Thinking of leaving

Started by Kakuja, December 15, 2010, 11:42:38 AM

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I don't want to but it seems after that banning no one seems to care for me anymore...All my rpies have died and I don't exactly fit in here do I? It feels as if I don't belong here I like the rpiers here but if I'm just gonna get in trouble then what am I here for exactly? I do love this place but ...My likes do clash a bit with this place and I feel asking people to my Messenger sounds....Weird What should I do?

Please RP with me as this place feels very empty to me.


We all go through dips in our activity, and there are more or less extended periods of time when we find no new games. Real life gets to all of us, sooner or later, after all. If you need a break, by all means take one. Otherwise, just consider yourself a newcomer again, and restart building friendships and games from scratch. New people are definitely not in short supply around here :-)
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Jul 6) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


Youve got a point there not sure where to start I have no new ideas and I'm affraid of getting banned or screwing up again if I write something wrong again....I don't have a personal check system so I need new ideas and I don't think any of the stuff I like is allowed....I'd list it but that'd take time....

Please RP with me as this place feels very empty to me.


The only thing not allowed to write about is underage characters. That's about it. No ideas beyond that will get you banned. If you don't feel confident putting up your own plots yet, try trawling the boards for other people's want ads. It can take time, but you could be pleasantly surprised :-)
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Jul 6) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


Thanks I'll go do that and seeing as acording to you I can't get banned for what I was think I do have Ideas now...Thanks...^^

Please RP with me as this place feels very empty to me.


Oh and don't forget the dreaded exciting RP holidays are upon us. I've found E and most of the world goes into holiday coma and posting lags majorly. Don't get overly frustrated if you don't get immediate responses. I know it causes me a little stress when people don't respond. ;)


Yes it does so I'll wait though waiting is so...hard

Please RP with me as this place feels very empty to me.

The Dark Raven

I agree with Alx...just breathe and take your time.  I know my normal weirdness is in a slump with certain RL circumstances, and others have RL obligations as well.

Just be patient, and keep an eye out. :)

Check my A/A | O/O | Patience is begged. Momma to Rainbow Babies and teetering toward the goal of published author. Tentatively taking new stories.


I will indeed though that banning really hurt me here and emotionally...So I'll try to build myself back up with new ideas which I have posted 2 such ideas in the one on one rp forum go check it out ^^

Please RP with me as this place feels very empty to me.


Actually Kakuja, you weren't were castrated....there's a pretty big difference there.  :-) 
Baby, it's all I know,
that your half of the flesh and blood that makes me whole...


Two big differences.  ~Rimshot~


How do you know they're big, Silverfyre?


I was using my own as an example? ~Grins~

Star Safyre

Who could think of leaving this place with folks like these?   ;D

@Kakuja: Don't worry, you'll find your niche here soon.  Find an idea that interests or challenges you, and go for it!
My heaven is to be with him always.
|/| O/O's / Plots / tumblr / A/A's |/|
And I am a writer, writer of fictions
I am the heart that you call home
And I've written pages upon pages
Trying to rid you from my bones


Well I took it as a ban....It still hurt me both ways T-T

Please RP with me as this place feels very empty to me.


Just a thought, mate: Instead of lamenting about the past constantly, look to the future.  Go out there, get some new RPs started, and move on.  Really, digging into an old wound doesn't let it heal. 

Just my .02.


I am moving on or at least trying to my ideas are up for all to read ^^ and I'm free for rpies ...Might as well go look for people

Please RP with me as this place feels very empty to me.