pistol hidden in the lining of her petticoat

Skills: Prudence was classically educated and has read extensively in contemporary and ancient literature alike. She is fluent in 4 language, (English, German, Spanish, and Italian) and she can understand a handful of others well enough. She inherited both her father's keen mind and a bit of her mother's magic, which are the primary reasons she has maintained command in such a cutthroat occupation. She is skilled at negotiation and intimidation, critical skills for any pirate captain. Prudence is an adept duelist with her rapier and dagger combo, and she is an acceptable markswoman, although she does  it excel in this regard.

Stamina-vampirism - With the complex series of tattoos on her hand, Prudence has a secret a rune which allows her to slowly sap the physical strength of anyone with whom she crosses blades. The effect is minimal, and slowly increases with time. This is paired with her excellent defensive fencing abilities, and it would be borderline worthless otherwise. After a period of only a few hours, a similar yet stronger sense of fatigue sets in on her, and she has to rest or she will pass out.

Spyglass of Greed: An ornate set of runes are inlaid into Prudence's own personal telescope, and when gazing through it, she can located precious metals even through wood, iron, or cloth. The glass cannot see through rock, earth, or lead however, and it is not always easy to determine the exact quality of the treasure which the spyglass highlights.

Terran Compass: This is an old and unassuming compass with runes roughly etched into the internal case, to hide them from view. The compass has two needles, the primary which always points north, and the secondary, which always points towards the nearest landmass. Blind trust of this compass is very dangerous, however, as it will also direct the user through uncharted waters, hidden reefs, and into storms, indiscriminately.

O&Os: Ons: Romantic pairings. D/s. Dubcon/NC/R in either direction, either giving or receiving. Offs: Blood, scat, vore, extreme S&M. Underage.



Captain Prudence Hawke - Mediocre Author

In addition, I've created an NPC sheet and have it up if anyone wishes to have an NPC either on their ship or on shore, to supplement their PC characters as they shouldn't be used as PCs.  Please PM me any NPC sheet for review and adding.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Kakihara on January 31, 2024, 05:11:23 PMApproved

Captain Prudence Hawke - Mediocre Author

In addition, I've created an NPC sheet and have it up if anyone wishes to have an NPC either on their ship or on shore, to supplement their PC characters as they shouldn't be used as PCs.  Please PM me any NPC sheet for review and adding.
Yay! Thank you!

I will be creating an NPC (First Mate, perhaps) with the faceclaim Hafthor Bjornsson

Anyone who wants to make a character for the ship The Crimson Hawk need only ask! 😊

Also anyone who wants to create alliances, rivalries, (or something else 😜) with either of my characters, hit me up! 



For Fae creatures traditionally without a human form or appearance are those allowed? And if they are do they only get a single human appearance or could one alternate appearances or genders?
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Quote from: Saric on January 31, 2024, 05:37:01 PM@Kakihara

For Fae creatures traditionally without a human form or appearance are those allowed? And if they are do they only get a single human appearance or could one alternate appearances or genders?
There is only one single human appearance for a Fae.  AS far as the fae's appearance, it would depend as monster like creatures for fae is not something I'm accepting as tackling the monster thing is not something I'm looking to do right now.  It's hard to make a blanket judgment but they should have something in the human size equivalent though they only have to revert to that form at certain times or when they've fatigued themselves so it's open if their fae form is intelligent, so something like fairy fire wouldn't really be applicable.


Name: Etienne Lavigne
Nickname: Eti, Tien, The Frenchie (he doesn't mind it)
Age: 29
Sexuality: Straight
Blood Status: Fae - Merrow
Ethnicity: French
Occupation/Rank: Pirate and Cook

Height: 6'
Weight: 172 pounds
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Merrow tail (when in Fae form), facial hair, a few scars on his left torso that hurts sometimes (from a boarding gone wrong with his first crew)
Face Claim: Orlando Bloom

Personality: Ambitious | Adventurous | Passionate | Temperamental | Loyal | Caring | Romantic | Obedient | Slightly pretentious with food

History: He was born off the coast of Le Havre France in a quiet cove. His loving parents, both Merrow, gave him and his three younger brothers a lot of freedom to explore, even the human city. They just asked that the boys be careful. Every time they visited Le Havre, Etienne fell in love with the smell and taste of human food. He would watch chefs and pester them for techniques, and as a teenager, he got a job at a small cafe where he learned the beauty of cooking under the tutelage of an old woman who used to be a famous chef.

One of his brothers, Charles, ended up getting in trouble with local police. Etienne and his brothers had to get Charles out, but he refused to go back home where he would be forever confined to the waters. So they snuck him out to another coastal town, Saint Palo.

