The Umbrella Academy - An all OC re-imagining?

Started by Primarch, April 30, 2022, 04:15:21 PM

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"You were never just kids. You were meant to save the world."
- Sir Reginald Hargreeves

I'm looking to start a freeform RP based around the Umbrella Academy featuring a roster of original characters. I do not intend for this to completely recreate the plot but instead use the concept of seven individuals, born at the same time, adopted & raised by an eccentric billionaire with a grand vision. As with the first episode of the show, Sir Reginald Hargreeves has passed away and the siblings reunite for the funeral. The game will likely be split into two ongoing parts, one thread dedicated to the PCs simply being able to interact at a relaxed pace & one thread dedicated to moving the central plot.

Will you be 'GMing' the story?
No. This is a collaborative narrative. I will set up a Discord chat we can use to keep in contact, plot events, organise and world build. I'm looking for a team players who can work together to make the story enjoyable for everyone involved so the burden doesn't fall entirely on one person (that being me). 

Will the game feature any canon characters?
Maybe? As referenced above we'll likely keep Sir Reginald Hargreeves to assist setting the scene. Beyond that I expect this will be primarily OC driven.   

Any particular requirements to play?
As advised above I'll set up a Discord to facilitate communication & plotting. I have tried to run games in the past with some in the Discord & some outside of it unfortunately it doesn't work. People not in the Discord get left out, aren't part of the conversations and in some cases it can lead to significant frustration. So I am asking that all involved will require joining the Discord. I'm also asking any who get involved be willing to assist with shouldering some of the weight in running a long term RP.

For now this is an interest check. If there is viable interest I'll add in the character sheet template & set up the discord. Questions, comments & suggestions are welcome. Thank you~!

The Siblings
Number One: Reserved for Primarch
Number Two: Reserved for sloane
Number Three: Reserved for lux89
Number Four: Reserved for Callie Del Noire
Number Five: Reserved for CurvyKitten
Number Six: Reserved for Levi
Number Seven: Reserved for Rylin


[b]Powers/Special abilities:[/b]






Callie Del Noire


Well that's a potential 3 of an ideal 7. We'll see if a couple more express interest and we can make this viable.


I'll throw my hat in the ring as well. Coincides nicely with season 3 coming out soon.


Alright. I can work with 4. Good starting point. I've updated the opening post to include the sibling 'numbers' if you want to reserve one for yourself. Just say so. Character sheet is open. Please leave the 'Relationships/Connections' blank. That will be filled in after the characters are approved and we've had a chance to establish our relationship with one another. Unless there's a key NPC attached to your character like a spouse or partner. Feel free to reference them.

For the purpose of the face claims we'll assume all characters are 32. So look for faces in that ballpark? If we don't get all 7 we can follow canon and assume one died.


That sounds good. I'm going to reserve Seven, but if anyone else wants it for plot reasons or otherwise, I can pick another number.

So we know Reggie is going to be present, setting the scene with his death. Does that mean Grace/Mom will be around as well? Pretty much the same premise as the show?


I think for the moment we can assume Grace is on the scene. She might get revised to someone different for our own uses but until we as a group discuss it later I would assume our android mother is on the scene.



Callie Del Noire


<,<...>.> Pending muse juice color me interested for number 5. hehe



Character: Konstance Hargreeves
Player: Primarch

Codename(s): Number One
Powers/Special abilities: Magnetism manipulation

  • Number One possesses the ability to manipulate magnetic fields, chiefly for the purpose of moving metals with her mind. While she can apply her abilities by thought she can achieve more impressive feats by using physical gestures to augment her application of magnetics. She can stop bullets (and send them back), move heavy objects, or even move all the organic iron in the blood to the brain to kill. Over exertion of her abilities can cause nosebleeds, migraines and fatigue. That being said her capabilities & limits have increased considerably since childhood.
  • Though her abilities primarily relate to magnetism, she can apply them to manipulating other areas of the electromagnetic spectrum. This generally requires more effort on her part. She can also perceive the world around herself as patterns of magnetic & electrical energy and is generally aware of such in her area.   
  • As with other members of the Umbrella Academy Number One has been trained 'to save the world' as part of his teenage superhero team. She is highly proficient in hand to hand combat but primarily relies on her magnetic abilities. As a 'Consultant' for the CIA she has gained significant experience in matters of intelligence.


