IWantYouAndYouWantMeBabeThereAintNothingBetter ((AAA111 and Kaiser Maverick))

Started by AAA111, June 16, 2010, 10:07:34 PM

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Kaiser Maverick


She sees his car parked outsdie so she texts him. "hey creep what you doing outside my house???"

Kaiser Maverick


"I was just asking what you were doing that's all..just relax. geez" SHe says as she laughs to herself.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick

“Hmm I wonder at times."
(Holdyour mouse over the Y and look for my email.)


"That is not very nice"

(I don't see a Y. I can't look at your profile since I'm not a member )

Kaiser Maverick


(Let's stay here..since we could get in trouble..having fun )

"You know you have your moments too..Your not MR PERFECTO"

Kaiser Maverick

(Were adults we'll be fine)
“At least im not constantly ignoring my other and making threats."


Kaiser Maverick


She comes out onto the porch and sees his car. "Oh don't be so mad and all pouty" She smiles.

Kaiser Maverick

“I swear I likethe normal,sweet kind Kelsey.Not the annoying,mean Bi polar one.The other is the one I fell for.


She looks at him hurt that he would say that. She begins to cry as a single tear runs down the side of her face. She just stands there not saying anything.

Kaiser Maverick

“Im sorry but thats the truth!I liked no scratch that.I loved that side of you Kelsey.You treated me better than most,but when you started with the sassing and the ignoring that brought back painful memories.


Through tears she looked at him. "I just don't know how to be a good girlfriend. I've never been in a relationship before. " She says as she sniffles and looks down at him. Still standing on the porch.

Kaiser Maverick

He gets the car and walks then runs up to her hesitantlu.“Not one.Oh Kelsey Im so sorry."He hugs her and keeps her in a big embrace.“I never meant to hurt you."


She hugs him not wanting to let go. "No not ever. I have never had a boyfriend so I don't know how to act. I just act like my sister does with her boyfriend" She shrugs.

Kaiser Maverick

He sighs.“Never copy some one else.It may work for them but not for you.I love the sweet and kind Kelsey.I dont want her to change."


She smiles and nods as she puts her arms around him and leans into him. She wants him to make her feel safe and right now that he is exactly what he is doing.

Kaiser Maverick

He kisses her gently while running his hands up and down her back.He loved her and wanted her to feel safe and nice.


She kisses him back then leans her head onto his shoulders. "I just wanted to um..say..um thank you" She manages to say through her tears.

Kaiser Maverick