[PF] Ironfang Invasion: Hunted Heroines

Started by 1651Leviathan, August 25, 2017, 12:44:35 PM

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Ironfang Invasion: Hunted Heroines

The air of Nirmathas is cool and clear. A warm sun shines brightly down over the snowcapped Mindspin Mountains, their peaks rising like serrations on the edge of a massive blade. Beyond them are the endless tracts of the Fangwood, a thick and ancient forest of tall pines and lost secrets. Between the mountains and the forest flow the fierce rapids of the Marideth river, cutting through wild grasslands and rustic farmstead communities.

All this is in the distance to the cunning red eyes that look out over Nirmathas. Hidden amongst the tallest of the mountains, jutting from between the peaks, is a tower of jet black stone, and at its pinnacle stands a figure. He is imposing and tall, with a long cloak of wolf pelts flowing down his back, undisturbed by the howling mountain winds. He is clad in black armoured plates that do little to hide the strength of his physique. And he is not human: his skin is the colour of iron, and his harsh face bears sharp fangs and pointed ears. A hobgoblin, as the humans would call him.

The hobgoblin looks down from his onyx spire across the lands below. His intense stare fixes on a point of land along the banks of the Marideth River, little more than a dot on the horizon. But that dot is a town – a town that is soon to feel his sword at its throat. The sound of approaching boots draws his attention away from the vista. A woman has ascended the tower, flanked by his guards. She is tall and proud, wearing the uniform of an officer of Moltune. It’s a uniform he recognizes well.

“General Azaer,” she states coolly. “The Governors-General of of Molthune are pleased to have received news of your return. It caught us by surprise, given your sudden disappearance, but we have not forgotten your impeccable service to our country. We trust you and your company are returning to the fold.” She holds out a gauntleted hand. In it is a heavy purse of gold. “Molthune will, as always, make it quite worth your while.”

The hobgoblin, Azaer, says nothing for a long, slow moment. When he finally speaks, his voice is gravelly and deep. “No. The Ironfang Legion stands alone now. My fate is no longer to be a mad dog in your service.” He turns crisply away from the Molthuni diplomat, looking to his guards. “Tell the commanders to execute their orders. Begin the Ironfang invasion.”

The Molthuni woman’s lips are tight and pursed. “I am saddened,” she states, “as will be the Governors-General upon my return.”

“No,” Azaer says again. “You are not leaving yet.” He turns to face her square on, his powerful body looming above her. She hears a clatter as his belt opens. “First, down on your knees...”


Welcome to the Ironfang Invasion! This is a Pathfinder Adventure Path that spans levels 1-16. It will be amended in places, both to flow smoothly for a play-by-post format where  I want to make story changes.

This story will have heavy adult content. It will be in the Nonconsent-Exotic category and will be played with an all-female party. Should they fall or fail in their tasks, you can expect the monstrous Ironfang Legion to show no mercy. Consequently, you should be prepared for scenes involving rough treatment by both men and monsters.

Please note, this game will not be a first come-first served recruitment. I’ll be taking submissions for a period of time (likely a week or two), then picking a final party.

Without further ado, see below for character creation instructions.

Character Creation
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Races:All core races are allowed. However, a caveat: if you choose to do a halfling or gnome character, I do not want to see any ‘loli’ or childish characteristic played up. The size difference might lend itself to such things, but not in this game!

If you want to play a non-core race, ask first please.

Classes: All classes are allowed except the following: Summoner, Vigilante, Brawler, and any of the Occult Adventures classes.

Gender: As stated above, this will be an all female party.

Attributes: We will be using 20 point-buy to generate stats.

Traits: Take two traits. These can be – but need not be – traits from the Ironfang Invasion Player’s Guide.

Wealth:Max starting gold for your class.

Written Material: I want to see:
1. A backstory. It doesn’t need to be long, but it should cover the main points about your character. It should also explain why they are in the town of Phaendar. They can be travelling through or village inhabitants, but I want it explained.
2. A personality: You should tell me about how your character will act. In my view, this is probably the most important single part of your submission, since it’s how characters will behave that makes them interesting in the game.
3. An appearance: Describe your character! A picture certainly helps, but I want you to use your words as well.

House-rules:When we get into combat, we’re going to use party initiative (i.e. the whole party will act at once, either before or after the enemies depending on a collective initiative roll) so that posting doesn’t slow to a crawl. That means you probably don’t want to invest heavily in initiative boosting feats or abilities.