  • Confident: Konstance was a shy & nervous child but grew into herself in her teenage years. Her confidence continued to grow until she became almost unflappable. Almost insufferably so. By her late teens and early adult years many started to perceive her as flippant and condescending. She's a bad loser but a worst winner, and she almost always wins.
  • Ruthless Pragmatist: In just about every capacity Konstance plays to win. She's perfectly happy to play dirty and makes no excuses for it. These same attributes however also make her competent and effective at nearly any task she sets herself on. She's reliable and practical. Number One always gets the job done.
  • Loyal: She will very rarely vocalise it and is less likely to show it in an obvious way but for all her negative qualities Konstance is loyal to her siblings (if little else). She perceives them as her siblings in all the ways that matter and a group united by the special circumstances of their abilities and upbringing. They alone survived their father and nobody else will ever understand what that means. If anyone dares to take a step against one of the Umbrella Academy they better be prepared for the consequences.


  • Konstance 'Konnie' was adopted from Germany and re-located to the Umbrella Academy. As a child she suffered from a significant stutter and was generally considered shy, nervous and prone to low self-confidence. Her abilities barely functioned and were prone to causing nose bleeds and severe migraines. Her adoptive father taught (perhaps not as elegantly or gently as she may have appreciated at the time) her to get her stutter under control but was nearly prepared to write her off as a viable member of the team.
  • In her early teenage years Konnie had her stutter under control and gained a measure of self-confidence. This seemed to go hand in hand with progress with her abilities which further reinforced her confidence. This ultimately formed a self-perpetuating cycle of 'self-improvement.' Her relationship with their father changed dramatically and by the time the siblings had formed his 'Umbrella Academy' superhero group properly she was somewhat perceived as 'the favourite.'
  • By her late teenage years Konnie had developed a competitive element, combined with her growing displays of arrogance and ruthless streak she started rubbing people the wrong way, including Sir Reginald. If their relationship had build up while she was growing into herself, it started crumbling after a late teenage 'peak.' Partly due to increasing responsibilities placed on her as she showed increasing capabilities, partly her being a teenage with too much power and not enough emotional intelligence. When the team eventually disbanded and they started going their separate ways Konnie initially stayed out of a daughterly loyalty to the old man but the two could not reconcile their differences. She eventually stormed out and didn't see him again before he passed.
  • Konstance was eventually approached by representatives of the CIA who believed she could be a very valuable asset. To date she continues to operate with them.



  • Konstance has significantly less control over her childhood stutter than she likes to be believed. In reality her entire 'overly confident, unflappable CIA operative' persona is a master class in 'fake it til you make it.' In reality her stutter would manifest in the presence of their father routinely up to and including the day she left the Umbrella Academy for good. Konstance believes Sir Reginald was the only one capable of undermining her confidence to the point of causing the stutter to manifest and her return is in part to make sure he's dead, so nobody else will ever again be able to put her in the mental place he did.
  • The extent of Konstance's powers are a closely guarded secret. She will occasionally indicate her abilities have only approved over the years, there have been hints she's using a CIA developed drug to augment her declining capabilities.
  • Konstance is generally noted to be a 'Consultant' with the CIA. While she certainly works with the CIA she is very much not a 'Consultant.'