Etienne and his two other brothers went back to Le Havre and their home in the cove. Their parents were understandably upset, but Etienne agreed to keep an eye out for Charles from time to time. Every so often, he would travel to Saint Palo to visit Charles. But on one visit, Charles was missing. After investigating, it seems that Charles got caught up with a local gang and owed them a lot of money, and ended up joining up with a privateer ship to escape. The gang was now expecting Etienne to pay up instead.

Etienne presented his cooking skills, and they agreed he could pay them off as their chef. But he refused to be trapped under their thumb for years, so one night when a few of the high-value members were having a meeting, he put poison in the boeuf bourguignon. Little did he know, one of the members was a corrupt police officer, and he arrived late to find his companions dying. He tried to shoot Etienne, but the young man escaped.

Etienne went home to Le Havre to find his face plastered everywhere with a massive bounty on his head. Refusing to be confined to the waters, like Charles he decided to run. Privateers might not take him due to his outlaw status, so he ended up joining a pirate ship and learned how to shoot a gun and wield a sword, while he cooked for them. They also taught him English. But he wanted to get away from France and convinced his captain to drop him off at Nassau. He cooked them a big lavish meal as a thank you and knew he had them to rely on if he was ever in trouble.

Now he's at Nassau, looking for a ship to call home.




Cooking: He is a very skilled cook, primarily French cuisine as it is the superior of all cuisines. No one can convince him otherwise.
Sharp Blades: He's good with a knife as any chef would be, and that's translated to the sword with some training from his first crew.
Gun: While he doesn't currently own a gun, he's an okay shot, as long as they're close enough.
Languages: He's French, but speaks English with an accent, and knows a touch of Spanish both of which he learned when he was with his first crew.
✦ Whirlpool - With a swish of his tail or a flick of his hand, he can conjure up a vortex of water about the size of a bathtub. Occasionally, if he concentrates hard enough, he can make one the size of a small ship, but it would be only for a few seconds and wear him down significantly. He can use this to confuse enemies in the water or nudge ships. If he does a small vortex, placing a hand in the water is enough to recharge, but a larger vortex and he needs to be head to toe in the water to recharge.
✦ Water transferring - He can touch small things and draw out the moisture, about 2-3 cups worth at most. Useful for getting a glass of water, or even drying out food for cooking.

Ons: Domination (R), Submission (G), Facesitting (R), Bondage (R), Spankings (R), Petplay (R), Breast/Ass/Body Worship (G)
Offs: Vore/Gore, Blood, Toilet Play, Humiliation, Cutting

Also refer to my Personal O/Os


Interested, courtesy of the most inaccurately-named writer on Elliquiy. I refer of course to Mediocre Author.

Mediocre Author

Quote from: Mythril on January 31, 2024, 11:15:32 PMInterested, courtesy of the most inaccurately-named writer on Elliquiy. I refer of course to Mediocre Author.
Glad to have you, friend 😀

Oh btw, I modified Antonio to be 6'3" instead of 6'6" 

Let's just call that a typo lol


I need to polish this up a bit to look better, but I'll work on that if she's approved. The overall design won't change, just expanded upon and added clarity.

Name: Jacquelin Brimill
Nickname: Jackie, Lina
Age: 29
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Fae (Selkie)
Ethnicity: Faroese
Occupation/Rank: Quartermaster – Queen Anne’s Revenge

Height: 5’7”
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown (Black in Fae)
Eye Color: Ocean Blue (Ice Blue in Fae)
Distinguishing Features: She can slip into a sort of half-fae state, not quite human, but certainly not her true form – that of a leopard seal. In this form, her eyes go ice blue and her hair darkens to black, traits she retains in her seal guise. Likewise, her arms from the fingertips up to her elbows and feet from the toes to her knees look like they have been dipped in ink, along with the upper portion of her face dripping downward. This can be nearly hidden with clothing and it is in this state that she has the most control over her abilities.
Face Claim: Diana Babyna

Personality: At first glance, she seems calm and collected. An endless stream of patience. She is also intelligent, quick-witted, and resourceful. However, just like the smooth surface of the water can hide the turbulence below, her temper churns just beneath the surface. She is stubborn and does not allow anyone, lest of all men, to push her around. While quite loyal to her captain, he is the only one she will listen to. Anyone that goes against his word will see just how ruthless this calm beauty can be.
History: Originally from a small island in the far north, Lina was always rather inquisitive of humans in general. While most of her kind stayed far away from mortals, scared of having their skins being taken from them and held captive, that fear never bothered Lina. She would constantly walk amongst the humans at her leisure, keeping her precious seal skin well hidden.
As a young fae, she enjoyed travelling hidden amongst the sailors and merchants, learning their craft of seamanship and navigation. It was so different to sail the seas above the water than below it and it fascinated her. Fae were not always treated so kindly, so originally Lina kept her nature hidden from the humans. It was many years before magic started seeping back into the world and fairyblooded began to appear.
It was around this time she found her way to another island nation far south of her homeland and fell into step with a crew under a brand new captain who just earned his ship, one that appeared to be fairyblooded himself and had no problems with those of fae ancestry. This bearded man intrigued her, his fiery nature in stark contrast to her watery one.
For the next few years, she would follow his orders as a member of his crew, revealing her fae nature to him in time. As a test of loyalty after showing ambition and promise, he asked for proof of her loyalty towards him, in the one way only she could. He asked for her skin, on the condition that she could ask for it back, no questions asked, but that she would have to leave his service to do so. She offered it up willingly and their relationship only grew closer because of it.
Now the Quartermaster under Blackbeard’s command, Lina has never once thought she lost her freedom by giving up her seal skin. Instead, she feels as if she gained it on the open seas by his side.

