[E X A L T E D] Pseudo-Modern Fantasy Action Adventure - GM Led, Small Group

Started by Aethyrium, October 06, 2023, 01:02:22 PM

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Welcome to the wild, no heroes and villains
Welcome to the war, we've only begun, so
Pick up your weapon and face it
There's blood on the crown, go and take it
You get one shot to make it out alive, so

Higher and higher you chase it
It's deep in your bones, go and take it
This is your moment, now is your time, so

Prove yourself and...



Welcome friends!

This is E X A L T E D, a pseudo-modern fantasy that will be placed in the Light section; the content of this game will likely showcase violence and potentially graphic scenes, but is not intended to veer into sexual extremes. E X A L T E D is a game about a group of four would-be heroes; students of one of the world's prestigious Battle Academies, training to become the next generation of humanities Champions. They are individuals who have, for their own reasons, made the choice that they will dedicate themselves to the defense of those who cannot defend themselves, to the protection of life as it is known. Along the way they will come to know the larger world, and become embroiled in a vast and ancient secrets that have been playing out for millennia. They will have no choice but to increase their power, rely on eachother, forge alliances, and make decisions that will have impact far reaching. Whether they're ready to or not...

The World of Toil

Why yes, Toil does use cliche naming conventions and borrow 'sets' of things from other stuff.


Savage Academy
Hammer Academy
Instinct Academy
Equinox Academy
Light Academy
Dragon Academy

Take 1 free dot of Shimmer
Take 1 free dot of Soul
Design a unique advantage

So you want to be a Champion, huh? You want to become the thin line that separates humanity from the clutches of the Hollow? Well you've come to the right place. Welcome to Hammer, recruit. You have questions? Well you're in luck, I have answers.

What is a Champion? To be brief, they're elite warriors who train and graduate from one of Toil's famous Battle Academies. Which answers the next question - Hammer is one of these great institutions, along with its four siblings: Savage, Instinct, Equinox, and Light. Upon graduation you become registered in The Index, and are given identification that puts you above most laws and even military's and other defense forces, allows you to traverse the borders of Toil's kingdoms, and act autonomously and with considerable latitude in the defense of the world. What are you defending it from? Whatever it needs defending from. Sometimes that's humanity itself, and others the Elves or the Silenus... But most commonly, it's the Hollow, the greatest threat to life that has ever existed. What are the Hollow? Well, you'll be taking a whole class on that. But to summarize, they are creature's from the Infinite Black, the twisted children of the Dark God. Brutal and merciless, they are weapons of destruction, anti-life incarnated with the singular purpose of snuffing out creation and all things blessed by the God of Light. But you don't need to worry about all of that right now. It's a long road to becoming a Champion. Right now, you're merely Squires, and you'll need to become Adepts, Knights, and Masters before you can take your place among your honored Champion brothers and sisters. You may be wondering if you would be better off at one of the other Battle Academies, but I can assure you, the strongest steel is forged beneath the Hammer.

You want to know about the world do you? Eager. I like that. Okay. Well, five kingdoms exist across Toil. Obviously, you are in Onyx, capital of Johtan and home of Hammer. We are a proud people, with the greatest military in all of Toil. No other kingdom compares to our might. Our lands are rich with ore, and we do not lack for local mines of Arcanite. Kantos is to the east of us, and is ruled from Emerald, where you can find Savage. The people of Kantos are known for their resilience, not surprising since the Dark God's realm exists there. The whole region is filled with some of the oldest and most powerful Hollow, and they'd tell you that's why Savage produces the best Champions. Ha! Then there's Unovia and Pearl to the south. Bunch of rich pricks if you ask me. Unovia is richer in Arcanite than we are in ore, and supply basically all of Toil. Ruby is on Hoenan to the east, and they're known best for being "enlightened". Lawless is more like it, a bunch of mercenaries and lowlifes. Suppose that's why they've got such good relations with the Silenus though. Finally, if you look north, you'll run into Sinnat, and find your way to Sapphire. We might have the greatest military, but they've got the tech. Your phone? Our jets? Basically everything that makes society what it is comes from Sinnat. Now there was another kingdom, Kalanos, and another academy, Dragon, but about a hundred years ago the kingdom fell to the Hollow. Now it's... Well it's out of the way and we don't go there.

What about the Elves and the Silenus? Well, not much to tell. Toil isn't ours alone. If the Hollow are the twisted children of the Dark God, then the Elves are blessed children of the God of Light. But they're a lot more like us than their cousins. They bleed, they sleep, they eat, you know everything the Hollow don't. Humanity is said to have the strongest soul, but the Elves are in touch with magic more than we are; they're said to be born with their Shimmer and they're more in tune with it. No way to quantify that, really, but that's what they say. Silenus are... Well that's a really long story that we don't have time for right now, and everyone's got an opinion about them. Some people call them hybrids, on account that all the Silenus have an animal trait and they're as varied as the wildlife they emulate. Cats, dogs, birds, fish, hell even scorpions. Some have ears, or eyes, or tails, or wings, gils. You name it, there's probably a Silenus with it. If the Elves are our older sibling, than the Silenus are our younger. They're relatively new to Toil, and frankly not a lot is known about how they came to be.

Arcanite? How do you not know about that? Jeez, alright well, Arcanite is all around you. All of our technology is powered by Arcanite. But it's more than just a power source, it's our tie to magic. Legends say that in ancient times, before the Gods left Toil, we were able to perform magic on our own. But these days, you've got to tap into Arcanite for the power. It comes in six types; red for fire, blue for water, white for air, green for earth, black for for lightning, and yellow for sonic. Now everyone has a Shimmer, a power inside of them. You don't need Arcanite for that, that's the echo of whatever we used to be able to do. But if you want to use power outside whatever gift you were born with? You're going to need yourself some Arcanite. It can be used in all sorts of ways. Champions use it to infuse their weapons all the time. We craft it into ammunition. Arcanite crystals can be used to inscribe, infuse, and power all sorts of things, from clothes that you wear to weapons that you wield, to elaborate matrices that general powerful magical effects. Some people, would-be sorcerers, use Arcanite powder to perform in the moment magic with so-called spells. Though it's archaic, there's an ancient practice of embedding into yourself, or consuming it. Hard to master, incredibly dangerous, but huge pay offs.

Alright, that's enough for now. You want to be a Champion, so let's see what we're working with...

Every Champion is broadly evaluated in eight categories. These are rated on a scale of 0 to 7. In world, people are required to meet a minimum of 2 in each category before they will be admitted to a Battle Academy. This is the lowest bar, and few people who enter at that skill level end up graduating. To this end, each character has been given 2 dots for free in each category. Congrats, you're characters represent low-high tier entries right from the get go. To that end, each character may spend 16 additional dots across the categories, distributed any way you like.

