Revelations: The Fallen World | [Closed For Now]

Started by Gardsorm, June 02, 2023, 06:16:36 PM

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Raven Rawne


I'm curious as to what are the traits common for the game's gimmick - the Force Weapons.

Are Force Weapons unbreakable? If not, what happens if one breaks and can it be fixed?
Can Force Weapons be stolen/disarmed/used by another?
Are Force Weapons always in plain sight or are they concealed until they are needed?


Quote from: Raven Rawne on June 10, 2023, 11:17:01 AM
Throw in the character sheet, yeah! We'll see if it helps out.

The sheet was supposed to be up earlier, but between making posts here and me fighting with it a bit to make it just right, I got waylaid in getting it posted. >.< Someone's trying to help me through the process, a notion I'm thankful for because I feel like I'm making things more annoying than they need to be for folks.

Quote from: Steir on June 10, 2023, 10:45:50 PM
I'm curious as to what are the traits common for the game's gimmick - the Force Weapons.

Are Force Weapons unbreakable? If not, what happens if one breaks and can it be fixed?
Can Force Weapons be stolen/disarmed/used by another?
Are Force Weapons always in plain sight or are they concealed until they are needed?

Here we go, lesse...

Force Weapons... I'm thinking they will not break. Breaking would mean a system to reforge them anew, and it would suck if someone's weapon broke and they were denied a chance to pick up something they might find interesting from an enemy.

Force Weapons can not be stolen or disarmed, they would simply return to their owner's hands once willed. Others can use them if given consent by an owner (and the player, for safe measure), however.

Force Weapons are hidden and can summoned when necessary for as long as a wielder wishes. There is no drawback to keeping the weapon out unless people are laying low for some reason. =p

Raven Rawne

I have a really sick idea but I need a confirmation. Are firearms a thing in the world? Or black powder at all?


I'm not dead yet, I swear! Was supposed to square some things away, and then I had to make several times because I couldn't quite get it right... But finally tried to get some area descriptions and tiny lore snippets for them set aside to hopefully make establishing some history for people easier. Could have maybe done better with the Nexus side of things... But so far, things being added can be found on the first post. It's going to look a little messy until I get a proper way to organize things going!

To answer your question severely late, Raven, firearms are... Hm, part of me wants to say they could exist in the world. I had wanted to consider stuff like Crossbows, Bows and Arrows, and the like more commonplace, but remembering Bloodborne reminds me that powder weapons could absolutely be a thing in a setting like this.

Raven Rawne

I had this idea of a blunderbuss called Grand Finale. The Bard would summon it, let loose one shot and despawn it, falling back to a conventional weapon until another salvo was necessary. Primarily to save on reloading and carrying all the powder and shot around, since it would spawn in loaded. That was my idea, but I can always go a more usual Paladin route and have fun that way.


Name: Randall Eisenhardt
Age: 24
Species: Human
Racial Ability: Versatility (grants one extra Advantage over the max)
Gender: Male
Description: Stands at 5'7" with a well-toned figure. He has a surprisingly pleasant voice for a man built to be sturdy. He's often in armor whenever he's out in action, but on occasions without armor he is dressed in a knight errant's uniform.
Extra: (Any extra details you aren't sure where they go, can possibly be placed here.)

Personality and History:
Randall hails from a family of noble knights called the Eisenhardt, serving as protectors of Paradi's and now Nexus' lands. Born at the time when demons started appearing in Nexus the young man learned that even demons wished for peace despite how they looked and lived. When the Malusite lords invaded and corrupted the lands of Nexus Randall swore to work hard in order to find a way to liberate the lands as a member of the Order of the Knight Protectors to help those oppressed by the invaders. He trained harder as a knight errant, becoming one of the youngest to be knighted upon completing his training.

Randall joined in patrolling the surrounding areas, his first missions involved assisting where he could in tending the wounded and bringing supplies where they were needed. Most of the tasks he was left with involved rescues of those oppressed by Malusites who actively worked with the leaders of the invasion. He occasionally joined along in subjugation missions to handle monster problems whenever the knights were shorthanded in dealing with problems.

