Macross 2032 - Transforming space fighters... In Space!

Started by Cassandra LeMay, December 08, 2016, 08:28:21 AM

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Cassandra LeMay

Please note: This is just a very tentative interest check to see if this idea will fly at all. If there is enough interest I will work out the details (taking into account whatever feedback I receive here), but while a start of the actual game around Christmas may be possible, starting early in January may be a more realistic prospect.

Do you remember love?
Have you ever pulled the lever marked "G"?
Can you tell a Zentran from a Meltran?

To cut a long story short, I would like to do a roleplay in the Macross universe. Not the 7, or Frontier, or Galaxy setting, but rather an "Alternate Universe" story that is a good bit closer to the original series than all the latest incarnations of Macross. I'd also like to keep it a little bit realistic.

What that means (at least to me) is: Space colonization will be a slow process. Variable fighters will still be based on the old VF-1 designs and not evolve whenever the heroes might need a bit of extra firepower. Civilians will have their part to play, but this is about fighter pilots, not rock-and-roll bands. Think aircraft carrier air wing, not highrises floating through space under huge domes.

That does not mean civilian characters will be ruled out. It just means they will not be to main focus of this game.

Now, if you are still interested, the "meat and bones":

(1) Sexual content: Light. Romance is more important than getting to third base. If sex happens, players can always take it to a one-on-one thread.
(2) Violence: Either Light or Extreme. This pretty much depends on how we decide to describe combat. It's something I would definitely like potential players to express a preference. As long as there are no major blood splatters or gore we can probably run this Light.
(3) Freeform or System: My current thinking tends towards a very light system game, with players spreading a few points among a few skills and rolling dice for combat actions, but I could just as well handle that myself and roll dice in the background, as long as players agree that there might be a small element of randomness involved in combat.

If this captures your interest, please post here, and also post your preferences concerning #2 and #3 above. And feel free to ask any and all questions you might have. While I have a lot of ideas for the game and setting, none of them are set in stone and therefore I am keeping this post a little less detailed than I could have. I'd rather elaborate on the setting if and when someone is interested in it than bore you all to death with an overlong intro post.  ;D
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Lustful Bride

*plants interest flag* :3

Edit: Question! Will we just have Veritechs or will there be Destroids and other such vehicles from the original series?


(Falls over himself rushing into the room!)

I heard that there was a Macross game going up!?

Oooo, 2030s! That is right before the time period of Plus, and 7! the UN were still using Megaroad Class Colony Ships.

(Jams "Interest" Flag into the group completely with Fireworks, and a big brass band!)

Quote from: Lustful Bride on December 08, 2016, 09:11:01 AM
*plants interest flag* :3

Edit: Question! Will we just have Veritechs or will there be Destroids and other such vehicles from the original series?

Most likely the Valkryie of Standard operation is the VF-11 Thunderbolt, though the VF-1 Valkyrie possibly may still be used in more limited capacity. Or privately owned. VF-1EXs were used as Trainers in the Macross Delta show that was just finished. Though it would be cool to have Destroids in the mix. If that is the case, I'm personally leaning to the HWR-00 MAC II "Monster"

Here is an excellent source for Mecha, and ships of the Macross Series:

though in its present condition may be a bit difficult to navigate. So if any one needs help, I'm more than willing to lend my knowledge of the series. :D

as far as Cass's questions.

To be honest, I enjoy the romance slight more than the sexual aspect of it myself. Since we're playing in a combat status, I would think medium-Heavy would be a good setting, maybe start it out light so that the players can get a few.

I wouldn't mind a system as I've really played a system before. So long as it is simple, and easy to pick up, I think i can handle it.


Big robots and anime :)

Yew. Im interested.  *plants his flag *
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Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Lustful Bride on December 08, 2016, 09:11:01 AM
Edit: Question! Will we just have Veritechs or will there be Destroids and other such vehicles from the original series?
I was thinking about a story mostly in space, either initially based on the moon, or on a carrier of some sort. Given that, I expect most/all(?) action to be focused on Veritechs. Destroids will probably not be much use for what I have in mind. But Zentradi or Meltrandi characters (including giant-sized halfbloods) might get a chance to pilot some of those alien mechs, most likely the Queadluun-Rau power armor (i.e. the thing Miria uses during the original series). But, all in all, Veritechs/Variable Fighters will be the mecha of choice.

