"Garden of Eden" ~ (NC/EX)

Started by Lyrus, February 01, 2010, 05:38:57 AM

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A Group Game inspired by the Encycopedia and Internet Novel listed below:

Monster Girls Encycopedia

Mamono Tails(Novel)





... That was the name – the identity – assigned to the mythical garden of pleasures where we, the human race, have been cast out and deprived of. The sins of Adam and Eve have resulted in our banishment from Eden, or so the story goes. Yet the oldest tales bearing truth have long been lost, and twisted versions of the truth have surfaced to take their place. Yet for all the association with holiness, was the Garden of Eden truly a place of sacred upbringing? Was it not a symbol of fertility, and love? Scholars of a futuristic human race that has far surpassed what technology and knowledge we have now, debate this constantly.

In the year 2862, mankind has spread out to the outer reaches of space and colonization has taken place on every world found to be inhabitable. Scores of colonies and military bases have been built, and humanity is at its golden age of galactic colonization. In the most distant known regions of space, a location known for its difficult traversing and passage, ironically named, ‘Sector Hermes’, has long been a cluster that garnered much interest from large corporations. Since the area was largely undiscovered, it was ripe for the taking, and should any planets be located that were worth their weight in gold – then the corporations which claimed them would be very wealthy indeed. Sector Hermes, however, is like the Bermuda Triangle of Space. Anything sent into the Sector mysteriously disappears, never to be seen again. No ruins, no remnants, nothing. As if the ships vanished into thin air. Despite the known risks, however, corporations try again and again, in the hopes of making a fantastic discovery.

Due to recent shortages in supplies and difficulty in maintaining interstellar trade routes along clusters in the nearby Sector Demeter has led the USC (United Systems Command) to take an interest in ongoing studies into Sector Hermes. The USC has sanctioned a military detachment and an sponsored colonization party to enter Sector Hermes, locate habitable worlds, and begin immediate landing and construction. Such an opportunity does not come by easily, and many jumped at the offer, especially greedy mercantile corporations and companies. Soon, the colonization fleet, named the ‘New Discovery Fleet’, departed from spaceports in Sector Demeter and headed into the notorious storms and disturbances of Sector Hermes.

It went smooth-sailing at first, and it was thought that a Fleet of this size was unlikely to be brought down so easily. And then disaster struck. Smaller vessels all around the main fleet were suddenly sucked into vortexes and wormholes torn open in the current of space, and the New Discovery Fleet struggled to make it through the turbulent conditions. Eventually, however, the situation got too serious and became impossible to contain. It was thought suicidal, but as per procedure, escape pods were launched from the ailing Fleet and hurtled into the gaps of the vortex in the hopes they would make it through. Those that made it through the storm found their escape pods had made it out of the space storms and into the orbit of a lush and verdant world of incomparable beauty – One of the survivors stared at the world they had discovered and whispered in a hushed voice of awe, ‘Eden...

When the escape pods landed, the survivors realized most had not made it, and found all communications jammed by unnatural space conditions. The survivors set off, wondering what they would find in this world, and discovered that the world was already populated by humans – living in a time period equivalent to the Middle Ages. This medieval civilization was in awe of the new arrivals, thinking them Gods descended from the skies. It became apparent that the initial colonization parties lost to the storms had crashed on this world as well, and ended up breeding and introducing human civilization with no means of technology – into this world.

But the humans weren’t the only ones on the planet. The original natives had been in deep hibernation of some sort before humans arrived. Upon feeling the tremors of the world as the humans descended, the inhabitants awoke from their slumber and rose once again. These strange humanoid beings, at times completely alien in shape, seemed to take their nourishment from human semen and often attacked human settlements to carry away the men or ‘infect’ the women, in some cases. Some species even took children. The humans lived in constant fear of attack, and dubbed these strange creatures ‘monster’ girls.




