Femme Folio (F seeking F)

Started by Kitteredge, February 12, 2023, 01:08:49 AM

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Bienvenue, welcome to my new F/F extravaganza! Below you'll find some more specific story ideas for getting lovely ladies to mash mouth and grab flesh and generally come to like each other quite a lot. To get to the vital work of establishing hopes and expections, I'll get to it:

My Perfect Partner: Is an entertaining, surprising writer who loves to create character, has ideas about story, is willing to communicate, is sexy, but can hit other emotional notes, sees sex as something more than plastic and boring, is a joy to read, can vanish into IRL if needed, does not mind a hiatus here or there. Someone who believes sex and plot and anything we do doesn't matter if there's not depth of character.

Hopes and Preferences: Please don't be a passive partner. I struggle with having to tug a story along. I'm also wary of 'submissive' characters, as this almost always (in my experience) means passive players. Dull writing is a problem, too, but someone who just sits there and expects me to do everything is rough.

Kinks and Sex Ahoy: I'm here for smutty games, but these need to be buffered and contextualized with story. I dunno what percentages this means. Honestly it depends. Once I feel like a story or character feels established, it might be great to get it on early. Or a long delay or sex deferred. Sex, to me, is enlivening and should mean something to a character, even if she's in a one night stand. I'll definitely be up for non-vanilla kinks that we can discuss. I do like being switchy most of all. My preference is to not be dominant. Even if my girl has never been with another woman before, she's not going to be a limp noodle.

Posting Details: I will be aiming for a couple of times a week. I am flexible on your end. Posts should be around 3-5 paragraphs a pop. I only play in game threads. I like to use face claims. Please offer more than one option when we're trading ideas.

When Responding: Give a substantive message! Give me your ideas, what really interests you and what you're looking for. I can't guess! I honestly may not respond if you just send me one line of nothin' much.


Themes: While I am absolutely up for slice-of-life dramatic/comedic scenarios -- and please hit me up for those -- these are some of the notions that are really nibbling at my noggin lately. The offered scenarios will often hit on these. I am open to similar ideas. EDIT: I've added more directly slice of life stories.

The division between the personal and the public - Doing what you're not supposed to be doing. Finding your one true self underneath the obligations of your life. Especially if you have an outward-facing job or role, but are conducting something illicit beneath it all that really charms the pants off you, fulfills you, not just sexually but... more?

Sexual activity as part of a greater 'good' - I'm entranced by having sexual relations due to some greater obligation. Often this is magical in nature - just seems to work better for me, I guess? As in a family curse, or a binding, or something. This can come off as comic, or awkward, or dramatic, but ultimately should be fulfilling. Essentially it's a version of dubcon.

I'm not so straight, am I? - Admittedly I go there often, but the idea of a girl/woman realizing that she's very much who she thought she was. And comes into her own by loving another woman. The complications this engenders is also attractive.

Here are some general ideas:

  • Two attaches during international negotiations; perhaps they are on the same side, or are colleagues otherwise, but the vast backdrop of so many nationalities in a place like Brussels, etc., catches their romantic spirit.
  • Actresses on the same GoT style enterprise, huge and involved, shooting in an Eastern European country. Perhaps they have sedimented public lives, maybe even portrayed as squabbling, but something else is going on...
  • Like above, the actresses are in a movie like Blue is the Warmest Color where they are supposed to practice and then simulate love on camera. Thing is... they're really starting to feel it, but cannot admit to each other or to the established lives.
  • Two women find each other online and chat together after long days of work and chores around the home (putting the kdis to bed, hanging out with hubby) but then start really enjoying each other's company on the webcam. May lead to extreme kinkiness on or off camera.
  • Students on a study abroad trip fall for each other...
  • Roommates are forced into cam modeling in order to make ends meet. They don't start off attracted to each other, but once they realize how lucrative sexual content can be, it opens up new things between them that will really shake things up.
  • Members of a girl group are starting to have feelings for each other. Given the morals clause and demand to appear 'available' to their legions of fans, their growing affection - and more - cannot possibly be known by anyone.
  • Always up for the right set-up for a high school romance. The cheerleader with the artist, the daughter of immigrants with the class president, anything.
  • High school, but between two teachers, or... a teacher and the principal...
  • Two girls on a co-ed ski trip start issuing challenges to each other involving what clothes... and devices... to wear under their ski outfits...
  • Victims of trafficking free themselves and set up a way to start entrapping and taking out those who took advantage of them, and more. This can take place in a location like Las Vegas.
  • Or internationally, in seedy Marseilles or Athens or Dubai.
  • Hired individually to maintain anonymity, one of the robbers and the getaway driver make eye contact at they get in during a bank heist. In an instant they know they're going the fuck the others over and abscond with the loot.
  • A police officer and one of the street scum she's brought in realize there's corruption shared between the precinct and local mobsters; either they're pressed onto the lam or deviously try to subvert and overcome the wickedness -- to make good, or take over.
  • A mercenary escort and a regional 'tribal' princess must trek across the ruined waste to deliver the latter to an arranged marriage after the apocalypse. But things go... wrong.
  • Like the movie Bound, two women conspire to take over the ill-gotten gains of corporate mobsters in a corporate high rise. One may be a corporate drone, a lawyer, assistant to the gross CEO; the other could be a contractor renovating the offices on the same floor, or also in the firm.
  • The frontier against terrorism, a place like Niger or Chad, a British or American soldier is cut off with the diplomat who was there to monitor what was going on, forcing them to sneak and fight their way to safety.
  • Girls at the end of their rope decided to work as drug mules, crossing the US/Mexico border. For some insane reason, they decide to book it with the goods, either to make a larger score or in a bit of conscience.
  • A long-time resident of the sultan's harem takes the new girl under her wing to teach her how to be a better lover, including getting her ready to be opened up in a certain place. This can be a modern or post-apocalyptic harem, with slavery an issue.
  • Sunshine noir, two women on a tropical vacation recognize smuggling elements operating in the area/these islands, are maybe kidnapped, or otherwise thrown into the mix.
  • Friends get caught up in some instigating event, becoming superheroes in some fashion (indestructable, or something else), although this draws the attention of some equal and opposing force...[/i]

So, those get reliably more narrative-focused and genre-ish as they go on. Again, a sweet or opening romance is key to what I am after, but the more kinetic/active/sexual is where we also want to go.


Scenario: Mothers and Daughters

Basics: There are several ways to do this, but the gist is that we have two best friends who are in college/high school, and we have their two mothers, who are also close. What happens depends on us! Do we want the daughters to fall for each other, trying to keep this from friends and family? Do the mothers fall for each other, trying to keep this from friends and family? Is one married? Or... maybe one of the daughters falls for her best friend's mom? Or... to get fully crazy, we do to stories at once! The mothers and the daughters fall in love at the same time! Imagine, after sneaking around for an entire summer or school year, one set discovers the other in bed!

moving image

Name: In Too Deep

Content: Slice of life, vanilla, sweet f/f romance

Scenario: Looking for a sweet if anxious lesbian romance between high school friends. Tension arises between them, within themselves, from concern about friends and family. Not looking for a tremendously conservative environment, only big questions about what this means about who they are as they grow up together, but driven by tremendous affection for each other.

Setting: Modern suburbs, sunwashed Californian city, that sort of thing.

Requirements: A writer of any gender who is deeply committed to characterization, someone who would enjoy a fairly expansive look at their worlds. Detailed environment and richly drawn NPCs would make for a strong story. The girls would be experienced with boys, probably very good friends, conducting a new clandestine affection under the eyes of the unsuspecting. Experienced writer sought who loves character, posting length of 3-5 paras, and a moderate pace. Should you answer, I'd love to hear your ideas!