Weapons: Twin Scottish Dirks (one strapped to either hip), a small hand crossbow

Ebb and Flow: Has minor control over water currents and can help direct objects in the water.
Expanded Lungs: While not able to breathe underwater, she has increased lung capacity far beyond human means, no matter what form she takes.
Strength: Despite her smaller frame, she is unusually strong for a woman, a feat attributed to her true fae nature. Because of this, she is also decent in hand-to-hand combat and an excellent swimmer.
Alcoholic: While not really an ability, she has found she absolutely loves the taste of human liquor and can drink it like it was water.

O&Os: see personal O/Os

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: Mediocre Author on January 31, 2024, 11:17:49 PMGlad to have you, friend 😀

Oh btw, I modified Antonio to be 6'3" instead of 6'6"

Let's just call that a typo lol
He was wearing lifts like Ron Desantis but he didn’t like what they were doing to his boots. 

Mediocre Author

Quote from: DeformedCatholic on February 01, 2024, 12:15:28 AMHe was wearing lifts like Ron Desantis but he didn’t like what they were doing to his boots.
Lol 😜



I've been looking at this, and it's definitely piqued my interest! Would it be possible to make a Mermaid who can shapeshift and disguise herself as a human? 

If so, I would love to reserve Cindy Kimberly!

O/O | A/A | MM


Quote from: Mellific on February 01, 2024, 06:31:34 AMI've been looking at this, and it's definitely piqued my interest! Would it be possible to make a Mermaid who can shapeshift and disguise herself as a human?

If so, I would love to reserve Cindy Kimberly!
It would be possible.  With Fae, a broad term I'm using for all supernatural creatures, stay in a human form most of the time but need to go back to their natural Fae form either due to fatigue from using too much magic or because of other strictures.  So most all are disguised as humans to avoid being hunted.

Edit: for those who submitted characters, I'm currently at work and will work on approvals after I'm done.  



Etienne Lavigne – Rustic
Jacquelin Brimill - FyreFoxx

Please post your character sheets in the thread in our Big Group game and let me know if you need any public or private threads for your character.


I'm interested. I'm trying to figure out who to play tho... hmm...
Whore with a heart of gold  or I was thinking maybe the daughter of a nobleman who was sailing to an arranged marriage when her ship was attacked. She is found by a captain floating in the ocean with no memory of who she is. HHHmmmmmm......


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 01, 2024, 04:24:18 PMI'm interested. I'm trying to figure out who to play tho... hmm...
Whore with a heart of gold  or I was thinking maybe the daughter of a nobleman who was sailing to an arranged marriage when her ship was attacked. She is found by a captain floating in the ocean with no memory of who she is. HHHmmmmmm......

TBH, I think that second idea has some interesting merit and possible plot points. Even if she doesn't have amnesia, it's a completely different concept than most. I like it. :)

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


I had thought maybe a wealthy daughter of a nobleman who escapes an arranged marriage but it felt too cliche. Maybe she has the wreck and ends up on the ship and realizes she has a chance at a different life and takes it? Hmmm... 


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 01, 2024, 04:43:22 PMI had thought maybe a wealthy daughter of a nobleman who escapes an arranged marriage but it felt too cliche. Maybe she has the wreck and ends up on the ship and realizes she has a chance at a different life and takes it? Hmmm...
Better than Elizabeth Swann... that's the trope done to death.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
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My Poetry Thread


Quote from: AnnieSatin on February 01, 2024, 04:43:22 PMI had thought maybe a wealthy daughter of a nobleman who escapes an arranged marriage but it felt too cliche. Maybe she has the wreck and ends up on the ship and realizes she has a chance at a different life and takes it? Hmmm...
May I suggest that maybe the daughter had tried to run away from an arranged marriage and had snuck on board a ship, basically being a stowaway? Kinda a trope, but could do the whole dressing as a man sort of deal, but that didn't last long as the ship got wrecked, etc?