The people of Toil are all born with an echo of magic. This is called their Shimmer. A Shimmer is a magical ability that does not require an Arcanite to power. Humans and Silneus have to discover their Shimmer, usually in moments of extreme emotion, but the catalyst could be anything. Elves on the otherhand are born with an intrinsic knowledge of their Shimmer. Shimmer's can be basically anything, but they should be specific. You're welcome to design any ability you'd like, but be prepared to discuss with the GM and dial it in based on feedback if needed. A characters Shimmer can be active or passive, beneficial or harmful; there are no specific restrictions. A character might have enhanced reflexes and see things before they're coming, or they might be able to activate 'bursts' of hyper speed allowing them to perform many actions or cross large distances in a flash. They might have the ability to act as a magnet and pull and push metal. They might be able to absorb a specific element, making them immune to it or suffer reduced damage from it to empower themselves. Feel free to get creative with it. Shimmers are said to be able to grow and evolve over time, who knows what yours might become.

A Champion is a weapon, and to that end they must have a weapon themselves. Each character is to design a weapon that they use - it can be anything, as fantastical or mundane as you like. Each weapon can have two modes (though later, you may get upgrades that allow additional modes); think of it like a small, nonsentient transformer. You might have a katana that folds and reveals a six-shot magnum. Or a hammer that can be converted into a grenade launcher! What about a staff that can come apart and become two sickles? Or a pair of uzi's that can be used as punching daggers? The only limit is your imagination. Additionally your weapon can have a property - an elemental infusion. What if your staff had a lightning property that turned it into a giant stun stick? Or a bow that has a fire property and can create blazing, pure elemental projectiles? A weapons property should be specific - because it has lightning doesn't mean it can be a stun gun and a lightning bolt throw and have enough power to electrify a pond. You may also design more simple weapons; if you pick a weapon that doesn't have a property and or lacks a second mode, the weapon will be considered 'stronger' than a version that doesn't. Don't over think it, the point is, you are not penalized for wanting to use something less flashy, and you'll be allowed a narrative bonus for the lack of diversity.

There are six elements in Toil - Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Lightning, and Sonic. Like Shimmers, all people are born with a natural affinity and aversion to one or more of these elements. When designing your character you will need to choose one element with which they are strong and one which they are weak. These strengths and weaknesses are considered major - they are at their best when working with or around their affinity, and the opposite with their weakness. You may, if you desire, instead select two affinities and or weaknesses. In this case they are considered moderate, instead of major, in either case.

All Champions develop fighting styles. Often this coincides with where they trained the most. There are eight basic terrain types - Mountain, Forest, Desert, Swamp, Urban, Aquatic, Arctic, Grassland - that are recognized in Toil. Characters all have a preference for one of these, and when fighting in it have a major advantage. Likewise, there is a terrain with which they are most unfamiliar or uncomfortable, and while in it, they are are a major disadvantage. Some Champions are good at diversifying though, and to that end, you may instead select two affinities and or weaknesses. In this case the advantage and disadvantage in those places is considered moderate instead of major.

You may make a character of any of the three ancestry available - Human, Elf, or Silenus. Each comes with a distinct trait, noted above. Humans are... Human. They're the dominant ancestry on Toil at this time. Elves used to run the world, and as a collective are still licking their wounds from the Great War where they suffered the most. Elves aren't uncommon to see or be around, but they are rarely in any place in great numbers except their very well hidden settlements. The Silenus are a complicated bunch, and the other denizens of Toil haven't always treated them well. To that end, the Silenus are accepted but often exploited, and are still on the big scale, trying to find their place in the world. The Silenus control most of the south-eastern part of Hoenan, which is where most of them are. Every Silenus has an animal trait. This might be claws that are as strong as steel, or gils which allow breathing underwater, or wings that allow flight, a tail that can act as a third arm/hand, etc. When making a Silenus character, you will need to design such a trait - add it to your Shimmer section. Remember that these advantages are, largely, minor in scope. As a note I am likely to approve only one Silenus because of their world status, so keep that in mind while character creating.

[img padding=5]https://dummyimage.com/225x300.jpg[/img]
[b]Gender | Pronouns[/b]:  |

[b]Body Build[/b]:
[b]Hair Color[/b]:
[b]Eye Color[/b]:

[b]Strength[/b] ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
[b]Stamina[/b]  ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
[b]Speed[/b]    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
[b]Shimmer[/b]  ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
[b]Soul[/b]     ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
[b]Brawl[/b]    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
[b]Melee[/b]    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
[b]Ranged[/b]   ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
[/td][/table][/float][float=right][center][b][u]Weapon Details[/u][/b]
[b]Mode 1[/b] - [b]Mode 2[/b]


[b]Elemental Affinity[/b]

[b]Elemental Weakness[/b]

[b]Terrain Specialty[/b]

[b]Terrain Weakness[/b]
[i]Answer[/i][/float][center][size=14pt][b][u]All About You[/u][/b][/size]

[b]Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?[/b]
Answer here

[b]What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?[/b]
Answer here

[b]Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?[/b]
Answer here

[b]How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?[/b]
Answer here

[b]What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?[/b]
Answer here

[b]What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?[/b]
Answer here


Velvet Smoke

Game Master

Ancestry: Silneus
Gender | Pronouns:  Female | She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 19
Height: 5'1
Body Build: Lean, Athletic
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Hazel

Strength ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Speed    ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Soul      ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Ranged  ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Weapon Details
Long Staff (Melee) - Sniper Rifle (Ranged)
Velvet's staff is just over six feet long. It's ornate and appears wooden,
despite having a mechanical interior. It has a bulbous cudgel on the top end,
which morphs to reveal the bullet chamber and trigger mechanism.

Velvet can teleport short distances within eyesight.

Velvet has prominent cat ears atop her head, but her actual advantage is
feline grace; she has uncanny balance and dexterity.

Elemental Affinity

Elemental Weakness

Terrain Specialty
Urban, Forest

Terrain Weakness
All About You

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Velvet hails from Johtan. She was born in a coastal town, called Seabreeze Harbor, which is known for its serene beaches and bustling harbor! For Velvet, family has always been a complex and evolving concept. She lost her parents at a young age due to a tragic accident at sea, leaving her an orphan with no immediate blood relatives. However, she found a sense of belonging and camaraderie among her fellow orphans at the Seabreeze Harbor Orphanage, run by a kind-hearted woman named Matilda. Velvet considers Matilda as the closest thing to a mother figure she has ever known. Matilda's warmth and guidance played a pivotal role in Velvet's upbringing, instilling in her a strong sense of compassion and determination.

