Fallout: Nor'Easter [Open][LGBTQ+][Humans Only]

Started by GloomCookie, October 10, 2021, 08:41:43 AM

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War. War never changes.

Fallout: Nor'Easter

On October 23, 2077, the world came to an abrupt end in the span of 2 hours as nuclear weapons destroyed the old world, killing millions of people and leaving the survivors to face mutants, radiation, and starvation in the wastes. Some sought refuse in Operation Safehouse, taking shelter in large vaults that were, in reality, psychological experiments on the poor souls locked inside. Those that survived to the present day escaped, forming small communities and trying to just stay alive.

In the ruins of New York, the subway has become a battleground of factions, each clawing at the others throat. On the surface, the vast high rises have collapsed in an irradiated pile controlled by The Glow. A new mechanized army is on the march from the west. In the east, a dark shape looms on the horizon, obscured by fog.

Hidden away in the Great Swamp is a village. The people there just want to survive, and have little contact with the outside world. That changes when a group of figures in power armor approaches one night.

Welcome to Fallout: Nor'Easter, a roleplaying game hosted by me, GloomCookie. This is a system game that will be using my Fallout Simple SPECIAL ruleset which I will get into shortly, and you are a villager who was content to live their life ignorant of the wider world and to die of old age in your shack in the middle of a swamp right up until about 2 hours before game begins. When the game begins, you are in chains in the hold of a strange machine and on your way to... well, you're not really sure of that. What you do know is some of your friends/family are locked in here with you and there's almost no way to tell what's going to happen to you.

Before anyone asks, no, you may not play a ghoul, a super mutant, a robot, or anything but a simple human. That might change later depending on a number of circumstances, but you were completely content with your life and had no ambitions or desires to strike out on your own, aware that the outside world is incredibly dangerous. Now, well, you're pretty well fucked. Or are you? Time will tell, my lovelies.

Character Creation will involve you creating a simple (i.e. two paragraph) backstory of life in your simple village and filling out the necessary points in the Simple SPECIAL system, and then you'll just need a face-claim. That's really it. It'll probably take you longer to read this than it will be to come up with a character. You'll submit, get a little feedback, and then you'll be ok to play. Simple enough. The way it'll work is in the background, when you perform an action that would be difficult and could lead to failure, I'll make dice rolls and checks and see if you actually succeed or not. I will then tell you the results.
Fallout Simple SPECIAL

The Fallout Simple SPECIAL works like this: You are given 28 points to spend in the seven attributes of Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. Once that's done, you may pick two Talents. Perks will be handed out based on interactions with the world, so actions performed in game result in bonuses to your character.

What sort of talents can you take? Well, that's up to you. For example, if you want a smaller frame and thus gain agility, you may ask to take +1 agility, but you must also offer a compromise such as having fragile limbs that can be broken easier. You could be a better fighter with +1 Agility and +1 Strength, but at the cost of -1 Charisma and -1 Intelligence. Everything has a trade-off, and you must balance this with needing at least 1 point in each SPECIAL attribute. If you take Agility 1 and then ask for a talent that has Agility -1, you will become a paraplegic and cannot move at all.

Should combat occur, well, that's for me to handle. Just relax knowing that your chances of getting horribly killed in combat are low. Not zero, though. There is always a risk of dying in the wasteland, and it will only get worse if you take unnecessary risks such as wandering into a radioactive zone.

So, if you're interested, then I'd love to open this up and let people begin. Once I have three approved characters, we will begin.

Hope to see you all soon,
Gloom 🎔
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


I really shouldn't...but tentatively interested. I'll see what tweaks me when I get home.
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Have something in progress, just trying to balance out talents.
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Quote from: Nowherewoman on October 12, 2021, 10:53:37 AM
Have something in progress, just trying to balance out talents.
Do you need assistance with this?
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022

Full Metal

This sounds like it might be interesting.  Fallout is a very intriguing universe.
I will try to come up with a character and message you tomorrow


Quote from: GloomCookie on October 13, 2021, 10:11:16 PM
Do you need assistance with this?