Name: In the Bush

Scenario: An older politician or NGO-type (as above) is off-the-grid in order to check on clandestine joint operations between nations, say in Chad or other areas of the world where nations like France and Britain and the U.S. are pitching in to combat terrorism. There, one of the young soldiers catches her eye -- and vice versa -- in time for everything to go pear shaped.

The two women are forced to go on the run, separated from forward operating base, trying to make it through difficult and dangerous territory.

Tone: Exhilarating, in more ways than one.

Notes: A world exactly like ours; one like ours that is crumbling even more. A change to write action as well as romance. Fun stuff would include realizing they've been exposed on purpose and/or their home governments have agents that mean the worst for them, creating even more strife.

Name: The Business Trip / Nights in Another City

Scenario: Two women, perhaps colleagues or simply associates in the same industry, attend a conference in another city. Or are working on a week-long business deal. Presentations and panels during the long day, followed by dinners and drinks, where they find themselves outlasting their compatriots and starting to spend more time together. The hotel lounge. The wine bar across the street. Eventually... one of their rooms.

Notes: They could be attendees at different conferences, crossing paths. To add a thematic element, this could be Minneapolis or something, where they are snowed in.

Characters: I would be open to age differences or sticking close in age -- younger women starting their professional careers, women who are married and have children at home,  women a bit past middle age who may be igniting a second life. Whether they are coworkers rervealing long-held attraction or utter strangers, I'd really, really love to do some character work here and if you're up to concocting corporate argot and chatter as this pair starts exposing themselves in a neutral environment in ways they probably wouldn't otherwise. I want to capture the mix of business class comfort and alienation, pierced by their warmth. Not opposed ot something like boss/subordinate.

Name: Galentines / Valentines Day & Night

Scenario: A passel of female coworkers join the throngs of a 'reverse' Valentine's Day event at a Midtown watering hole. The crew had this planned for  while: whether irritated by boyfriend and husband, or unattached, the ladies decided to simply have fun with each other this year, hitting Happy Hour and just having fun. A big trend this year, I suppose, to the dismay of local restaurants. The busy buzzing crowd (women only!), the darkened corners, the dancing, the fuck-it attitude as cocktails spill... The group dwindles into the wee small hours and... two of them discover themselves sharing the same bed in the morning.

Characters: Thinking younger women for this one, unestablished, world-by-the-tail, excited, starting their reputation at the firm/corporation, maybe dating or having boyfriends. Unlike the previous idea, the work here is less in backstory and context of their lives - though exploring there would be wonderful - but in the aftermath (of course playing the snogging and sex). Waking up together, figuring out what the fuck this means, having to dress and go back to work, unsure if anyone saw them.

Name: The Tourist (Love at First Sight)

Scenario: A young woman is visiting a European city like Prague... or Vienna... or wherever... and finds herself lost. Asking a nearby native for directions, a woman her age, the latter decides to show her around for the afternoon. They wind up hitting it off. Beyond hitting it off, they wind up at the second woman's apartment that evening and, even more unexpectedly, spending much of the duration of the first woman's trip together.

But there's more: It's a hard departure after a crazy whirlwind of days, but... their story isn't over. Almost impossibly, this chance encounter may have changed their lives irrevocably. They haven't stopped thinking about each other, have stayed in touch, and...

Notes: I'd like this to not simply be a distaff version of Before Sunrise, I'd like this to become two women trying to figure out how to join their lives together even beyond a cross-Atlantic romance. Almost from the start they were head-over-heels, with geography, family, and life and careers as obstructions.

Scenario: A New Kind of Connection

Basics: Two women meet on-line, whether through a shared interest or chat group, and begin a friendship that starts feeling rather personal and illicit. Sure enough, their advice-giving and sharing-about-the-day somehow leads to more. I'd like to elaborate on their home and work lives some, giving ballast to what happens after the kids/hubby goes to bed, but what this leads to, at least for a while, is them starting to masturbate for each other, using toys, maybe even challenges throughout the day as they can't stop thinking about each other. Will this lead to them eventually... meeting each other?


