IWantYouAndYouWantMeBabeThereAintNothingBetter ((AAA111 and Kaiser Maverick))

Started by AAA111, June 16, 2010, 10:07:34 PM

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Kaiser Maverick

(Lol I am a bad boy but Ive never robbed a store.I think.And doesnt that count towards one make out seasion?lol)


Kaiser Maverick


(You can change it to something else. I just wanted something where he is a bad boy..and I could think of anything else..lol but if you can go for it :-) :-) )

Kaiser Maverick


She looked at him. "I don't think you did that. I think you became a bad boy another way. But I don't know how. You don't seem like the kind of guy that would rob stores. I mean your taking a girl on a date and paying. A robber wouldn't do that" She smiled at him.

Kaiser Maverick

He smiled and blushed bit.She seems nicer than the girls he's dated


"So tell me your story. I wanna know" She said looking over at him smiling. She was completely genuine. She didn't play people or laugh at them unless it was funny but she took him seriously. She liked him A LOT.

Kaiser Maverick


She shrugs not really sure. "I don't know..Tell me about you. I know nothing really"

Kaiser Maverick

"Hmmm maybe you want to hear what you wish to hear.When I explain myself it may not be the best description of me so dont go assuming who I am or what I will turn out to be."he said as he stared into her deep eyes.They intoxicated him to a amazing degree.He wanted more of her.More than he ever wanted to in his life.


(Sorry I was away for so long..computers fixed so back!)

"No tell me. Don't be all mysterious. I wanna know the real you"

Kaiser Maverick


"Well keep talking mister. Geez whats with the not talking babe. NOW TALK"

Kaiser Maverick


She smiles at him then looks away. She is very shy around him because she likes him  ALOT. She has never liked a guy like this before. He is different than all the rest.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


She smiles and giggles just like a little girl as she leans her head into him. She whispers gently. "Kind of..Just never dated a "bad boy" before"

Kaiser Maverick


SHe looks up at him. "What do you get your face like that when I say bad boy?"

Kaiser Maverick

"Hehe your cute,anytime you call me anyname you make me blush."


Kaiser Maverick