It is said that Man was the most susceptible to the Sin of Greed, of the seven atrocities that were loathed above all. As a result of their Greed, God created a great flood and wiped away their worldly possessions as their punishment, bidding them to start over and repent. A long time ago, in a world, far, far away, there lived a race most susceptible to the Sin of Lust. As a result of their lust and constant sinful lives, God punished their boldness by culling all the men and banishing the women to the furthest reaches of space, sealing their fate and dooming them to slumber for eternity, never to love again. But it seems neither race has repented for their sins, and now, they have come into contact with one another. As a direct result of his Greed, Man will now face suffering in the form of Lust.

Of the two sides, guys will be playing as characters who the survivors of the doomed New Discovery Fleet who managed to flee via escape pods. They now wander the land, travelling and seeing this strange world for themselves in the hopes of bringing their discoveries back to advanced civilization. Girls will play as the monstergirls, and can choose one of the many monstergirls listed in the Encycopedia to play as. Girls can also choose to play as survivors, but there are rather few bisexual-oriented monstergirls. The RP will progress with the guys travelling, being attacked, gathering monstergirls to their side ... Oh, freelance adventure really.

Ultimately this RP is about the interaction between human and monstergirl.

There are three continents in the ‘New World’ – Paradise-Eden, Outremer, and Zipangu. Eden is a tropical continent, Outremer is a desert continent, and Zipangu is an asian-inspired oriental continent. All three hence have their own specific monstergirls living within their boundaries. There is also an underground world known as Pandemonium, dubbed ‘Hell’. The story should generally progress with each one of the survivors crash-landing in one of the three surface continents, and maybe one of them ends up in Pandemonium as well. There, in those continents, they will meet up with various monstergirls unique to that area, and well, be used, use, and etc.

We’ll probably start off with four guys and four girls, or four guys and multiple girls, if the game idea proves popular enough.



Use these templates to post if you’re interested in joining this Group Game!


Name: (Character’s name, obviously)
Age: (Their age)
Gender: (Gender...)
Speciality: (Speciality refers to what type of colonist they are. Soldier? Medic? Engineer? Hell, Scientist?)
Personality: (The personality! Asshole or uber asshole?)
Biography: (A short – or long – biography of the character that fleshes them out)

Appearance: (I prefer good word descriptions, but pictures will suffice as well.)


Name: (Character’s name, obviously)
Age: (Their age)
Sexuality: (All monstergirls are female, but their sexualities vary – Now you can make them up!)
Species: (There are many species, pick one you like from the Encyocpedia)
Personality: (Your personality, fiendishly dominant or meekly submissive?!)
Biography: (A short – or long – biography of the character that fleshes them out)

Appearance: (I prefer good word descriptions, but pictures will suffice as well.)



Eden’s Survivor: Lyrus (Dennis Fairfield)
Outremer’s Survivor: Laughing Hyena (Walter Nasteal)
Zipangu’s Survivor: Lyell (Sean Kelley)
Pandemonium’s Survivor: Spell (Drake Belmont)

Eden’s Mamono: Little Wolfie (Amelia, the Werecat)
Outremer’s Mamono: Sasha (Sabrina, the Sphinx/Werecat Hybrid)
Zipangu’s Mamono: VampiressPrincesty (Miki, the Youko)
Pandemonium’s Mamono: Miyobi (Ephione, the Dullahan)



Quote from: Matthew on February 01, 2010, 05:47:36 AM
Name: Andrew Fukazawa
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Speciality: Ship's cook
Personality: Andrew is, in a word, lazy. He's not really a jerk, but he's prone to forgetting girlfriend's birthdays, anniversaries, and generally anything else that's anything short of life threatening. In any job, including his current one, he does the bare minimum to get by without attracting too much attention to himself.
Biography: Andrew dropped out of high school as soon as he was old enough, and moved out of his parent's place soon after. Ever since, he's been drifting from one job to another, always seeming to do just enough to keep the job until something else interesting sounding comes along. A few months ago, that something interesting was the USC. To his surprise, he was accepted, though he was assigned to a job fitting his skill set... flipping burgers and such in the ship's mess hall.
Having little attachment to his home world, Matthew chose to stay on when his ship was assigned to the New Discovery Fleet... part of what kept him jumping from job to job in the past was the need for something new, something different... and colonizing a new planet certainly seemed to fit the bill.
Appearance: Andrew stands about five foot, six inches tall. He's fairly healthy, slim, but certainly no athlete. His mother is of Asian descent, and while he's clearly of mixed blood, her ancestry is the more visible one on his face. His hair is black, somewhat messy, and hanging just above his neck. His wardrobe consists of his USC uniform, the apron that he wears in the mess hall, and some assorted jeans and t-shirts for when he's off duty.