Quote from: Mac84 on December 08, 2016, 10:52:08 AM
... Most likely the Valkryie of Standard operation is the VF-11 Thunderbolt, though the VF-1 Valkyrie possibly may still be used in more limited capacity. ...
We are talking about a bit of an alternate universe here, so the VF-1 will still be one of the primary fighters. There will be another, more modern VF around that makes up the bulk of the fighter corps, but it will look a lot like the VF-1, just so I can get away with using the same images for all fighters involved.  (Also, the more similar the different fighters are, the more we can get away with player characters filling different roles, piloting different fighters, without differences between craft becoming a problem.) ;D

Quote from: Mac84 on December 08, 2016, 10:52:08 AMTo be honest, I enjoy the romance slight more than the sexual aspect of it myself. Since we're playing in a combat status, I would think medium-Heavy would be a good setting, maybe start it out light so that the players can get a few.

I wouldn't mind a system as I've really played a system before. So long as it is simple, and easy to pick up, I think i can handle it.
By "Light" I meant the forum category, as opposed to, say, NC, Extreme, and so on.

When it comes to the system I'll probably use something like Supers! (currently my very favorite system), meaning you'll get a few stats and about a dozen of skills you can spend points on, each rated at xD6. You roll as many d6 as you have in a relevant skill or attribute, the opponent does the same, and damage is based on the difference between both rolls (i.e. no extra damage roll).

Quote from: Ralhend on December 08, 2016, 10:59:20 AM
Yew. Im interested.  *plants his flag *
Quote from: Relikai on December 08, 2016, 08:36:35 AM
Gonna place my interest here!
Sweet.  :-) If you two have any questions, just shoot.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Most of my knowledge on this franchise is based on the old school 80's cartoon series.

I have watched all of Robotech , Southern Cross , and Invid Invasion.  I read a little on the sentinels (Palladium RPG books ) but nothing substantial.

If we are talking alternate universe where the VF -1 veritech is the standard , then great. Im on board :)
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If the story takes place on a carrier, than most likely it would be the Guantanamo Class Stealth Carrier. As it was the replacement of the ARMDs post Space War 1.

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Mac84 on December 08, 2016, 12:53:39 PM
If the story takes place on a carrier, than most likely it would be the Guantanamo Class Stealth Carrier. As it was the replacement of the ARMDs post Space War 1.
Don't jump to conclusions, Mac. We are talking AU here. While I am not completely adverse to using images and visuals from other incarnations of Macross, I do intend to stick with the original series as much as I can.

I was thinking more of a Zentradi vessel adapted for human needs, either a Salan-class picket or a Thuverl-Salan battleship. But since I don't feel all too bound by canon I might end up using a ship from Macross II, like the Heracles just because I like the look of that ship.

But it remains to be seen. I'd like at least two more people to express a serious interest before I commit to this game and then we will just see what player preferences are. If we go "all military" we'll probably base the game on a carrier, but if there is some interest in playing civilians as well, we might end up basing the game on the moon base and spaceships may not be that important at all, or be something that changes from mission to mission.

Quote from: Ralhend on December 08, 2016, 12:33:27 PM
Most of my knowledge on this franchise is based on the old school 80's cartoon series.

I have watched all of Robotech , Southern Cross , and Invid Invasion.  I read a little on the sentinels (Palladium RPG books ) but nothing substantial.

If we are talking alternate universe where the VF -1 veritech is the standard , then great. Im on board :)
Let me put it this way: If you feel inspired to play after watching the first five minutes of this video, you and I are probably on the same page.  ;D
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


*Giant Zentradi Nupetiet-Vergnitzs-class command Battleship lands with the loading ramp lowering revealing a figure holding a flag who then jumps out planting it firmly* I'm in.

I'd prefer more towards light myself. I'm not overly fond of systems if I don't have the pen and paper in front of me but I can live with one if you choose to use one.
Psycho Mantis: You must spend every day pretending to act like you're falsely letting on that you aren't not unbetraying someone you don't not purport to allegedly not work for but really do! How do you keep all this shit straight without having an aneurysm?
Revolver Ocelot: *shrug* Practice.
—The Last Days Of FOXHOUND


Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on December 08, 2016, 01:21:39 PM

I have that game, and while I can't understand what they're saying as it is the dialogue is in Japanese, and so is the Text, It is a GREAT GAME!

It really is what Robotech: Battlecry and Robotech Invasion should have been.

I strongly recommend it for Die hard Fans of the Fandom.


Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on December 08, 2016, 01:21:39 PM
Don't jump to conclusions, Mac. We are talking AU here. While I am not completely adverse to using images and visuals from other incarnations of Macross, I do intend to stick with the original series as much as I can.

I was thinking more of a Zentradi vessel adapted for human needs.But since I don't feel all too bound by canon I might end up using a ship from Macross II, like the Heracles just because I like the look of that ship.