Party Composition
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While I will be selecting the final party mostly based on characters, I will also be looking to create a balanced party along the following lines:
1. A martial character capable of holding the line and dealing damage.
2. A skilled character who can solve many of the party's problems.
3. A divine character who can heal wounds, among other things.
4. An arcane character to provide magical support.
5. Wildcard slot - any class will do.
6. Wildcare slot - any class will do.

Setting Information
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This Adventure Path takes place in the world of Golarion. Specifically, it is confined to the country of Nirmathas. Nirmathas is a wild land of hardy, headstrong people. It was formed only sixty years ago in a rebellion from neighbouring Molthune. If you want to know more, you can see:


The Ironfang Invasion Player's Guide (available for free here: http://paizo.com/products/btpy9sc5?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Ironfang-Invasion-Players-Guide) is also a good primer.

Your character need not be a native of Nirmathas, but do provide a reason why she is present there if she is not.

Submission Overview:
In order for your submission to be complete, I need the following:
1. A character sheet. It doesn’t need to be totally done, so long as I can tell how you’re going to build it.
2. A backstory, personality, and appearance. (See the section under Character Creation).
3. A brief list of ons/offs.
4. A statement of your posting frequency. I’d ideally like daily posting, especially when it comes to combat rounds, so it will be a bonus if you can commit to this.

Update: I am allowing two character submissions per person.

Update: Submission deadline will be 10:00 PM EST on Monday, September 4.

Completed Submissions: Need Divine Submissions
Miroque - Talia Bogardin, Aasimar Sorcerer.
Blinkin - Myranda Miller, Half-elf Swashbuckler. OR Wendy Rhymes, Human Ranger.
Hobbes1266 - June Elandri, Halfling Bard. OR Milna Alvia, Human Fighter.
Ixy - Takari Fox-At-Dusk, Half-elf Rogue. OR Isa, Human Fighter.
Petrus02 - Silent Stalker, Elf Druid.
euanthe - Lillai Lupul, Human Cleric.
AnneReinard - Shiru Tasmi, Human Rogue.
Faeli - Stephie Sparro, Human Witch.
Mr Ugly - Snow Dasfker, Human Witch.
Re Z L - Inkut Kella, Human Barbarian.
Aylinas - Ayanah Tasmi, Human Arcanist.
Arcadia - Krishena, Half-Elf Monk.
ChaoticSky - Sarah Maiden, Human Paladin. OR Aoh, Half-Orc Slayer.
Snake - Akina Nailo, Half-Elf Ranger. OR Remi Silverfang - Human Bloodrager.
Waldham - Emielle Amblecouronne, Human Fighter.
Hexed - Rilka, Halfling Oracle.

That’s all! Best of luck to everyone! Feel free to ask any questions in the thread!


Pre-emptive interest! I think you saw me gushing enough about this already.

I'll fill in the details sometime early next week, I hope. I may limit my options based on interesting things I see... but mostly, I want to discuss this with my friend whom has been waiting for an idea like this for a while and try to develop some lovely duo of apps for you!

If I'm extra nice, can I take Sacred Geometry? GMs love Sacred Geometry, right?
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


This could be fun. I'll have something after the weekend if there's still an opening. I have some things that'll keep me busy until monday

Re Z L

Drat, no Occult classes.


I'll see what I can put together  :)


Can we use archetypes for other classes from Occult? I love the "mind blade" magus, where you basically use your arcane pool to create lightsabers XD


Quote from: Snake on August 25, 2017, 01:01:21 PM
This could be fun. I'll have something after the weekend if there's still an opening. I have some things that'll keep me busy until monday

We'll be open for at least a week, have no fear. It's not first come-first served, so feel free to take your time.

Edit: I'm going to say nothing from Occult Adventures. I'm not familiar with it since I haven't read it. :(


At the risk of sounding too eager...

I will probably talk with Aylinas about doing apps with a duo with some sort of dichotomy to them. I'm always fond of dichotomy, be it the difference between arcane and divine, or sneaky and brash, or the like! I've also always had a tendency to love spellcasters because magic is neat and flavorful and fun and they are pretty helpless once gagged and bound.

...buuuut exactly what will have to be hashed out.
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


I prefer characters that fight back against captivity with a decent chance to escape like a rogue or high HD class.