Faceclaim: Dan Levy
Character: Jordan Hargreeves
Player: Lux89

Codename(s): Number Three, The Cartoonist
Powers/Special abilities: Animation

  • What Jordan sketches on paper soon becomes real for a temporary time. It only works on paper, and not on any other surface. It works with any tool or medium; pencil, pen, marker, crayon, paintbrush... Whatever he draws manifests physically in his presence lasting for an hour or less. The abstract or mythological when drawn into existence are fleeting and ephemeral, appearing for barely a minute. The realistic and recognizable ones like tools and vehicles can last longer. His portraits of people and animals sometimes appear to him as strange caricature mannequins. Other times, they appear as masterfully drawn. Cartoons, he'd call them. They hardly speak and barely obey orders but if he drew them just right, they can be superheroes of his making. Their grotesque appearance is really humiliating to him, he can't stand it, and they exit unpredictably each time which can leave him speechless.
  • He can leap to and from paper instantly. Seldom he retreats into hiding this way, even though he's aware that transmuting himself into a piece of paper puts him at risk. When he was younger and evasive, his adoptive father punished him once by trapping him in a drawer thus trapping him in the second dimension for the whole day. He learned that he could not escape from other sheets of paper. If he went into one, he had to come out of that particular one. This traumatized him for decades, spooking him out of paper nightmares, and nearly killed his love for art. So nowadays Jordan would use this warped dimension-traveling as a last resort, if he absolutely has no other choice. After coming out of the cartoon world, Jordan may continue to speak or behave cartoonishly for some time.
  • He can sense and track paper that he marked, even small pieces halfway around the world. It can be unassuming as a little bit of paper smaller than a thumb or elegant as an origami gift. Jordan calls this particular ability "the cartoonist sense", and he actually thinks saying it sounds cool or normally fine. It's not.


  • Sassy: If he'd like to have a word, he will. He has tirades and throws fits, if he can't help it. Most of the time, Jordan tries to keep it under control with suppressing or judging facial expressions. Even if he's being polite, he still drips with sarcasm. He likes to demonstrate his coherence and competence, though it can backfire and look as if he's talking down to a person. He has always been a sassy sassafras, all his life, so his siblings usually know what to expect. Sometimes his cartoons diss for him.
  • Too Serious: If there is one single whiff of drama or a superheroic mission that needs a volunteer, somehow Jordan is there. Introduces himself as the Cartoonist. He wants every chance to save the world. He uses the mantle of superhero to burden his back with huge responsibility... because that implies he has huge power. He demands respect, and has a comically complex relationship with his father Sir Reginald who Jordan craves approval from but yet resents for being given this life.
  • Therapeutic: Jordan actively points out his boundaries with his siblings and puts in effort towards healing from his traumas at the Umbrella Academy by using exercises discussed beforehand with his therapist Dr. Daisy Ward. He places so much importance on himself and his health that he isn't aware how much he licks his wounded ego. When the situation turns out to be what he deems as unhealthy, or triggering, he will quote his therapist or make an emergency call.


  • Adopted from Toronto, Jordan was a hoot every Saturday morning at the Umbrella Academy, making toons come to life in a show he scripted. And it was about them and their adventures. It had made them roll on the floor laughing. He could make toons animate while on paper too, so there were many letters and doodles tucked under their bedroom doors he personally delivered. If it was a play, or a game, his extraordinary visual aids were put to creative use. Sir Reginald however had other plans.
  • Jordan was instructed to mark and tail targets, to draw their facial composites, to recreate scenes he witnessed, and to demonstrate maps of neighborhoods or establishments at their meetings. He was tested repeatedly for other abilities, such as magnetic pulling paper or telekinetically moving paper or manifesting paper out of nothing, but these attempts were failures. Sir Reginald became visibly upset and barked at Jordan to keep trying, to never give up on developing his powers because cartoons were not enough.
  • Jordan had a bad day that led to an existential crisis, and on that day on the verge of a mental breakdown he decided that this world needed to be of his making. He sat down in a hiding place in the Umbrella Academy and just started incessantly drawing more rooms to the Umbrella Academy. Soon enough this became a cartoonish maze that nearly drove his siblings and their father bonkers. They eventually found him and stopped him. When asked further about it, Jordan could not explain nor excuse. He could only describe it as a frenzy.


  • Dr. Daisy Ward, his therapist (and best friend)


  • Siblings or fans tend to joke that Jordan hosts cartoon orgies and has sex with them. He denies this, but it was never disproved.
  • Jordan has another outlandish ability he's been keeping secret, or at least that's the best gossip about him anyway.
  • He makes his income from webcomics, which technically was never drawn on paper and never manifested.


