Macross 2032 - Transforming space fighters... In Space!

Started by Cassandra LeMay, December 08, 2016, 08:28:21 AM

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well here is a basic idea

are you:

an old hand who fought in space war I

are you:

Ship crewman

are you:

Zentradi  (Full size)
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: ThisOneGal on December 08, 2016, 09:28:01 PM
Tentative interest here. Limited experience with Macross/Robotech. Watched it as a kid and loved it, but my knowledge of the series is mostly scattered memories and some videogames. I think I watched Macross Plus on DVD.
Welcome.  :-) Limited knowledge of the shows is perfectly fine. I am not what you might call an "extreme fan" myself. I love the original Macross series, and the DYRL movie, but - in general - I fall into the "watched it before it was cool - and forgot half of it in the meantime" bracket.  ;D

Quote from: Latooni Subota on December 08, 2016, 09:41:12 PM
I'm thinking one of the few Meltrandi who jumped ship early on, purely out of respect for Milia (If the captain joined the Micronians, and she looks THAT happy, well . . she's on to something, right?). One of the old veterans who was left behind to protect the Earth rather than tagging along with Milia et all on the Megaroad 01 (Much to her irritation). Nor the 02 . . or the 03 . . or the 04 . .  Maybe just a bit bitter about not getting to go on sweet space exploration adventures. She's actually blatently copied Milia and gone for the full micronization claiming that it's so she can learn to master micronian weapons. Really it's just because she's been injured so many times being shot down in Zentraedi mechs that it's probably safer (and cheaper) to have her in valkyries. It's not that she's a bad pilot, she's actually quite skilled. She just has this really weird luck that gets her shotdown or have to deal with mechanical failures, but always seems to survive (so far). Her fellow pilots gave her a trophy for 'Most Times Spaced". It has a changeable display on it so it can be updated.
Welcome Latooni.  :-)

Sounds like a nice character idea, but I might actually keep Miria (and Max) around, and I am undecided yet if they will be big or small. What I really liked about the "Do You Remember Love" movie (aside from pretty much everything else that I love [about it) is how Max becomes a giant to fight side by side with Milia. That's something I'd like to keep as canon for this game. Both of them may have become micronized since then, but I'll have to sleep on it.

Quote from: Terian on December 08, 2016, 10:04:34 PM
Hmm, I'm not the biggest Macross fan, but I don't dislike it either!

... Are you:
A Halfblood (Though I'm not entirely sure if they can be biggulated to go beat up other mechs on foot if need be, I can probably adjust if needed)
And welcome Terian. :-)

See above for my take on DYRL. If a human can be brought to giant size, a halfblood certainly can be too.

Quote from: pendarious on December 08, 2016, 11:27:48 PM
well here is a basic idea

... Ship crewman
... Zentradi  (Full size)
Pendarious, would you consider a micronized Zentradi instead? A micronized character with experience running a ship could potentially serve as a RIO (Radar Intercept Officer) on a recon plane or other twin-seat fighter. That would give you an opportunity to join some space fights and mingle with the fighter pilots now and then.

Quote from: Relikai on December 08, 2016, 08:25:18 PM
Human, Male or Female.
Aged around 22-24.
A Fighter Pilot, experienced but have not experienced combat.
Sounds good to me.  :-)
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Howdy Latooni! It is great to see you again!

my character idea

An old hand that has fought in Space War 1
Fighter Pilot (Former Regult/Glaug Pilot)
Zentraedi (Micronized)

The Zentradi character is only an initial concept while I hash things out in my mind. I may turn him into a Human when it comes actual time to submit CSs

Question if I may,

How difficult would it be to have a resizing chamber on board the ship? If we use the refitted Zent Ship that was proposed. it would most likely come with one anyways.

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Mac84 on December 09, 2016, 07:22:48 AM
...Question if I may,

How difficult would it be to have a resizing chamber on board the ship? If we use the refitted Zent Ship that was proposed. it would most likely come with one anyways.
Even if the ship (or the moonbase) won't have a resizing chamber, Earth and/or the factory satelite will be only a shuttle trip away. That's a few hours one way. Getting back and forth to a resizing chamber will probably take less time than the actual resizing process. But changing size will take its toll on the body. This is not something that should be taken lightly. I'd say you shouldn't micronize or macronize more than once a month if you want to avoid potential side effects.