If there is anything that best describes Randall, it is his determination in getting a job done. He is not one who will leave a mission unfinished and he is definitely not one to leave anyone behind. He strongly believes that there is some good in others and tends to trust that others will act in good faith. He is easy to befriend and quick to act in defense of others.

Advantages and Weaknesses:
+Unbowed - be it physically or mentally worn, Randall would find a way to get back up to his feet fighting for the sake of others. (Combat)
+Affable - yesterday's enemies are today's friends. Randall's good nature is infectious and makes it easier for him to get along with others. (Noncombat)
+Selfless Boon - effects that support and heal Randall are more effective as long as he is protecting others. (Combat)
+Diligent - as long as he is helping others, Randall can do simple chores as part of his recovery. (Noncombat)
-Trusting - easy to befriend, that means Randall is prey to manipulations of craftier opponents. (Noncombat)
-Last to Flee - Randall will ensure that others can escape first before he will leave the fight. (Combat)
-Guard the Front - it does not matter how strong the enemy is. Randall will make sure he's standing in front of his companions and before the opponent. (Combat)

Force Weapon: Defender
As mundane as its name, Defender appears as a simple circular shield about 2 feet in diameter. Its surface resembles polished steel and is smooth and reflective.

-Bodyguard - interposes Randall between an attacker and their target to block the attack, as long as Randall has line of sight with his destination.
-Fury Release - by receiving an attack without defending, Randall can deliver the same amount of damage at the attacker. This ability requires Randall to be able to touch the attacker to activate.
-Aggression Call - redirects the attention of nonintelligent foes towards Randall. Intelligent foes instead experience a compulsion to direct their attention towards Randall for a short duration.
-Magic Barrier - creates a barrier of light that reduces the amount of damage inflicted by a magic attack to Randall and companions near him.


Quote from: Raven Rawne on June 16, 2023, 02:34:29 AM
I had this idea of a blunderbuss called Grand Finale. The Bard would summon it, let loose one shot and despawn it, falling back to a conventional weapon until another salvo was necessary. Primarily to save on reloading and carrying all the powder and shot around, since it would spawn in loaded. That was my idea, but I can always go a more usual Paladin route and have fun that way.

If it's actually a Force Weapon, it might just circumvent the whole need of reloading since it'll probably reload by magical means anyway. I was more referring to potential actual common weapons when I wrote that. xD Still, the weapon would follow conventional firing rules and have a fair wind-up time between each shot so we can avoid such weapons being fired like a gatling gun or something. Also one's creativity for forming skills for such a weapon might be questionable. =p

And geez, I didn't think someone was gonna jump on starting a sheet that fast. x_x I better get to work!

EDIT: Also I started to use my second post in the topic to slowly draft up descriptions for locales in each region. Since we'll be in the first region/city for a time, I started trying to establish more of why Tethys (hub city of Paradi) could possibly offer people since I expect everyone to start there. :3


Name: Grave Kiers
Age: 23
Species: Human
Racial Ability: Versatility - Possesses one extra Advantage over the max.
Gender: Male
Description: A tall male of 6'4, Grave possesses back-length messy black hair that tends to loom over his eyes. Most of the time his eyes are amber in color, although when his Force Weapon is drawn, they adopt a rather unsettling red hue. Considered physically fit, he has avoided getting into too many physical altercations in his life despite it, but things may soon change for him.
Extra: TBA

Personality and History

Personality: Few people live nowadays that remember Grave from an earlier time in his life. Everyone else understands that there's only silent malice and scornful disregard for everything and everyone around him. With the world around him going to hell in a handbasket, he clings to life seemingly out of spite for it and the higher powers. Most everyone who tries to befriend him now is seen solely as an ally of convenience, and it is unclear if there is anyone he can actually trust anymore, as trust is a commodity he can scarcely afford at the present time.

History: Grave's life begun for him in the Fornegrand region, a citizen of a small hamlet called Valarm. Born amidst the changing way of life on Nexus when demons first entered the world, his village was very much against the presence of demons to the point of racism. Though his parents were wary of them, they didn't share the villages' vitriolic outlook on them and sought to try to understand them a little better throughout the course of their work for the Tethys Scholar's Academy in Paradi. It was a rather quaint day when they left Grave, then 5 years old, in the care of one of the other villagers to go out and conduct research for the academy, always making sure their son didn't wander outside the vicinity of the town… Yet that day, they never returned home. It wasn't until the following day that he learned they had died in an accident near Gloomsythe Coast.