Got sidetracked. Hope to have a draft done by tonight.
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0



- Super Mutant Suicider


Quote from: Kitteredge on October 14, 2021, 05:55:20 PM

- Super Mutant Suicider
It amazes me that there are so many suiciders, but I heard an interesting theory that states they're the dumbest of the dumb and are given this mini-nuke and told "Ok, you see something, you run up and hit it with this and you'll do really really good". I mean, Super Mutants are dumb, but holy shit I can only imagine how dumb they must be if that's the case.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0

Full Metal

Here is my proposed character for your Fallout game.  Edit - Found the face-claim that I want to use.
If there is anything you feel doesn't quite fit with your story or the setting, please let me know as I'm happy to make some tweaks as needed.

Name - Michael 'Cliff' Findley
Age - 36
S - 2, P - 5, E - 3, C -3, I -7, A -3, L - 5

Talents - Poor Vision (Cliff needs glasses.  While wearing them he gets a plus +1 to perception.  But without them he gets -1.)
Early Bird - (Cliff always gets up early and finds he works better early in the day.  So gets +1 to intelligence and luck between 6am and noon.)

Background - Cliff got the nickname from his parents, who kept 'joking' they would throw him off a cliff (not that you could even find one in the Great Swamp) if he didn't stop messing around and taking things apart as a child.  This desire to take things apart eventually grew, with some guidance, into a desire to fix, repair and maintain things.  Whether that be weapons, water purifiers or hunting traps.  He does not yearn to understand any of the old world tech that is occasionally found in the swamp, but he will scavenge odds and ends from that tech to use, in order to keep other thing working.

Cliff is general well liked, or at least tolerated, by those in the village.  Mostly due to his usefulness at keeping things from falling apart.  He has a routine and he sticks to it, generally being easy going.  The only time he is usually seen flustered is when there is a significant interruption to his routine.  Also he gets irritated when someone brakes something he just fixed.

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LOL and of course, someone rolls almost the exact same character I did...
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


I just realized this as well and find it incredibly amusing. I won't make anyone reroll characters, I just would ask you two coordinate if you intend to change characters. I do like the Poor Vision and Early Bird talents, though I would add a negative. Perhaps -1 CHA and -1 LUK from 6pm to midnight? At that point I know once I start getting tired, things start to go downhill fast. Otherwise, I like the character.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022

Full Metal

Wow, sorry Nowherewoman for ending up with similar stats to what you were going to go with.  Not my intention to step on your proverbial toes.

And glad you like the talents GloomCookie.
That negative for Early Bird sounds fine to me.  I guess Cliff gets ill-tempered when he has to be up late, which leads to lower Charisma, and things go his way less, so lower Luck.


That's how I interpret it. I tend to be an early riser and love getting things done in the morning, but it just feels like the afternoon starts to get dragged down by people and then by the time evening rolls around, I just want to go home and crawl into bed.

We're just waiting on one more person to sign up and then we can start up.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


I'm signing up for this. Been waiting for a while to try something like it.


Quote from: Full Metal on October 14, 2021, 10:21:08 PM
Wow, sorry Nowherewoman for ending up with similar stats to what you were going to go with.  Not my intention to step on your proverbial toes.

And glad you like the talents GloomCookie.
That negative for Early Bird sounds fine to me.  I guess Cliff gets ill-tempered when he has to be up late, which leads to lower Charisma, and things go his way less, so lower Luck.

No worries, Metal- things happen. Just funny, is all. Your guy's is a bit of a better fit, anyway; let me see if I can come up with something else.
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Name: Thomas "Tommy" O'Rourke

Age: 45

S: 3, P: 5 (4+1), E: 3 (4-1), C: 3, I: 7 (6+1), A: 4(5-1), L: 3


Old World Tinkerer - Thomas is very well-versed in Pre-War technology and knowledge in much the same way as a Brotherhood Head Scribe would be. As such, he has the intelligence to match but this intelligence came from experience and trauma derived from a forced autodoc implantation of a neural computer interface. While the surgical scars have healed over in the intervening years, it'd left a permanent mark on his constitution.

