Sins of a Solar Empire: Missions of the TDN Agronev (Interest Check) [UN]

Started by Sel Nar, September 13, 2009, 09:06:54 AM

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Sel Nar

What do you get when you take a Three Kilometre Long Starship, Load it out with an obscene amount of weapons, several feet of armour plate as a crunchy outer shell, and then cram 2500 men and women into it? Well, in this case, you get the TDN Agronev, one of the newest Kol-Class Battleships to be built in the Orbital yards above the planet Persephone, and crewed by some of the most elite men and women in the ten years the TEC, Vasari, and Advent have been pounding upon one another.

The ship has been ordered by High Command to assault an enemy-held planet, the planet itself being the crux between the three interstellar powers, and having changed hands by force several times.

However, this story is not about the large scale, but about the Crew members inside the warship, and how they act, and react to what's going on around them, and how they relax in the few moments allowed to them.

In command of the Ship is Admiral Alexander Kol, hero of Redrim, and veteran of nearly thirty years of battle against pirate fleets, the Vasari invaders, and the Advent incursion. He is now in his late fifties, but looks twenty years older, wrinkles, scars, and grey hair giving him an air of being the 'Old Man'.

To fill out the Roster, however, there needs to be several specialists aboard the ship.
First Officer. - hunter
Second Officer. - undisclosedtoyou
Navigator. - petra
Weapons Officer. - reijitabibito
Engineering. - alysanthia
Sensors. - kirei
Air Group Command. - aiden
Ship's Doctor. - combicon
Quartermaster - aurorachloe

Anyone who is interested, feel free to poke, either in PM or in thread.

Character profile Thread is now Here.

OOC and Technology question thread is Here.

Edit: All spots are filled now, but if anyone drops out, I will mention it in this thread.


I'm game, I would like to be a engineer, never played as one before so it will something new. But I was wondering if you are thinking of making a medical team?

Sel Nar

The main medical team would be NPC, but the Ship's chief Doctor should also be a PC. I'll edit that in.


I would be very interested in playing the role of second officer or weapons officer if that spot is taken.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's




i wrangled me a bit part as quarter master.

keeping this definition here for my own benefit.  lol 

"  And quartermaster is the person that keeps the ship supplied, and occasionally acts as chief of the mess for cooks and such. "

a/a 8/21/17



This type of setting almost calls to me, what exactly is an Air group command responsible for?

If not a crazy gun toting, (Texan cowboy accent) will sign up for your weapons officer.

Sel Nar

Air group Command is the Senior Flight officer for the Ship's onboard Fighter/Bomber wings. He(or she) also happens to have the 'luck' of coordinating the 14-odd fighters in their attack runs against larger ships, and anti-fighter or anti-bomber roles as needed.

And, sometimes He (or she) gets to fly around again if the crew is really hurting for trained pilots. (It's a high-mortality job, so being skilled at it means that you get really good at not-dying)


Yea I'll take that roll!

I have not played the game much but nothing a good ol divulge into a game wiki wont solve.


Oh important question. Is this Freeform or System?

*and makes a note to thank Aiden for pointing out that this is based off of something, and now I have to go and do my research like a good girl.*
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's


and "luck" of leading the charge?!, pft it is a damn requirement to be in a cockpit whenever the chance arises.


a/a 8/21/17


Quote from: auroraChloe on September 14, 2009, 09:54:47 AM
ack!  what should i be researching?

I don't speak for the creator of this game idea, but I have not played the game much, so I think me and Dis are reading the world setting.

I like to be descriptive with my Bios and (speaking on my own behalf now) I like setting up a past history to describe my characters personality.

A game like this sent in a futuristic fantasy setting does not require much, as I assume we are going to be on the ship's deck and officer quarters and surrounding areas at all time but sometimes that extra little "ummpf" of background make the game that much more fun.

Sel Nar

In order; Dis, the game will be freeform, instead of system-based, as the system this game is based off of is macro-scale (Ie; entire ships), not character-scale.

However, I will be putting up a Character 'sheet' thread soon so you can describe your characters to one another, as well as an OOC thread if any questions pop up during the actual game.

Aurora, for the most part, you should do some research on the universe the game is set in, of which the main lore can be found here (the bottom has 3 tabs for individual faction histories), also, if you go to this site you can find a lot of information upon the mechanics of the game this is based off of, though I do recommend focusing on the capital ships at first.

Aiden, As for being on the ship's Officer quarters and such, well, that might be, but at the same time, consider the example shown in the Recent Battlestar Galactica Series; even if you're good at one or two things, you should still try to know the ship like the back of your hand, just in case.