Over time, Velvet formed deep bonds with her fellow orphans, and they became her chosen family. They supported one another through the ups and downs of life, forging connections that transcended blood ties. Though they have gone their separate ways in pursuit of their dreams, Velvet cherishes these friendships dearly. Some have become successful Champions, while others have taken on various roles within the Seabreeze Harbor community. Regardless of the distance, they remain connected through shared memories and occasional reunions.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
Before Velvet decided to attend a Battle Academy, she led a tranquil life in Seabreeze Harbor. She worked as an assistant at the local community center, where she helped organize events and provided support to the town's residents. Her days were filled with the comforting routine of community involvement and assisting her neighbors. Velvet had always been known for her reliability and compassion. Velvet's decision elicited a range of reactions, but she approached it with unwavering determination. She felt a deep calling to explore the world and expand her horizons beyond the familiar surroundings of Seabreeze Harbor. While her departure was met with mixed feelings, she received support from her friends and community members who encouraged her to follow her dreams. They recognized her desire for personal growth and understood that her decision was a natural step in her journey toward self-discovery and fulfillment.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Velvet made the decision to pursue the path of becoming a Champion for several deeply personal reasons. One of her primary goals is to test her limits and prove to herself that she can achieve greatness. Growing up in a serene coastal town, she yearned for adventure and challenge, and the pursuit of the Champion title presented the ultimate test of her abilities. Another driving force behind her decision is her desire to make a positive impact on the world. She believes that by becoming a Champion, she can inspire others to follow their dreams and reach for their own aspirations. Velvet has always held a deep empathy for those around her and hopes to use her position to protect and uplift those who may be vulnerable or in need.

However, along with her ambitions come fears and uncertainties. Velvet fears the weight of responsibility that comes with being a Champion. The expectations, the constant battles, and the scrutiny of the public eye can be overwhelming. She worries that she may lose herself in the pursuit of greatness and become disconnected from her true values and compassion. Additionally, Velvet fears failure. She knows that the path to becoming a Champion is filled with challenges, and there are no guarantees of success. The thought of falling short of her goals and disappointing those who believe in her weighs heavily on her mind. Despite these fears, Velvet remains resolute in her determination to become a Champion. Her journey is driven by a passion for adventure, a desire to inspire, and an unwavering commitment to make the world a better place through her actions and accomplishments.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Before coming to Hammer, Velvet's skills were honed under the guidance of a specific mentor—a Champion who had dedicated their life to protecting Seabreeze Harbor, her coastal hometown. This Champion had recognized Velvet's potential at a young age and took her under their wing as an apprentice. Under the mentorship of this seasoned Champion, Velvet learned the art of combat, battle strategies, and the unwavering dedication required to protect one's community. Her training was intensive, and she soaked up every piece of wisdom and experience her mentor shared. Their influence not only shaped her into a formidable contender but instilled in her a profound sense of duty and responsibility. By the time she arrived at Hammer, Velvet had received a unique and tailored training experience under the tutelage of her hometown's Champion. She felt a deep sense of gratitude and responsibility to continue their legacy while pursuing her own path toward becoming a Champion.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
The best day of Velvet's life was the day she won her first major championship in a regional tournament. It was a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and training under the guidance of her mentor, the Seabreeze Harbor Champion. The thrill of victory, the cheers of the crowd, and the realization that she was one step closer to her dream of becoming a Champion made that day truly unforgettable.

Conversely, the worst day of her life was the day she received news of her mentor's passing. Her mentor, the person who had believed in her, trained her, and shaped her into the skilled trainer she had become, had passed away unexpectedly. The loss of this guiding figure left her with a profound sense of grief and emptiness. It was a day when her world seemed to crumble, and the weight of carrying on their legacy became a heavy burden on her shoulders.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Velvet's greatest accomplishment and source of immense pride is winning the regional championship, a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and the teachings of her mentor, the Seabreeze Harbor Champion. This achievement not only validated her skills as a trainer but also honored the memory of her mentor, who had believed in her potential from the beginning. It symbolized her commitment to fulfilling their legacy and protecting her coastal hometown.

On the other hand, Velvet's greatest regret is a specific battle she lost during her early days as a trainer. It was a crucial match in a tournament that she felt she could have won with better strategy and preparation. This loss served as a humbling experience, teaching her the importance of continuous improvement and never underestimating her opponents. While she has learned from that mistake and become a stronger trainer, the memory of that defeat still lingers as a reminder of the value of humility and perseverance in her journey.

Why stats? System? Dice? What's going on?!
Think of these as the stats you might assign to professional athletes, rather than TTRPG stats. We might say that George Foreman is 'stronger' than Muhammad Ali, but Ali is 'faster'. They're intended to be an abstraction of general ability, that will be used behind the scenes to dictate fair outcomes in non-trivial combat. You won't be rolling dice, or likely ever referring to these again after character creation (except perhaps to improve them); they're entirely a GM tool, and intended to be a relatable way for you to describe where your is strongest and weakest. Each statistic should be pretty straight forward, but for the ones that are not: Shimmer is the strength of your Shimmer; Soul is how much magical energy you have which contributes to defense and offense differently; Brawl is how well you fight unarmed or in hand to hand (if your weapon is punching daggers or similar it'd go here); Melee is how talented you are at using close range weapons like swords or daggers or staves, etc; Ranged is talent with guns and bows and thrown weapons and the like.

Small group? How small?
Between 3-5 players. My initial concept was 4 PCs, but I will be filling one of those. Since working on it, I have come to believe that the idea could sustain 6 PCs, but only if I happen to get 5 totally perfect submissions. Off chance that I get 4 particularly compelling characters, I may instead choose to take those and focus on GMing. Realistically, I will be selecting 3 characters to engage with this story. To that end, it's neccesary to point out that this game will not be first come first serve. I will select the characters that I think will be best for the story, and most interesting to play with.

Posting Rate and game structure?
The game will play out in two parts. First a central story, which will work generally like chapters, letting the characters advance through everything that's happening and keep the game moving. There will also be periods of time open for players to write more freely - with themselves, or with the various NPCs that'll be around. What this will look like will be a central story that is being played, and some open time that takes place just before that to be sandboxed in. There may be times where the sandbox is closed, or the central story is closed - how the game progresses will tell.

Sandboxes will not be monitored for activity, you're free to post there as much as desired. Central story, however, will be advanced approximately once every four or five days; depending on speed of players, and availability of GM. If you can't make a round of posting, that's fine, you can catch up in the next one. That said, we won't be sticking to any sort of posting order, so everyone can post freely as they are available.

I'm a broody loner and don't want to play nice with people!
That sucks, go find another game.

That's harsh, but not untrue. There is definitely room in the game for characters to be somewhat bristly, but largely they are part of a team and need to function within that structure. So characters who cannot play nice with others and will not cooperate or are otherwise irredeemable assholes need not apply. This is not to suggest that interteam conflict cannot ever arise, just that characters should be broadly speaking ready to be part of the team.

Teams imply leaders. Can I be the leader?
Yes, they do. Yes, there will be. I can't answer that yet, until I see all of the characters.

What is an appropriate character age?
All characters should be in the 18-20 range. People don't pick the life of a Champion later in life, typically, and younger characters haven't grown enough to be ready to enter a Battle Academy.

