Invasion of the Futanari from Venus ! Interest Check (Open to all)

Started by Carly, July 21, 2023, 12:43:46 AM

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Invasion of the Futanari from Venus !
Interest Check (Open to all - Comments / Suggestions welcome !)

This concept is loosely based on a previous plot idea by another (Called Attack of the Futanaroids by DrMcQuark)

This, if it gets off the ground will be a free from sandbox game mostly with some GM'ing elements (GM'd by me). It isn't intended to be realistic, but more high fantasy set in a modern world with a dose of satire. It is expected to have dub-con and possibly some non-con elements (But doesn't have to be participated in by players)

Firstly every player must play at least one character that isn't a futanari, either male or female, these will be characters the futanari will try and sleep with as well as provide infrastructure to the town the role play is set in, as well as another purpose which I will explain shortly.

The concept: Venus actually is inhabited by a race of beautiful slender woman that are futanari with magical cocks. Yes they are magical, and can easily form erections and go to the hilt on any lover magically without issue regardless of their length or girth. (Note not all Futanari hae to be excessively hung). All these women have perfect bodies (none are fat or have any genetic deformities). Scents of Futanari erections trigger wetness and arousal in all women. Sex with a Venus futanari is highly pleasurable and does condition the lover to be submissive to them from then on, this can be resisted, but it gets harder every time. Venetians (futanari) will be physically stronger than humans by about three time's their strength and can easily overpower a human despite their lithe forms.

The town the spaceship (full of Venus Futanari) lands near is called "Alhona" which is in costal USA.
There will be a pecking order of futanari and the futanari that leads the group is called the Empress (played by me).

The role of the mundanes (non-futa) characters: Amongst being role played as if they are living a life in the town, they will be used to judge how well futanari characters are role played by the opposite player when they are being seduced by them. Those that perform well (Get a good rating from the mundane character player who pm's me a ranking for the exchange out of 5 stars), will be elevate in pecking order, and be granted more in character money by the Empress, and may also be blessed with additional magic abilities that relates to sex (if they can convince me). Each futanari has a "Empress ring" that glows Green if they are the dominate Futanari when other Empress Rings are near (and blue if they are not). A list of the pecking order will be maintained OOC for easy reference. It is expected that those with a higher pecking order give suggestions to others that are futanari, and are effectively commands. Abuse of the pecking order will be addressed by the Empress and will be role played out IC. The Empress has accumulated considerable shares in the market and can liquidate considerable cash if she needs to, but to gather more money (and live better) Venus Futanari have to act on the cause (which the Empress being telepathic automatically knows - as far as how its explained IC).

It is expected people will role play two characters or more if they role play a futanari as one of them, one being a mundane (non-futa) and the other a futa. If people want to role play multiple mundanes that is acceptable and encouraged (as it helps flesh out the world), however for each futanari you role play you must role play one mundane.

The intent of the empress is to gather more power for the futanari cause, as well as more wealth, and establish themselves as dominate of the society. Once they are done with one town they will attempt the next, and the next. The intent is overt. This may include non-con or dub-con scenes if the other player (of the mundane) permits. Rape of another futanari is a way to gain in pecking order but only will be permitted if the victim specifies non-con being a turn on as a player.

Face claims are either photos or realistic cg art (morphs are totally fine), and can be NSFW or standard avatars for characters.

No anime or cartoon references will be approved.

Expecting posting rate is one every 2-3 days or 2-3 times a week on average.
Any this concept is interesting to please comment below !
If this gathers significant interest I will create character sheets and flesh more of the concept out.

Any suggestions to make this idea more universally appealing and possibly long lasting I am open for.

Raven Rawne

Interesting concept, I'd say. However, modern settings aren't the best writing environment for me, so I'm afraid I'm just going to wish you luck on your RP this time, rather than join. Hopefully it ends up a big success!


Group games are hit and miss. But I thought to give this a go anyway, and see if it gets any interest.

I want suggestions and plot hooks to make playing mundanes interesting, I have one idea but anyone that thinks of others is more than welcome to suggest I include more of theirs.

I ADORE futanari themed role plays, there is just something about futanari that make my juices flow !

Raven Rawne

Admittedly, I do enjoy them as well. It's an interesting concept with let's say, unique "utility".

As for the not hung like a literal horse characters, they could be noticing the rather sudden changes in the disposition of people around them, the ones who submit to the futa that did them. At least one wannabee detective to add some tension to the whole scenario, for instance.


I was contemplating to make things interesting that the town could have a large contingent of paranormal investigations, or paranormal research ?

Perhaps the landing of the venetians isn't the only spooky thing to happen to the town..

Raven Rawne

I wouldn't add more, not initially. You can try to develop more why they are there, as if, this exact town, st this moment. What do they want, besides breeding ofc. Maybe this location is important in some way.


