
De Mulieribus Claris - [EX]
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School of Pleasure (closed!)

Started by Lingo, May 11, 2009, 02:10:26 PM

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I was thinking of a bunch of girls (all 18 males can play as girl parts) are accepted into a boarding school, maybe about 8 or so, and all get seprate rooms. The teachers (can be male or female, best to be dominant) seem very polite and respectful, until at night when the girls wake up tied to the bed with their own private tutor hovering above them, determined to have their way with the young women. Maybe a bit torture, but nothing gruesome, just hitting and mild stuff like that. Let me know if you're intrested, it would be great if everyone had their own tutor, but some can just alternate off or whatever. We'll think about it when the time comes.

Thanks again! Please consider joining  ;D


I'd be interested in playing a teacher.
Ons and Offs

Sorry once again for vanishing from E.  Had a few personal issues I had to deal with.  To those I have lost contact with, I am sorry, hopefully we can reconnect.  Thank you all for understanding.


I'm interested in playing a student.


Do the teachers just pick a student or will you be assigning them?
Ons and Offs

Sorry once again for vanishing from E.  Had a few personal issues I had to deal with.  To those I have lost contact with, I am sorry, hopefully we can reconnect.  Thank you all for understanding.


I would also be interested in playing a student. Sounds like fun.


I'd also be interested in playing a student!
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done."



You may be whatever you want. Thank you all for showing interest, we'll wait for a few more, but I'll pm you all and see what we can do.

Here's who we have so far:

Students (4) Teacher (1)
I'd like to have equal numbers, but if we're short of some, we'll think of something when that happens


*Grins* A class full of women, I might have to discourage the other men from joining.   ;)
Ons and Offs

Sorry once again for vanishing from E.  Had a few personal issues I had to deal with.  To those I have lost contact with, I am sorry, hopefully we can reconnect.  Thank you all for understanding.


Quote from: tonycraig0555 on May 11, 2009, 09:42:03 PM
*Grins* A class full of women, I might have to discourage the other men from joining.   ;)

*laughs* Now tony you don't want to wear yourself out!


True but it would be such a delicious way to work myself to death.  A good Teacher always leaves his students well trained. 
Ons and Offs

Sorry once again for vanishing from E.  Had a few personal issues I had to deal with.  To those I have lost contact with, I am sorry, hopefully we can reconnect.  Thank you all for understanding.


I'd be interested in giving this a try, but I might need a little advice on portraying the dominant teacher type.  But, I am always open to a challenge.

Delta Echo

This sounds very interesting...I'll try a teacher, perhaps. :)
O&O - A&A
Southern Gentleman of the Arcadia Clan.

"When the world is against you, find the passion of love to survive"


I have things to teach. Maybe.


Would enjoy playing a teacher.  PM me if needed.


Wow, i think we got basically everyone we needed! I'll pm you all in about a day or so, if you have any concerns feel free to ask. I'm also open to any suggestions that could vamp up the roleplay.

Here's who we have:
Students (4)
Teachers (5)

That's very good, almost even. Again, if something flukes, we'll come up with something. =]


A/A     Ons/Offs     Cravings
Back and open to some rps.


Sweet, if you really want to, we have all the people needed, I'm going to put 'closed' on this
thank you everyone! I'll pm you all soon =]


A/A     Ons/Offs     Cravings
Back and open to some rps.


Alright, I've sent out pms to all of you, but if I made a mistake or missed someone I'm terribly sorry and please notify me. If you have questions about the PM just pm me back or respond here, as your question may be the same as someone else's.


Good news! Everyone has replied! Thanks to all who have joined this rp! =]

Here are the parts, if I mixed some up, please let me know

Delta Echo

Lingogirl456 (Yeah, that's me =p)

Alright, I'm not big into profiles, but I want a tiny bit of background. No pictures or nothing too big or fancy just a little bit.

Basic profile setup

Name/Teacher Name (Example: Student would do Anna Blackwood. Teacher would do Anna Blackwood/Ms. Blackwood)
Age: (all students are 18. adults are whatever you please)
For teachers only: Subject taught (math, history, geometry, etc)
Bio: (just a simple background and maybe a bit of personality, for both students and teachers)
Physical appearance: (descriptive or  basic, i give you full reign on this)

Thank you!


Student Name: Lisa Ashburn.
Age: 18.
Bio: Second eldest child of recently divorced parents. She has one older and one younger brother. Her parents decided after their divorce and due to their busy careers she needed some firm routine provided by other adults on a day and night basis and choose to send her to boarding school to get it.
Lisa is a fun loving young women who likes pop music, fashion, reading and going out with her friends. She also likes sports such as tennis, hockey and lacrosse. She hates running and cross country.
Physical appearance: Loosely curled shoulder length blond hair. Around 5’4 in height and about nine and a half stone.  Pale skin with an extremely pretty face and a lovely smile. Curvy girl with a 38C bust-she always wears a good sports bra. Would prefer not to hit 40 and have her bust down around her waist.


Name: Nina Valentine
Age: 18
Bio: Nina comes from a prestigious New York family, and is the youngest of two older brothers, one in college and the other already married. Her parents wanted her to go to something more high class than a normal school, so she was sent off to this boarding school She is frightfully clumsy and while she moves gracefully, is not too terribly good at sports. She is very artistic, she plays the harp, piano, and sings opera and paints landscapes in her free time. Nina is also a bookworm, and tends to be alone or with a few friends than with a large group. Nina tends to be shy and sometimes people anticipate her to be snobby, due to her wealthy lifestyle, but is really very kind.

Physical Appearance: A softly defined heart shaped face, pale skin with almond shaped bright green/yellow eyes. She is only 5'2 and has a 21 inch waist and a tiny yet curvy complex, with a 32C bossom. Thick pale blonde hair that goes down to the small of her back, she usually leaves it down in pretty  waves.

Delta Echo

Teacher Name: Evan / Evan Rayne
Age: 27
Subject taught: History
Bio/Physical appearance: Evan is a a rather plain and unassuming young man, 6'1 in height and of average build with short brown hair and amused green eyes. Having studied history all his life he decided to teach it, and got a job at the school teaching what he knows best. Has been fairly unlucky in love in the past, but tends to be a gentleman around the ladies. At least, during the day...
O&O - A&A
Southern Gentleman of the Arcadia Clan.

"When the world is against you, find the passion of love to survive"


Name: Aleka Komar
Age: 16
Bio: Aleka was a bright girl and got into the boarding school on a scholarship. She is the only child of two middle class parents. They were happy when she got the scholarship since that meant they didn't need to send her to public school where she would most likely get hurt or bullied. She is a A student and enjoys the arts and writing poetry. Her worst subject is Math and she only gets a B- which upsets her but makes her parents proud of her.
Apperance: Aleka is 5' 10" with a small waist and A-cup breasts. Her hair is red with a blond streak and falls to her shoulders. Her skin is pale since she burns easy when exposed to too much sunlight. Her right eye is blue and her left is green. She has long legs which make up for most of her height.

A/A     Ons/Offs     Cravings
Back and open to some rps.


Name: David Romero
Age: 35
Subject taught: Psychology
Bio/Physical appearance: David has short black hair, brown eyes, slight tan.  He is 6'5" 225lbs.  A former College football standout, he likes to stay active.  Having no luck going pro he was a police officer for many years before blowing his knee out during a chase.  Turning over to the less physical profession of teaching.  Very strong willed and very strict in the way he runs his class.   
Ons and Offs

Sorry once again for vanishing from E.  Had a few personal issues I had to deal with.  To those I have lost contact with, I am sorry, hopefully we can reconnect.  Thank you all for understanding.