IWantYouAndYouWantMeBabeThereAintNothingBetter ((AAA111 and Kaiser Maverick))

Started by AAA111, June 16, 2010, 10:07:34 PM

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Kaiser Maverick


"Actually he hasn't had any food all morning..No breakfast yet. It's only 10. Normally he eats at 11. All he had was water. He is just happy to see his Uncle Alex. Like I told you all he has talked about all week was you. He loves you" Mike says as he laughs thinking it is hilarious.

Kaiser Maverick


"What's the sarcasm for? What would you master Alex likes us to do" He says sarcastically. Mike and Kelsey are very close and alot alike. They are both very sarcastic.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


"Well he is wide awake..What'd you come downstairs for by the way." He asks you.

Kaiser Maverick


"Well we got water, pop not sure what you liked so we got pretty much everything, and even some alcohol" He says laughing. "Luke has been up since like 3 am waiting for you so he is probably due for a nap. Do you want one of us to try and get him down for a nap that way the "adults" can talk" He says

Kaiser Maverick


Mike laughs. "Well I'll go up and try to get the little stinker down for a nap" Renee says. I hold your hand as I smile up at you.

(Would you mind playing Mike too? and I can play Renee :-) )

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick



Kaiser Maverick

Kaiser Maverick


Sorry thought I posted..but yeah we can start something new..what were u thinking?

Kaiser Maverick