Led to believe it was the actions of the very same demons they were trying to study, the village elder made it clear that no one was to trust their ilk and they were to turn away any demons trying to seek refuge in the town. From then on, Grave was essentially raised by others in the village bouncing between the various adults and their children but never truly feeling apart of any family, instead struggling to learn and grow on his own. As he grew up and entered his late teen years (roughly 16), Grave began to sneak out of the village to explore more of his surroundings, finally able to see the odd, rustic beauty of the land around him for the first time… And in doing so, observed demonkind for the first time in person. Initially wary of them, the collection of a Daemon, a Drake, and a Goblin assured him they were just happy to have another human to talk to in years, hoping to find others to accept them.

Despite their friendship, Grave couldn't stay with them for long, needing to return to the village before it got too dark. Nevertheless, he enjoyed his time with the trio before they guided him close to home that night. All went well for him, until he crept near the Elder's abode, where he overheard a most unsettling conversation: He had been observed talking to demons, and was being suspected of going down a similar path as his parents. The Elder pondered this, and stated that if Grave couldn't be warded off from establishing contact with the demons, then he should be dealt with like his parents. He understood then, his parents didn't die in any accident, but they were murdered to be used as a reason to justify the village-wide racism against the demons. Deciding there was no hope for him in Valarm, he wrote a short note stating he knew the truth and left it under the Elder's door, packed up and left the village to go… Anywhere else.

Resolving to make his way to Tethys to follow his parent's footsteps, Grave chanced upon the same group of demons he'd met the day prior, and discussed his plans to go to Tethys in Paradi after discovering what happened. Together, the group decided it was better to try making connections in Paradi than Fornegrand, after learning the city might have people who were studying and trying to make connections with demonkind. Along the way, they talked about their own world, and how it used to be a beautiful world covered by perpetual night, before something went wrong with the world. He was also told about the Gods of their world, entities that surprisingly lived among them, in contrast to those of this world who seemed to not truly exist.

A few short days and some stops later, they all arrived in Tethys, and being surprised to see people of Nexus and Malus living together as one in the city. Though they were lost in the big alabaster city, they were met by guards and screened for their intentions before being allowed to explore the city proper. Asking for directions to the Tethys Scholar's Academy, Grave and the group of demons were escorted to the premises to be introduced to the Headmistress, Alestia Crowe. After a short, week long probationary period testing them, the four were allowed to stay at the academy. For the next several years, Grave would apply himself to try to follow in his parent's footsteps.

Grave applied himself quite well in his studies, learning alongside others from both his own and the demon's, studying the making of their world, aspects of the demons world, attempting to study magic, and more. The aspects of magic were something that eluded him, however, and so it took him a few years to grasp the fundamentals… Yet even in spite of that, he was incapable of using magic. With time, perhaps he could have grasped it, but at the age of 23, the whole world was changed for the worst. A second wave of demons, purportedly greater than the one from before he was born, had found their way into the world… And unlike the first ones, these came ready to bring conflict into their world alongside their leaders.

Everything Grave had learned about the demons and their Gods had slowly been turned on its head, as they slowly sought to take control of the Divine Pillars of their world. At first, many of the citizens did nothing while the city guards fought to defend them, but by sheer numbers they were overpowered, and before long, control of the city of Tethys fell to the demons. The god known as Belzeb had established himself as the new ruler of the city, and for those who cooperated, no one would be harmed. The period of unease that filled the people only grew worse when they realized the light of their world was stolen away, as if the very sun has gone out. With control of the Pillars having fallen, Nexus was in its darkest age yet, both figuratively and literally.

Despite this change, many people endeavored to try to live out the same as they always had, but Inquisitors who answered to Belzeb replaced the city's guards, and in doing so, sowed subtle fear throughout its people with time in the repurposed stockade for dissenters. Feeling as if he had his expectations of the Malusites betrayed, he grew increasingly distrustful and distant from most everyone around him. At the end of the day, he was the only constant in his life… Yet one quiet night in his dorm gave the despondent male a glimmer of hope in the form of what appeared to be a dream: Though the world was in peril right now, he could be granted power to overcome the fate that awaited it. The dark thoughts which pervaded his mind could become his means to fight back, and return the world to normal… Or something more. For now, Grave dismissed it as little more than a fever dream, but he'll soon understand how much truth there was, and how big the scope of the expectations pushed upon him would be.

