Epic at Elliquiy

Started by indarkestknight, February 25, 2006, 10:57:44 PM

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missed that part.  Sorry


I'm still not sure what I want to play...


Quote from: WarDragon on February 28, 2006, 07:22:23 PM
I'm still not sure what I want to play...

Diabolist who feels that he was gypped by Asmodeus's recent teamwork incentive program?


Quote from: Jefepato on February 28, 2006, 07:16:06 PM
Epic items are x10 cost.  The book is pretty clear on that.

Not all. All that grant a non-armor bonus to AC or saves over +5. All that grant stat bonuses greater than +6. All weapons greater than +5 in enhancement bonus or +10 in total enhancement bonus. All armor greater than +5 enhancement bonus or +10 in total enhancement bonus. All that grant an armor bonus higher than +10. All that have a caster level greater than 20th.


Quote from: Glabrezubane on February 28, 2006, 07:23:57 PM
All that grant a non-armor bonus to AC or saves over +5. All that grant stat bonuses greater than +6. All weapons greater than +5 in enhancement bonus or +10 in total enhancement bonus. All armor greater than +5 enhancement bonus or +10 in total enhancement bonus. All that grant an armor bonus higher than +10. All that have a caster level greater than 20th.

In other words, all epic items.  One or more of those traits is what defines an item as "epic," yes?

(I think you forgot "duplicates a spell with an effective level greater than 9th," though.)


Yes, I did. But there are items, such as one that duplicates true seeing constantly at caster level 20th, that are epic, yet don't get the x10 price factor. Another example is the Stormbrand. Grants bonuses that total more than 200,000 gp, yet nothing in particular is strong enough to warrant the x10.


Do we have a cleric?

If we don't will I get shot down to create arcane healing spells at an increase of one spell level?  Cause I have no intrest in being squashed without a healer.


Quote from: Glabrezubane on February 28, 2006, 07:28:04 PM
Yes, I did. But there are items, such as one that duplicates true seeing constantly at caster level 20th, that are epic,

What's epic about that?  It's just true seeing.


Huh.  That's actually on the list.

Although, I might as well note that no one actually pays for true seeing to be CL 20, since its effects have nothing to do with level...


except when it comes to resisting dispel magic.


Fair enough, but nobody ever buys up the caster level.  The higher in level you are, the more precious you start thinking each gold piece is...


very true, now question for my lenses,  the x2 for continous effects that have 1min/level durations.  I'd have to x2 it for every effect correct?  Incase no one has figured out, I'm pricing my items at the moment.  Figure while I have people on who can answer my questions, it's the time to do it.


x2 it for every effect that's 1 min/level, yes.


thought so.  though, had to ask, would have hated to be wrong and cost myself money.


Alright, next question tremorsense.

I've been trying to find a game where I could test this ability out,  even remotely feaseable?
if so, what would the pricing be?
Or would the process be (create the spell, create the item)


Am I too late to try and jump on the bandwagon with this? If not, is there a chainsaw in the group yet?


Quote from: Glabrezubane on February 28, 2006, 06:32:20 PM
You can.

And there most certainly is, Idachan. You're welcome to step into Hell. I'll be waiting with open arms... and other accountrements, like contracts, pens that draw blood as ink from those who write with them... But never you mind. *evil grin*

So who's thinking of what right now? Just so I have an idea of what I'll need to subdue and crush... I mean, entertain you all.

Well... First thing that popped into mind was a half-celestial succubi, her father was a bit... insistant with an astral deva. Second thing popping to mind is a ghost elf, I´m a sucker for pretty pictures.


Quote from: Jefepato on February 28, 2006, 07:39:47 PM
Huh.  That's actually on the list.

Although, I might as well note that no one actually pays for true seeing to be CL 20, since its effects have nothing to do with level...

Which is why A staff of greater dispelling at caster level 20th, while so cheap, is so useful.  :P


And foolish.  Staves use the wielder's Caster level.   ;)


A Use Magic Device-er still could make use of it.


o.O Does the lack of being shot down mean that the half-celestial succubi could work?


Half celestial can only be added to an intelligent coporal, living, non evil creature.  From the monster manual.

And it more likely means the rest of us are number crunching our magical items costs or planning out the character levels and your question got missed.


>.<  Dang. I admitt that I had not looked at the rules, only started thinking about it.


Ooh!  Am I too late to sign on here? 

Hm...  I could take Asheel out of Faerun and Ravenloft, if you'd allow a Tantrist from the Book of Erotic Fantasy, multiclassing with Rage Mage, or even if he didn't. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)