
De Mulieribus Claris - [EX]
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Started by JMN, November 28, 2010, 01:25:13 AM

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I'm trying to change my avatar, but every picture I try, the system says that it can't change my profile, because it's either too large or is not an avatar.  One of the pictures I tried to upload was a whole 12k in size, so I really doubt that it's a size issue.  What does it mean by "not an avatar?"
Young girls and gin may be the cure.

-The Reverend Horton Heat

Slices of the Mind
For Beatrice
I hope posting these will get me off my ass and writing again.


Generally that message is given when you have exceeded the 150w x 200t constraints. (That's pixels, by the way.)


Thanks.  That did it.
Young girls and gin may be the cure.

-The Reverend Horton Heat

Slices of the Mind
For Beatrice
I hope posting these will get me off my ass and writing again.


I just spent half an hour looking for this information. Is there any way it could be added as a notation in the profile settings? So when you go to actually load an avatar it tells you right there what your limitations are?


It's actually under the guidelines that every new person is directed to - cleverly hidden under 'signatures and avatars'. :)


Quote from: Trieste on December 27, 2010, 09:56:58 AM
It's actually under the guidelines that every new person is directed to - cleverly hidden under 'signatures and avatars'. :)

Obfuscating information again, are we? :P


That's probably where I found it originally.. But it has been so long since I needed it, I had no idea where to find it. It just seems to make sense to have that small bit of info added to the place where it would be most useful. Just my two cents. :)


I honestly can't think of a more logical or clearer place for this info to be than under; "Help" "Guide to Elliquiy" "User Profiles" "Avatars"!

Where else would people suggest it goes?