Advantages and Weaknesses

Resourceful - Years of self-reliance have taught Grave to make the most of everything around him to survive (Non-combat)
Weakness Exploiter - Grave has a better understanding of how to locate and pick apart the weak links in a combat situation. (Combat)
Multilingual - His time studying at the academy has given him an understanding of both Nexusian and Malusian languages. (Non-Combat)
Ambidextrous - Grave is capable of wielding his weapon with either hand, possessing equal proficiency with both. (Combat)


Impulsive - Grave dislikes waiting around for a situation to improve; If he can do something to try to alter the outcome, he will. (Non-combat)
One-Track Mind - More often than not, Grave will lose himself in a fight, relishing in the violence conflict brings. (Combat)
Paranoia - Grave has conditioned himself to expect the worst in things, from people to situations. (Non-combat)

Force Weapon: Eventide - A morbid-seeming scythe that reflects the inner malice and contempt of its wielder. Every surface of the weapon is a dangerous implement, but the real draw is the atrocious hook-like blade designed to rend flesh and bone alike.
- Hungering Cross - Dashes in close for a quick, double strike in an X-formation.
- Great Divide - Embeds the scythe in the ground before rushing forward and unleashing a deadly upward slice at point blank.
- Curse Claw - Casts an ethereal, homing claw of Dark-element energy at distant foes.
- Malicious Gaze - Gazes upon a single foe with a maddening glare, paralyzing them out of fear.

Raven Rawne

I present you my gal, bow down and despair! I mean, yay, support!

Obviously open to any imput if I did something wrong.

Name: Rengrith (calls herself Ren, daemons are stingy about sharing full names)
Age: in her early 300’s (hard to count birthdays these days)
Species: Daemon
Racial Ability: Daemonic strength (even an unassuming looking one like Ren can lift a man with one hand, they're otherworldly strong)
Gender: Female
Description: A tall (5’11” or 180 cm), pale skinned feminine looking Daemon. Somewhat slender in build but with noticeable hips, slightly thicker thighs and butt, as well as a full chest. Somewhat angular face, with prominent elf like ears, her eyes have vertical slit pupils and her eyes are the color of a flame, seemingly constantly changing in hue like a flame is actually burning behind them. She sports a pair of horns that curl back and then up, they look like volcanic rock with cracks through which the „lava” shines through. Her skin the color of ash, and hair like charcoal, straight and draping down to her shoulders.
She wears a black tailcoat with a mantle of black feathers on the shoulders, and golden thread decor on the hems. Said coat buttons open at the front, and the deep V neckline reveals some cleavage. The sleeves are full length and adorned with more gold thread. She wears black leather gloves with steel knuckles. Underneath the coat she wears a crimson shirt, the front unbuttoned and showing skin underneath. Since her outer layer reaches just past her butt and midway to the knees at the back, she is wearing matching black pants and leather, over the knee length boots, with steel toe caps. Draped over her shoulders is a short, knee length cloak with a hood - also black. There's a belt around her waist, and a couple pouches are attached to it, also her sheath for an eating set - knife, spoon and prick (two pronged fork)

Extra: Her eyes and horn cracks shine a little bit of orange-red light, so she can be noticed in the dark if looking closely. Being a fiery Daemon, she emits way more heat than a regular person – she’s like a small stove, heat wise.

Personality and History:

Personality: A sophisticated being, focused on manners and decorum, Ren gives the impression of nobility, even if she denies being of a noble family back in Malus. She speaks eloquently and there is some aloofness in her tone, though she tries to be more accessible and sympathetic, based on her „studies” on Nexus and it’s social values. One might say she’s a scientist, trying to understand a different culture and applying her findings as she goes. There is no denying that, by Nexus standards at least, she is, or rather used to be, evil. One would not expect a daemon to be „good”, however she does try to grasp the idea and do good things, even if her gestures are sometimes misplaced or awkward. Ren is on a continuous mission to gradually overcome her previous hierarchy of values and adopt more Nexus kind of values, seeing that, even if she might not yet grasp the meaning of some things, like charity for instance, overall this system of values has produced a society that she is willing to be part of. Which means that, now equipped with a new power, this particular daemon is quite interested in the prospect of fighting to restore what she grew so fond of.