Quote from: Lyell on February 22, 2010, 07:26:51 AM
Name: Sean Kelly
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Speciality: Soldier/Haz-Mat crew
Personality/Description: A rather large man, standing a good 6'0" tall and averaging 200 lbs. Brown medium-length hair frames his rather cut features, but his build was best described as fit. Considering his large size, brawler-esque appearance and apparent constant chip on his shoulder, Sean appears more suited to a club bouncer or perhaps a biker gang bully than a passenger on a transport. Though you wouldn't think it to look at him, Sean keeps a cool head under pressure and tries to take an impartial approach to things. His fists are the last thing he wants to use but isn't afraid to let them do the talking.

Biography: Sean had a circle of friends in highschool. All of them stood out in their own right and maybe that was what attracted them to eachother. Most of Sean's time was spent studying mechanics or repairing other peoples things. They, his friends and family, were suprized when Sean told them he was going to enlist in the military to further his career. Sean's mouth hung suspended for a bit in disbelief as he was voluntold to take haz-mat training. His first protest came in the form of 'you want me to do what?' Though he had to close his mouth and swallow hard when his superiors presented him with the inscentive figures. 'Okay, I'll do it,' preceeded a grin and his extra training. Despite his typically controlled temperment, Sean found himself rubbing a temple in irritation. Somewhere the paper work had been mixed up and instead of being on a military vessel, he found himself on the flagship of The New Discovery Fleet bound for sector Hermes.

QuoteName: Dennis Fairfield
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Speciality: USC Researcher, ‘Scientist’
Personality: Analytical, observant, and brilliant. Doctor Fairfield sees it as a must to study anything that sparks his curiosity and is infamous amongst his peers and his juniors for abruptly dropping everything he is doing in favour of a sudden new discovery. Albeit aloof most of the time, he may seem to be in a permanent daze, but he will most likely be making a million calculations inside his head.
Biography: Doctor Fairfield graduated from various prestigious schools in the Local Cluster with biological, psychological, and many more degrees. He founded an academy devoted to the study of new lifeforms and advanced, theologically-influenced evolution. His findings and research were treated with much interest and he has become a rising figure in the world of science, and ended up something of a celebrity as well. A high-profile scientist, the thought of an undiscovered world just waiting to be found triggered a flame of excitement in the man’s head. He signed on as the Head of Research for the expedition, and when the Fleet looked like it was about to flop, was ushered into an escape pod as early as possible due to his VIP status and launched faster than the rest. He has been on the world considerably longer than the other survivors, due to space-time distortion.

Appearance: ‘Lanky’ would be a good word to describe how the man looks. Tall, with a fit body, yet still despairingly thin, he is disgruntled with his height, as it hinders him during experiments. He is quite attractive, but his charm is nullified by unkempt, messy hair, smart-looking glasses, and an intimidating air generated from his white lab coat stained with all manner of odd chemicals.

Quote from: Spell on February 01, 2010, 06:47:51 AM
Name: Drake Belmont

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Speciality: Ship's Scientist

Personality: Drake is a rather pessimistic person, one that sees and thinks that the glass is half-empty instead of half-full. Because of that, he wears an almost constant frown on his face, or shows a neutral face at best. Drake is a rather witty and sharp person, and his tongue never fails to accompany it...often he can't hold it though, one of his flaws is that he complains about alot and that he needs, or at least tries to create a sarcastic comment for almost everything. Despite being pessimistic, sarcastic, and downright negative, he does care about those precious to him. Has a huge affinity for mythology and ancient tales

Biography: Drake was interested in science at an early age, starting with astronomy,  which quickly evolved into physics and philosophy.  He finished his school a few years earlier, as he skipped a lot of years, because there was never anything to do. Always working ahead he came to think of others as lesser then him. He didn't actually want to join the USC, his parents rather forced him, pulling some strings here and there so he could get in without an application. What was even worse, Drake got appointed as a scientist, because of his deep affinity with astrology, biology and physics, somehow the USC thought that Drake would actually be useful..... which meant he actually had do work and do things to actually survive, he found it ridiculous, but still he continued to work....reluctantly that is.