Settled Wanderer - Thomas has a trained eye in noticing things that seem off and out-of-place from his days as a wanderer and is familiar with the use of terrain. However, given how long it'd been since he'd settled into living in the Swamp, time and a relative lack of strenuous activity that demands aerobic performance has taken a toll on his agility.

Background (WIP):

Thomas O'Rourke was a known man of mystery in the Swamp. Not many people know much about him beyond some preposterous story about him having been what was known as a Desert Ranger from out West who struck out on his own after being mistaken for dead from a mission to explore a pre-war military base in a place called Groom Lake in what used to be the state of Nevada. It was there that he got the metal that's inside his head now that allowed him to directly interface with certain pre-war technologies using his mind and the pre-war standard interface plug that are commonly found as part of the recovery process from the head injury that he'd suffered in the base as administered by the base automated medical systems after he'd managed to hack into the personnel files and register his team as base personnel.

Coming out of the base with a full recovery and a set of pre-war low-production light tactical dual-mode power armour, Thomas decided that since the Desert Rangers had given up on him, he'd be better off without them and wandered the wastes with nothing but the weapons that he'd brought along with him, the armour and his wits. Eventually, he'd find his way to the Swamp in New York and settle down after travelling the wastes for a good decade or so. There he'd stayed as a member of the village militia, hiding his armour away for when he needed it and performing his duties using his Ranger training and a standard set of combat leathers.


Oh, a new post... oh... hi Metro *gets the rum* I thought I asked for like, a two paragraph backstory. You're killin me, Smalls!


Ok so... no. No no no this is not what we discussed. My markups are below, please take them to heart.

Name: Takahashi Hayato/Jason Takahashi/Jason Hawk (鷹啄 隼人) Simplify this down to what you are known locally as. No one is going to call you three different names.
Age: vague (older than 28) You wanted to play an older man, one who had retired from being a Ranger from the west. You need to be at least 50, possibly 60 years old.
S: , P: , E: , C:, I:, A:, L: This obviously needs to be filled in.
Talents: Same here.
Background: I'm not gonna copy paste all this. If you can't consolidate this down to two paragraphs to tell me the highlights of your life, then you need to reconsider. You're a small time farmer in the middle of a swamp in New England. You should be able to condense. Also, avoid firm dates since I'm not done planning the lore just yet so dates can and will change.

Please rework the character.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


I'm...drawing a blank, probably as result of really already being overcommitted. Going to regretfully step away and clear my head.

Wish you all luck with it!
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Quote from: Nowherewoman on October 15, 2021, 07:42:38 PM
I'm...drawing a blank, probably as result of really already being overcommitted. Going to regretfully step away and clear my head.

Wish you all luck with it!
Gerald, fetch me my harpoon. I plan to bag some players.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Quote from: GloomCookie on October 15, 2021, 06:30:33 PM
Oh, a new post... oh... hi Metro *gets the rum* I thought I asked for like, a two paragraph backstory. You're killin me, Smalls!


Ok so... no. No no no this is not what we discussed. My markups are below, please take them to heart.

Name: Takahashi Hayato/Jason Takahashi/Jason Hawk (鷹啄 隼人) Simplify this down to what you are known locally as. No one is going to call you three different names.
Age: vague (older than 28) You wanted to play an older man, one who had retired from being a Ranger from the west. You need to be at least 50, possibly 60 years old.
S: , P: , E: , C:, I:, A:, L: This obviously needs to be filled in.
Talents: Same here.
Background: I'm not gonna copy paste all this. If you can't consolidate this down to two paragraphs to tell me the highlights of your life, then you need to reconsider. You're a small time farmer in the middle of a swamp in New England. You should be able to condense. Also, avoid firm dates since I'm not done planning the lore just yet so dates can and will change.

Please rework the character.

Rework in progress.

Full Metal

Quote from: GloomCookie on October 15, 2021, 08:32:03 PM
Gerald, fetch me my harpoon. I plan to bag some players.

*puts on the Gerald nametag*  Why yes ma'am.  The harpoon, a wonderful choice ma'am.