History: Rengrith, or Ren as she offers her shortened name, used to be a resident of Malus, and she was one of those (un)fortunates who were thrown into Nexus, effectively ripped from their lives and cast into the unknown. She doesn't talk about her live back in Malus, just the basics like she used to live in Malebog and was somewhere around upper middle class there. Although anyone prodding will notice she gets upset and uneasy when asked about her life prior to arriving on Nexus, precisely within the region of Paradi where she and other Malusites lived in the ruins for some time. And while her past at Malus is largely unknown, which doesn't help her win over the people of Nexus, she did, eventually, manage to integrate herself into it's society, mostly due to her sophisticated and therefore pleasant mannerism, as well as being generally polite. She offered insight on Malus for scholars who came across her, omitting her own part of course, but she gave insight on what she thought she could. It was through that sharing of knowledge, paired with her general sophistication that she was, at long last, seen as a person, not just a daemon. She found employment in the vast library of the local College, being one of the book keepers and reading up on things of her own interest when she had some free time at work, or after. Ren seemed to be rather keen to expand her horizons on what nexus considered normal, good, bad etc. The morality of it, so to speak, as well as more practical bits of knowledge, like the races that inhabit it. She’s naturally curious and enjoys casual learning as a past time activity, hence why she was so well suited for a librarian, apparently. That, and the people who visited the library were either scholars or students for the most part, which means, educated people with hopefully broader horizons.
Since the second migration, and the ensuing fall of Nexus as she knew it, things were not any better for Ren. Sure, she was a Malusite and the new regime was familiar to her previous life, but also radically different. Whatever happened during her absence, she decided not to raise her head and announce her presence to the authorities in feeble hoped of regaining her past life. That was behind her, and frankly, she kinda liked Nexus as it used to be. Certainly more than what it turned into now, and maybe even more than Malus she left behind. Having gained the powers from the Divinities – a curious experience for a studious daemon like Ren who never would have assumed she would be chosen for anything by the local pantheon – she sought ways to repay the divine vote of confidence. Starting with purposely misleading any representatives of the current regime away from any dangerous knowledge, actively hiding certain tomes within the library alongside other librarians and looking for other ways to throw sand into the cogs, at least till she would find a way to do more…

Advantages and Weaknesses: (3 max each, one combat related, one non combat related, and the last is a flex pick for either option)

- (combat) Malusite heritage – she knows them by a glance, least some of the races. Knows what they are made of and what they can do, or how to hurt them. (don’t ask how she knows how to hurt them)
- (non combat) daemonic intellect – Ren is wickedly sharp, though with an emphasis on wickedness, admittedly
- (non combat) bookworm – Ren is the apex predator in any given library, andaccumulated lots of more or less useful info over the years
- (combat) ice magic and cold temperatures seem to have a weakening effect on her, like dimming the flame
- (non combat) too sophisticated to function at times, she’s a scientist in an alien world and has an ego to match. Meaning that she can rub people the wrong way with her attitude and presentation, and that’s even before she does something inappropriate, misleadingly thinking she is doing a good deed
- (bit of both?) evil roots – as much as she tries to be „good”, Ren cannot fully repress and hide her evil, Malusite nature. Especially not when hard pressed

Force Weapon: Piercing Gaze. A short Staff/spear, about 5’ 3” or 160 cm in length plus another 10 inches / 25 cm of the blade. The shaft appears to be steel, partially covered with leather, with noticeable pommel like back end and a wider front with two tips, akin to a pitchfork but shorter and more elaborate. The owner can further activate the blade, first an unblinking eye – much like it’s owner’s – swirls into existence between the prongs, and then a flaming blade shape juts upwards, a cut and thrust tip with a spiked corona around the eye.

- Searing Flames – the fiery blade turns white hot and cuts through anything that can reasonably be burned or melted. Includes armor.

