"Garden of Eden" ~ (NC/EX)

Started by Lyrus, February 01, 2010, 05:38:57 AM

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Little Wolfie

~Native of Eden~
Name: Amelia
Age: Unknown, but looks around 19
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Werewolf
Personality: Amelia can sometimes be fiesty, she is also very loyal. Depending on her mood, she can be aggressive, but other than that she is laid back. Slefish..Very selfish. What's hers is hers, no sharing to it. Very sexual. Enjoys it, loves it, needs it. Plain as that. Though normally she won't force it, because almost every male wants to have sex with her, so she's known to be submissive majority of the time, plus to wolves, males are the higher power, well, in her eyes they are.
Biography: A few years back there used to be several packs of werewolves, but as the years went on, the packs started to thin. Either by themselves killing one and another, or by hunters. Amelia lives in the forest, a cave by the waterfall all by herself. Just because she was different, than the others, thinking males have a higher posistion than females, she was outcasted by her pack. She actually enjoys living alone, no rules to follow, no nothing. She can do what she wants when she pleases, plain as that. Though, getting alone can be quite lonely, she searches for a male to come join her, though it gets harder and harder to do because of the reputation werewolf monstergirls have, but Amelia isn't like that. She's different, of course she can be fiesty and aggressive, but normally she's this calm, gently creature, unless she feels like she is in harm.
Appearance: Amelia stands to be about 5'5, weighs about 110 lbs, which is kinda skinny for a werewolf. She has long black hair, which is up in a ponytail. Her tails, ears, arms, and legs are all black fur. She has greyish blue colored eyes. She does have some muscle, which is needed to take done prey, when she hunts.

(Hope this works.)
With Life comes Death. With Death comes Mourning. With Mourning comes Pain. With Pain comes Death. It's a circle we live. When you don't fear Death, yourself, but fear Death of those close, You deal with circle many, many times. Tis, is why we try to turn the pain from mourning, into something enjoyable. But, when it is failed, it will lead to Death, and the circle, will start over. It's like the circle of Life, but not how you were taught.


I do not care about player gender as well. So basically me and Matthew just want to see a monstergirl for Zipangu and Pandemonium, regardless of player gender.
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Noted, Spell and Matthew. Wolfie, welcome aboard!

My Ons & Offs
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Ambitious Group Roleplay!

Little Wolfie

With Life comes Death. With Death comes Mourning. With Mourning comes Pain. With Pain comes Death. It's a circle we live. When you don't fear Death, yourself, but fear Death of those close, You deal with circle many, many times. Tis, is why we try to turn the pain from mourning, into something enjoyable. But, when it is failed, it will lead to Death, and the circle, will start over. It's like the circle of Life, but not how you were taught.


That would be me, unless I decide to step into a more loose role to organize stuff better. Which doesn't seem neccesary at the moment, as things appear to be going smoothly! The rest of the pairings can be found on Page 1.


My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!

Little Wolfie

With Life comes Death. With Death comes Mourning. With Mourning comes Pain. With Pain comes Death. It's a circle we live. When you don't fear Death, yourself, but fear Death of those close, You deal with circle many, many times. Tis, is why we try to turn the pain from mourning, into something enjoyable. But, when it is failed, it will lead to Death, and the circle, will start over. It's like the circle of Life, but not how you were taught.


So at the moment we need about two more females for the role of monstergirls. Or implement males if we get no new hopefuls.

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


I am very interested in this. Once I find a speices to play I will post my CS. Hopefully I will be accepted. :)


~Native of Zipangu~
Name: Miki
Age: Looks about 19
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Youko
Personality: Aggresive, Lustful, Egoistic
Biography: There used to be many youko's in their land. Men and women alike, but the men were weak. Letting the women overpower them and taking their semen to increase their magic. Then leaving the weaking men to die, kicking them out of the village, or making them slaves. The women however could not live together. Too many egos in one place proved monsterous. So they split up over the land and tend to stay away from each other. Living in many humans villages to make it easier to catch their prey. Miki was around during all of this mess and had no problem adding her two cents to the mix. Now she lives alone in HER village, or so calls it. Many of the male humans have been taken by her already but not found worthy to stay by her side. Thus the men in the village look weak while the woman stay away all together.
Apperance: Miki is about 5'4" and is 115 lbs in weight. She is a little thing but do not underestimate her. Her auburn hair is shoulder lengh with fox like ears matching her hair color. Also her six tails match her hair color as well. Mostly wearing silk asian style dresses with matching shoes and clothing of the like. Also always has something in her hair.

Little Wolfie

With Life comes Death. With Death comes Mourning. With Mourning comes Pain. With Pain comes Death. It's a circle we live. When you don't fear Death, yourself, but fear Death of those close, You deal with circle many, many times. Tis, is why we try to turn the pain from mourning, into something enjoyable. But, when it is failed, it will lead to Death, and the circle, will start over. It's like the circle of Life, but not how you were taught.



Little Wolfie

I'm sure he will! Just stay positive! Then all we would need is one more player.
With Life comes Death. With Death comes Mourning. With Mourning comes Pain. With Pain comes Death. It's a circle we live. When you don't fear Death, yourself, but fear Death of those close, You deal with circle many, many times. Tis, is why we try to turn the pain from mourning, into something enjoyable. But, when it is failed, it will lead to Death, and the circle, will start over. It's like the circle of Life, but not how you were taught.


Accepted, Vampiric! Welcome in! Now I just need a final female roleplayer for the game.

My Ons & Offs
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Ambitious Group Roleplay!




Believe me, after several days of waiting, the suspense is killing me.