Drake in his casual time wears clothes that would suit someone who is a fan of Modern Rock, Converse Shoes, Black T's with prints, the lot. He stands at exactly 6' and looks a little skinny, but has a good body nevertheless. He will be the first to admit though he isn't an athlete, he is quite laze when he comes to working out, but eating the right food made him the way he is. Always tries to wear stylish glasses to anything he wears, even his USC uniform.
Quote from: Laughing Hyena on February 01, 2010, 06:55:20 AM

Name: Walter Nasteal
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Speciality: Ship Engineer
Personality: Energetic, easy going and never willing to sit still. He hates being inefficient in any situation and tends to keep busy as a defense mechanism to cope with stress and to deal with situations. It's what makes him so effective as an engineer as he is constantly trying to improve a situation. This place he has crash landed on is no exception though he doesn't quite know what to make of it. Rarely does he spend too much time with the opposite sex as he barely has a grasp on them and they never seem to fit proper in his personal life.
Biography: Originally as a young child he was slightly gifted with amazing grasping of technical prowess though truth be told it had formed in his younger years in bored, and outspoken ways in school. His passion was figuring out how things worked. And the more complex it was the better.

He grew up in one of the many colonies that humans had forged their mighty empires into. His childhood was pretty average and dull as he made friends had failed child like romances and crushes and enjoyed on occasions exploring the wilds and seeing what he could use his surroundings for. Eventually he graduated and qualified as a ships engineer, where his intense focus would be put to good use. It was however the USC he would be enlisted to as it was an ambition voyage that could lead him to future opportunities and stability to support his private hobbies.

Appearance: Walter stands at 5'8" in height and is around 156 pounds in weight. He has Dusk Brown eyes that look similar to a garnet. He is clean shaven with a slightly shaggy untidy head of brown hair. In casual modern attire, he tends to favor blacks with river blue colors though occasionally he mixes it up with green coloring to accent the blue come warmer seasons. He is young looking and had matured decently in his late twenties though he is a tad bit tanner then most men. He prefers more practical types of clothes that can help him move easily and not get snagged easily when working and often wears a utility belt with side packs as he finds being able to carry things quite useful. Regardless he always carries a multi tool or similar utility item that allows him to improvise many things usually in his chest pocket or utility belt.

Medieval Attire: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=701250
Modern Attire: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=696383
Quote from: Sasha on February 01, 2010, 08:57:42 AM
Name:  Sabrina
Age:  unknown ..looks about 18
Sexuality: Female - < bi-sexual, Switch >
Species: Sphinx - Werecat


Personality:   Sabrina is a bit fiesty ..little selfish in nature as things belong to her and her alone, Sharing is not one of her best qualities , She has a wild streak and a playfulness about her ..very intelligent with tons of questions ..inquisitive to a fault. Extremely Naughty to a fault as she has found that women as well as men of the human race can offer up the sweet nectar that she craves. Though males just seem to be more abundant as travelers through the desert lands.

Biography: Once long ago there seemed to be more of her kind around ...but some big argument happened who knows what it was over now ..so many years have passed. That is a bit of irrelevant information ..anyways she got separated from the others in that nasty desert storm the sand stung her eyes and made a mess of her hair and fur. Anyways Sabrina came upon the Ruins and hid out there till the storm passed. Then upon investigating this wonderful place found a grand treasure down and a golden casket of a great pharaoh ..Tu Nam something or nother. Well someone should guard it that was what they do right so the young werecat adorned herself with gold trinkets and drank this nasty stuff which in effect cursed the poor thing. The place kind of draws and calls out to Travelers ..even has a nice seductive walkway inviting . As one should always invite and be hospitable to others ..feed them and charm them . Well now not exactly ..for they have to be worthy ..and this needs to be tested. So many questions need to be asked ..unfortunately the answers of the questions trigger a reaction in Sabrina. The right answer makes her purr and do just about anything that one could imagine . However , if its the wrong answer ...well stupidity is NOT rewarded ..one must endure some punishment and be made to whimper and of course beg for another question. The  hold of the curse last about a day when a new question is usually offered up to the visitor and the curse changes and twists often. Well at least as long as the Traveler holds up anyways as Sabrina tends to be a bit aggressive and forgets how frail humans are sometimes.