Flame Jet – the blade shoots out a beam of concentrated flame in a straight line

- Cleansing Flame – the Eye is directed at a target entity, which is enveloped in a flame aura. They are not harmed, even if it gets hot inside, but the flames „burn away” their injuries, healing them.
- Flame Shield – holds the weapon in front of her and the burning corona expands, forming a shield in the shape of the eye in a corona of flames. Enough to cover herself if she ducks.


Raven Rawne

If she gets a green light that is. I can always do an elf support - I make characters custom made for each RP from the ground up anyway.


And now, my lady.

Name: Alethina
Age: In her mid/late 200s
Species: Vampire
Racial Ability: Vampiric Mist: Alethina is exactly as solid as she wants to be at any particular point, capable of fading into an indistinct misty form that feels extremely good on exposed skin.
Gender: Female
Description: Tall, around six and a half feet in height, and slender, Alethina is a strikingly attractive woman, her skin and hair all but colourless while her eyes are a deep, mesmerizing red. Even her lips and tongue are the same flawless smooth white as her skin, her hair falling like snowy silk down to her knees.
Her clothing tends to vary on an irregular basis as one outfit is replaced by another, but her fashion sense tends strongly towards stark white and black, with accents of red, especially flowers. She does routinely wear the same heavily decorated heeled armoured boots and her exceptionally large hat, as well as belts, bracelets, necklaces and other items of jewellery formed from dark, sharp-looking polished metal, occasionally set with crimson gems.
Her womanly charms, at least when it comes to the shape of her body, are fairly modest, her chest and hips enough to be noticed but nothing exceptional, while her legs are long, shapely and often displayed by somewhat too short skirts and too-tight trousers.
She tends to carry a winged, bladed staff of the same metal her jewellery is made of.

Extra: While not exactly cold, Alethina's body is substantially cooler than one would expect of it. Her eyes, in low levels of light, catch and reflect as much light as possible, glowing crimson in the darkness. In full darkness, however, no light is allowed to escape and this reflected glow has vanished entirely.

Personality and History:

Personality: Alethina's life has, for the most part, been one of enjoying pleasure and being enjoyed by others, and she's never really stopped that. Charming and flirtatious towards those who interest her - primarily, although not exclusively, women - she remains pleasant and charming no matter what the situation or what she is doing, something that was likely highly incongruous when she was indulging her darker desires in the past. Whether due to her nature as a vampire or just because she, herself, is like that, Alethina is manipulative often just for the sake of manipulating someone and playfully cruel in ways that tend to put one in mind of cats

A native of Vertex, Alethina has long enjoyed beauty and pleasing her sense, ranging from the scent of flowers to the taste of wine, to the sounds of women and the feeling of blood on her skin and lips. Her life before coming to Nexus is typically glossed over and attempts to pry evaded, but it was clearly one of hedonism and debauchery, her escape coming when the lady Aerie - who she still talks about with notes of affection and lust in her voice - tried to cage Alethina and other, less important due to not being Alethina, demons of the flying city.
Strikingly attractive, charming and manipulative, with almost no taboos she won't try out of curiosity, Alethina slid comfortably in to the darker edges of the high society of Tethys, followed by quiet and mostly untrue mutterings about her corrupting the noble youth. She finds it boring to simply force someone to do something, but quite interesting to give a young woman an awakening, regardless of their marital state or what gender their parents think they are.

She's actually calmed down quite significantly since coming to Nexus, drawn to and entranced by the relatively extremely young women native to this world and how bright they can burn if they're given a place to grow and develop.
She rather likes her girls and after events in Malus became even worse and the invasion began, she's decided to protect them.

Advantages and Weaknesses: (3 max each, one combat related, one non combat related, and the last is a flex pick for either option)

- (combat) Vampiric speed – It is rather hard to fight what cannot be hit, and Alethina moves so quickly that it's extremely hard to fight her
- (non combat) Dark allure – Alethina has spent enough time seducing and manipulating demons that wrapping humans around her fingers is hardly a challenge, knowing how to use her voice and posture to get what she wants
- (combat) Stolen life – As a vampire, Alethina is not as much sustained by blood as rejuvenated by it. Small amount can heal minor wounds and even severe injuries can be recovered from if she can get hold of someone and drain them enough. As long as a part of her exists and enough blood covers it, it is theoretically possible for her to recover from almost anything, although she's in no hurry to test this out.