Nina Hargreeves
Alter Appearances

Petunia (she/her)

Raven (she/her)

Shadow (nonbinary they/them)

Flint (they/them)

Tigger (they/them)

Brice (He/his)

Black mamba (they/them)

Trixy (she/her)

Nathen (he/him)

Vera (she/her)

Character: Nina Hargreeves
Player: Curvykitten

Codename(s): Number five
Powers/Special abilities:

  • Shapeshifting: When Nina switches between her alters her physical appearance instantly changes, including differences in eye color, hair color, hair style, tattoos and to a certain level her clothes. These changes are most often times superficial and not permanant. And she can only shift to the other appearances of her alters. She can't say transform to someone she sees.
  • Future Visions: Petunia is able to see the future
  • Elastic girl: Raven is able to stretch her body like a rubber band. Stretching and part of her body well past normal limits and dimensions.
  • Wallcrawling: Shadow wall-crawling alter is able to cling to walls, allowing her to stick to roofs or climb to great heights. And fade into shadows that surround it.
  • Teleportation aka Glitching: Flit is able to teleport between locations and can bring others with her. The exact limits of this power are unknown, thus far Flint can only seem to blink out of place almost like an uncontrollable, very short range teleporting? Like he can't actively control it but he'll always teleport just a couple feet away from danger. Hargreeves believed that he might have been able to teleport farther if only he could get clean and focus.
  • Bouncy Ball: Tigger has the ability to inflate and become as bouncy as the most bouncy ball!
  • Enhanced durability: Brice is also durable. This was proven when she was thrown against the wall by an enemy trying to protect the other family members and alters. She can take more damage and a great deal of hits, he has also been known to run straight through a wall.
  • Claws and fangs: Black Mamba has extremely sharp claws and fangs. And is as quick and fierce as any predator stalking her pray.
  • Aura of vibrancy: Trixy can expand an aura that centers around supportive type powers, supporting themselves and/or others through healing, protection, attribute enhancement, and/or downgrading an opponent's abilities. Doing this leaves her open to attack though and she has no other active power is just a vulnerable human beside being able to buff or heal others.
  • Telepathy: Nathen an alter that seems to enjoy the idea of playing with his food so to speak has the ability to go into other's minds. he can read minds, send his thoughts, and pull someone into a dream like world for a short time being. This is a risky endeavor as they to risk loosing themselves in Nina's crazed mind if pulled to deep.
  • Animal speech: Vera has the ability to talk to all animals.

  • Power instability: Nina has little to no control over her alters and their individual abilities. This proves to be a weakness as when they need a certain ability, and the alter with said ability is preoccupied or merely unwilling to help. While her alters can be beneficial, they can also be a weakness, as Nina has no control over them, and they are free to come and go as they please.
  • Separated memory: Each of Nina's alters have different memories exclusive to them due to the dissociative amnesia symptom of her disorder. This means that in order to question Nina about a specific event, one must coax out the alter dominant during the event
  • Physiology: Nina's biology can change with each new alter, meaning that some of them are allergic to Peanuts while others aren't. Presumably this means that Nina can develop other such allergies and medical conditions depending on the alter dominant at any given time.
  • Also see weaknesses listed with powers

Personality switches will be determined by a D10roll when in combat or in a plot thread until she can learn icly how to control the switches. The switches can also be induced if someone can convince one of the desired alter to come forth. Which for some is easier said then done. 