In a bit of double irony canonically all of the colony ships we see in later irritations of Macross were built using the remains of the Zentradie battle fleet left in orbit around Earth after Space War 1 and anything from Macross 2 is also considered AU.

*launches from the top of Pend's Nupetiet-Vergnitzs-class command Battleship and lands on top of Pend planting my flag on top of his.* "I here by claim this interest in my name!

Also Mac it seems they changed the URL for the mecha manual.
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: pendarious on December 08, 2016, 01:36:06 PM
*Giant Zentradi Nupetiet-Vergnitzs-class command Battleship lands with the loading ramp lowering revealing a figure holding a flag who then jumps out planting it firmly* I'm in.

I'd prefer more towards light myself. I'm not overly fond of systems if I don't have the pen and paper in front of me but I can live with one if you choose to use one.
Welcome, Pendarious.  :-)

And trust me, if we decide to go system it will be very light, with no numbercrunching at all. You'll get a list of skills and attributes, a certain number to spread among them, and then just roll some dice now and then (or I can roll them for you if you like). If we use a system we'll use it to add a "framework" to the storytelling, not to bogg down the game with rules.

My main intention behind using a system (if we do) is to make certain fights will be fair, but also include a certain element of surprise for everyone involved.

Quote from: Sessha on December 08, 2016, 01:59:42 PM
*launches from the top of Pend's Nupetiet-Vergnitzs-class command Battleship and lands on top of Pend planting my flag on top of his.* "I here by claim this interest in my name!
Oh my, all that rivalry between different fleets. *sighs* Such a warrior breed you are.  :D

And welcome aboard Sessha. Nice to have you here.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


 It's good to be here Cass. I enjoyed your last you ran, too bad it died. I think this one will get off the ground pretty good. Like Mac I wouldn't be adverse to using the VF-11 Thunderbolts, but the VF-1s are nice to. Ironically there are several major variants of them already. Though the most iconic is the VF-1J and VF-1S
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Sessha on December 08, 2016, 02:20:43 PM
It's good to be here Cass. I enjoyed your last you ran, too bad it died. I think this one will get off the ground pretty good. Like Mac I wouldn't be adverse to using the VF-11 Thunderbolts, but the VF-1s are nice to. Ironically there are several major variants of them already. Though the most iconic is the VF-1J and VF-1S
I am ready and willing to blame myself for the death of the last game we ran together. In RL tabletop games I am used to playing with 3, maybe 4, dedicated players and I tried too hard to transport that into an online game, only that the fluctuation can be quite different online. That's why I wanted at least six people interested, but I am more than willing to go for a larger group, so each and every interested party is still very welcome.

Now... as it looks like we might have enough interest for a viable group...

Here is what I have in mind for this Alternate Universe of Macross:

The events of the original series happen pretty much as they are shown on TV, with perhaps a few elements of the Do You Remember Love movie thrown in. But the gist is, 2010 the big, bad aliens come after the crashed spaceship. War ensues. Earth gets a serious beating, reconstruction begins, renegade Zentradi make a suicide attack for the Macorss in 2012.

(At this point I reserve the right to decide who did - or did not - die on the Macross/SDF-1. I like Claudia too much to not contemplate bringing her back to life at some point.)

Here I would say we have at least a few tens of millions, perhaps a few hundred million people still surviving on Earth. There really need to be quite a few survivors for the human race to survive.

The Megaroad 01 launches in 2015 (instead of 2012), and after that a colony fleet leaves Earth about every four or five years. There are only so many qualified people Eart can spare, and even with a Zentradi factory satelite at hand, producing new ships and fighters will take time. The factory satelite is good at what it was programmed to, but retooling it for entirely different craft may take a lot of time and effort, not to mention the availability of the right raw materials.

From there we jump to 2032: An industrial base has been established on the moon that feeds raw materials to the factory satelite for construction of the Megaroad 05 fleet. Zentradi and Meltrandi renegades who could not integrate into human society have reblled and taken off to the fringes of the solar system. Some of them have been trained in engineering and maintenance while they tried to become part of human society. That allows them to maintain their craft and slowly build up their strength, but - for now - they are only a threat in the asteroid belt and around Jupiter, areas the UNSpacy is happy to ignore.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on December 08, 2016, 02:57:17 PM
(At this point I reserve the right to decide who did - or did not - die on the Macross/SDF-1. I like Claudia too much to not contemplate bringing her back to life at some point.)

from what I understand of the Macross Canon, The Bridge Crew did survive as the impact from Quamzin's Battlecruiser as it only really sheered off the right arm, and some of the Pectoral Thrusters of the Macross. It was in the Robotech-verse that the Bridge crew didn't survive. So having Claudia LeSalle alive, and well at the time shouldn't be too big of a deal.

Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on December 08, 2016, 02:57:17 PM

Here I would say we have at least a few tens of millions, perhaps a few hundred million people still surviving on Earth. There really need to be quite a few survivors for the human race to survive.

The Megaroad 01 launches in 2015 (instead of 2012), and after that a colony fleet leaves Earth about every four or five years. There are only so many qualified people Earth can spare, and even with a Zentradi factory satellite at hand, producing new ships and fighters will take time. The factory satellite is good at what it was programmed to, but retooling it for entirely different craft may take a lot of time and effort, not to mention the availability of the right raw materials.

There is actually quite a bit of raw materials in the devastated Zentraedi Fleet still floating around Earth, not to mention the remains of Golg Boddole Zer's Fortress.

Quote from: Cassandra LeMay on December 08, 2016, 02:57:17 PM
From there we jump to 2032: An industrial base has been established on the moon that feeds raw materials to the factory satellite for construction of the Megaroad 05 fleet. Zentradi and Meltrandi renegades who could not integrate into human society have rebelled and taken off to the fringes of the solar system. Some of them have been trained in engineering and maintenance while they tried to become part of human society. That allows them to maintain their craft and slowly build up their strength, but - for now - they are only a threat in the asteroid belt and around Jupiter, areas the UNSpacy is happy to ignore.

This idea certainly can work, the industrial complex utilizing both Miners for resources on the moon as well as salvage experts to recycling the Zentradi Hulks around the Earth.

Lustful Bride

Quote from: Mac84 on December 08, 2016, 03:22:29 PM
from what I understand of the Macross Canon, The Bridge Crew did survive as the impact from Quamzin's Battlecruiser as it only really sheered off the right arm, and some of the Pectoral Thrusters of the Macross. It was in the Robotech-verse that the Bridge crew didn't survive. So having Claudia LeSalle alive, and well at the time shouldn't be too big of a deal.

There is actually quite a bit of raw materials in the devastated Zentraedi Fleet still floating around Earth, not to mention the remains of Golg Boddole Zer's Fortress.

This idea certainly can work, the industrial complex utilizing both Miners for resources on the moon as well as salvage experts to recycling the Zentradi Hulks around the Earth.

All this talk makes me more excited! ^3^

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Mac84 on December 08, 2016, 03:22:29 PM
There is actually quite a bit of raw materials in the devastated Zentraedi Fleet still floating around Earth, not to mention the remains of Golg Boddole Zer's Fortress.
That's one of the reasons I might go with a refurbished Zentraedi spaceship as a base for the game.

I figure it is easier to turn all those Zentran hulks into other Zentran mecha and ships. Different production lines, different design philosophies, and so on. And even if you can turn one hull into another, there is the question of control systems. The computers and control systems Earth mecha use may be very different from what the Zentraedi use. Whatever spacecraft you can build won't make a difference if you can't also make the avionics and computers that run the thing. Sure, humans may adept to what the factory satelite can produce - or vice versa. But it will take time.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


 Interestingly enough all the tech is human tech. The hulks of the Zentradie ships were cut up and made into raw materials for ship construction. Though many of the primary weapons on your Macross Class vessels did come from the weapon systems on a Zentradie weapons. Humans just reverse engineered them.
Locked, cocked and ready to rock!

Cassandra LeMay

Quote from: Sessha on December 08, 2016, 05:05:19 PM
Interestingly enough all the tech is human tech. The hulks of the Zentradie ships were cut up and made into raw materials for ship construction. Though many of the primary weapons on your Macross Class vessels did come from the weapon systems on a Zentradie weapons. Humans just reverse engineered them.

One way or the other I'll probably handwave the tech background anyway. In the end you'll be assigned whatever old - or new - fighter you will be assigned to. Welcome to the joys of military life.  :D

But the fighter you'll be assigned to will either be a VF-1 or a VF-5. (Unless you want to play a 10m-tall Zentraedi or Meltrandi character, in which case we'll just see and talk about it during character creation, but it might seriously limit your options for character interaction.)

I'll call it a VF-5 just because I kinda like that number, so please, no tossing canon at me - it won't stick.  ;D ;) But here is how it looks like:

Right now the VF-1 is no longer in full production, but the latest "block 60" model is still a good bit faster and more maneuverable than the old VF-1 models flown during Space War 1.