Also, consider ranks. Most of the positions Excepting Air Group Command, Second officer and First officer are relatively low, but still officers, with some exceptions. (as an example, Military-trained doctors have both a military and medical rank, and, in medical situations, even a basic medic (or corpsman, using naval terms) outranks an Admiral).

So, just remember, Admiral > Captain > Commander > Lieutenant-Commander > Lieutenant > Non-Commissioned Officers (eg. The Quartermaster is often staffed by Chief Warrant officers, which is, arguably the highest you can get as a Naval NCO)

Hope this helps.


Calling this guy for my char's appearance, so any other male char who might have eyed him in their search- sorry!


This sounds great!  Taking a look at your roster, I notice you're lacking a Weapons Officer (or "Weps" as they say in the Navy).  I'll be glad to take that slot - but I have a couple of questions:

1 - What approximate rank would said position be? (Chances are, such a position on a large warship would be given to a commissioned officer, ie Lieutenant or higher, but probably low on the commissioned scale)

2 - How many male/female PCs do you have at this point?  (I ask for sake of the 50/50 split)

3 - If you had to describe this game as "X meets Y," what would it be?


Depends on which navy we're talking about.  *sticks out tongue*

Seriously, I have a few notes I wanna run by the game creator once we get to character creation....


Thanks for the info it really does help.  Especially the Lore link, since that was one I needed to look up.  Now to get back to researching.
"Not all who wander are aimless.  Especially not those who seek truth beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond the image."
O/O's ~ A/A's ~ Avi's

Sel Nar

Quote from: ReijiTabibito on September 14, 2009, 04:27:07 PM
This sounds great!  Taking a look at your roster, I notice you're lacking a Weapons Officer (or "Weps" as they say in the Navy).  I'll be glad to take that slot - but I have a couple of questions:

1 - What approximate rank would said position be? (Chances are, such a position on a large warship would be given to a commissioned officer, ie Lieutenant or higher, but probably low on the commissioned scale)

2 - How many male/female PCs do you have at this point?  (I ask for sake of the 50/50 split)

3 - If you had to describe this game as "X meets Y," what would it be?

1. An appropriate rank for the weapons officer would be lieutenant, likely one that's been internally promoted within the rank (so, if i recall correctly a Lieutenant First Class is 'higher' then a plain Lieutenant)

2. The 50/50 split 'requirement' went right out the airlock after the first few people joined, but, currently 3 male players (4, including you) and 5 female.

and 3. If I had to describe the Rp as 'X' meets 'Y' It'd probably be Battlestar Galactica Meets Star Wars. Only, without the force mucking things up.


Quote from: Sel Nar on September 14, 2009, 05:06:49 PM
and 3. If I had to describe the Rp as 'X' meets 'Y' It'd probably be Battlestar Galactica Meets Star Wars. Only, without the force mucking things up.

Hmm...I was actually thinking along the lines of Harrington-verse but that works too.  Is there perchance a rank of rear admiral?

Sel Nar

Quote from: Hunter on September 14, 2009, 05:08:23 PM
Hmm...I was actually thinking along the lines of Harrington-verse but that works too.  Is there perchance a rank of rear admiral?

Yes, actually, Wedged right in betwixt the rank of Captain and Admiral, and thus rather uncomfortable in that location.


Quote from: Sel Nar on September 14, 2009, 05:06:49 PM
1. An appropriate rank for the weapons officer would be lieutenant, likely one that's been internally promoted within the rank (so, if i recall correctly a Lieutenant First Class is 'higher' then a plain Lieutenant)

2. The 50/50 split 'requirement' went right out the airlock after the first few people joined, but, currently 3 male players (4, including you) and 5 female.

and 3. If I had to describe the Rp as 'X' meets 'Y' It'd probably be Battlestar Galactica Meets Star Wars. Only, without the force mucking things up.

1. Well, in the Navy (US, which is where I live), there are 2nd Lts. and 1st Lts - so he'd probably be the higher of the two.

2. Okay.  For some reason I thought there were a lot of guys, and not so many girls.  But okay.

3. The new Galactica, with EJ Olmos, or the old one?

And 2 new questions:

1. Is there a character creation process or not?

2. Is this is type of ship we're serving on: ?


Quote from: Sel Nar on September 14, 2009, 05:15:58 PM
Yes, actually, Wedged right in betwixt the rank of Captain and Admiral, and thus rather uncomfortable in that location.

Since when is First Officer ever a comfortable position?  :) ;)