Finished except for age since I don't know what year the story happens in.


Quote from: GloomCookie on October 10, 2021, 08:41:43 AM
The Fallout Simple SPECIAL works like this: You are given 28 points to spend in the seven attributes of Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. Once that's done, you may pick two Talents. Perks will be handed out based on interactions with the world, so actions performed in game result in bonuses to your character.

What sort of talents can you take? Well, that's up to you. For example, if you want a smaller frame and thus gain agility, you may ask to take +1 agility, but you must also offer a compromise such as having fragile limbs that can be broken easier. You could be a better fighter with +1 Agility and +1 Strength, but at the cost of -1 Charisma and -1 Intelligence. Everything has a trade-off, and you must balance this with needing at least 1 point in each SPECIAL attribute. If you take Agility 1 and then ask for a talent that has Agility -1, you will become a paraplegic and cannot move at all.

Metro, denied.

Reread the section above, and try again. You may not pull an extra +9 SPECIAL out of nowhere. I also specified that you should avoid SPECIFIC YEARS in case I decide to make this take place in, I dunno, 2100 or something. I'm pretty sure your character wouldn't even exist if I did that. Keep it vague, keep it consistent with the theme of a bunch of farmers in the middle of a swamp with little outside contact with the world. I will give you one more try.

My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


I was curious if there is still space on this roster :). Big fallout fan and long time rper.

Here is the requested character sheet, as I am not one to shy from a correction I figured I would post it here so we don't get overlap lol.

Name: Marcus "Jekyll" Townsman
Age: mid 30s from appearance.
S7 (+1)8 P3 E6 (+1)7 C3(-1)2 I3(-1)2 A4 L2

Stats after () is the final stat after change.

Big Lenny: This character in unnaturally strong, but at the cost of intellect. He is not a simpleton, but he isn't far off. ( +1 to strength -1 to intellgence.)

Scarred: This character has been in many brawl, or perhaps battles, or perhaps is just clumsy. In turn his skin is hardened by scars and callus of hard work or hard beatings. Though this makes many give him a wide birth on the account of his appearance. (+1Endurance -1 Charisma)

Every town has one, everyone knows of one, the brute. The big man of every farm. In this case it was Marcus, standing a solid 6'7" and near 300 pounds he was that man. Though it came with a cost as with all things in the waste. In this case Marcus was born and was large enough to almost kill his mother in the process. His father was a larger man as well and his mother as well, but not as Marcus became. He however seemed to be given only one side of the coin to being complete as it became very apparent that the boy was touched in some way in the head.

He was given the nickname Jeykll by his father in reference to an old world book Marcus could never learn to read. He wasn't simple, but he couldn't learn much. Given more so to hard manual labor and defending the farm from the animals of the wastes to raiders. As if in true fashion to his name he often could be seen and heard talking to no one, as if to himself. No one really cared or wanted to know much more than the fact that Marcus was deathly loyal to the village, and he was only needed to be told to do something and it would be done. Provided that task wasn't involving small pieces or tech. Both of which Marcus knew little to nothing about.

Though simple he can speak fluently in English and speaks slightly broken. He is very and only literal. He never uses metaphors or says something he doesn't mean as the very concepts of things like sarcasm often allude him. Though he may not get many things, it is matched only by his anger when he feels insulted. He is almost always found with the livestock of the village, finding animals better company it would seem to the rest, taking care of them and their pins. If he is not found with a shovel or pitch fork he would be carrying the large hammer his father had made for him from scrap. The hammer itself was nearly 80 pounds making it almost unusable by anyone else in the village, so he left it near his shack where he slept until it was needed.

(Think of this guy as the hulk with more of a brain. That is all I could think of in the creation lol. We seem to have thinkers and shooters but no one for front line so I figured I would toss one of my big boys in the ring. There is alot of depth and stuff behind the curtain but I figured it would be best to keep it hidden as not many would readily approach the big fella lol.)
What would the world be like without a friend like me?

My O/O: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=75208.msg3279774#msg3279774

Hit me up on discord anytime for brainstorming! I am willing to rp there if preferred. Username marcothtalos