Where is the game starting, and where is it going?
We will begin gameplay with the characters about two weeks after arrival at Hammer Academy. An intro post will detail more of this for you, but to summarize: Characters arrived, underwent some basic evaluations, got pitted into a contest where they were paired off, and then eventually the pairs were put into another contest which determined the ultimate teams of four. We'll be starting shortly after that. Which means characters have known eachother for a little while now, so expect everyone to be asked to share a bit of detail that others would have come to know in that time.

Our central story will start at school, and proceed there for a little while, following a handful of key events. But the game will spill out into the wider world eventually, and characters will have choices about where they go and what they do. So expect changing locations and evolving goals over time.

I want to come from somewhere other than Johtan.
Acceptable. Just also try to assume that your character might have knowledge about where they are from, but not on a big scale. I'd like to avoid having to info dump to any specific character or giving them advanced knowledge others don't have. However, you can be an expert on your home location and are encouraged to world build. Just... Don't be shocked if I take all of your hopes and dreams and turn them against you.

What's the general tone of E X A L T E D?
I want to describe it as "Dusk & Dawn Fantasy". I don't know if that communicates an image well, but I hope so.

The game is intended to be heroic, and characters will have triumphs. But they're also going to have failures. You won't win every fight, and you're going to lose people - not characters mind you, they will always manage to get out alive (but I make no promises that you won't get maimed and have to adopt robot parts!). But things that are important to characters will be challenged, and you should not come into this game assuming that everyone and everything will come out unscathed. On the other hand, the central idea is the rise of heroes and that will be showcased. Characters are going to be allowed to excel and be badass, and kick bad guy ass. You'll save the day sometimes, and have to retreat others.

From a story perspective, I would say that the game is getting darker. Peace has existed for a long time, but there are forces conspiring to undo all of that. So expect that over time, things will escalate and bigger puzzle pieces will crumble. After all, if there is nothing to challenge our characters, how can they become heroes?

The world of Toil is vaguely 'anime' in its expression. Expect (and indulge) in beyond realistic portrayals of action. Characters are shielded by their soul, so they can jump far, or leap from planes without parachutes so long as they can do something clever to make a landing. They will get thrown through walls, and stand back up. You might have an epic battle in the middle of a magma cavern that's in the process of erupting, without getting scathed. You could block bullets with your sword. Things like that. Actually, if you watch the video for the theme song at the top of this post, and pay attention to the action, then you'd be in the ball park of the style of exaggerated action I'm talking about.

What is the world like, from an in-character perspective?
Dangerous and tense. The Hollow are an ever present threat, drawn to humanity. Travel is difficult and dangerous - this keeps Champions in high demand. Most people live in one of Toil's major cities, however settlements elsewhere aren't unheard of, but living outside the cities is a huge risk. Small villages are dotted across the landscape, hiding within natural defenses and what have you. The kingdoms are at peace at the start of the game, and have been since the Great War - about eighty years ago (for reference, that's about the same for us as we are right now from World War II). Any socio-economic situation you can imagine can probably be found somewhere on Toil.

What does 'pseudo-modern fantasy' mean?
Cars exist, as do cellphones. But technology evolved through the use of Arcanite. There isn't electricity as we understand it. Things that would be impossible in our world are very possible in Toil - like something morphing into something else (see weapons and modes). But things might also not be the same; there is no space travel in Toil. Systems might be more or less robust than you imagine them to be (such as global networks, for instance, being much less stable and easier to disrupt). If you're familiar with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, think about Stark Tech - holograms are things, as is hard light, cybernetics and more. The capitals (Onyx, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, and Pearl) are large cities like you might see in our world - except probably cooler - but settlements in the world are more ramshackle and might inspire more feudal-period imagery, because they are under constant threat of the Hollow and being lowkey is a good way to survive.

What happens if a player leaves the story?
I'll be sad, and then take over the character as an NPC, using them to further the story to whatever end. I will then attempt to find a replacement character to come in, and come up with some narrative reason to add them to the team.

How do I apply?
Easy! Grab a character sheet, fill it out, and post it here in this thread. Then we'll talk.

I intend to keep recruitment open on this game until 10.14, when I'll select characters. Adjustments to this plan will be updated as needed.

What kind of images should be used?
Art exclusively. No real life face claims in this one!


I take your ideas now.

And answer your questions.


Plants Ye Olde Interest Flagge

Tentatively looking at working up a Human Champion, more melee-focused, hits like a boulder, and can shrug off one falling on him.  He'd be descended from an infamous Champion who either royally screwed the pooch (or appropriate local term) in a famous battle, or was an outright traitor.  Either way, his family was blacklisted from most of society, and eked out a living on the outskirts of society.  You'd think they were obsessed with Redemption, but nope!  Just bitter that the family got shafted because Great Great Grandpa sucked.  So off goes our hero to be The One Who Does Something Besides Whining.

(Full CS to come when I'm less busy!)


Quote from: Alleron on October 06, 2023, 01:37:33 PM
Plants Ye Olde Interest Flagge

Tentatively looking at working up a Human Champion, more melee-focused, hits like a boulder, and can shrug off one falling on him.  He'd be descended from an infamous Champion who either royally screwed the pooch (or appropriate local term) in a famous battle, or was an outright traitor.  Either way, his family was blacklisted from most of society, and eked out a living on the outskirts of society.  You'd think they were obsessed with Redemption, but nope!  Just bitter that the family got shafted because Great Great Grandpa sucked.  So off goes our hero to be The One Who Does Something Besides Whining.

(Full CS to come when I'm less busy!)

Super fun concept. Excited to see it all elaborated on!


Mila Rios


Ancestry: Human
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 20
Height: 5'6"
Body Build: Lithe, slender, toned
Hair Color: Platinum blonde
Eye Color: Blue-grey

Strength ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Speed    ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Soul     ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Ranged   ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○

Weapon Details
Bladed Boomerangs - Scimitars
A pair of sleek black, curved blades. The weapons act like
boomerangs, spinning out to her target and then swinging
back around to her. With a flick of the wrist, the curve will
elongate, creating scimitars that she can use as speedy,
slashing weapons.

In perfect combination with leaps, jumps, twists and flips,
Mila has the ability to create a surface where there was nothing.
It can be used as a step, leverage to send her into her next
attack or movement. The surface is not visible, almost acting
as a forcefield as opposed to terrain.

Elemental Affinity

Elemental Weakness

Terrain Specialty

Terrain Weakness
All About You

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Mila was born in Sinnat to a powerhouse of a mother and father in the tech community of Sapphire. The expectations her parents had resulted in a stiff and impersonal homelife. Heading one of Sapphire's top innovation companies, her parents were eager to lead her into the family business. Mila had other ideas. She did stay in Sapphire for some time, mostly roaming on her own. Sometimes she would go days and even weeks before she would return home. But the older she got, the more her parents attempted to shrink her outside interests to instead focus on what they felt was sustainable, and more importantly, responsible. To say that the relationship was strained was an understatement. But despite their differences, blood was blood. And they were her family. Loyalty was one quality she did share with her parents. It's just that loyalty held different meanings for each of them.

