[archived]Masks of Destiny (DnD)

Started by MzNurse, January 17, 2010, 02:02:10 PM

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The Masks of Destiny

The masks were created long ago by the Teng, a race of powerful sorcerers. The Teng had come to fear the greatest among them, who was named Xoth. Xoth had become too powerful even for a race of sorcerers. His nearest rivals could not come near to matching him in power.

A plan was devised that would drain away the powers of Xoth and his conspirators would gain them. 8 masks were created, one for each of the schools of magic. Each mask would drain away the properties of that school of magic from Xoth, leaving him powerless before his enemies.

However they underestimated Xoth's powers, he was caught unaware but not completely helpless. A titanic battle occurred with the sorcerers making use of the power they drained from Xoth. In the end Xoth was seemingly destroyed, but his enemies had themselves been absorbed by the masks leaving them mindless husks.

The masks were considered to be defective and cursed, by Xoth's dying words. So they were hid away, never see the light of day, until the Teng were destroyed by a calamity seemingly unrelated but in truth brought on by the corpse-less mind of Xoth. His body was destroyed and much of his magic drained but he still maintained a shadowy existence in the astral planes. Xoth observed the Teng and deeming them unfit to live, manipulated events and natural disasters into destroying them. Xoth now seeks to return to the land of the living, but to do this the masks must be found and brought together through a special ritual. Then Xoth will step forward to reclaim the power lost to him. To this end Xoth has been trying to manipulate others by speaking to them through dreams and visions, claiming to be a god or demon of sorts.

I've been a PC for several years, but this will be my first go at actually being the DM. Please be patient and bear with me. The campaign I'd like to run doesn't actually begin until 3rd level, so I will run random adventures until then, more to let me get the hang of things before we get into the actual campaign. 

I'm not sure where this will be placed, as the sex content is up in the air at the moment.  Input on this would be greatly appreciated.

Character creation:
1st level
races, and classes from PHB only
Stats are 4d6, discard the lowest, reroll 1s. You may reroll the set once, but you must choose one of those sets.
Max gold and max hp.
Everyone starts with one free masterwork weapon, just because I said so.
Mz's O.O   Mz's Downtimes   Story Ideas  Open for a few new rps. PM me.


Count me in.  i'll have a character for you soon.


I'm eager to participate, and I have full confidence in your DMing skills MzNurse!

Now I just have to come up with a character.

Also, is this 3.5 or 4th?


*crosses fingers, hoping she'll say 3.5e*
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


I know 3.5e much, much better, due to actually playing it, as well as the SRD.


Tried 4e, was not impressed. I admit, the last batch of books they released did improve it- and the class balance is not bad, but I just wasn't impressed either. Felt almost like an MMO.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


3.5e, guys.  I've only attempted 4e once and wasn't real thrilled, but may try again later with it. No rush on the characters as 3 of the players I set this game up for I found out afterwards aren't approved yet.  Oops!
Mz's O.O   Mz's Downtimes   Story Ideas  Open for a few new rps. PM me.



Name: Brother Anthony
Class: Paladin/Cleric
Short Description Would be devestatingly handsome if he smiled more, and almost always seen in armor. Often puts a shield design in ashes on his forehead before battle.
Short Bio Hearing the call to service as a Paladin as a teenager, Brother Anthony would be disillusion from the gods after witnessing multiple war crimes. Eventually finding the church of The Sheildmaiden- her teachings taught that the nature of war is closer to what the evil gods claim, but that doesn't mean people can't fight for something better. Deciding that just causes are hopeless causes but worth fighting for anyway- Anthony would join the quests for the masks in hopes of making the world a better place.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


I think I'd like to play;

Relka, an Elven Wizardess.

I have a concept, but I need to finish the character sheet. Are we only using the PHB for feats as well?

Laughing Hyena

I want in. I'll be making a character as quickly as I can. Since Wizard and Paladin? or Cleric? are out I'll probably make a thief.

"Wizards and Clerics to the Front! Their frail bodies will absorb the blows!"


Working on a gestalt Rogue/Sorcerer.

Laughing Hyena

Damn. I'll be a fighter then, there's always some good stuff there.


Ah, before I forget- you can probably go has high as NC-E for naughty scenes, but Anthony will do his best to prevent it. As for what he'll do himself, might go as high as bondage- and he probably won't go for it unless they are at least honest if he doesn't deeply care.

"You feeling ansty?"




"Want to jump my bones anyway?"

". . .Sure"
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


We aren't using Gestalt rules, are we?

Laughing Hyena

Forgive my blind ignorance but what are the Gestalt rules?


You take two classes get all the class abilities of both, the higher atk bonus, save bonus, hitpoints, and skill points of either class.


Yes, we are using Gesalt and MzNurse, one of the three is now accepted... me :D Anyways I'm making a Gesalt monk/fighter. I'd slo like to suggest using Heroforge if you have excel to make your character as it quickly speeds the process along.

I do have a question though, I know it's only players handbook classes and races but what about feats from other books? I only ask because some of the feats, like the ability to shoot energy as a monk, are pretty cool. Along the same line skill tricks are always fun. Just thought I'd ask.

Katina Tarask

How firm is the PHB-only constraint?  'Cuz if it's a simplicity thing, there're plenty of non-core stuff that's tremendously simpler than core (Wizard versus Warlock).  I'm interested, but... the PHB is so constraining.

Callie Del Noire

Quote from: Katina Tarask on January 18, 2010, 09:04:31 AM
How firm is the PHB-only constraint?  'Cuz if it's a simplicity thing, there're plenty of non-core stuff that's tremendously simpler than core (Wizard versus Warlock).  I'm interested, but... the PHB is so constraining.

Warlock/Bard is a wicked evil combo.. social monster (sometimes literally...once played a Fey'ri Warlock/Bard in an Eberron game)


@ Katina: The PHB rules are set.  I'm sorry if you find it constraining, but as I've said, this is my first time as DM EVER, and I would rather have to filter through as few books as possible for information.

@Tagan and Merdoroli:  Sorry, PHB feats only, for the same reason as above. Let me get more comfortable with what I'm doing before I start adding books.

@Tagan: Yes, I am allowing gestalt as an option, but it is not a requirement.

@Laughing Hyena: If you would like to gestalt your fighter, PM me and I can help you. If you're not comfortable with that, that's perfectly fine.  You're still in.
Mz's O.O   Mz's Downtimes   Story Ideas  Open for a few new rps. PM me.


Now that I'm accepted here, I'm making my post!

I'm new to all this, but I would absolutely love to play. So as long as you'll help the newb along, I'm totally in. Schro and Nurse and Yuna were helping me with the character, though it's not really done yet... Gesalt Fighter/Barbarian. I'm looking forward to it. =D
What Makes A Shark Tick ( o/o's )

"True friendship is when you walk into their house and your WiFi automatically connects." - The Internet, Probably

I'm just the silliest, friendliest little shark that ever did. Sure, I have all these teeth but I don't bite... much.


Congrats on the approvals, Merd and Spect!
Mz's O.O   Mz's Downtimes   Story Ideas  Open for a few new rps. PM me.


Woot!  Go, MzNurse!  Get your DM on.  I'm rooting for you!

Be careful with Tagan and Katina, though.  They're really, really, really clever. ;)
Always seeking 5E games.

Katina Tarask

*Le shrug.*  For my first time DMing, I just asked my players to keep it simple and let them have at it.  Didn't have any problems.  But whatever.  The PHB is my least favorite splat, and I've got quite a bit on my plate anyways, so I'm gonna duck out.  Enjoy, folks.