IWantYouAndYouWantMeBabeThereAintNothingBetter ((AAA111 and Kaiser Maverick))

Started by AAA111, June 16, 2010, 10:07:34 PM

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She pulled back as she grabbed his hand and held it wanting to feel e xtremely safe. "Now what?" She asks him unsure of what is going to happen next.

Kaiser Maverick


She smiles. "Yeah?" She says wondering if he is truly meaning it.

Kaiser Maverick


She smiles wide. "Yeah tomorrow then." She presses her face into his shirt smiling wide and giggling. She gets nervous around him because of how good looking he is.

Kaiser Maverick


She doesn't move not wanting to feel unsafe and out of his arms or for that matter to let him see her shy and nervous.

Kaiser Maverick


She smiles wide as she heads inside. She stands in the door as she grins. "Your a good guy..as much as I hear about you. You really are a good guy" She smiles at him.

Kaiser Maverick

He smiles back."Glad to hear it." as he drives away./He cant wait for tomorrows date.


She smiles and waves him good-bye as he leaves. After he leaves, she heads inside to finish some hw that she has and to study for a chemistry test that she has the next day. But she constantly thinks about him and all of the rumors that she has heard about him and smiling to herself thinking that they are all wrong. She changes her away "happy beyond belief..:-) "

She goes about the rest of her evening wondering what they first date will be like. This will be her first official date ever so she is hoping that it is just perfect.

Kaiser Maverick


She smiles when she wakes the next morning. It is a Saturday morning and there date is planned for that evening. She has no idea what the plans are and what not but she knows she is really excited to go out with him. She really likes this guy like A LOT. She changes her away "todays a great dayyyyy."

She decides to text him. As she does she smiles very happy. "TODAY IS THE DAY!!! ;-)"

Kaiser Maverick

Stark wakes up super happy.Today is his date with Kelsey.He needs to make it super special


She shrugs an hour later when she doesn't hear back from him. She figures he is either still sleeping or working. Not a big deal. She gets up and figures to keep her mind off of things she will do some homework. She smiles and begins to sing as she begins to do her math homework. She normally sings when she is really happy or excited about something.

Kaiser Maverick


"I thought the date wasn't til tonight??" She says freaking out considering that she is absolutely no where near being ready for their date.

Kaiser Maverick


"Well it is up to you..Just have to get ready and all that jazz" She texts back. She is trying to be calm but inside she is completely freaking out.

Kaiser Maverick


She smiles.."Sounds good to me. This is my first date ever" She wasn't sure if she should tell him but in the end she decided that it would be better to be open and honest with him.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


She is not sure what to wear but figures a mix of casual and laid back is good. She puts on a pair of black capris and a red short sleeve t-shirt with three buttons and flowers on the shirt. She matches the enesemble with a pair of black flip flops. She lounges around the house all day anxious and nervous for the night.