I post my intrest. Character consept and such will be post in few hours.
(consept in short: Human Wizardess, who's parents died when she was but an child. Local wizard toke her under his wing, and started to teach the bright girl words, then diagrams, until she was ready to learn basic cantrips. She knows most of the locals, but being quite shy and secretive (by trade), she has not made many friends, except one quite intelligent hawk (familiar).
Her master died of old age, three months ago, and now, she needs to fend herself, with the skills and powers she knows. Personality wise, she's developing, as even she's teenager, she has not had much outside contacts. She tries to make do, and would want to do good if its anyway possible in any given situation)


Oooh! This is the perfect chance to play a Ranger with the Nirmathi Irregular archetype! That archetype has been around for a while but never really given much love, now it will get all the love!


I'm interested - thinking of a negative-energy channelling cleric, albeit of neutral alignment. I'm imaging her as the kind of local girl who can't wait to get out of town. Perhaps leaving a girlfriend behind, perhaps some cool and capable ranger (for example) who was certainly her equal but entirely at home there - and who wouldn't leave with her (I'm open to them being a PC if someone's interested in the role). My character would certainly have been a hellion, and whether she left or was run out of town, she wound up in the big city - and, ultimately, a cleric of Urgathoa, emphasising the goddess's nature of excess, rather than that of disease and death. Though in public, she probably poses as a cleric of Calistra.

She's returning home for the festival, planning on seducing the few girls who resisted her the first time around and generally showing off her success... and possibly, really, to reconnect with her former lover. Though she might not admit that even to herself.



Name: Myranda Miller
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)
Level: 1

Physical Description:

Myranda is a striking woman with a thick mane of ebony hair  that falls in waves to just below her shoulders around an oval face dominated by bright, intelligent emerald green eyes and full, kissable lips. Straight, dark eyebrows and a narrow, slightly upturned nose in a lightly tanned complexion completes the visage of a truly attractive young woman.

A long, slender neck, feminine shoulders and perky, well formed breasts flow into a taunt waistline before flaring out again into well rounded hips and a lovely, tight rear. Lean, long legs and rounded arms completes the image. Most often dressed in a loose tunic that’s tucked into well fitted trousers that hugs her hips, a well worn pair of turned down boots with a sash about her waist, the rapier at her right side seems almost like an afterthought… but clearly has been well used. When she strikes that defiant pose, hip cocked to one side and arms crossed under her breasts… only a smile that lights up a room gives away the flirt that resides inside.


Myranda is a complicated and sometimes conflicted woman. In her heart, she’s a fiercely loyal and passionate woman. On the other side, she ranges from an almost girlish quality in humor and flirting to a no-non-sense, sometimes ruthless fighter. When you’re a friend, you’re a friend for life… When you’re an enemy… well, enjoy what life you may have left.

When Myranda loves, she loves with everything; but has been taught to take life as it comes and live it with equal passion. Prone to occasional bad puns, off color jokes and snippy remarks at the most inopportune moments gives her a charm that’s all her own. She would rather talk her way out of trouble than fight it when possible, but is more than willing to use force when necessary.


The youngest child of wealthy merchants in Andor, Myranda lacked for little in her youth… except for freedom. Betrothed to a noble’s son at the age of 14, Myranda’s life seemed set in stone and her future planned out without any thought of what she might actually want… so she left.

Well, left may be a little bit of an understatement… she escaped with all the subtleness of a rampaging griffin and made sure to take as much with her as she could in the process! Sadly, at 16, her experience in life was sorely lacking and her limited resources were quickly exhausted and her father’s men were hot on her trail… So she did the only thing that she could think of.

No, she didn’t join a circus… she joined a ship’s crew leaving on the morning’s tide and literally yards from the grasp of her pursuers!

Myranda learned much on her year long experience on the open seas… one of them being that officers were as happy to bed a girl as a cook… and that if you played the game well, you always came out on top. When she stepped back on shore again, she had a firm foundation on the finer points of swordplay and the love of the Dance, as she called it.

Unfortunately, Myranda has ever had a touch of wonderlust and her feet didn’t remain still for very long before she had to find somewhere to go. When the opportunity for a caravan guard appeared; along with all of the traveling and potential to see new places and people, she jumped at the offer and has set out on her next great adventure!

Her most recent journey has placed her along side another caravan with the kinds of goods that any town may find useful as luxury items and the hope of securing resources that may be obtained in the dwarven cities of the Mindspin Mountains… but first, a stop off to do business in a somewhat sleepy town nearby…

See my on's/off's list here.

Posting Frequency: I generally can post daily, but almost always within 48 hours.

