Epic at Elliquiy

Started by indarkestknight, February 25, 2006, 10:57:44 PM

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Incase anyone hasn't figured it out.  I've been stuck being a DM for a LONG time.  Finally getting to be a player I know all kinds of annoying combinations.


Daggers?  No, no.  Shortswords.   ;D


well the dagger requirement was for the class invisible knife, as long as you're wielding daggers you make fients as free actions.

Armed with daggers you'd have your intelligence bonus, up to 5 added to your Ac, sacrfice 1 d6 of your sneak attack to deal a bleeding wound, the free action of a fient, and the ability to take 10 on the feint in the middle of combat,  So they'd have to make a sensemotive verse 30+char mod if you maxed it out and didn't get any buff enhancing items,  then you'd deal 3d6+rogue sneak attack +1d4.  Massive damage for a rogue.  Sneak attacking with two weapons would put you above fighter damage levels.

course, I'm just giving ideas. lol.


yeah if anyone wants intresting classes let me know what you're looking for, I have piles upong piles of 3.0 and 3.5 books.


I'm kind of thinking of making an incubus (or succubus, depends on gender ratio of the group) with levels in fiend of possession, fiend of corruption, and possibly blackguard.  Might not be particularly awesome in combat, but I could still be helpful by possessing someone's weapon if my other abilities don't prove effective.

This depends on how GB chooses to handle level adjustment, and whether this concept fits the game as a whole, of course...


*has an evil thought then grins*  Half red dragon/troll ranger.


Now that is evil. regeneration with everything but acid.


Really, now.  Regeneration gets far cheesier than that.  I've seen it happen, and it's not pretty.

Besides, remember what happened to Prometheus?



Strapped to a rock with a vulture that'd keep tearing out and eating his liver.  Then he regenerates it and the vulture does it again.  Eternal torture.


I tend to play either Arcanists or Tanks, myself.  In this case, I think I'd like a Bard/Sublime Chord for the first case, and... who the heck knows in the latter.


Quote from: LordAnubis on February 26, 2006, 05:07:34 PM
Now that is evil. regeneration with everything but acid.

And fire. You're thinking war troll, I know it. Bastard. Mind you, you use it, I'll let you. But just know I can use it, too. In greater numbers.

My rule is half LA. Which I am keeping.

ECL 40.

Your enemy will be Hell. You will see why soon enough.


Quote from: Glabrezubane on February 26, 2006, 05:56:09 PM
And fire. You're thinking war troll, I know it. Bastard. Mind you, you use it, I'll let you. But just know I can use it, too. In greater numbers.

My rule is half LA. Which I am keeping.

ECL 40.

Your enemy will be Hell. You will see why soon enough.

Half red dragon so immune to fire.   ;D


Quote from: Glabrezubane on February 26, 2006, 05:56:09 PM
Your enemy will be Hell. You will see why soon enough.

Does that mean I shouldn't play a fiend?  Or is it acceptable to play a fiend who isn't from the Nine Hells (e.g. a demon)?

Also: what's your stance on when monster characters switch over to epic BAB and save progressions?  That's one of the few points that always confused me.


Monster HD under 20 will be treated the same as mortal HD. Thus, an incubus fighter 19 will have a BAB of 23, because he has HD 25. Same goes for saves.

And you may play demons or 'loths. Even rebellious devils, who have turned from law, or devils infiltrating the enemy ranks.


All right, cool.  (Outsider HD are very nice to have pre-epic...)

GB, do you have strong feelings about the weirdness of my character concept (either its ability to fit into the game, or its relative balance), or should I go ahead with it?


Half Ecl?  cool.

*rubs hands together* time to make uber caster.
just need to plan out 19 levels. thought at leas 5 must give me divine spell castin levels.  Probably divine disciple to get the bonus domain.  Unless I want to go uber and do Scion class.

One question, the half La, is that rounded down or up?


I believe it was rounded down in GB's other game.  But that applies only to the LA, not to racial Hit Dice.


nm, Scions weren't wizards product.


If you approve, GB, I'm thinking of something like:

Incubus (or succubus, whichever) outsider 6/(LA +3)/blackguard 12/Nar demonbinder 7/fiend of corruption 6/fiend of possession 6

I would've liked to fit cosmic descryer in there, but that requires spells I wouldn't have access to.

It's a little quirky, but it could be useful in this context...


Wizard 3 /Cleric 4 /Fighter /3 Mystic Theruge 10/ Archmage 5/ Divine Disciple 5 /Eldith knight 10

thought not exactly in that order,

Before anyone makes the mistake I made,remember our base attack bonus freezes at level 20, so if you have classes with high base attack bonuses, make sure to get those first, otherwise they are wasted later on.


Not really into über-gaming.  Too much system.  But if the game is ever in the market for NPCs (like when the war troll gets horny)  ;D  I'd be amenable to playing a "civilian."


Quote from: LordAnubis on February 26, 2006, 06:34:41 PM
Wizard 3 /Cleric 4 /Fighter /3 Mystic Theruge 10/ Archmage 5/ Divine Disciple 5 /Eldith knight 10

thought not exactly in that order,
In any order, you're spreading yourself awfully thin... trying to do three things usually means that a specialist in any of them could kick your ass.


Quote from: BigBlackGamer on February 26, 2006, 08:45:39 PM
Too much system.

There's no such thing as too much system.

Unless you're rolling round-by-round for sex.  Then maybe you could stand to have a little less system...


Hehehe...not really into accounting here, and an Epic game (as I understand your definition of Epic) involves big-time power-gaming and munchkinism.  Now if you're into that sort of thing, it's cool--pretty much everyone who grew up on RPGs did a good old-fashioned dungeon-crawl with a character whose average stat was 16.7 and who inherited his grandfather's +6 flaming acid vorpal blade of death, at some point in their gaming life.   :P