And now that I think about this (it really is a good question in the most positive sense), whatever ship you may find yourself assigned to will probably not have a resizing chamber. I figure this is a pretty rare piece of technology, only found on the largest command ships and bases, given that the Zentran and Meltran were never really intended to be "small people". Having many resizing chambers strikes me as an unneccessary luxury, now that I think about it. But I am currently leaning towards basing the characters on the moon, and having a resizing chamber there shouldn't be a problem.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on December 09, 2016, 10:15:32 AM
Even if the ship (or the moonbase) won't have a resizing chamber, Earth and/or the factory satelite will be only a shuttle trip away. That's a few hours one way. Getting back and forth to a resizing chamber will probably take less time than the actual resizing process. But changing size will take its toll on the body. This is not something that should be taken lightly. I'd say you shouldn't micronize or macronize more than once a month if you want to avoid potential side effects.

And now that I think about this (it really is a good question in the most positive sense), whatever ship you may find yourself assigned to will probably not have a resizing chamber. I figure this is a pretty rare piece of technology, only found on the largest command ships and bases, given that the Zentran and Meltran were never really intended to be "small people". Having many resizing chambers strikes me as an unneccessary luxury, now that I think about it. But I am currently leaning towards basing the characters on the moon, and having a resizing chamber there shouldn't be a problem.

If Frontier is any example, then there's not really that much of a problem involved with macro or microing regularly, Klan basically spent all of her time as a loli except when it was time to go help shoot things, which is more-or-less what I was aiming for with my idea, just with less of the arbitrary "I have a defect that makes me look like a twelve year old when I'm not sixty feet tall." nonsense.

What I'm trying to do is more-or-less a twist on the whole Oujou archetype.  Polite, cultured young woman with an unusual fondness for aggressive martial arts leading her to favor her mother's branch of the 'Service' rather than the rather less hands-on Valkyries.


Quote from: Terian on December 09, 2016, 01:36:21 PM
If Frontier is any example, then there's not really that much of a problem involved with macro or microing regularly, Klan basically spent all of her time as a loli except when it was time to go help shoot things, which is more-or-less what I was aiming for with my idea, just with less of the arbitrary "I have a defect that makes me look like a twelve year old when I'm not sixty feet tall." nonsense.

What I'm trying to do is more-or-less a twist on the whole Oujou archetype.  Polite, cultured young woman with an unusual fondness for aggressive martial arts leading her to favor her mother's branch of the 'Service' rather than the rather less hands-on Valkyries.

Interesting enough there were a few occasions in the series where we saw Klan in her full size form. There was a brief scene of her when Ranka is doing her performance in the streets of Frontier. I think it was also a duet with Sheryl and Klan just appears in the background in full form.
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Terian on December 09, 2016, 01:36:21 PM
...  Polite, cultured young woman with an unusual fondness for aggressive martial arts leading her to favor her mother's branch of the 'Service' rather than the rather less hands-on Valkyries.
Which is a perfectly fine idea for a character in my book. What the UN Spacy has to say about it, once you sign on that dotted line, remains to be seen.  :D ;D As the old song goes, you don't always get what you want.  ;) (I'll try my best to give everyone a position that fits them, but I'll also try to fit characters into positions where they can be expected to work together. We'll probably have a better idea about it in a few days.)

And now that we have a solid number of interested people, here's the game plan, far as I can see it right now:

I'll take a day or two to make up my mind about the system, character sheets and such. Once that is done I'll start a character thread and link to it here. Expect somethin Sunday, Monday at the latest.

While you fine folks work on your character sheets I'll toss out a few random images here and there, a deckplan or three, and so on. Working on the setting and characters should keep us busy for a few days. Lets say we cover all this by late next week.

That should keep us busy till about a week before X-Mas. We'll figure out if we will start playing over Christmas or wait till the next year then. While I could probably be ready to start something in a few days I am not worried by allowing for a bit of a Christmas break

And just for fun, here's what I imagine the VF-5 fighter will look like:

And yes, the image is not perfect. It's a bit of a rush job. Sue me.  :P
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


i wouldn't mind playing a micronized zentradi but don't expect him not to grumble begrudgingly about it lol
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: pendarious on December 09, 2016, 03:28:45 PM
i wouldn't mind playing a micronized zentradi but don't expect him not to grumble begrudgingly about it lol
We are talking about a military outfit here. I fully expect the grunts to grumble a good bit.  :D
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)

Cassandra LeMay

And since any anime-based RP needs a theme song or three I offer you this:

Never give up, never again!
As long as you keep believing in the power of loving your true victory will one day shine!