Sabrina's home ... the ruins she protects and guards ..

Quote from: Little Wolfie on February 04, 2010, 09:43:54 AM
~Native of Eden~
Name: Amelia
Age: Unknown, but looks around 19
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Werewolf
Personality: Amelia can sometimes be fiesty, she is also very loyal. Depending on her mood, she can be aggressive, but other than that she is laid back. Slefish..Very selfish. What's hers is hers, no sharing to it. Very sexual. Enjoys it, loves it, needs it. Plain as that. Though normally she won't force it, because almost every male wants to have sex with her, so she's known to be submissive majority of the time, plus to wolves, males are the higher power, well, in her eyes they are.
Biography: A few years back there used to be several packs of werewolves, but as the years went on, the packs started to thin. Either by themselves killing one and another, or by hunters. Amelia lives in the forest, a cave by the waterfall all by herself. Just because she was different, than the others, thinking males have a higher posistion than females, she was outcasted by her pack. She actually enjoys living alone, no rules to follow, no nothing. She can do what she wants when she pleases, plain as that. Though, getting alone can be quite lonely, she searches for a male to come join her, though it gets harder and harder to do because of the reputation werewolf monstergirls have, but Amelia isn't like that. She's different, of course she can be fiesty and aggressive, but normally she's this calm, gently creature, unless she feels like she is in harm.
Appearance: Amelia stands to be about 5'5, weighs about 110 lbs, which is kinda skinny for a werewolf. She has long black hair, which is up in a ponytail. Her tails, ears, arms, and legs are all black fur. She has greyish blue colored eyes. She does have some muscle, which is needed to take done prey, when she hunts.

Quote from: Vampricprincessty on February 09, 2010, 11:49:07 PM
~Native of Zipangu~
Name: Miki
Age: Looks about 19
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Youko
Personality: Aggresive, Lustful, Egoistic
Biography: There used to be many youko's in their land. Men and women alike, but the men were weak. Letting the women overpower them and taking their semen to increase their magic. Then leaving the weaking men to die, kicking them out of the village, or making them slaves. The women however could not live together. Too many egos in one place proved monsterous. So they split up over the land and tend to stay away from each other. Living in many humans villages to make it easier to catch their prey. Miki was around during all of this mess and had no problem adding her two cents to the mix. Now she lives alone in HER village, or so calls it. Many of the male humans have been taken by her already but not found worthy to stay by her side. Thus the men in the village look weak while the woman stay away all together.
Apperance: Miki is about 5'4" and is 115 lbs in weight. She is a little thing but do not underestimate her. Her auburn hair is shoulder lengh with fox like ears matching her hair color. Also her six tails match her hair color as well. Mostly wearing silk asian style dresses with matching shoes and clothing of the like. Also always has something in her hair.
Quote from: Esoteric Myobi on February 10, 2010, 09:59:59 PM
Hello hello! This thread has caught my interest! It seems that most of the positions are filled save for one. Luckily, Spell's list of preferred monstergirls also included a few of my own...but I think this one in particular should be fun to play due to the various ways she can manipulate as well as be manipulated~ Hopefully I will be accepted. ^^

~ The Native Of Pandemonium ~

Name: Ephione
Age: Appears to be in her early twenties...20-21?
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Dullahan

Personality: Prideful due to her status and position, Ephione can be quite stubborn at times but will admit when she's wrong if you can manage to convince her. A skilled and seasoned fighter, she is dutiful and takes her title of a 'knight' seriously. Loyal to few, those who cross her have learned to fear her blade and realize that she was not just a pretty face with an equally stunning body. An intellectual, her ability to be calm and collected when needed and to plan ahead could land her a leading position, but when the heads go rolling everything else rolls along. Her greatest weakness is ironically the very same head that enables her to think and act so well. During the times when her mind is blown away (literally) Ephione devolves into one of the many other sexcrazed monstergirls. Sharp wits and coy tongue disappear and all she cares about is pouncing on the nearest healthy human male...