Her rebellious, independent nature had her jumping around Sapphire, which was a massive city in itself. But she grew bored of what it had to offer, the flashy inventions and technical prowess growing old after years of exploring. Eventually, she moved around Sinnat almost in its entirety. She was a true nomad, making friends - or at least acquaintances - wherever she went. Crashing on a couch, paying for a room, she made sure never to tie herself down for too long. Now she found herself in Johtan, ready to take on and explore whatever this new continent had in store.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
On top of being a nomad, Mila was absolutely obsessed and addicted to anything that got her blood pumping. A true adrenaline junkie, she was always looking for the next cliff dive or stunt that begged to be conquered. She had even been hired as an entertainer in one city or another. She wasn't quite a celebrity, but there was probably a specific group of people that might recognize her here and there. While she had many friends, she didn't stay anywhere long enough to forge deep connections. So there was no one really there to pay any mind to her decision to get into something so structured. Her parents, though, were torn. This was something that would pull her away from their business even more so. They had been holding onto the hopes that she would run around for a few years and then come back to them when she was tired of this 'phase' she was going through.

On the one hand, they disapproved of the danger it would bring into her life and the distance it would put between them. But on the other hand, they were glad to see her do anything with any kind of rigidity and commitment. The small group she'd been hanging out with were disappointed to lose her, but swore up and down that they'd be around for any time off she had.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
The truth is, Mila was just looking for the next challenge. She couldn't be sure that this would satiate that need, but she did know that the grind and climb to becoming a Champion was something that called to her. One of the biggest perks is she heard about the accessibility Champions had to other continents and parts of the world. Heck, maybe there were even unmapped areas that she would be able to find and explore. Her only fear? Stagnancy. Even though she understood that there would be endless adventure and action, what if it was all just one note? What if she climbed the ranks only to earn that Champion title and then realize it was all for naught? Her loyalty would not allow her to desert the Academy. That much she knew. And for now, she would just have to hold onto the hopes that this would be everything she wanted it to be.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
While Sapphire did call itself home to many a scientist and bright mind, it was also the romping grounds for tinkerers, gadget fiends and young rebels. When still there, she discovered an underground fighting ring. Some of the 'fighters' were more tech dependent than anything else. But there were no rules in this particular ring. Not that it was a ring at all. There were no ropes, no boundaries. At least, not really. It was held in a small section of Sapphire, off the beaten path and a well known black market area that even special forces and police wouldn't interfere with. It took her many a loss to finally come up with a win. But every time she fell, she learned something. Whether it was learning about the technology that fueled the weapons she was pitted against or practicing her boomerang throws at the range, she 'leveled up' time and time again. Her stunt work didn't hurt either. She had true acrobatic prowess, her agility and flexibility unmatched.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
Mila would always remember being deemed top dog of the underground a the best day of her life. It had been two grueling years of pain and suffering until she clawed her way to the top. It was also the day that she knew she had outgrown Sapphire, a milestone. She saw it as a conquering of the city in a way, maybe even a conquering of her childhood. In contrast, the worst had to be the stunt that went wrong. She remembered how sure she had been that the jump was possible. The group in a city outside of Sapphire hired her for some fundraising event to jump across a crumbling bridge hundreds of feet above the equally decrepit city streets below. She was sure she could make it, and the first few sections of the 'course' went by without a hitch. But there was no planning for the way the bridge's state would disintegrate. A massive fall later, and she was out for months... mostly because she refused to let her parents see her injured that way. It would only add more fuel to the fire anyway. She was already disappointed enough in herself.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Finishing the most recent version of her boomerangs was a thrill. It was a labor of love, starting with nothing more than a regular boomerang - no blade. The number of times she cut herself on the prototype with the blade? God... she could have sworn she had it out for herself the way she tore herself to ribbons. But with tweak after tweak of the weapons themselves and then the addition of the gloves... She was beyond proud. And now there was no other weapon she'd want to yield. They were smooth and fit perfectly to her hand and movements. They were made for her, by her.

Mila swore she would have no regrets. But she couldn't lie to herself that she had to think twice about what happened with her brother. Rest in peace, Mattias.


Haimehen De Temps Infini

PLayer: Shengami

Ancestry: Elf
Gender | Pronouns:  Male | He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 20 (elf?)
Height: 5'7"
Body Build: small, thin, average tone
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Violet and Gold (heterochromia)

Strength ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Speed    ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Soul     ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Ranged   ●● | ● ● ● ● ●

Weapon Details

Feu and Fureur are heirlooms of the family passed down
through generations. Though they are capable of firing
regular ammunition, Haim has altered them to also fire
Arcanite ammunition that he prepares himself that create
a variety of effects. A third setting allows them to
channel his Shimmer and fire concussive rounds of pure
sonic energy.

Haim is able to passively see sounds.
Though he cannot explain how it makes sense,
they look like ripples in the air or
heat waves coming off everything.
It is always on and he is used to it.

Elemental Affinity

Elemental Weakness

Terrain Specialty

Terrain Weakness
All About You

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Haim's paternal family, the Temps Infini, have a long military history. AS far as back as his father's family keeps records, they have been soldiers and officers. The oldest records, when the family was still united, saw them serving in the Kalanos and even counted heroes trained in the Dragon academy among their numbers. Since the fall of that nation, though, his paternal family has been scattered over the world serving in many different militaries. It is to the point where his paternal family line has almost petered out. As far as Haimehen knows, he has a couple of distant cousins left and little more. Haim's own line goes back several generations in Johtan. His paternal grandmother is a commander in the Johtan north defending against Hollow threats from old Kalanos. His paternal grandfather died fighting an ancient Hollow that came out of Kantos before Haim was born. His father serves as an officer in the intelligence corps. His mother is a sniper. His parents met in the military but were both deeply career oriented individuals.

His mother was often gone on long missions and his father worked late more often than not. Thus, after school, the children were often left alone. Latchkey kids in the big city of Onyx saw the twins in their fair share of trouble. They spent the first decade of their lives raised more by the TV than parents. Yet, still, Haimehen and Constance were happy and relatively well adjusted kids. When they were all together, it was idyllic. Haim loved, especially, when their mother took them to the firing range. He learned how to shoot young and proved a natural adept. Connie spent her time with her nose buried in father's books. They did well in school.

That all changed when their mother never returned from a mission. The day their father came home early is gray and rainy in his memory. The news that she had fallen with her team trying to kill an ancient Hollow in Kantos was devastating. The children barely had time to recover form the news, however, before their father bundled them off to their maternal grandparents. A single father with a busy career had no room in his life for children.