I'm tentatively interested and I know you said you would present more detail if you had enough interest, but would it be an infiltration like rise of the body snatchers, or something more akin to a smash and grab viking raid. How fast do the pheromones work, is it literally "they walk into a cafe and the scene descends into chaos" or is it more gradual?  Do they work on single targets (and why? Best genetics or random lottery for pay to view streaming on their home planet) or do they just spread their net as wide as possible?


it would be more a satire smash and grab viking raid as far as the overt nature of the take over of the town (and then perhaps we move on to cities),
As far as pheromones working everyone will start with subtle pheromones taht work over time (Say 3 interactions ), but if they role play sex scenes well (as determined by their partner not me), their futa character of a player may request sexual bling/powers - which can include more overt pheromones.

In short the better you role play sex scenes the following occurs for your futa character

a) THey rise in RANK within the futas
b) They get more money to spend on stuff
c) They can develope additional sexual powers.


I'm honored! I just got back from my hiatus and haven't decided on where I'll start again, but this might be a good place. :)


I'm still potentially interested in this one, but I have more interest in playing a target than a futa, so I would probably miss much of the point of the game, and I would need a neutral judge of my scenes.


All - sorry i have been offline for a while.

DrMcQuark ! Great your back ! I really liked that idea of yours and wanted it to start again somehow (or a variation of it).

I thought it was the work of pure genius ! And I loved the atmosphere and feel to it.

Either you taking the riegns of this idea or starting yours again would be ideal.

To be honest I copied your idea initially word for word but got in trouble from the staff for not asking your permission for doing so. But you were on hiatus ! So it was impossible to contatc you, So then with the staff permission I changed the idea slightly (enough for them to be happy), but it still is very similar to your idea !

I am still interested in this working hopefully we get more players !


I think I might be interested, especially if there might be transformations involved.




*pokes through GM-searches as well*
*reads a bit*
*does some additional searches*
Ooooooh! DrMcQuark's far to early ended idea of the invasion of the futanoids ^^
My characters there sadly saw little action and I'd still like to come up with new versions for them or such to fit the idea.
Generally slow between posts ... sorry but Health-Issues and other RL-Things happen.
My RP-Search / BDSM-Test (2015-08-16) / BDSM-Test (2018-12-23) / BDSM-Test (2022-11-28) / My A&A (2020-12-16)

QuoteThe complete Domination over a Submissive is not based on fear and harshness, but is based on trust, love, guidance and understanding.


Yeah, about the time I took my hiatus. I really loved what we did do though. :)

Maybe I'll revive my character if we can get this going. :)


Quote from: DrMcQuark on October 01, 2023, 12:06:38 PM
Yeah, about the time I took my hiatus. I really loved what we did do though. :)

Maybe I'll revive my character if we can get this going. :)
Yes, evil you! Aglaia was just about to see some action... or drive someone into actions they might not regret ^^
Generally slow between posts ... sorry but Health-Issues and other RL-Things happen.
My RP-Search / BDSM-Test (2015-08-16) / BDSM-Test (2018-12-23) / BDSM-Test (2022-11-28) / My A&A (2020-12-16)

QuoteThe complete Domination over a Submissive is not based on fear and harshness, but is based on trust, love, guidance and understanding.


Quote from: SheenaTiger on October 01, 2023, 12:08:37 PM
Yes, evil you! Aglaia was just about to see some action... or drive someone into actions they might not regret ^^



Now I do not know how many players you want involved for this. I know you tried getting something like this off the ground before somewhere else but did not get enough characters for it, but once again, I think I could be involved even though I am probably starting Apocaleptika again. SEnd me pms and I can see about helping you if you still want it and need it.


Anyway if you go ahead and do this game, I do have a couple of Futa's from the other game that never got played or can make new ones depending. Also I have the old character sheet but I am not posting it because I do not want to confuse anyone by doing it but if we do it, that sheet was truly awesome.



I don't think it ever started. But there are still people interested.


Yes this game has not started. People appear to be interested still, and if we get enough interest, I have offered to help Carly as GM and she has said she will take advantage of that.

My thoughts are that there needs to be a nice balance between mundane characters and Futanari for this to work. In past attempts there were more people interested in being thralls or slaves of the Futa, and that does not leave much room for interactions with others and will not work. There will need to be a bit of both.

Also my thoughts are that not everyone will be onboard with the invasion and take over. Maybe we can throw in an opposition. But it should not be all that serious. A kind of cheesy campy Buffy the Vampire Slayer like feel to any Futa Hunters or whatever that enter the game.


what Esoterica said i fully agree with !

Then again I fully agree with everybody ! ALL THE TIME :) lol
(I dont really agree with EVERYone ALL the time but I try to !)


Quote from: Carly on October 10, 2023, 07:03:19 AM
what Esoterica said i fully agree with !

Then again I fully agree with everybody ! ALL THE TIME :) lol
(I dont really agree with EVERYone ALL the time but I try to !)

Right, lol Glad to know that.