Biography: Ephione can't remember very much of her life as a human - if she had even been a human to begin with. As far back as her memory goes she had always been a dullahan, but a damn good one at that. She rarely lost her head (both literally and figuratively) and was always ashamed as well as frustrated when she did. This glaring weakness of hers marred her spotless reputation and thus she had never been able to move up the ranks as she would have liked. To serve the demon lord with mind, body, and soul were all she could possibly desire - and yet she was denied this privilege due to her shameless acts during those brief moments in time. Instead, she has slowly come to terms (or so she tells herself) with her situation and spends the days endlessly trudging through Pandemonium. The law in the law of unlawful sinners, she is a contradiction in and of itself and even today seems somewhat confused as she tries to find an inner equilibrium and understanding of her nature. It may be due to her intelligence that she constantly questions and becomes frustrated with the lack of answers, but perhaps she has just been missing an important piece of the puzzle?

Appearance: Ephione appears to be human, albeit darker and wilder. Going against the common belief that knights must wear bulky and heavy armor, she wears practically nothing save for a few pieces of sheer black cloth. Parts of her 'uniform' are practically translucent and does nothing to keep her voluptuous body from prying eyes. Long waves of curling ebony hair sway with every step she takes, due to the dark surroundings of Pandemonium it sometimes gives her a rather shadowy effect. Taking into account that dullahans manage to mysteriously be able to appear and disappear as they like, many ponder about whether or not they are actually one with the shadows themselves. The only things that symbolize her rank is the ring of tattoos encircling her shoulders and etched across her collarbone, along with the ornaments she wears at all times, and of course her precious swords. Gauntlets on both hands, along with a matching necklace, and a rather large and flashy crest that she bears proudly on her right shoulder.




My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


Name: Andrew Fukazawa
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Speciality: Ship's cook
Personality: Andrew is, in a word, lazy. He's not really a jerk, but he's prone to forgetting girlfriend's birthdays, anniversaries, and generally anything else that's anything short of life threatening. In any job, including his current one, he does the bare minimum to get by without attracting too much attention to himself.
Biography: Andrew dropped out of high school as soon as he was old enough, and moved out of his parent's place soon after. Ever since, he's been drifting from one job to another, always seeming to do just enough to keep the job until something else interesting sounding comes along. A few months ago, that something interesting was the USC. To his surprise, he was accepted, though he was assigned to a job fitting his skill set... flipping burgers and such in the ship's mess hall.
Having little attachment to his home world, Matthew chose to stay on when his ship was assigned to the New Discovery Fleet... part of what kept him jumping from job to job in the past was the need for something new, something different... and colonizing a new planet certainly seemed to fit the bill.
Appearance: Andrew stands about five foot, six inches tall. He's fairly healthy, slim, but certainly no athlete. His mother is of Asian descent, and while he's clearly of mixed blood, her ancestry is the more visible one on his face. His hair is black, somewhat messy, and hanging just above his neck. His wardrobe consists of his USC uniform, the apron that he wears in the mess hall, and some assorted jeans and t-shirts for when he's off duty.


I'll add my support and possible joining. It really seems interesting.


Readily accepted Matthew - Do you have a specific continent you want to be stranded in? I'm going to place you in Zipangu as a wild guess, but it can be changed should you so wish.

Kaiten, your interest is much appreciated! If you want to join, the templates are somewhere up there.

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


Hehe, you'd think so, with the Asian ancestry for him, but I honestly don't have much in the way of preference, it's hard to choose, so I'll wait on declaring a preference, as long as I'm in, I'll gladly take whatever nobody else wants :P


The trouble with this game, as I see it, is an indefinite lack of females, which, hopefully, should change with shameless recruitment tactics!

