Spell would like some TV advice o.o

Started by Spell, March 03, 2010, 01:12:00 PM

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Allright, so I'm ging to buy a new TV tomorrow, but I'm having trouble deciding between two TV's. These two were picked because they were offered to me at a low price, so please don't suggest other TV's unless they come cheap. ^^

I'm doubting between.

This LG TV


This Sony Bravia

The TV will be mostly used for gaming. I'm not really interested in the power drainage from either TV.

I did notice that the LG tv has a highest contrast ratio, though every site says something different. Results fluctuate between 30.000:1 and 80.000:1, is this a big importance? Does contrast matter alot? I have absolutely no idea o3o.

If anyone can help me decide between these two then that will be much appreciated ^^;
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I know nothing about HDTVs, but I figured I might poke a bit and find out what this mysterious contrast ratio was.  If nothing else, this might help you make a more informed decision.

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Well, at least that cleared up some of my confusion, thank you! I'm really a '"TV-Newb'' and I hardly know anything about them, I just know that Full-HD = Good ^^
Other then that I'm really daft on the subject and get quite confused because of all the specifications. @_@
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You'll see more contrast on the LG. The Sony's screen is larger, and that is something you will notice. I have a 42" and a 40" and I can easily tell the difference. There are more ports on the Sony, but that really depends on what you'll be hooking up to it. There is a difference between regular av component input and HD av component input.

I have an LG. I love it. The picture is wonderful and the sound is great. I personally don't care for Sony TV's, their picture quality has never impressed me. If you can, try to look at them side by side in a store. That will give you your best comparison.
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For console gaming you really need a large TV unless you have some amazing eyesight. Im using a normal 24" screen and games like Dead rising, Mass effect 2, and Bioshock 2 make my eyes strain when I try to read the small print.
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Ket, I'm probably hooking up both a console and a sound system to the TV, so I think 2 HDMI ports are enough. I hope I can see them next to side by side to get the best impression, I can get the LG cheaper too. ^^

I'm gonna give it a nights thought , I'm currently slightly nudging to the LG though.
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