Etienne and Charles des Gemmes were farmers in a secluded elven community in the west of Johtan. Charles spent his day tending his orchards and cows while Etienne worked as a mechanic fixing their own and their neighbors' machines. Connie chafed and struggled in the sleepy rural community; however, Haim thrived. In particular, he was fascinated by the machines his grandmother worked on and spent many days at her side learning when he got home from school. He also learned that marksmanship was something his mother had gotten from her father and the old elf soon had Haim shooting the wings off flies. This continued until Haim reached adulthood.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
On the day he reached legal adulthood, his father called him back to Onyx. Reluctantly, Haim went and listened calmly as his father declared that he would see his son enrolled in the officer's school. Haim had known it was coming. he had been raised on the stories of his ancestors and knew his father's family's tradition. Still, he did not want to join. Haim wanted to attend university, study mechanics and engineering. The fight was massive. It last for two weeks until his sister intervened. A truce was made. His sister joined the military and Haim enrolled in university.

For two years, Haim toiled in the dusty halls of the university studying Arcanite and engineering. In a  turn of events that mollified his father, Haim proved interested in and adept with Arcanite weaponry, especially firearms, and soon focused in this area. Things were going well, so the world had to intervene again. His sister had been stationed in the north at the post commanded by their won grandmother and was rising in the ranks. They exchanged phone calls and messages nearly constantly. Then, one day, a massive Hollow flew down from Kalanos and attacked the fortress. Lives were lost, including his grandmother's, and many went missing, including his sister. It shocked Haim to the core. In a fury, he lost two weeks. When he came back to him self, his grandfather's pistols were in his hands, heavily modified, and he was standing before the Hammer Academy. He marched in.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Haim wishes that it had been hm. All his life, he had gone along and gotten along. But the one time he insisted on his way, it got his sister killed. Technically, she is MIA not killed. But Haim has to assume the worst and shoulder the blame. It certainly doesn't hurt that his father lays that blame on him as well. To atone, Haim has left university and joined Hammer Academy to become a champion so that he might find the Hollow that did it and avenge his sister. He's not reckless or rage fueled though. He knows what he is; he knows what his advantages are. He is not big or strong or tough. He understands Arcanite, he knows how to use Glimmer, and he is a crack shot. He is fast, agile, smart. He is also determined. He intends to hone his strengths into a blade and wield it against the enemies that have mangled his family.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Haim's mains skills were acquired early in his life. He learned to shoot from his mother and grandfather. He's honed this skill to nearly legendary extent since he joined the academy. He has always been small, agile. Now he trained every day to emphasize these attributes. He learned basic mechanical aptitude from his grandmother and then spent two years at a university studying Arcanite, mechanics, and Glimmer. Haim is smart, logical, and calculating. These traits he got from his father though he doesn't like to admit it. He wields them ruthlessly. Finally, Haim is a genial man. Despite his drive for revenge, he is friendly and warm. This he also got from his maternal grandparents and he values it.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
The worst day - The day he learned of his sister's disappearance and his paternal grandmother's death.

The best day - A couple months into living with his grandparents, he helped his grandmother fix an old tractor. The moment when its engine hummed to life was like something inside him turning on.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Regret - Letting his sister join the military instead of him.
Accomplishment - Feu and Fureur are his pride. They are the pinnacle of his own studies and understanding. They represent the acme of his potential. Once old wheel-lock pistols, he had modified them extensively into modern arcane weapons. He has also developed a skill at manufacturing Arcanite ammunition for them with varying effects. He can also channel his own affinity through them. He has trained with them extensively and relies only on them in battle.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Planting an interest flag here for an elf girl. I'll get something together soon when I have a better concept in mind. Something a bit more magic oriented with arcanite.

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


@Dove: Mila looks like a great option. I really appreciate you going the route of a character with a big name family that she wants nothing to do with. That's awesome world building for me to play with and mercilessly use against you showcase and make use of in fun and creative ways. Big fan of both her weapon design and Shimmer - awesome options.

On the note of her family, how big were you envisioning them? I'm picturing something quite large, a name known kingdoms over. Any idea what they specialize in - if not, totally fine, I'm happy to tinker with that on my end.

Did you have an idea in specific about what went down with Mattias? Early on, you talk about her making her way around Sinnat. This appears to happen when she was younger - do you have any thoughts about how she made her way around the dangers of travel? Indicating that she's made a lot of friends around the area, how deeply are you wanting to explore that - were you hoping that, should/when the characters go to Sinnat she has a series of connections and understanding to pull on, or is it more general and less solid than that?

@shengami: Hi shengami, awesome to see your character. I didn't have a chance to say before you got the sheet up. Haimehen looks neat - I enjoy the familial soldier ties, and tying it into Kalanos, interesting choice. Also appreciate the more basic weapon instead of something modular. Big fan of gun mages in general, so this is a neat concept. I really like his Shimmer, that's an awesome choice. Do you envision that he's able to 'read' those sounds, or simply notice their presence? The pistols ability to fire sonic rounds - that is an ability of his Shimmer specifically, or due to specific work on the weapons; could he preform that with any gun, or would it require (presumably yellow Arcanite) modifications to that weapon?

You were right about Elf ages here, 20 is appropriate - no immortal or long lived Elves here.

Really like the hook about his sister, that's definitely the sort of thing that I like to abuse toy with.

Quote from: FyreFoxx on October 07, 2023, 12:40:01 PM
Planting an interest flag here for an elf girl. I'll get something together soon when I have a better concept in mind. Something a bit more magic oriented with arcanite.

Hey there FyreFoxx! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. You've got plenty of time. Excited to see a more magic oriented character and your take on it.


Hiya, thanks!

I think the larger the family name, the more interesting a dynamic we can play with. It could be that they are the core of a massive web of companies, kind of the minds behind a conglomerate. I think they probably got their start in some kind of security tech, maybe something that claims to protect against the Hollow somehow or something? If not the Hollow, maybe some other kingdom that had previously threatened them. But from there, they exploded and their reach now delves into medicine, consumables and electronics, etc. Maybe they are the presidents of some kind of board or organization that is the upper crust of Sapphire. So for example, even though they don't have medical or pharmaceutical experience, they have someone on their board that answers to them and does have that experience. So half genius, half entrepreneur, and part right place/right time scenario for them. I'm open to less than this, but that is my vision - the bigger, the better!

I do! I was hoping to keep the Mattias details a 'secret'. But I can write it up at the end there if the transparency helps.

As far as the danger, I think she's probably been lucky for the most part. She would have had access to all kinds of weird tech security pieces, weapons, etc. And she's VERY fast. I don't think her travels were very loud either unless she was in a city with people to show off in front of. So I imagine dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge was her strategy. I do think she would have connection with the underground folk in Sapphire, but everywhere else it would be pretty loose.


Definitely planting a nice interest flag for an Aethy game!!! :) I'll probably go for some poor dragon silenus gal from sinnat or some biker chick from Unovia.


Heh, heya Yuki. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Both your ideas sound like neat starting places.


Silica Schneefeld


Ancestry: Silenus (Dragon)
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She/Her
Sexuality: Lesbian (Into those with She/Her, She/They, and the occasional they/them pronouns.)