  • Nina is a shy and quiet person, knowing how broken she is and never knowing when she is going to switch makes it hard to find out who she really is. She is the core personality but rarely gets to be in the drive seat. Though her power seems to be always active as she shifts her appearance with each personality that takes hold. Ever the wallflower she tends to hide herself in her art or behind a book. She loves her family and is rather dependent on them due to her condition.
  • Petunia is ever the lady, but plagued with vision that not only drive her to migraines every time. She is plagued with the truth of what is to come. Be it good or bad Lady Purple tries to keep her composure and present a motherly attitude towards her family members. Ever the care taker she itends to become the sounding board for many of the other children's burdens.
  • Raven is a fireball of chaos and rage. Her anger and the explosive might of her power make for a dangerous combination at best. Raven gives her family hell, but when they are wronged she will strive to avenge them. After all she can pick on them but no one else can.
  • Shadow is the strangest of entities held within Nina. It does not speak, or really communicate in any way. But it seems to listen to its family...most times. But it tends to keep to the shadows, moving so silently that one might think it appears out of nowhere. Untrusting to anyone that not in the family it tends to stalk them when around. As if watching for any moment of possible betrayal.
  • Flint is at best a drug addict and wild child, he tends to abuse Nina's body with harsh drugs and wild nights. Ever the trouble child and bad influence, Flit tends to run in the wrong crowds, stay out all night and make all the wrong choices. But he tries...he really does.
  • Tigger is the perfect example of the hippy stoner that belonged in another time. Always the trickster and playful sort he is can tend to annoy his family. But he is a loveable scoundrel that is very laid back and relaxed most of the time. Though when pushed to the limits of his anger can grow to exponential sizes.
  • Brice is a taurus to a fault, stubborn and unmoving at the best of times. Most always seen with a bottle of some sort of alcohol in his hands. He tends to be rude, crude and totally unkept. So don't expect him to be a gentlemen, as he doesn't know the meaning of the word.
  • Black Mamba is more animal then man, reacting to the world like any animal might. Running on pure instinct most times they don't tend to hand social situations well at all. 
  • Trixy is the a skittish and shy personality, even more so than Nina herself. She most often times can not be forced out willed out. But comes out only when there is a dire need before retreating back into the dark corners of Nina's mind.
  • Nathan is a cold calculated induvial that tends to use his gift to get what he wants. From blackmail, and even manipulation of a person's mind and senses. He enjoys playing with his food so to speak. Believing he needs no one it takes a great deal to convince him to help anyone if there is nothing in it for him.
  • Vera is as innocent as they come, naive and trusting she tends to enjoy life and hide from darkness of it all. Youngest of all her alters she seems to be around the age of 16 or so. She loves her family, and her animals and tends to find comfort with them.


  • Nina was adopted just like her siblings after her mother became spontaneously pregnant. She was born in south Africa and easily bought from the man who claimed to be her mother's father. If this was true is still unknown, but Hargreeves could care less as he was determined to collect as many children as he could. But what they didn't realize till much later is that Nina was a very broken young woman. From a young age it was clear she was different and would face a great deal of strife in her life. Her first change came during a training session. When Hargreeves pushed and pushed till finally...she broke. Flaming Katy being her first alter, but far from the last.
  • During her early teenage years Nina was withdrawn, only opening up to her family as she hide away from the world at large. But their father didn't allow this, which only ended up making this worse. The harder he trained and pushed them, the more missions he sent them on the more she broke. Each crack exposing another personality and ability. One might think Hargreeves was pushing her on purpose. As if she were an experiment on trying to see what potential she truly had.
  • Her later teenage years are filled with difficult times, constantly battling with her alters for control. She may not know have any sense of control of her alters but she does try. Nina the core personality struggles from day to day to try and keep hold of her sanity. But she tries her best, for her families sake.
  • Finally, as her family started to leave, Nina realized she would soon be alone with their father and his...experiments. And this terrified her as she was already broken. She didn't want to be even more broken, and instead ran away from the only home she'd ever know. Finally, in the big bad world, Nina did her best, but eventually was caught and sent to a local asylum where they could best, see to her needs. Or so they thought. The next several years were spent being drugged out of her mind and lost in a haze. She barely remembered her own name most days, and remembered even less of her time within the asylum.
  • Nina would have ended up spending the rest of her days within the asylum if it weren't for the news one day. She saw upon the news that her father had died. But could it be real? Was he even real? Yes, yes, he was and now he was dead?! Could the man that haunts her dreams really be gone? Thinking back to then made her remember her family, her siblings that she still loved. That was the day Nina or more, so Brice escaped the asylum, leaving a rather large hole in his wake. Now returning home, to a place that she wasn't even sure was real anymore. Now back to face her past, Nina hopes that she doesn't end up breaking more then she already was.