Scenario: The Reporters

Basics: Two talented up-and-coming women are hired at one of the top news channels in the bustling city amid expectations that they would become catty rivals. Perhaps they maintain this around the station, or perhaps they are clearly supportive of each other. Either way, they are much, much more supportive of each other than anyone knows for, in this extremely stressful workplace, with asshole bosses and awful owners, they have been issuing challenges to each other. These started off sort of innocent... sort of... but are now gathering steam in more ways than one. Wear no panties under your slacks as you enter the team's locker room. Wear a clamp over one nipple for the word-on-the-street segment. How about a plug? What else can they think of? Why are they driving each other crazy?

More Ideas

Two 'Witches'

Scenario: Two women, college students, young professionals, are acolytes in an order of witches. They have been freshly 'assigned' to each other, their gathering intimacy with each other's body key to their roles in the larger scheme of things. Their advancing sexual exploits (cunnilingus, tribbing, analingus, toys) generate for them increased power and perhaps knowledge over their world and situation. The women have never met before and may be from very different walks of life, i.e. different races and backgrounds. They may have no experience with women or have hitherto believed they were straight.

Setting: Modern day. Few people know about magic; in fact, perhaps only they do. I'd like the women to be equivalent in age, but am open. They could be students at the same college or young professionals in a large city. I am open to cheating narratives, for example, one has a fiancé.

Notes: I am NOT looking for 'one's ghetto, the other's from Beverly Hills!' dynamics, or class resentment, or whatever. I'm looking for two beautiful girls having to accept each other far more deeply than expected. Contrasts are fun. I'd be up to a young married mother vs. a young professional, those sorts of dynamics. The cult may be so secretive they don't even have direct contact with them (having found a book in the library, for example, or eldritch messages), or they may only have single 'sponsors' that are shrouded or direct. They will learn more as they develop...

Wrinkles and Variations: The girls may not actually know what the witches' coven is actually about. They may have independently discovered pages from an ancient text that leads them down a path of small sorcery: If they do certain tasks, they will be rewarded (can afford the car note that month, finish their project quickly), and this ramps up to them meeting up, having become believers. OR, the coven can be known to them, but secretive, and they have to go through this long initiation before they can progress. Sex as spells is something I'd be into exploring. Extra variation: The girls may not even know each other for a while, but instead meet and 'play with' each other in darkened rooms, blindfolded.

Tone: Realistic. I'd like to get into their everyday lives and how this is changing who they normally would be. Are they having to sneak behind roommates' backs? How are they navigating their own expectations? Do they not really like or trust each other at first, but with rewarded sex, they increasingly grow dependent on each other. I am looking for a larger narrative, that they're being put through this for a reason, which we can discuss.


Name: Til Human Voices Wake Us

Scenario: A shipwrecked traveler is marooned on an unmapped island in the Pacific. Little does she know, she was rescued by a strange, female creature there who has taken a great interest -- who looks essentially human but is not. Life, it turns out, is pretty great. But is the woman hiding a secret? Is she a prisoner and every means of returning broken along the way?

Tone: Languid, blissful, strange, but...

Notes: There could be a human smuggling operation on the other side of the verdant isle, a Conradian set of gruff men that the sea-creature needs the woman's help to vanquish; so, other than the liquid, lovely love between the two, we have the urging of violence. The tension of wanting to return to her old life balanced with the possibility of leaving this sweet new one. (I am open to one or both using seduction to virtually disarm then wipe out the encroaching bad guys, so, yes, some m/f.)

Name: On the Lam

Scenario: Two girl are on the run from dark forces. From different backgrounds, having witnessed something grisly, their parents, their tribes, bounty hunters, law enforcement are hellhounds on their trail. Twist: they're both lycanthropes, but of different kinds and abilities, and probably not truly able to control what they are. One is a werewolf, the other a werecougar, or whatever.

