Spring Break on Ecchi Island (Giving This Another Try)

Started by Idlewyld, June 23, 2017, 06:42:05 PM

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Quote from: Idlewyld on June 24, 2017, 03:29:30 PM@Avalon - Thanks
@Leki - So far we're at two male characters one trap, and one female in terms of submissions. But I have at least two more female submissions coming, plus more than a few NPC's I'll throw in. And St. Olaf's is loads of fun.
Of course, there's always at least a few sneaky souls who stealthy tiptoe their way in xD
Still keenly watching the character roster~
And I've noticed how all posted characters can swing either way. Certainly an interesting startup :P
Also wondering how much longer the "S" and "R" trend will continue for names. (Not a complaint, just thought it was funny that it was happening~)

Looking through the cast again... I see 'Big Bad Demon' and can't help but think I need to throw Laphren in xD
But I'll probably think of something else.
Keep the character sheet coming people~ :3


@PrestaDGTation - I'm hoping it will be fun. That's the whole point :)

@Leki - I have a couple of acceptances who haven't posted their characters yet. I'm also hoping to get more submissions tonight. Then you'll probably have a better view of what the character roster will be like.


This has to be one of the weirdest ideas i've seen on this forum yet.

Consider me interested, possibly with a guy from DUMA! I have a couple posts to make but I might have a general idea of what to make.


Quote from: PrestaDGTation on June 24, 2017, 07:51:17 PM

  This could be fun!  Tentative interest!

Come on in Presta! I'm already making a robot building mad scientist!
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Okay, this time, not going for a character so innocent I have trouble making her actually do anything.
Also, that 'guinea pig' suggestion gave me ideas.


@Gardsorm - Come on in! The more the merrier!
@Joanie - I'd love to have you back in. And yes, sometimes shy is really hard to play. I'll be interested to see what you've got in mind for a guinea pig.



Quote from: Idlewyld on June 24, 2017, 08:24:45 PM
@Gardsorm - Come on in! The more the merrier!
@Joanie - I'd love to have you back in. And yes, sometimes shy is really hard to play. I'll be interested to see what you've got in mind for a guinea pig.

On that note, how ... off from the standard human form can I go?
Mostly human/50:50/not especially human?


Should I be worried (read: excited) about what you're planning? x:


@Gardsrom - I think we're on the same page with our PM's. And yes. You should be very worried excited
@Joanie - I'd go with 50/50 at least. You may want to start discussing with other players to try and get a handle on up to what level they'd be interested in.


Quote from: Idlewyld on June 24, 2017, 10:32:05 PM
@Gardsrom - I think we're on the same page with our PM's. And yes. You should be very worried excited
@Joanie - I'd go with 50/50 at least. You may want to start discussing with other players to try and get a handle on up to what level they'd be interested in.

"Oh goodness, a new, completely different test subject!" -Sara
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


After remembering she's played an overly cuddly Scylla, and a pretty hot harpy in a couple of past games, i'm almost brave enough to say I likely won't mind whatever Joanie plans to make. x:


Joanie's characters are always fun. I'm sure whatever she's planning with be great.


Ah. I was either going to go very close to normal or very far from it, so it should be fine, then.
@Gard: Not now, at least.
@Angie: Actually, your character could, quite possibly, have worked on a few of my character's bits, since she was/is kinda the school test subject, although the other, non-chest related alterations aren't immediately obvious.

... and how do people feel about futa?

I mean, two ideas. One has the eyes, enhanced boobage and is almost definitely going to be some flavour of futa
Option 1

And second, more mechanical. Arm and I am tempted to give her a special port for 'fun' attachments down below.
And has probably also had a few biological mods internally. Possibly boobs, although this is making me think I might still be a bit insecure about my own ...


I'm pretty okay with both, really. o= I mean, after a scylla who probes wherever she wants if allowed, these character ideas feel... Normal. XD

So as one player, I'm totally okay with either, no real preference. o=


I love Futa. I would be futa with this character. That may be a new alteration to make...
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Quote from: Angie on June 24, 2017, 11:08:07 PM
I love Futa. I would be futa with this character. That may be a new alteration to make...

My girl's dick was your practice run and you're finishing an improved version for personal use?  :P


Quote from: JoanieSappho on June 24, 2017, 11:13:29 PM
My girl's dick was your practice run and you're finishing an improved version for personal use?  :P

I assume your character volunteered for all these parts. Sara will design stuff but won't install unless the "subject" agrees to it.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Quote from: Angie on June 24, 2017, 11:16:12 PM
I assume your character volunteered for all these parts. Sara will design stuff but won't install unless the "subject" agrees to it.
All the parts from Sara, yes. She was happy to be asked.


@Joanie: I'm always amazed at what you come up with.


Eh I haven't even committed myself to anything yet, so my opinion is pretty meaningless.
But since I'm really liking what I see so far, (and more than likely will make something soon).
I'm fine with both Futa's and freakish non-humans, though in sexual scene's futa's are off-limits for me.
I've got a habit of always making one of these charts when I'm joining group roleplays... since it give me a better idea of the roleplay. And I figured it couldn't hurt to throw it up. Obviously the characters are still trickling in making this an obviously W.I.P.  I'll post a revised version when the actual RP starts. (Note: Pets like the duck and puff aren't included) (Note2: Empty slots are just spaces for me to easily throw stuff in, as far as I know there's no limitation on the characters allowed per school).