  • Nina sometimes retreats into her other personalities willingly. Giving up control so she doesn't have to face whatever the world is throwing at her that seems to much.
  • Hargreeves has in fact been experimenting on Nina all her life. Forcing the changes when possible, though only he knows what is ultimate goal is or how much he is willing to break her.
  • Flit is in debt to some very sketchy people and no one knows about it.
  • Shadow has a den that no one knows where it is. And they often times disappears when in control. (open to one of her siblings always being able to find the unknown)
  • Tigger is a botanist and has a secret weed stash growing in the basement of the Hargreeves mansion.


Heyy CurvyKitten I love Nina! Was she inspired by Doom Patrol? Cos I love that show xD


Thank you!!! Yes indeed she was! I love that show too. I was inspired and the idea of the challenge of writing it correctly is appealing. I really hope I do it justice.


Interested but do we need to have watched the show?
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Character: Victor Hargreeves
Player: Rylin

Codename(s): Number Seven
Powers/Special abilities: Duplication

  • Victor can create physical duplicates of himself that can act of their own accord, though they share a neural link with the original and the other clones. Theoretically, the amount of duplicates he can have simultaneously is limitless, but as each clone requires a certain amount of energy and mental capacity to create and maintain, the most Victor has managed so far is four. He has seen no noticeable improvement in the quality and quantity of the clones since he was sixteen years old.
  • At any given time, Victor can swap locations with any of his duplicates anywhere in the world. He takes on the clothes of the clone and vice versa. This ability led Sir Reginald to hypothesise Victor could jump through space without the assistance of a duplicate, but the potential was never realised. Victor often says it was never there to begin with, and that Reginald was grasping at straws.
  • The duplicates can be dismissed at will and will dematerialise on their own after taking enough damage. Any injury that happens to Victor is reflected instantly on the clones. If Victor ever dies, it’s theorised that all his clones will die along with him. It hasn’t been tested, for obvious reasons.
  • As part of the Umbrella Academy, Victor was trained extensively by Sir Reginald, particularly in stealth and reconnaissance. His role often involved sending his clones to scout ahead and putting himself in the field if need be. The expendable nature of his duplicates meant that he often played a supportive role, usually sacrificing them to protect his siblings.


  • Laid-back: Perhaps owing to the family dynamics of the Umbrella Academy, Victor often takes the back seat in most affairs and is happy to play second fiddle. Rarely takes himself seriously and others even less so, much to the chagrin of those around him. A favourite remark of his, made by his father, is that despite being named what he is, Victor is actually quite the loser.
  • Daredevil: Victor can afford to live a more carefree life than most, as his clones can live his life for him, essentially. While he isn’t a suicidal adrenaline junkie, he does indulge in pleasures that might be considered dangerous by many. Suffice to say, he’s tried a little bit of everything.
  • Recluse: A private man, Victor has few friends and even fewer who actually know what’s on his mind. His siblings have since drifted away in their years apart, though they wouldn’t have much trouble reconnecting to him — the Hargreeves children always stick together. More often than not though, Victor prefers the company of himself (and his clones) over others.


  • Hailing from Indonesia, Victor was the last child to be purchased by the eccentric Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Ironically, he was also the first to display any kind of supernatural gift, displaying his duplication abilities from as young as four. For a time, he was their father’s favourite, thanks to the early onset and potential of his abilities as well as his mild, demure behaviour. Reginald soon found the boy to be a disappointment, however, as it became apparent he would go no further than a few ‘parlour tricks’. Unlike the others, his powers failed to develop further, either by training or under extensive stress, though it was not for lack of trying.
  • His relationship with his siblings was rocky at the start, but it gradually improved as they grew up, with Victor transitioning from a meek, mild-mannered child into a laid-back, whimsical teenager. He never took the ‘superhero’ stuff that seriously, often failing to show up to practice and messing up quite a lot of missions with his carelessness. It then became a vicious cycle of Victor failing his duties and losing interest in them until eventually, he became a liability. Though he maintained a somewhat amicable rapport with the siblings, he was the first to leave the Hargreeves home upon the team’s implosion and hasn’t been back since.
  • He fell off the radar soon after. He began to live many lives through his duplicates, taking on an unapologetic anti-nihilistic approach to life, using his faux immortality to the fullest. He never quite settled in a place or a job or a way of life, drifting here and there, always seeming to be in multiple places at once. He would’ve been content to live out his life on his own, but a death in the family pulled him back to where it all began.