- (combat) Fire - For whatever reason, Alethina burns very well when exposed to fire.
- (non combat) The Thirst - Alethina is very drawn to beautiful women, easily distracted and prone to developing obsessions that can lead her to acts more in line with her old Malusite nature. This includes herself, and she has lost multiple days getting excited at how her reflection was looking at her. There is a reason she makes sure not to have mirrors around these days.
- (bit of both?) The Hunger – Alethina can stop drinking blood whenever she wants. She just never wants to stop, especially when she can see or smell it. Even if there's something she really should be doing, like fighting, or running, or dodging someone setting her on fire, she's much, much more likely to go for the blood than to do any of that other stuff.

Force Weapon: Lifedrinker. A silver-decorated wine glass, the Lifedrinker reforms itself into a silver hilt and a blade of blood. If no blood is provided, it will draw what it needs from Alethina, opening brief wounds when the glass shatters and reforms. While Alethina wields the weapon, it stabs itself into the palm of her hand.

- Blood-Shard – Any wound opened by the blade finds a shard of glass lodged in it, forcing the wound to remain open even in the face of regenerative abilities and causing minor continuing injury.

Heartburst – the blade solidifies into glass, then explodes into a spray of razor sharp glass shards
Blood-Drinker - As the blade wounds the enemy, it absorbs their blood, gaining power based on their nature if Malusite. (If used on Ren, for example, would start getting very hot) If the enemy is from Nexus, the blade simply gets larger or longer.

- Blood-Feeder – Blood from wounds caused by Lifedrinker that are absorbed by the blade can, instead of strengthening the weapon, be fed directly to Alethina though the wound the weapon keeps open in her hand, allowing her to heal as she fights

Raven Rawne

I can already see the Daemon fetching a wine glass and pouring from a freshly sliced throat of an enemy, then offering to the Vampire, with some elaborate wishes for a good drink. Maybe after a bar brawl. Admittedly, Ren is a bit inspired by Hannibal Lecter as far as sophisticated evil goes...


Holy crap, I wasn't expecting to wake up to more completed sheets that fast!

I'm also happy to see everyone is working their heads into whipping up their special skillets! Most importantly, I like how the individual histories give me a little something to work with as far as adding to the world a little bit. :3 Sounds like Rengrith might have a place at the Scholar's Academy in Tethys, assuming that wasn't a separate college she went to. :3

And Alethina being a literal-yet-proverbial Lady of the Night in the city is oddly funny in a way. I can't say for sure if the Church would have necessarily approved of what she did, but as long as no one really died from it or got converted, they might have left well and good enough alone. =p With the state of things now, though, she could probably get away with a little more now... But if you want her to have presence in other areas, I can totally go for it!

Finally, I also see work on Steir's sheet is going along well quite well! Looks like I'll have reason to try to establish more of the Order of the Knight Protectors.

Very happy to see the directions everyone has started with their characters! Also happy to see potential for positive and not-so-positive interactions between characters! ^_^

One thing I'll point out for both Raven and Joanie, is that both magic and support measures can be activated without the need for their Force Weapons to be drawn. It's okay to word them like they originate with weapon in hand, but just something to keep in mind going forward!

Raven Rawne

Yes, I knew the college was mentioned by name somewhere but simply couldn't find it so, I wrote it more generic sounding. She would be the hot librarian in that particular college.


Name: Calindra
Age: 120
Species: Fox Fera
Racial Ability: Shapeshift into a black fox
Gender: Female
Description: 5’5 tall. Her hair and tail are both black, but in the right light they look dark blue-ish. The eyes have a deep golden color. Unlike some feras, she doesn’t have whiskers stripes on her cheeks.

Personality and History: Calindra is originally from Gaia, where she lived with her tribe. Despite being demons they were rather peaceful and fun loving fox feras, who avoided conflicts with others and killing. Calindra, however, was one of the guardians of her tribe, which made her the most hostile and violent among her kind toward outsiders. Life was good and Calindra genuinely enjoyed the way of living they had…

Nothing good lasts forever. That was proved right when the mysterious tornado came and literally tore her away from her fellow fox feras and left her in a strange land. Calindra began her journey of finding her tribe sisters and brothers, being extremely worried for their wellbeing as she knew they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves in this unknown place. Calindra has spent her years in Nexus searching for her kind, but all she has found are dark and tragic stories of what had happened to her people.