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


Name: Drake Belmont

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Speciality: Ship's Scientist

Personality: Drake is a rather pessimistic person, one that sees and thinks that the glass is half-empty instead of half-full. Because of that, he wears an almost constant frown on his face, or shows a neutral face at best. Drake is a rather witty and sharp person, and his tongue never fails to accompany it...often he can't hold it though, one of his flaws is that he complains about alot and that he needs, or at least tries to create a sarcastic comment for almost everything. Despite being pessimistic, sarcastic, and downright negative, he does care about those precious to him. Has a huge affinity for mythology and ancient tales

Biography: Drake was interested in science at an early age, starting with astronomy,  which quickly evolved into physics and philosophy.  He finished his school a few years earlier, as he skipped a lot of years, because there was never anything to do. Always working ahead he came to think of others as lesser then him. He didn't actually want to join the USC, his parents rather forced him, pulling some strings here and there so he could get in without an application. What was even worse, Drake got appointed as a scientist, because of his deep affinity with astrology, biology and physics, somehow the USC thought that Drake would actually be useful..... which meant he actually had do work and do things to actually survive, he found it ridiculous, but still he continued to work....reluctantly that is.


Drake in his casual time wears clothes that would suit someone who is a fan of Modern Rock, Converse Shoes, Black T's with prints, the lot. He stands at exactly 6' and looks a little skinny, but has a good body nevertheless. He will be the first to admit though he isn't an athlete, he is quite laze when he comes to working out, but eating the right food made him the way he is. Always tries to wear stylish glasses to anything he wears, even his USC uniform.

(Interested in starting in Outremmer or Pandemonium, with a preference for Outremmer)
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...

Laughing Hyena

Im interested as one of the survivors. So whats left? I'll take Outremmer.

Name: Walter Nasteal
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Speciality: Ship Engineer
Personality: Energetic, easy going and never willing to sit still. He hates being inefficient in any situation and tends to keep busy as a defense mechanism to cope with stress and to deal with situations. It's what makes him so effective as an engineer as he is constantly trying to improve a situation. This place he has crash landed on is no exception though he doesn't quite know what to make of it. Rarely does he spend too much time with the opposite sex as he barely has a grasp on them and they never seem to fit proper in his personal life.
Biography: Originally as a young child he was slightly gifted with amazing grasping of technical prowess though truth be told it had formed in his younger years in bored, and outspoken ways in school. His passion was figuring out how things worked. And the more complex it was the better.

He grew up in one of the many colonies that humans had forged their mighty empires into. His childhood was pretty average and dull as he made friends had failed child like romances and crushes and enjoyed on occasions exploring the wilds and seeing what he could use his surroundings for. Eventually he graduated and qualified as a ships engineer, where his intense focus would be put to good use. It was however the USC he would be enlisted to as it was an ambition voyage that could lead him to future opportunities and stability to support his private hobbies.

Appearance: Walter stands at 5'8" in height and is around 156 pounds in weight. He has Dusk Brown eyes that look similar to a garnet. He is clean shaven with a slightly shaggy untidy head of brown hair. In casual modern attire, he tends to favor blacks with river blue colors though occasionally he mixes it up with green coloring to accent the blue come warmer seasons. He is young looking and had matured decently in his late twenties though he is a tad bit tanner then most men. He prefers more practical types of clothes that can help him move easily and not get snagged easily when working and often wears a utility belt with side packs as he finds being able to carry things quite useful. Regardless he always carries a multi tool or similar utility item that allows him to improvise many things usually in his chest pocket or utility belt.

Medieval Attire: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=701250
Modern Attire: http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=696383


Well Hyena, I'll put you on hold while you do up your appearances, and I'll put Spell up in Pandemonium in the meantime!

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


 So ...if I play a sphinx ..then that would be desert ...and put me in Outremer.

Looking through this encyclopedia that will not exactly open right for me ...grumbles.

I rather enjoy the thought of playing an Elf or dark elf ...not as monstrous ...but maybe a bit of fun.
Maybe a dark elf that would lead one down to Pandemonium.