The VF-5 still resembles the old VF-1 a lot, but has stronger thrusters, more maneuvering veniers, and a stronger armor. It also handles like a brick in an atmosphere. The VF-5 is a space fighter first and foremost, ... and secondmost... and thirdmost... and ...

Aside from a very small number of trainers, the VF-5 is also not produced as a twin-seat craft. Any fighter role that requires two people is filled by a VF-1
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)

Cassandra LeMay

Alrighty, lets look at character creation for a bit. Here is the basic setup:

It has been twenty years since the big war. Earth is slowly rebuilding, colony fleets are sent out once every four or five years. The next fleet will be the Megaroad 05 fleet. There is an automated factory satelite orbiting the moon, but it is old and clunky and prone to breakdowns whenerver it is re-tooled to produce a new mech or ship.

Zentraedi and Meltrandi who could not fit in with human society have left Earth and assembled a ragtag fleet beyond the orbit of Mars. They have quite a fe ships, but they lack the technology and resources to build superluminal drives for their ships. For now they are stuck in this solar system.

You have just been assigned to Moon Base Aluce, there to receive further orders.

Are you:

A fresh recruit just out of fighter school? (age 18 or thereabouts)
An old hand who actually fought during the first space war? (late 30s or early 40s)
Someone inbetween? (in your 20s or early 30s)

Are you:
A fighter pilot?
Ships crew?
A civilian?

Are you:

A Zentradi or Meltrandi? If so, full-sized or micronized?
A halfblood? (only an option for those aroubnd 18 years old)

I am not asking for full character profiles, but it would help me a lot if I had some general idea what everyone intends to play.
ONs, OFFs, and writing samples | Oath of the Drake

You can not value dreams according to the odds of their becoming true.
(Sonia Sotomayor)


Human, Male or Female.

Aged around 22-24.

A Fighter Pilot, experienced but have not experienced combat.


Tentative interest here. Limited experience with Macross/Robotech. Watched it as a kid and loved it, but my knowledge of the series is mostly scattered memories and some videogames. I think I watched Macross Plus on DVD.

Human female, fighter pilot, early 20s.
Limited combat experience against non-peer opponents (has been in combat, but not against a 'real' opponent. Putting out brushfire conflicts, policing, squashing those who resist the local hegemon, that sort of thing).
Just another girl who wanted to fly spaceships and make pew pew noises when she was a kid.

Latooni Subota

Holy balls I was JUST marathoning Robotech and Macross. FOR REALSIES.

Violence: THe more shootbangs the better! I'm fine with keeping it Light by sticking to descriptions of "Explosion!" rather than "Gory chunks!".

System: . . . You know, you can always use Battletech rules . . . I'm fine with whatever though!

An old hand from the first space war!

A fighter pilot!


I'm thinking one of the few Meltrandi who jumped ship early on, purely out of respect for Milia (If the captain joined the Micronians, and she looks THAT happy, well . . she's on to something, right?). One of the old veterans who was left behind to protect the Earth rather than tagging along with Milia et all on the Megaroad 01 (Much to her irritation). Nor the 02 . . or the 03 . . or the 04 . .  Maybe just a bit bitter about not getting to go on sweet space exploration adventures. She's actually blatently copied Milia and gone for the full micronization claiming that it's so she can learn to master micronian weapons. Really it's just because she's been injured so many times being shot down in Zentraedi mechs that it's probably safer (and cheaper) to have her in valkyries. It's not that she's a bad pilot, she's actually quite skilled. She just has this really weird luck that gets her shotdown or have to deal with mechanical failures, but always seems to survive (so far). Her fellow pilots gave her a trophy for 'Most Times Spaced". It has a changeable display on it so it can be updated.
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Hmm, I'm not the biggest Macross fan, but I don't dislike it either!

Are you:
A fresh recruit just out of fighter school? (age 18 or thereabouts)

Are you:
A Fighter Pilot Power Armour User

Are you:
A Halfblood (Though I'm not entirely sure if they can be biggulated to go beat up other mechs on foot if need be, I can probably adjust if needed)

I'm thinking, daughter of a pair of Space War vets (Father is likely a flag officer somewhere, haven't decided yet, mother a Q-R squad leader, insert fluffy slice of life postwar story and you have new PC).  Something of a martial arts enthusiast with a side of the oujo (Due to being rich and gotten the best schools in the otherwise messed up hellscape that is postwar earth).  Well tuned and precise ultraviolence with a side of class and grace in a vaguely elfy form that is occasionally the size of a small building, because Zentradi biology laughs at conservation of matter.

Likely reference image:
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