The events of the past have molded Calindra into someone she didn’t used to be. She likes to keep her distance from people and is more or less wary of others and her view of the world has become pessimistic. Calindra has her own personal prejudices towards all nexusians.

Sweet little poison brewer - She is especially skilled in brewing harmful, poisonous and in general intoxicating concoctions, but can also make mild healing salves and potions for common ailments. (Combat)
Herbalist - Knows what is edible and what is not. In addition, knows which herbs and other flora are useful for her mixtures or simply for selling. (Non-Combat)
Fox senses - Night Vision, keen ears and sensitive nose. (Non-Combat)

Weak and frail - She isn’t exactly sturdy or even built with muscle, and her physical combat capabilities likewise suffer with their absence. (Combat)
Prejudiced - Calindra doesn’t trust any nexusian by default, and even after longer time for knowing someone she is likely to think they are going to stab her in the back given a chance. She isn’t straight out hostile, but won’t move a finger to save a nexusian unless she can gain something from it. (Non-Combat)
Penniless - Calindra is good at keeping up the appearance, but the truth is, she is broke. Her previous lifestyle didn’t give her a good base for knowing how to make money, so most of the time the fera is struggling financially. Which is why she often sells powders and potions that are known for their intoxicating effects, because people are willing to pay for getting high. (Non-Combat)

Force Weapon: Crescent, a staff with dark wooden rod and a bone crescent at its end. The crescent is sharp enough to cut and function as a highly impractical sickle if necessary. The crescent part has evergreen leaves entangled around it.
Magic: Foxfire - A barrage of fox fire will fall like a rain of stars on an area, striking and burning those who happen to be in its way.
Entanglement totems - By striking her Crescent on the ground she will summon magical totems (up to four at any one time) that will grow vines, which in turn will attempt to tie everyone close enough to restrict their movements. Should the vines be destroyed, they will grow right back till the totems are broken or desummoned.
Support: Healing circle - With her Crescent she can form a circle of healing, which will heal everyone inside it. The amount of healing is always the same, so if there is just one person they will receive more healing than when the healing is shared by multiple people.
Curse of Blindness - Exactly what it sounds like. By touching her victim  she can lay a curse of blindness on them, hindering their ability to accurately attack or even view their surroundings properly.


Quote from: Raven Rawne on June 19, 2023, 11:44:27 AM
I can already see the Daemon fetching a wine glass and pouring from a freshly sliced throat of an enemy, then offering to the Vampire, with some elaborate wishes for a good drink. Maybe after a bar brawl. Admittedly, Ren is a bit inspired by Hannibal Lecter as far as sophisticated evil goes...

Oh, they are going to just be the worst best friends, I can already tell.


Raven Rawne


Apologies, I should've logged on to see this earlier!

I was waiting for someone who showed interest, but they might be a tad busy at the moment... In light of that, I'm gonna start trying to draft up the start in about a week's time while I still have the idea in my mind. :3

Oh, and also gotta build up the profile thread too, and an OoC thread. Definitely can't forget that. >.<


I'm going to be away till next friday, so if I don't post during that time, it's because of that.

Silvered Sutures

My O/O Thread
Discord handle; Silvered Sutures


Yes, there's room for more, actually! Still in the middle of slowly piecing things together, but otherwise you're clear to sign up if you wish. : ) Thank you for showing interest in the game, and let me know if I can help of any assistance!

Silvered Sutures

Thank you so much! Currently at work so it may take me about 8 hours but I'll have a concept ready by then. We can tinker with it from there and I'm open to requests / recommendations. It is a GROUP rp after all
My O/O Thread
Discord handle; Silvered Sutures


Not a problem, take all the time you need! :3

I don't personally have any requests or recommendations yet, however. I've been more encouraging for people to play what they desire so they know what to have the most fun with. But if something comes up to me in the course of working on your sheet, I'll let you know!