Character Profile Storage
Name: Sherrialys Telisamyeanora von Acronophystetia
Description: Fanatical Feline Enthusiast
Species: Feline Beastkin (Neko)
Sex: Female
Age: 22
University/World: Kemonomimi College
Orientation: Heterosexual (Bi-Curious)

Appearance: Sherrialys (or Sherry) is a troublesome cat-girl who stands at about 5’4” (163cm) and weights approximately 120lbs (54kg). Naturally her most distinguishing physical traits would be the dark pair of feline ears perched atop her head, along with the black fluffy tail distinctive to her kind. Her hair likewise is of the same dark black hue, with her long silken strands of hair cascading all the way down her back and to her ankles. Sherrialys’ eyes by contrast are a deep sapphiric blue that are constantly tainted with the tinge of lively enthusiasm and juvenile mischief. While her skin remains delicately soft, her complexion has slightly tanned over the years. Falling a fair bit short of making her look exotic, but adding character to her lifestyle nonetheless. In terms of clothing she prefers to keep herself scantily clad, opting for lingerie-like attire that would be considered inappropriate in most public places. In all honesty she doesn’t particularly approve of clothing as a whole, but could be convinced to wear something like a sarong, or short skirt.

Personality: Sherrialys is a cheerfully energetic individual who’s fanatically passionate with her role within the Cult of Felnyara; a shady religious group of individuals who purport the belief that their feline goddess Velmya is the one true supreme divinity amongst a pantheon of others. Like many religions the core tenets of their faith are unprovable and centre around benefits that will supposedly be granted in the afterlife. But in the meantime, apostles of Felnyara are tasked with the conversion of heretics, and the accumulation of funding to further spread their righteous teachings. It’s not entirely clear how convinced Sherrialys is with her own preachings, however she’s diligently active in her allocated task, and will stop at nothing to achieve success. As an individual though she’s quite vain, and leaps on any opportunity or challenge to prove herself superior… albeit often unsuccessfully. Though being a sore loser she’s always got an excuses or far-fetched story to make up for such loses. A pathological liar with substandard morals, this opportunistic catgirl is willing to do almost anything to get ahead in life, as long as she can have a good time doing so…

Backstory: Born in a distant world where humans have long since become extinct. Sherrialys was deemed the most inept amongst a litter of siblings and subsequently abandoned by her parents. Forced to live a rough life on the dusty streets grovelling for food and risking her freedom for anything better. Inevitably she was captured for her misdeed and sent to an underfunded and overpopulated correctional facility where conditions were far worse. Fortunately for her though she became closely associated with a crazed religious enthusiast who eagerly offered her admittance into a shady religious cult of opportunistic neko’s like herself. Working in the shadows of society, the cult was able to pick up a fair amount of momentum under the leadership of various figures, until members were able to brazenly swindle from the rich, and blatantly flaunt taxation laws. As a promising young individual within the cult of Felnyara, Sherrialys’ tuition into Kemonomimi college was cult funded. On the condition that she continue the propagation of her faith, and indicting new members to pay the monthly fee’s.

Primary Ability:
Picking: Formerly a thief Sherrialys is quite skilled in the art of pickpocketing and picking locks. Her lucks with locks however Is oriented more towards sheer luck. Broadening applicability but at the cost of reliability. 
Two Secondary Abilities:
Trouble-Maker: Sherrialys seems to be instinctively attuned to things that would annoy, displease or embarrass others.
Acrobatic: Highly flexible, and capable in skills that involve balance, agility, and motor coordination.

Three Things Your Character Likes:
Felines: Cats of all colors and sizes.
Competitive: Everyone likes to be on the winning side of things, but Sherrialys see’s everything as a chanced opportunity to prove herself superior.
Wealth: Highly avaricious, anything that could be considered valuable is of keen interest to Sherrialys. Coins, Jewels, Rare metals, etc 
Three Things Your Character Dislikes:
Accusations: While she loves to be the centre of attention, she reacts pretty badly to being accused of misdeeds… regardless of their validity.
Water: Specifically bathing in anything that isn’t lukewarm water, she reacts more negatively to the coldness than actual liquids.
Maturity/Formality: What’s the point of living if you can’t have a LOT of fun along the way?

Treasured Possession: Crescent Moon Shaped Hair Pin: A prestigious crest awarded to those who have proven their dedication and faith within the cult of Felnyara.
Player Ons and Offs: My On’s and Off’s were written from the male perspective, so for this character just think the reverse. While I’m not interested in explicitly FxF scenes, I wouldn’t mind having her intimate interact with other girls while sharing a guy.
Character Ons and Offs: Sherrialys is both an opportunist and a thrill-seeker, meaning that she’ll engage in almost anything as long as it’s beneficial to her, or simply fun. The idea of committing herself to a stable loving relationship is something that doesn’t appeal to her, as she opposes anything that has the potential of restricting her freedom.


Your charting work never ceases to amaze me, Leki. XD


Then the second girl, since she's just female.
With optional extra hardware. (something something plug'n'play?)


Man, depending on how useful that artificial arm is, Archer might have to request one... Considering it anyway. XD Don't take this as an acceptance juuuuust yet.


Charting work = No skill required, but a bit tedious to do xD
I don't know, I personally feel as if my charting is border-lining some sort of OCD...
That aside though, I think I'm ready to throw some proper interest in now~
I just need to work out whether I want to play a male or a female :/

In the meantime...
Am I the only one who hears "artificial/extra/attachable arm" and just imagines a mechanical arm going rogue and crawling off by itself? Sort of like "Thing" from the Adam Family, only mechanical and upto the shoulder.... Kind horror like now that I picture it in my head xD