Fracturing the Shoutbox

Started by Vekseid, July 25, 2009, 03:54:45 PM

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I think he was referring to personality,

And even though i cat like a cat i'm actually a wolf, well spiritually anyway, and thats where i'm going to stop, i refuse to discuss religion online lol, anyway Eden, but the playacting aside do you not think that the personalities of the 'fursona' is the personality of the person behind the screen? What i'm getting at is most furs and other role players for that matter put a good amount of thier personality into their characters.   


Yes, but will you deny there is a difference between a character and the writer? I want to get to know writers, not characters - characters are fiction. Maybe they are a close match to the writer who creates them, but even close matches are not the people I am interacting with. I think writers are magnificent, skilled people. Characters, however intricate, are just the puppets they make. Who would talk with a character when the writer is so close? 


Yeah your point is kinda valid, but like someone said above, tell them to stop, that you want to talk to then not the char, and like i already pointed out, if you want to talk to me use my name, no i'm not suggesting that everyone gives out their real name, i know that not everyone likes to give out that info, but i still see no reason to split the sb to exclude char's people will want to surf between them, the best way to split it, would be to have one public and one for ALL members to chat in a less restricted manner


Quote from: Eden on July 29, 2009, 06:52:26 AM
Yes, but will you deny there is a difference between a character and the writer? I want to get to know writers, not characters - characters are fiction. Maybe they are a close match to the writer who creates them, but even close matches are not the people I am interacting with. I think writers are magnificent, skilled people. Characters, however intricate, are just the puppets they make. Who would talk with a character when the writer is so close?

Doesn't nearly everyone have a character online?

I remember from the IC vs OOC thread that several people mentioned how online they're different to how they are in real life... more confident, more flirtatious etc etc...

Don't get me wrong, I agree with your basic point... in a part of the site that is basically meant to be OOC I find it strange that people are still directly playing a character... but a lot of people do it to at least a small extent.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the issue is with that sort of slight difference.  If I was as quiet here as I am most other places, no one would know I existed.  So it would be easy to argue that I'm not quite myself here; but that's not a deliberate put on.  I don't set out to be more talkative and less shy every time I'm on E; it's just something that happens naturally because it's easier for me to be less shy here.

Much the same thing happens when I'm with a group of people I know well -- my gaming group, for instance -- and I become more talkative there as well.  But that's not necessarily anything to do with being in character.

Everyone's behaviour changes slightly depending on the audience, but it isn't a deliberate front, which I think is what's mainly being discussed here.  Most people don't act the same around their parents as they do with their best friends, though they might feel equally comfortable with either.
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Personally, I don't care who you are, most people bring a persona to the table.  Their online persona.  My online persona is human.  She's much more easy going and friendly than I am in real life.  She likes to cuddle people who jump in her lap, or might drape herself across someone else's lap if a proper person appears.  (generally people I know, not jumping random people)

But it is a persona.  One who speaks my mind.  And is basically me in the way I see myself online.

I cannot feel right about trying to segregate someone else's online persona just because they identify strongly with a cat.  Or a werewolf.  They have just as much right to be there as my human self. 

I personally do not think these members are intentionally bringing out characters from their stories.  This is who they are all the time.  (Maybe online, although I am sure some wish maybe for IRL too.. i know I sometimes wish i could be as outgoing IRL as I am here. ;))


I agree with Aestas and Valerian.

My online persona is polite and a gentleman whose sometimes silly and playful. In real life? I'm stressed a lot of the time, crude, cagey and generally am neurotically finnicky with the human race. Will you get to know me online? Yes in the sense of my writing, hopes, dreams, fantasies, and the best side of me. But that's not me entirely.

Fact of the matter is, all we have as a medium is text. We don't know who each other's real selves are aside from the avatars and the image we choose to project of ourselves. Our online persona is not the same as real life, and is an image.

Why differientiate between human and fur? I don't know who anyone is anyway so what's the difference? Do you think that the people talking to you is the way they are in real life? Its the internet heh

Sure we honestly express parts of our personality, with interesting aspects to our character but its still not the real person. And how is that different than a writers' characters who are aspects of their personality?

You say you want to get to know the "real writer", well unless you live in my town that's not going to happen. Best way is through words, here on a forum, and words project an image, a persona. The reality of who we are online and in real life are very different.

Everything online is a persona, human, cat, furry or otherwise. I don't see any difference. The healthy balance is in knowing not to take it seriously, and that theres a difference between the person in real life and the image projected here, no matter what that image is.


I agree as well, considering it's the point I made, but there is a difference between changing your personality and changing your entire image. There's a lot more effort involved in playing as a cat than there is as playing as a person with different behaviors - and one of the main ones is actually making a demand of others to treat you as that thing you want to be. Not everyone is willing to bend to that demand.

I'm losing sight a bit of whether or not this is still related to the main subject of this thread... maybe it should have its own?