Character Sheet

Name: Myranda Miller         Player: Blinkin
Race: Half-Elf            Sex: Female
Class: Swashbuckler-Inspired Blade   Favored Class: Swashbuckler
Level: 1            EXP: 000
Alignment: LN         Next Level: 2,000

Age: 26            height: 5’8
Measurements: 34C-25-35      Weight: 135 lbs

Ability Scores: (20 pt buy)
STR:   12 (+1) Carry: L: 38, M: 76, H: 115
DEX:16    (+3)
CON:12    (+1)
INT:   14 (+2)
WIS:   11 +0)
CHA:14    (+2)

Saving Throws:         Combat:
Fort: +1         HP: 11/11
Reflex: +5         Init: +3
Will: +0         Speed: 30’

Offense:            Defense:
BAB:   +1            AC:      16
TAB:   +5         AC (Touch):    13
Range:   +4         AC (Flatfoot):   13
CMB:+2            CMD: +15

Class Skills: (6 per level)
Total   Skill (CS+Ability+Modif.+SR)

15   Acrobatics (DEX (3+3+4+1)
6   Apraise (INT) (3+2+1+1)
6      Bluff (CHR) (3+2+0+1)
5   Climb (STR) (3+1+0+1
10   Disable Device (DEX) (3+3+3+1
7   Escape Artist (DEX) (3+3+0+1
6   Knowledge; local (INT) (3+2+0+1)
5      Perception(WIS) (3+0+1+1)

Languages: Common, Elven, Undercommon, goblin

(RF=Racial Feature, CF=Class Feature)

   1st Level
RF -   Adaptible: Skill Focus; +2 to Acrobatics
Fencer’s Grace: Add  Dex mod to damage instead of STR, +2 to CMD vs disarm
CF -   Deeds: Daring Do, Dodging Panache, Opportune parry & repost
CF -   Inspired Finesse: Weapon Finesse & Weapon focus; Rapiers bonus Feat
CF -   Weapon Focus; Rapier: +1 to Attacks with rapier. (From Inspired Finesse)
CF -   Inspired Panache (5): Points to perform deeds equal to CHA+INT mods

Traits/racial traits:
Ability Racial Modification: +2 to any one ability score.
Adaptible: Gain skill Focus as bonus feat.
Blended View: Gains Darkvision (60’), replaces Multi-talented.
Elf Blood: Counts as both elves and humans for racial effects.
Elven Immunities: Immune to sleep, +2 vs enchantments.
Keen Senses: Gain +2 to perception.
Racial Senses; Low-light vision: Sees twice as far as humans in dim light.
   Favored Class: ¼ Panache point per level. (0)
   Overprotective: -2 to attack and skill checks if 10+’ from a fallen ally.
Vagabon Child: +1 to disable device and is a class skill
Travelng Merchant: +1 to appraise and Appraise is a class skill.
Rich Parents: +900 gp at creation.

Coin:         wt:
   PP:      2
GP:   8
SP:    5
Total GP:28.5
Other Valuables:
Rapier: 20 GP
Dam: 1D6+3   Crit: 18-20 X2   Wt: 3
Dagger): 2 gp
Dam:1d4+3   Crit: 19-20(x2)   Wt: 1   rng: 10’
Buckler: 5 GP
AC: +1   DEX --:   Skill: -0   Spell: 5%   wt: 5
Studded Leather: 25 gp
AC: +3   DEX: +5   Skill: -1   Spell: 15%   wt: 20
   Weapon and Armor Weight: 19 lbs

Item            Cost   Weight   Notes:
Ioun Torch:         75   neg
Sleeve of Many Garments:   250   1
Potions; Cure Light (3):   150   neg (1D8+1)
Backpack, Masterworked:   50   2 (43 lbs.=Light)
Canteen:         2   1
Clothing, Traveler’s:      0   1
Grappling hook:      5   1
Rations x5         2.5   2.5
Rope, Silk (50’)      10   5
Sash, Adventurer’s:      20   3
Thieve’s ring:         300 gp   neg (+2 Disable and sleight of hand.)
Wrist Sheath; Spring:      5   1 (dagger)
Total Weight:355 lbs lbs. (Light)
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Is the Unchained option allowed for Rogue?  Not that it would make TOO much difference, if I'm building a proposed 'skill monkey' character, but it might help in other ways.  Just wondering, before I get overly attached to a concept.  Thanks!
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


Unchained DOES bring rogue up from shit-tier class to a very good one by makng them almost fully SAD on Dex :3

I was thinking and unchained monk myself.


Woo ironfang. Love the entro too.

Time to dig through classes. Looks like hunter n druid are fine to peek at.