As this is new to me ...send me a PM Lyrus ...and we can discuss it further . Since you recruited me the last time . I will toss my aide in to your new game as well, only seems fair .



My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


Perhaps it would be a good idea to add the second part of the encyclopedia to the first post. And Maybe change the title to show we are looking for female characters? If you want I can also seperately upload the pictures and divide them between realms.
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


 Just mark me down as the Sphinx since I was getting ready to play her ...anyways .

I might add a dark elf later that has been sent out to find her own little set of slaves ..maybe in the second round or something. if you have extra men roaming free ..I can capture one of them to .. umm ...yea ...  smiles.  O:)


Name:  Sabrina
Age:  unknown ..looks about 18
Sexuality: Female - < bi-sexual, Switch >
Species: Sphinx - Werecat


Personality:   Sabrina is a bit fiesty ..little selfish in nature as things belong to her and her alone, Sharing is not one of her best qualities , She has a wild streak and a playfulness about her ..very intelligent with tons of questions ..inquisitive to a fault. Extremely Naughty to a fault as she has found that women as well as men of the human race can offer up the sweet nectar that she craves. Though males just seem to be more abundant as travelers through the desert lands.

Biography: Once long ago there seemed to be more of her kind around ...but some big argument happened who knows what it was over now ..so many years have passed. That is a bit of irrelevant information ..anyways she got separated from the others in that nasty desert storm the sand stung her eyes and made a mess of her hair and fur. Anyways Sabrina came upon the Ruins and hid out there till the storm passed. Then upon investigating this wonderful place found a grand treasure down and a golden casket of a great pharaoh ..Tu Nam something or nother. Well someone should guard it that was what they do right so the young werecat adorned herself with gold trinkets and drank this nasty stuff which in effect cursed the poor thing. The place kind of draws and calls out to Travelers ..even has a nice seductive walkway inviting . As one should always invite and be hospitable to others ..feed them and charm them . Well now not exactly ..for they have to be worthy ..and this needs to be tested. So many questions need to be asked ..unfortunately the answers of the questions trigger a reaction in Sabrina. The right answer makes her purr and do just about anything that one could imagine . However , if its the wrong answer ...well stupidity is NOT rewarded ..one must endure some punishment and be made to whimper and of course beg for another question. The  hold of the curse last about a day when a new question is usually offered up to the visitor and the curse changes and twists often. Well at least as long as the Traveler holds up anyways as Sabrina tends to be a bit aggressive and forgets how frail humans are sometimes.

Sabrina's home ... the ruins she protects and guards ..


There's a link to the second part of the Encycopedia at the bottom of the first, Spell. ;P - I think they can find it if they're serious about the Group Game. But I think you've got a point, I shall change the title to draw females in!

Oh Sasha, could you not quote your profile so I can quote it instead? Kuku.

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!

Laughing Hyena

All set and ready to go. Again I'd like Outremmer for my crash landing.




My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


How many more are you looking for? Or any particular regions/types you are looking for?


We are looking for at least three more girls in the Eden, Zipangu, and Pandemonium regions and their respective Mamono!

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


The template you used is wrong Little Wolfie; it lacks the biography and appearance. Also, you stated 'Native of Outremer' ... That position is already taken, but your species - Werewolf - Is based in Eden, not Outremer, so you can use Eden instead!

The template can be found in the first post.

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!

Little Wolfie

Alright give me a day to fix it, and I guess I'll take Eden then. Sorry.
With Life comes Death. With Death comes Mourning. With Mourning comes Pain. With Pain comes Death. It's a circle we live. When you don't fear Death, yourself, but fear Death of those close, You deal with circle many, many times. Tis, is why we try to turn the pain from mourning, into something enjoyable. But, when it is failed, it will lead to Death, and the circle, will start over. It's like the circle of Life, but not how you were taught.



My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


I've belive myself to be handy with monster girls if you don't mind a male posting.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


Well if we're being fully deprived of females, then there's no choice but to bring an efficient male player in! We'll see, though, gonna wait it out a bit more.

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


I'll note for the record that, for whatever region I am, I have no issue with a monster girl being controlled by a male player.