Age: 21
Height: 5'3"
Body Build: Lithe, yet fit
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Blue

Strength ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Speed   ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Soul    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Brawl   ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee   ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Ranged   ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Weapon Details
Battle Hammer - Rocket Launcher
Silica's Burst Maul is a personal armament of her own design. It is structured to deliver large blows, but it up close or far away at sights her eyes have scoped out. To enhance her swings, she uses fire arcanite to power thrusters built inside the center head controls by switches in the handle to increase the velocity of her strikes. These same positioning thrusters are used to stabilize her aim as she fires high velocity shells from the bottom of the handle's shaft. She personally carries warheads of cryonic and bunker buster varieties to swap between. Overall, she has designed the Burst Maul for swift and decisive damage in under to limit her combat.

(Shimmer) Cryokinesis: Silica is able to unleash bursts of freezing fog from her mouth. At the moment, she shies away from using it for personal reasons, it's freezing power is more of a last resort.
(Silenus) Eye of the Dragon: Silica's eyes are able to see far distances as if she was holding it up close in her hand

Elemental Affinity
Water, Air

Elemental Weakness
Fire, Earth

Terrain Specialty

Terrain Weakness
All About You

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Silica was born in the region of Sinnat as Sonia Eisberg to her parents, Marika (a human blacksmith) and Danan (a dragon silenus). The pair are truly supportive parents that she takes after, particularly her mother's metalwork and her father's love of books. Not to mention, after the accident, the pair were just ready to up and leave to another continent to continue to give her a solid life.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
Silica lived with her parents in their new home in Onyx. She had taken to continue her blacksmithing commissions for the time she had allotted left. After all, it was the only thing besides her parents she had left since her wings were gone now. Neither her or her family was truly excited for what was to come when she hit twenty one years of age, so they tried their best to savor their time as a family.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
In turn for the free passage and a set up for a new life for her family in Onyx by the tech mogul Arthur Brunz (Head of Brunz Co.), the deal was that the refugees would be forced to send their daughter in as a new recruit since the shrewd businessman saw it as the perfect show of press and outrage culture for his dealings if his company sponsored "some impoverished, crippled silenus wyrm". Having no other way out of the country, the family had been forced to accept. Truly, Silica fears not being able to make it be in one piece, much less alive to her family when she's already missing so much in the first place.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Silica was personally taught by a trainer hired by Brunz Co, Sneed Klein. Sneed is an athletic down on her luck that was hired by the company (another bit of nice pr for them) to work Silica into shape. She personally was a rather rough mentor with rigid routines, but mostly just saw Silica as some poor dork stuck in an unfortunate situation despite the demeaning nickname of "Stumps" she posed on her. Silica is personally terrified of angering her though since that empathy hasn't exactly shown through.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
Silica's best day of her life was when her mother started her on her first project of making a simple toolbox. She was overjoyed to the point she soared into the air with pride. It started her on a path that admittedly lead to her worst though. In Sinnat, there were many competing practices trying to get off the ground and Silica's own venture of "Chill Hammer" was one of them. Business was slow with how others begrudgingly tolerated her blood, though she expected it with the way her father's bookshop went just the same. The problem happened when the bigoted son of a noble couldn't even allow that competition to his own business as he, along with several of his employees (read: overpaid drinking buddies), busted into her shop when she was busy at work.

There was a struggle, but ultimately her cries of pain filled the room as the noble's son managed to got a hold of her hammer and slam it into the base of her wings. While her goal at that point had at least been to defend her shop or get away, the sharp pain made her lose control as the torrent of icy fog left her lips. Her assaulters were left nothing but fragile icicles that fell and shattered into various pieces. The entire incident result in her family having to desperately flee the country on the dime of a business in the area lest Silica lose her head in the face of the noble's furious revenge.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Silica is truly most proud of her works. In particular her Burst Maul as it is the product of everything her mother taught and everything she's learned for herself so far. However, she regrets her craft just as much as she loves it with how she personally feels at fault for drawing attention to herself and forcing her family to move across the world. Even when her parents reassure her, she still feels guilty because she knows that the two each held rather ingrained lives with the businesses they held in Sinnat regardless of what profits they made since they both love their crafts just like she does.


Quote from: Aethyrium on October 07, 2023, 01:19:50 PM
@shengami: Hi shengami, awesome to see your character. I didn't have a chance to say before you got the sheet up. Haimehen looks neat - I enjoy the familial soldier ties, and tying it into Kalanos, interesting choice. Also appreciate the more basic weapon instead of something modular. Big fan of gun mages in general, so this is a neat concept. I really like his Shimmer, that's an awesome choice. Do you envision that he's able to 'read' those sounds, or simply notice their presence? The pistols ability to fire sonic rounds - that is an ability of his Shimmer specifically, or due to specific work on the weapons; could he preform that with any gun, or would it require (presumably yellow Arcanite) modifications to that weapon?

You were right about Elf ages here, 20 is appropriate - no immortal or long lived Elves here.

Really like the hook about his sister, that's definitely the sort of thing that I like to abuse toy with.

Great, wasn't sure how free we were to world build, so glad the family background works. And I do love giving the GM something to work with with the background without making it too dramatic or dark.

As far as the weapon goes, it sort of evolved organically. It made sense to me an heirloom wasn't something he wanted to be modular like that. Well, I backed into that  bit. I wanted a 1 form weapon but I wanted it to make sense, so that was the goal and I got there somewhat organically. I tinkered for a bit with it shifting into a shotgun or sniper rifle, but decided to stick with twin pistols. As far as the concussive shot, that is something that I think he could learn to do with other weapons in time, but not at the moment. I think he even thinks it is a facet of the guns. But it's a sort of combination. In my mind, the firing mechanism of the pistols is an invention of his own design that he came up with to update the wheellock design of the pistols into something more modern. I think the firing mechanism uses Red, Yellow, and White Arcanite. They can fire normal ammunition this way. Later, through tinkering, he found out that using the pistols without ammunition, he is able to fire the concussive shots because of the Yellow Arcanite. I'll also be developing Arcane Bullets that the weapons fire made from Arcanite. Trying to stay within reasonable power limits here and give it character. Still thinking the weapons out in my head.

Arcanite Bullets plus runes to craft spells he fires at people. A ricochet bullet, an exploding bullet, and armor piercer, a long shot type, etc. I very want to explore the use of this resource.

As to his innate Glimmer, it was a fun idea. I wanted some kind of magical sight for my gunslinger. A true sight, and this made sense to me in the mechanics of the world. Hmm, yes, I think that he can read it to some extent. It takes focus and practice though. He uses it when working with machines right now. More mundane uses are less refined at the moment. Gotta have room to grow.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Woe to me for having no time, but this looks like a super fun idea!


