An M/M Adventure?

Started by Lyron, January 15, 2022, 08:16:13 AM

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Sometimes a person needs a fantasy or sci-fi adventure wrapped in a sausage fest. Are there not others who feel the same? Is there not a GM out there--somewhere--who can swoop in and save the day?

Hopefully those questions read like a soap opera, 'cause that's much more entertaining. :D

Is there a land/galaxy that needs saving from a tyrannical overlord? Is there an expedition in need of hired swords as they embark to find rumored riches or to deliver crucial materials that can broker peace between two nations?

A simple mission that exposes a larger, developing threat? Rookies of an adventurer's guild who find themselves tangled in a coup or other internal threat?

I have a hankering for playing a half-orc/orc (depending on the setting's lore, I guess), or maybe a cool alien but humanoid race.

My fandoms are pretty limited. Mass Effect is the only sci-fi I'm familiar with. I'd be hoping for an original world.

In the slight chance they could inspire a bold leader who might not have their own ideas offhand, I have a couple of nooby, half-done worldbuilding attempts: a sci-fi one here, and a fantasy one below it. Ultimately, I don't have much experience in either genre and probably couldn't effectively lead such a game, but if someone would want to borrow elements of those worlds or use them as a springboard, that's cool.

M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


I've had this idea in my head for many years of a high epic fantasy RP. Essentially there are 5 realms, each representing/mastering an element, that come together as there is an impending doom that needs to be stopped. Sort of a LOTR type epic. Each of the realms are based off an element identified in the card game Magic the Gathering. You wouldn't have to know the game, but it provides an overarching theme...


  • Plains - healers, knights, clerics, life
  • Mountains - fire, earth elementals, warlords
  • Islands - water, pirates, wizards, mind magic
  • Forests - elves, nature, beasts
  • Swamps - death, demons, night

Basically the 5 realms come together in a conclave after different prophetic symbols appear. The conclave selects 2 champions from each realm to complete the quest. One champion would be a magic wielder and the other a warrior type.

I've always wanted to try it. It would take at minimum 5 players, best if it would be 10 (2 representatives from each realm).


I'm extremely interested in the MtG verse, I want to partake if you'll have me :)


I never really tried to get into MtG, but the premise sounds cool! I'd be interested in seeing/learning more.

M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.



Hmmmm...let me see what I can come up with this weekend and perhaps we might have a game :)

HockeyGod's a beginning....


For countless generations the people of Dominaria were connected by the power source of the Tower. The Tower is located on neutral lands and all realms have abided in a no contact pact. No one realm could approach the Tower. There was no need, the connection was obvious. That connection however, was now in peril...

"There has been no contact with the Tower." Dead silence followed the statement. Gathered in the majestic hall in Kjeldor were representatives from the four realms of Dominaria - Anabian Mountains, Verduran Woodlands, Kjeldoran Plains, and Mirrored Sea. It was the first time in over a decade that all the leaders had gathered together in place of their representatives.

"The signs have been clear." A lone voice broke the silence. "And we ignored them."


Dominaria is a M/M free-form game that loosely uses the archetypes in Magic the Gathering (red/white/blue/green/black). This high fantasy epic centers on the loss of contact with an extreme power source in Dominaria, the Tower. The Tower is located on neutral lands and protected by each of the four realms. The four realms, however, have gotten lax in their duties and all contact with the Tower has been lost. Signs had been showing up more and more recently - magic spells corrupted, environmental disasters increased, famine, unexplained deaths, confusing prophesies...the list goes on.

The leaders of Dominaria, under advisement from a powerful seer, decide to charter a party of highly specialized individuals. At a minimum two members from each realm would be gathered to investigate the Tower and reestablish contact.


Anubian Mountains - RED
Elements: Fire, earth, lightning
Geography: Mountainous region
Types of People: Warriors, fire mages, warlords
Description: A loosely affiliated network of clans, the Anubian Alliance is reminiscent of Scottish clans. The Alliance is led by a High Warlord.

Mirrored Sea - BLUE
Elements: Water, air, mind
Geography: Islands, sea, and border cities
Types of People: Pirates, wizards, politicians, rogues, intellectuals
Description: The culture most closely resembles a democracy with an elected official and Senate. That being said, they also live by the pirate code.

Kjeldoran Plains - WHITE
Elements: Life, healing
Geography: Plains
Types of People: Knights, paladins, clerics, priests, healers, farmers
Description: The culture most closely resemble an Arthurian Camelot with knights. The Plains are ruled by a Royal Family headed by a King.

Verduran Woodlands - GREEN
Elements: Nature, beasts
Geography: Woodlands
Types of People: Elves, sprites, woodland humans, shamans

Unaffiliated - BLACK
Elements: Death
Geography: Scattered locations throughout Dominaria that are fairly inhospitable and swamp or marshlike
Types of People: Witches, vampires, horrors, spirits


At this time, I am recruiting for no more than 2 representatives from each of the Realms. Once we have at least 2 from each realm we can add in others.

Kjeldoran 1: Taken - HockeyGod
Kjeldoran 2:
Anubian 1:
Anubian 2:
Mirrored Sea 1:
Mirrored Sea 2:
Verduran Woodlands 1:
Verduran Woodlands 2:

Just because you represent the same realm, it does not necessarily mean that your characters would know each other. It just depends on your back story. You might have some camaraderie since you are from the same realm.

Character Sheet


Full Name:
Gender Identity:
Notable Features:

Personality & History



Abilities Information


Sexual Characteristics



Definitely an interesting start. You still thinking the 'one warrior, one magic user' aspect? I'd probably go magic user for blue, at that rate. I always tended to run blue/black decks, given a choice *snicker*


Quote from: Xurtan on January 24, 2022, 05:55:28 PM
Definitely an interesting start. You still thinking the 'one warrior, one magic user' aspect? I'd probably go magic user for blue, at that rate. I always tended to run blue/black decks, given a choice *snicker*

I think I'm open to anything really. The lines aren't as firmly drawn so a blue/black type character I think works just fine. If we get 2 really great applicants for blue and they are both magic or both warriors, I'm open to that. We likely don't need 5 wizards :) An elf for example could be a warrior type (ranger) rather than a magic user, even though they may have some magical abilities.

Do you think I should put up a recruitment thread?


Sure go for it HG!

I normally play red/white/black, but I’ll play a red char in this game.