  • It’s speculated that the original Victor actually died long ago and that the current one is just a clone carrying on the legacy.
  • Victor leads many lives, and it’s often impossible to discern whether you’re talking to the original or a clone unless he tells you outright. Some say there are markings on his body that differentiate which Victor is which, though only his siblings know if it’s true or not.


Quote from: Levi on May 04, 2022, 03:04:53 AM
Interested but do we need to have watched the show?

Nope! The show would help provide some context on certain things but its couldn't be brought up to speed. We won't be following the plot from the show, and we're an all OC cast so hopefully it'll be very much our own before long.


That's great.  I've got the hubby to download the first series to give me some more info.  Could I reserve 6 please? Also are there any restrictions in regards to power type?
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Quote from: Levi on May 04, 2022, 10:00:39 AM
That's great.  I've got the hubby to download the first series to give me some more info.  Could I reserve 6 please? Also are there any restrictions in regards to power type?

In the actual show/comic series powers are actually all over the place? Some characters have very minor powers while others are clearly very powerful. In the discord (sent you a PM with the link) we've already discussed people putting in powers as they like and we'll discuss our own balance later.



Character: Noah Hargreeves
Player: Levi

Codename(s): Number Six
Powers/Special abilities:

  • Size Modification: Tiny
Noah can physically alter his body size, the smallest he can get is roughly the size of a mouse this is good for getting through small gaps and spying. With the help of Sir  Reginald  he developed a tiny bag which holds an array of miniature tools which help him scale heights and jump shelving with ease
  • Speed
The smaller Noah becomes the faster he is. Size and speed seem to go hand in hand until he can move like a blur in his smallest form making him hard to see and catch.
  • Size Modification: Large
In contrast to his small form, Noah can also grow to giant sizes. Growing in height to 20 foot, at his tallest. In this form however he is a lot slower and methodical.
  • Strength
Just like speed, strength is gained with Height. He can easily lift 2,000lbs of weight. Lifting large objects cleanly out of the way when needed.
  • Weakness
Strength can only be achieved with height and likewise speed can only be achieved in his small form.


  • "The Mom"
Out of all the siblings Noah was the one who tried the hardest to keep everyone together, he loves to cook and bake for the family and would insist on at least one meal a week where everyone sat at the table. Like all the children he is extremely loyal to the family that they created and was devastated when Sir Reginald passed away.
  • Highly Organised
when it comes to being organised Noah takes the cake. Absolutely everything has a place and he knows where each place is. The kitchen is his domain and woe betide anyone who moves a single item from its respective home. Outside the kitchen  his organisational stills are less appreciated, after all everyone has their own way of doing things. Noah tries to respect this but should something be left out for more then a day it will be tidied away!
  • Softie
Noah won't openly admit it but he has a big heart. He will never turn down a hug from his siblings and he enjoys curling on the sofa with all of them and watching a movie or playing a game. He is also a bit of a romantic.


  • Born to an English mother, Noah was taken from his mother and joined the other children at Sir Reginalds home. Noah spent his formative years at Sir Reginald side almost more his assistant then an adoptive son. Out of all the children Noah was the most encouraging in bringing the others together. He insisted on at least one meal a week as a family no matter what. He loves to cook and bake and the others soon got used to trying weird and unusual combinations of flavours.
  • After the team split and went their separate ways, Noah was one of the only ones who stayed closed to the family home. Although he did take the time to attend culinary school, he opened a small restaurant for a short time which did well.



  • Noah took the separation of the siblings very hard, when living alone he developed a hard outer exterior to hide his soft feelings and found it extremely hard to trust.
  • There are whispers that Noah managed to have a long term relationship with a woman without the families knowledge. Whispers of a child circulate through the chat raggs but no proof of either of their existences has been found.
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