Quote from: Envious on October 07, 2023, 09:11:07 PM
Woe to me for having no time, but this looks like a super fun idea!
What if I told you I'm worth making time for? O:)


OK This looks amazing. Color me interested. I shall tinker with an idea and see what I can come up with. :)


Quote from: CurvyKitten on October 07, 2023, 09:33:10 PM
OK This looks amazing. Color me interested. I shall tinker with an idea and see what I can come up with. :)
Hiii Curvy! Great to see you. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

I've gotten a few questions about Soul. To elaborate on it for everyone: Soul is a characters personal magical "aura". If they were to learn magic and what have you, it would call on their Soul. More notably, Soul is the magical force that allows characters to perform feats that break the norm - like get thrown through walls and stand back up, or keep a bullet from killing them, or allow them to endure extreme situations. It's a trainable, mastersble force. In general it's defensive, and acts as a "shielding", but it can be used to make grandiose attacks or other incredible feats as well.


Cliff notes version of what I'm thinking. Trying to keep it to one idea and not lose myself in a hundred concepts.

Name: Thomas Marisland
Gender: Male
Element: ?
Terrain: Aquatic

  • son of a fisherman and a celebrated champion
  • his mother died, or went missing, saving them from a Hollow on a fishing trip
  • his father found the value of his catch decreasing and the costs increasing as commercial fisheries forced him out.
  • his maternal grandmother made them an offer, the family would clear his father's debt if the son passed the academy.
  • he made a counter offer, if he washed out, they didn't have to clear his debt. If he died, they would still clear his father's debt; in return, if he passed, he would also accept an arranged marriage with whoever they wished

EDIT: I'm sorry, should have read all the added concepts first... I'll need to have another go at this..

Miss Nyx

Just wanted to say that I love this concept. 🥰 I’ve got so much going on right now I’m not sure I can commit to anything else buuut it’s awfully tempting!


Quote from: Rashol on October 08, 2023, 10:44:34 AM
  • son of a fisherman and a celebrated champion
Please tell me he uses some kind of battle-fishing pole. Cause I love it.

It's a fun idea, I don't think it runs into any conflicts, but it'd be great to see what else you come up with too!

Quote from: Miss Nyx on October 08, 2023, 11:48:10 AM
Just wanted to say that I love this concept. 🥰 I’ve got so much going on right now I’m not sure I can commit to anything else buuut it’s awfully tempting!
Nyx! What if you did? I offer you great temptation!


Quote from: Aethyrium on October 07, 2023, 06:55:26 PM
Heh, heya Yuki. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Both your ideas sound like neat starting places.

I hope you enjoy Silica then :)


So while trying to fine tune the details, here's a short-hand simple version of what I'm thinking of, so that my concept is out there.

Name: Lyra
Ancestry: Elf
Gender: Female
Age: Young, likely 18
Element: Water

  • Kalanos ancestry, Unovia hometown
  • youngest daughter of a prominent rich family - think more noble than business type
  • frail with little physical combat but high magical aptitude - think scholar over soldier
  • wears a mask of the "perfect rich girl" while hiding the cracks
  • could never live up to the reputation of her siblings, so she's always trying to push herself past her limits
  • has a sort of inferiority complex that fuels her actions towards more dangerous routes

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Marius Ar’Canora


Ancestry: Human
Gender | Pronouns: Male | He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 21
Height: 6’2”
Body Build: Muscular
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown

Strength ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Speed      ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Soul       ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Brawl      ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Melee      ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Ranged   ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Weapon Details
Paired arm blades (Melee)
Marius’ Howling Blades are a pair of matched , curves and serrated blades that attach to his arms with a mix of straps and handles.  The blades extend back past his elbows, and forward more than a foot past his hands.  Intricate Arcanite circuits worked into the blades channel Earth-aspected Shimmer through them, vastly increasing their cutting power, allowing them to cut through objects and armor that would shatter ordinary steel.
Marius can increase the local gravity around him in a five-foot radius.  He cannot crush anyone with it, but he can shatter delicate objects, and pin others in place.  His gravity distortion doesn’t affect himself.

Elemental Affinity

Elemental Weakness

Terrain Specialty

Terrain Weakness
All About You

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Marius was born on the frontier near the Johtan-Kantos border.  That far from any capitol, life was hard, if rewarding. He is a scion of the once-prosperous  Ar'Canora family. One that once traced its lineage back through countless generations of Onyx's upper-class.  Now, Marius is one of six siblings, and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins, most of them living within a day or two of Marius' village.  And almost to a man, woman, and pet, Marius hates them. Loathes them. Despises them. He is not a fan.  He likes his oldest sister, Genevieve, but considers her the exception that proves the rule.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
To hear Marius tell it, no other family has ever known such a mix of entitlement and hard work. He grew up recognizing the value of hard work and self-sufficiency, all while being told that his family should have been above it, and it was only the fact that other were "holding them back" that kept them from the luxuries they "deserved."

When Marius announced his intent to join the Academy, he was promptly regaled with tales of...washouts and failures, and rather massive, unsubtle "hints" that he was sure to be one, either through his own incompetence or jealous, bitter old bastards and gags who would never allow the fine name of Ar'Canora to shine.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Marius is descended from the infamous Champion Laurent Ar'Canora.  While the stories vary, it is unquestionable that Laurent's actions 400 years ago nearly led to Onyx's destruction. The only debate is where it was cowardice or sabotage.  Marius truly doesn't care which, but seeing the bitter, pompous asses his family have become, and the way others turn their noses up at his name made Marius want to start a new family legacy.  He may not know what happened to Laurent, but he is absolutely sure the same would never happen to him. He plans to shine so brightly as a Champion that he becomes the Ar'Canora for others to speak of. Even if, in the coldest, darkest parts of the night, he worries he'll only carry on the family failures...

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
For all their bitter condescension, the Ar'Canoras do come from a long line of skilled Champions, and a fair bit of Hollow and Shimmer lore, as well as family fighting techniques were drilled into Marius and his brothers and sisters from an early age.  Genevieve was actually the one to really step in and drill her younger brother, helping Marius round himself as a powerful, dangerous warrior. 

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
The best day of Marius' life was when he received his acceptance to the Academy, and saw a real future blossoming ahead of him. The worst day was four days later, when he woke up in a lightless carriage. His parents discovered his acceptance and decided to throw him out with next to no possessions and not so much as a "hope you don't die."

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
While no great accomplishment, Marius' proudest day was when he was 12. He was with a group of friends when a Hollow attacked. Marius stood his ground against the horrible beast, distracting it so his friends could escape safely. Luckily, a Champion tracking the Hollow stopped it before it could tear Marius in half. That was the day he genuinely began to pursue a future as a Champion. 
While he regrets the family legacy he lives under daily, his current biggest regret is not getting to say goodbye to Genevieve as the only member of his family he loves unconditionally.

Cold Heritage

Seeing the code not work for Yukina and Alleron makes me less sad. Thank you for posting your characters.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Lol. Seems like it's not behaving for some folk.

No worries, I can always fix it on the flip side. Don't let broken code scare you away, it's not that big of a deal!