The event they're running from is a Warriors-style gang-tribal meeting that went wrong (cf. the movie), the head of the families assassinated these two girls having witnessed the carnage and/or one of their families pinned for the murder. They need to escape to safety, then figure out what to do, while their burgeoning 'gifts'/'curses' are on occasion getting to them on those cloudless nights.


The Worst Timing in the World

Scenario: What happens when, on the eve of her wedding, the bride-to-be realizes how much she's in love with her best friend? Could be the bridesmaid, could be right at the altar! But in the course of a stressful few days leading to the resort wedding, or wedding wherever, one woman realizes the life she imagined she wanted is right there in front of her -- not far away from the groom.

Variations: Could be two bridesmaids who have to hide their affections during the long days of the event itself. Complications with boyfriends and such always appeals. Maybe one is the sister of the bride sort of thing. But the high drama should come about during the inevitable weekend of the wedding, when the 'inevitable' of union with the groom breaks down into needing to make a true and honest decision and be clear with an open heart.

Name: Mercy, Mercy Me

Scenario: Two actresses have taken roles in a film in which they portray women who fall in love, despite expectations. The director is known for grueling psychological depths and realism. The actresses are well-known and honored. Not A-list, top of the line, but have drawn many great notices. One or both may have high-profile marriages. One may be a bit more famous. Anyway, in the midst of intense rehearsals and scene blocking, including the pair trying to 'get to the heart' of their characters, they fall in love.

Tone: A mix of some paparazzi and glitz, but also the rigors and headaches, as well as the sincere craft and work of acting, and the lightness and dread of what they're going through. Public persona vs. private. Having something like an imperious, intense director wanting to map out and rehearse a gruelling, keystone sex scene while they're trying to understand their feelings for each other -- that'd be excellent.

Name: Save Me

Scenario: Some years ago, an up-and-coming hot young actress was blackballed by most Hollywood studios for 'bad behavior'; only recently has the truth sort of come out, that she was abused by the stunt coordinator/director/another figure. These accusations are still not being taken seriously and she is being portrayed as a malcontent bitter that her youthful opportunities are gone. This is when the woman who portrayed her mother in that long-ago movie reaches out to her, a woman who has achieved great success in her career and feels regret that she didn't know what had happened or protected her.

Notes: Based on a real situation, I expect this to be more angsty, but hopefully with some redemption. I'd want the older and well-established actress to have some things to work out on her end. I don't want this to be one sided.

Name: The Road Trip

Scenario: A young woman is visiting home during the summer, perhaps at the end of a year of college or as a break from her job, and is bringing her significant other to meet her parents, only... she hasn't told them yet that she's dating another woman. She also hasn't told her girlfriend that she hasn't told her parents.

Gameplay: A fun road trip across the country, frollicking and fun, until the one girl realizes time is running short and she needs to let the cat out of the bag. Some angst and frustration -- why weren't you being honest? do you feel shame about me? And then the angst of meeting the parents, who might have had other ideals in mind for their beautiful chlid.


Name: My Friend, My... Familiar?

Scenario: A young woman discovers she's from a long line of witches, or sorcerors, or whatever we want to call them. This is the sort of thing that skips generations or what not, and learns about her great aunt, whose possessions she inherits. Learns, also, about how vital her aunt's 'best friend' was to her magic. And, the young woman finds out, her own best friend has now been bound to her by the ancient familiar regimes...

More: So, of course the magic is of a highly sensual and sexual nature, and the best friend must, erm, get used to being... present... for her good friend. Maybe she comes from her own bloodline of conduits for sexual energy. This will be a modern game. Maybe we can come up with reasons for using the magic, something interesting but not terribly dark (or it can be): foes to be vanquished, or maintaining equilibrium in a crumbling universe. I don't know. I'd love for there to be themes of brushing hair, dressing, marks of ownership, etc.


Added the last story. In general looking for older/younger, general girls-to-lovers, girls frollicking on the beach...