For an end title l think of this:

And yes, I am pretty old-school in my taste of anime and music. So what?!  ;D
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Or we can use a whole bunch from the other Animes, including some new or mainstream ones  ;)

*Summons Nami Takami, TM Revolution, YUI, and others*

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Relikai on December 10, 2016, 06:18:57 AM
Or we can use a whole bunch from the other Animes, including some new or mainstream ones  ;)
Sure, we could do that ... If you really want to distract me so much with new shiny stuff that I will forget all about this game and get some fancy ideas in my head.  ;D
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Still got a space?  I'd love to join.  I grew up with MACROSS and Robotech, so this is a fun story for me.

Are you:
I'm thinking I'd be in my early 20's, not old enough to have been in the first war, but around long enough to have some time under my belt.

Are you:
I'd definitely be a pilot.

Are you:
I'm mulling this possibility.  There is some interesting in being a halfblood...but I guess it'll depend a lot on what others pick. 

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: orderNchaos on December 10, 2016, 11:53:29 PM
Still got a space?  I'd love to join.  I grew up with MACROSS and Robotech, so this is a fun story for me.
Yep, I think one more character won't hurt. Welcome aboard.  :-)
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)

Cassandra LeMay

And we have an OOC thread here :-)

I'll post about character creation there in a minute and we can take things from there.

Character thread started: Link
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


My character be an older male veteran. 45ish.

My VF - 5 would still have the ventrally mounted stabilizers.
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Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


Oh Macross *.* ... is this RP still accepting more players?

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: akirakaneda on December 14, 2016, 08:18:25 PM
Oh Macross *.* ... is this RP still accepting more players?
I'd say we can do with one more player, but I would prefer a human character, if it's all the same to you?
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Giant Robots.... In Space!

Never mind me, I'm just here to tease Cassandra...  In Space!

Cassandra LeMay

Looks like not everyone who has expressed an initial interest will be able to make it to this game so we have room for more. 

Two or three more players would be welcome, and the way things look right now there might be openings for Humans, Zentraedi, and Half-Blood characters.

Questions, character concepts, and brainstorming are always welcome here or in the OOC thread, and my PM box is always open.

ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Color me interested.

Are you:
An old hand who actually fought during the first space war? (late 30s or early 40s)--This for sure, I have some ideas floating around that might fit this.

Are you:
A fighter pilot? ---Is there anything else to be in a Macross game?  :P

Are you:
Human?  (I just can't see too many ways to be a Micronized Zentradi or Meltrandi who fought in the war).

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: hellrazoromega on January 17, 2017, 03:41:43 PM
Color me interested.

Are you: An old hand who actually fought during the first space war? (late 30s or early 40s)--This for sure, I have some ideas floating around that might fit this.

Are you: A fighter pilot? ---Is there anything else to be in a Macross game?  :P

Are you: Human?  (I just can't see too many ways to be a Micronized Zentradi or Meltrandi who fought in the war).
Sure you can play something else than a fighter pilot. You could be a bridge bunny.  :D

Now, as for your character... One potential problem with the age: At that age a career officer could have reached a pretty high rank, and I would prefer characters to be no higher rank than Lt.Commander. Above that and you might spend more time on administrative duties than actual flying (and outrank everyone else in the group). I know a veteran of Space War One would have to be that age, but we might need to find a way to keep his rank at a moderate level.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on January 18, 2017, 01:19:57 AM
Sure you can play something else than a fighter pilot. You could be a bridge bunny.  :D

Now, as for your character... One potential problem with the age: At that age a career officer could have reached a pretty high rank, and I would prefer characters to be no higher rank than Lt.Commander. Above that and you might spend more time on administrative duties than actual flying (and outrank everyone else in the group). I know a veteran of Space War One would have to be that age, but we might need to find a way to keep his rank at a moderate level.
Bridge Bunny is an option? Count me in.

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: yesiroleplay on January 18, 2017, 03:17:47 AM
Bridge Bunny is an option? Count me in.
Well... not quite like that.  ;D For a slightly more fitting definition of the term, see [url]TVTropes[/url].
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)