Yes, let me clarify a bit: everyone uses personas to one extent or another, here and everywhere.  Some use them more strongly, especially online, to be wittier, or more forthright, or what have you; and some use them more strongly still, going a step further and having furry or vampiric personas, for instance.

I can see that if you yourself aren't all that different here, it can be disconcerting to see a string of cat people curling up in laps and conversing mainly by purring; but in some cases, at least, I don't believe it's a deliberate put-on, but rather a long-standing habit.

If there is any such division between a light RP shoutbox and a more general shoutbox aimed at socializing, though, the idea would be that anyone who prefers to more obviously role play (whether that involves being a cat, a vampire, or a barbarian warrior) should do the bulk of it in the appropriate area.  There wouldn't be a sign out front saying "No furries allowed!"; just a request that if you primarily want to act out sparring matches between werewolves or other off the cuff roleplaying scenarios, that you do that elsewhere.  An occasional mention of having cat ears or a fluffy tail in the socializing area wouldn't be something we would have the time or urge to police very strongly, I imagine.

Purely on a personal level, I'd rather not have any shoutbox divisions at all, but then, I don't use the existing one much.  :)
"To live honorably, to harm no one, to give to each his due."
~ Ulpian, c. 530 CE


Woo, Valerian with the grand slam. :)


Quote from: Karma on July 29, 2009, 10:42:29 AM
I agree as well, considering it's the point I made, but there is a difference between changing your personality and changing your entire image. There's a lot more effort involved in playing as a cat than there is as playing as a person with different behaviors - and one of the main ones is actually making a demand of others to treat you as that thing you want to be. Not everyone is willing to bend to that demand.

I'm losing sight a bit of whether or not this is still related to the main subject of this thread... maybe it should have its own?

Noone should expect someone else to "bend to their demands" no matter what or who they are. If thats the issue, then that has nothing to do with furries, and is more a behavioral problem. If someone walked up and *kissed me on the cheek* am I supposed to comply with that? Do I bend to their demand? Do I go and request a seperate chat box without text in asterisks?


If someone is being too demanding, thats a policy issue and has nothing to do with characters, shoutboxes or anything else.

See the section on Gimme Gotta have Gropes:

And for the record I agree with Valerian, I dont like the idea of a shoutbox division.


Quote from: Kurzyk on July 29, 2009, 10:49:47 AM
See the section on Gimme Gotta have Gropes:

And for the record I agree with Valerian, I dont like the idea of a shoutbox division.

Actually, the last three sections seem to sum up most of the issues that people have problems with:  Poking, 'random unwanted physical attention', and clinging. 
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up!
Requests updated March 17


I don't think a division needs to be made in the SB either, unless it's a members only/public division.  I don't think any member, regardless of who or what they are or want to be, should be left out of either division (if one is made).

So...if one (a division) is made, my suggestion is one that is hidden and one that is public.  No feelings can be hurt and no one will feel segregated...well except non-members...but well, they only need to become members to see the hidden SB!  ;D


*R.R*A.A*O.O*Wiki*Bordello*Whip and Apple*
You Keep On Crying, Baby, I'll Bleed You Dry
Mar Is Currently: Taking On Threads
Check My Absence Thread For Updates, Thank You



Having it hidden would allow the rating separation too.


That's exactly what I proposed in the very first reply to this entire thread!   :P

Quote from: Paradox on July 25, 2009, 04:01:26 PM
Here's one idea I've had for a while--- at the very least, make a shoutbox that is inaccessible to unapproved members. Rudeness and blatant sex would still be verboten, but we could at least have adult conversations without having the ever-present threat of the heavens parting and an angry admin descending with a hot rant about public face on their lips.

"More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality."-Robert A. Baker


I believe that's categorized as an unhelpful comment, Para, according to staff. :P This has been a rather circular thread, though.


How is that unhelpful? It's the same damn thing GT said...just more colorful >.>

"More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality."-Robert A. Baker


If there are two shout boxes we could have intermural SB softball games :)


I agree as well, that if there is to be a division (addition) of shoutboxes, that the most sensible one would be one completely public, and another members-only.

(I was a varsity softball pitcher, my team will totally kick butt!)
O/O ~ Wiki ~ A/A ~ Discord: Bliss#0337
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
<3 <3 <3

Chevalier des Poissons

I would dominate the softball area.
-I have Maro's heart, and I promise to take good care of it-

A & A


Quote from: Scott on July 29, 2009, 01:33:17 PM
If there are two shout boxes we could have intermural SB softball games :)

Woohoo! *laughs*

I agree that if there was a split, 2 SBs member and public would make the most sense.


I'll be the official "Water Girl."  I was never good at activities where balls were flying at my face, games involving swinging bats, getting to third base softball.


What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you.
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way.
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you. 

The Cardinal Rule