Gnomes/half lingo are alright if you go shortstack and not loli?


Euanthe: I can give you some feedback on your concept, sure.

A cleric of Urgathoa is an interesting idea, since it's not a goddess that's played out much as a PC. I think your intuition to go with her excessive, hedonistic side is the right way to go to do that. That said, I'm not sure about the idea of her posing as a cleric of Calistria. In my experience, characters who disguise a significant part of their character end up being hard to play effectively. My advice is to either make her up-front about her... unorthodox worship of Urgathoa, or just make her a cleric of Calistria.

Ixy: Unchained classes are allowed, yep!

Hexed: shortstacks are good to go. I mean, provided size difference is your thing. She'll have to, ahem, deal with some pretty big monsters.


It'd be good ot keep a running tab on what party roles are taken up to maintain balance too once things start moving. I'll work on a tank type though myself, I like that role for me. Or a gish (like a feral hunter archetype, go beast and rip shit up ;p)


Quote from: 1651Leviathan on August 25, 2017, 02:12:58 PM
Euanthe: I can give you some feedback on your concept, sure.

A cleric of Urgathoa is an interesting idea, since it's not a goddess that's played out much as a PC. I think your intuition to go with her excessive, hedonistic side is the right way to go to do that. That said, I'm not sure about the idea of her posing as a cleric of Calistria. In my experience, characters who disguise a significant part of their character end up being hard to play effectively. My advice is to either make her up-front about her... unorthodox worship of Urgathoa, or just make her a cleric of Calistria..

Good point! If the cleric of Urgathoa isn't an automatic no then I'll do that. She'll still be able to prepare cure spells, and I'll invest in the heal skill.


Hey Leviathan? Can we use occult archetypes applied to other classes or is those books 100% no go?


Since the basics of warrior, divine, mage and such seem to already have a good bit of interest already, I might apply with a halfling bard.


Euanthe: Depending on how much support capability your character has, I might be looking at it for the wildcard slots instead. We'll see!

Snake: I'll put up a table of submissions once some are complete. Right now it's only interest. As for Occult Adventures, I'm going to nix it all. I'm just not familiar enough.

Hobbes: Halfling bards are always cool. That said, the wildcard spots in the party can be used to double up on arcanists, skilled guys, warriors, etc. So make what you want!


psychic spellcasting is al ittle OP in ways: it requires no somatic or verbal parts. just emotion and thought; but they're shut down by fear effects easily.


Quote from: 1651Leviathan on August 25, 2017, 03:54:15 PM
Euanthe: Depending on how much support capability your character has, I might be looking at it for the wildcard slots instead. We'll see!

Thanks! Certainly with 6 characters it'd be nice to have more than a lone source of healing, whether I'm in the divine slot, the wildcard slot or not in the game at all! In that vein, can I get a DM ruling on a particular ability?


Relevant text: 'Death’s Kiss (Su): You can cause a creature to take on some of the traits of the undead with a melee touch attack. Touched creatures are treated as undead for the purposes of effects that heal or cause damage based on positive and negative energy. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1).'

So I could use that to touch an ally, and they'd be healed by my negatively channelled energy, or by any 'inflict' spell, which is the kind I'd be able to cast spontaneously. My question is if I'm touching a willing ally do I still have to use a standard action to do it? Put another way,  is the standard action because of the touch attack, or because of the effect?

I'm imagining, for example, kissing a lovely lady trapped in the middle of a group of hobgoblins, and having Urgathoa's divine power heal her whilst hurting them. With a sensual, perverted feeling on the lady's part, too. This negative energy feels so wrong, but, so good...

Even if it does take an action, it will still be usable out of combat, so that'll be helpful. And since I'll be investing in channelling my wisdom will be compromised, meaning I'll have a lower save DC for spells. So I'll probably focus on buffs and healing rather than offensive magics.



Can characters take a drawback for an extra trait?

Can background skills be used?
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Quote from: 1651Leviathan on August 25, 2017, 03:54:15 PM
Euanthe: Depending on how much support capability your character has, I might be looking at it for the wildcard slots instead. We'll see!

Snake: I'll put up a table of submissions once some are complete. Right now it's only interest. As for Occult Adventures, I'm going to nix it all. I'm just not familiar enough.

Hobbes: Halfling bards are always cool. That said, the wildcard spots in the party can be used to double up on arcanists, skilled guys, warriors, etc. So make what you want!
Every party needs someone who can talk them into out of trouble ;D I'm happy to play a bard, being the diplomat, giving minor magic support, buffs and such.