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Ambitious Group Roleplay!


When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


No, just biding my time.

<insert evil laughter here>

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!


Aw, shucks. Seems everyone has themselves a partner but me. *Chuckles*

Took the liberty of linking the monstergirls that reside in Pandemonium, which I am comfortable playing with.

Dark Elf
Lesser Succubus
Dark Angel
Dark Slime

I have a preference for Succubus/Lesser Succubus and the Dark Slime. Anything else I noted I can work with.
What is going on...
Honestly that never happened,
Lying is your favorite passion...


Looks at that Dark Elf again ....grins ... I want to play one ...CRIES ....

Isn't  Lyell playing a monstergirl .

If no one steps up ...I will play a dark Elf ...if you want Spell. I just didn't want to seem so greedy is all .  :P

lady willow

Not sure what to do here actually....


Name: willow
Age: 20
Sexuality: bisexual (curious)
Species: I don't know how to find that *L*
Personality: submissive
Biography: wide eyed and extremely naive (or is she?)   For all the world, willow seems to be an innocent.  her movements are sensual yet her words appear to belie  this.  coming from an extremely poor background, she has learned to survive in the best manner she knows how.  Her looks and her body will assist but will her soul survive?
Appearance: petite, around 5ft 6" tall, angular features with wide blue eyes and long eyelashes.  hair is kept long (men prefer it that way) and is dark in colour.  she dresses in a gypsy type style, flowing and free but in a sexual way.  her feet are always bare.


If you go up to the post of Spell's ... he listed out the monster girls that are in Pandemonium.

Click the blue name ...and it will pop up what they look like and give some general details about each one . That will help you decide which one you might be interested in wanting to play. As they are all found in the area his character will be ..umm ...dropped into.


I offered to take up the role but it made Lyrus squeemish.
When you absolutely, positively have to kill it with fire...accept no substitutes.


Well you know those Plushie Mutants .....are that way I guess.

Giggles ...

Esoteric Myobi

Hello hello! This thread has caught my interest! It seems that most of the positions are filled save for one. Luckily, Spell's list of preferred monstergirls also included a few of my own...but I think this one in particular should be fun to play due to the various ways she can manipulate as well as be manipulated~ Hopefully I will be accepted. ^^

~ The Native Of Pandemonium ~

Name: Ephione
Age: Appears to be in her early twenties...20-21?
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Dullahan

Personality: Prideful due to her status and position, Ephione can be quite stubborn at times but will admit when she's wrong if you can manage to convince her. A skilled and seasoned fighter, she is dutiful and takes her title of a 'knight' seriously. Loyal to few, those who cross her have learned to fear her blade and realize that she was not just a pretty face with an equally stunning body. An intellectual, her ability to be calm and collected when needed and to plan ahead could land her a leading position, but when the heads go rolling everything else rolls along. Her greatest weakness is ironically the very same head that enables her to think and act so well. During the times when her mind is blown away (literally) Ephione devolves into one of the many other sexcrazed monstergirls. Sharp wits and coy tongue disappear and all she cares about is pouncing on the nearest healthy human male...

Biography: Ephione can't remember very much of her life as a human - if she had even been a human to begin with. As far back as her memory goes she had always been a dullahan, but a damn good one at that. She rarely lost her head (both literally and figuratively) and was always ashamed as well as frustrated when she did. This glaring weakness of hers marred her spotless reputation and thus she had never been able to move up the ranks as she would have liked. To serve the demon lord with mind, body, and soul were all she could possibly desire - and yet she was denied this privilege due to her shameless acts during those brief moments in time. Instead, she has slowly come to terms (or so she tells herself) with her situation and spends the days endlessly trudging through Pandemonium. The law in the law of unlawful sinners, she is a contradiction in and of itself and even today seems somewhat confused as she tries to find an inner equilibrium and understanding of her nature. It may be due to her intelligence that she constantly questions and becomes frustrated with the lack of answers, but perhaps she has just been missing an important piece of the puzzle?

Appearance: Ephione appears to be human, albeit darker and wilder. Going against the common belief that knights must wear bulky and heavy armor, she wears practically nothing save for a few pieces of sheer black cloth. Parts of her 'uniform' are practically translucent and does nothing to keep her voluptuous body from prying eyes. Long waves of curling ebony hair sway with every step she takes, due to the dark surroundings of Pandemonium it sometimes gives her a rather shadowy effect. Taking into account that dullahans manage to mysteriously be able to appear and disappear as they like, many ponder about whether or not they are actually one with the shadows themselves. The only things that symbolize her rank is the ring of tattoos encircling her shoulders and etched across her collarbone, along with the ornaments she wears at all times, and of course her precious swords. Gauntlets on both hands, along with a matching necklace, and a rather large and flashy crest that she bears proudly on her right shoulder.

...I want to be your wet dream, your daydream, your only distraction...
Status: Currently have my hands full running Bump in the Night. Always recruiting~!


Okay! Well first off Lady Willow, as you didn't state a species, I can't accept the profile. :P

Miyobi, gladly accepted as the Native of Pandemonium. Although that picture's head appears to be attached. Kukuku.

Lyell, would you mind playing as a survivor to be paired with Lady Willow, or would you still prefer to play a monstergirl?

Either way, we can now get started! I'd like to hear everyones' thoughts though. There are two possible scenariso to go about doing this:

a) The survivors and their respective regional monstergirls are put into their own one-on-one topics.
b) The survivors and the monstergirls are all grouped together in a single mass topic.

My Ons & Offs
My Desires
Ambitious Group Roleplay!