PATHFINDER: The Dark Continent [System | PF1ed] (Members of evil cult needed!)

Started by PhantomPistoleer, April 26, 2021, 11:05:44 AM

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Quote from: Latooni Subota on April 28, 2021, 12:25:43 PM
Is it weird that I want to double-down on the whole half-naked melee character thing, despite how awkward it is to try and ramp up defense for a bard without armor? I don't naturally get Mage Armor/Shield, so I suppose I could dig through traits/feats to get defensive spells added to my spell list . . . but I have the weirdest desire to dip into scaled fist and be a Lawful Good monk/bard using dance-fu.

I just want to have my cute tiefling wearing dancing silks instead of armor, but still be able to not get wrecked in combat, is that so wrong? :(

Once I figure out exactly what type of monk I want to build I'll get a proper CC up.

I don’t see what’s wrong with it.  If I were running an AP, one of my party’s quirks would be that it be totally CMNF.  :)
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on April 28, 2021, 12:19:07 PM
All right, your CC looks good.  You may work on your sheet.

I think it might be difficult to restrict your party thematically to an Arabian Nights theme, since your witch could have met people from different places along her travels.

Sheet is already done :) and thats true, but from the start Aishah's clansmen are form backhome. New faces are newfaces :)


Quote from: Latooni Subota on April 28, 2021, 09:28:30 AM
I'm tentatively batting around a tiefling bard leader-type.

Maybe the CC I'm gonna slap down now would be a nice strategist/first member for your adventurer company?

Varien Solus

Race: Android
Class: Sorcerer (4) or Psychic (4)
Brief History: Varien wasn't born - he was made, many long years ago, on a far-off world. Not that he remembers, of course. Like almost all androids around, how he got to this world is a mystery, even to him, but signs indicate some sort of uprising on a vessel capable of magic that made it travel between worlds, leading to a crash on this world - and the ejection of escape capsules durings its crash. Varien 'woke up' for the first time a long while after this fabled past, when his nanites first restored his body to full function, but his memory was entirely wiped. He took his name from a scorched, half-burned nametag on a uniform he found near where he awoke, which deteriorated into dust the moment he tried picking it up, assuming it must've once been his own. Since then, he has been wandering the world.

First he was found by a ranger passing by the cave he had woken up in, who took the 'amnesiac' under his care for a while. From him, Varien learned the language of this world, as well as human mannerisms that had gotten lost. During this recovery, he first also managed to perceive the 'weave' of magic, and manipulate it instinctively - his rescuer identified him as a 'sorcerer', and suggested he use this magic to go travel, and try to find anything to jog his memory - and Varien did find himself driven by a very strong sense of curiosity.

Seeking out knowledge and understanding, he of course figured out that he wasn't quite human. His own blood was pale silvery-white, the red symbol on his forehead wasn't a tattoo but part of the skin itself, and his black hair simply always stayed at the same length. Learning that he was something known as a 'constructed' or 'android' during his travels, he joined an adventuring company set for the Dark Continent, hoping that maybe that unexplored region has answers for where his kind came from.

Brief Personality: Varien is curious, highly studious and just a bit rude about it too, as he's quite insensitive when it comes to emotion of all sorts. Not that he doesn't have emotions himself, but his own are far more muted than those of organic life. He always values a logical approach over an emotional one, and the path of the least amount of risk, but he's not a leader and content to simply give the best possible approach to challenges to whoever has real leadership capabilities.

O/O: Varien is a curious android for sure, but hasn't spent any time with sex as a topic to form preferences. As far as he's aware, he's a virgin. OOC-wise, my pretty basic O/O thread should suffice, I hope.

Adventuring Party: TBA

Connections: Hard to do with an android, but if anyone has an idea, I'd not be against it.


I want to say no because an android is an advanced race, buuuuuut I like it too much, Silim.
Always seeking 5E games.


Glad you like him! And glad he gets to sneak in as a robot. :p

Though btw if you don't want Advanced races... right now you got "Races: Any" in the character creation rules.


Quote from: Silim on April 28, 2021, 01:19:40 PM
Glad you like him! And glad he gets to sneak in as a robot. :p

Though btw if you don't want Advanced races... right now you got "Races: Any" in the character creation rules.

Yeah, I saw.  I meant Standard Races.
Always seeking 5E games.


Aah yeah, that makes sense. Easy mistake to make, too.

Do I have the go-ahead to start on the character sheet?

Elven Sex Goddess

I'm getting ready for work and then off to it.   Will be back around 1 am cst,  will get up the CC around 2 am. 

Latooni Subota

Androids are an official Paizo race. They're incredibly rare since most of them are in one region a particular adventure path focuses on, but they are a thing.
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Quote from: Latooni Subota on April 28, 2021, 01:35:13 PM
Androids are an official Paizo race. They're incredibly rare since most of them are in one region a particular adventure path focuses on, but they are a thing.

oo.. they are the ones from IronGods AP?


Yeah, they're usually found in Numeria, the area Iron Gods takes place in. Since we're not on Golarion for this game, I figured escape pods crashed all across the world makes for a good background for their origin.

Latooni Subota

I am whole-heartedly lifting the concept of the Sczarni for my backstory.

Edit: Speaking of, here's an (admittedly rough) CC. Behold, the most heroic of heroic demon bards you'll ever see.

Razi Fortuna

Race: Tiefling  Class: Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) / Bard

Brief History: Razi Fortuna is a tiefling born into a Sczarni family in Varisia. Nobody is entirely sure WHEN her mother slept with someone of demonic blood (or an outright demon), but the woman was a prostitute in a traveling caravan, so literally anyone could've been her father. Growing up said caravan, there was no way she wasn't going to end up as some sort of con-artist or performer, the only question was what type? A dancer of course! While her exotic looks and talent did draw a crowd, her personality didn't quite grok with the band of scoundrels. She identified more with the goodly folk in the songs and tales they told, rather than the cutpurses and scam artists. When the caravan arrived at a port down and engaged in their usual shenanigans, a fed-up Razi decided to let slip certain pieces of information to the local authorities before catching the first boat out of there. While Razi is a good person, that doesn't mean she's not greedy. The girl began to gather other talented individuals (adventurers, natch) in an attempt to both do 'good' things and get rich, and when rumors came of an unexplored continent ripe for settling . . . well who wouldn't want to be a Queen?

Brief Personality: Despite being a good person, and an excellent performer, Razi's base personality is best described as grumpy. Years of living with grifters left her a bit jaded, with a firm sense of realism and pragmatism. If anything that makes her bright-eyed and smiling performer act even more impressive! Her innate greed is only matched by her sense of fairness and morals, and it wouldn't be wrong to say that she built her entire self-image out of cobbled-together stories of adventures and doing the opposite of whatever the Sczarni would do.

O/O: Exhibitionism, Actual Real Relationships, Handholding. Despite her upbringing and sexual experience (and love of wearing little more than silks) she is fond of romantic relationships. She's learned one too many epic love songs and poems.

Adventuring Party: Forming one (Leader/Ruler: Razi)


[ ] sibling (A half-sibling could be interesting)
[ ] love interest (C'est romantique!)
[ ] former love interest (Drama!)
[ ] friend (As a traveling bard, Razi could've met literally anyone)
[ ] enemy (Even if Razi wasn't a scam artist, I could see her being blamed for her family's sins)

Character Sheet

Name: Razi of Varisia
Class: Unchained Monk (Scaled Fist) 1 / Bard 3
Race: Tiefling (Div-Spawn)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Str: 10 [+0]
Dex: 18 [+4]
Con: 10 [+0]
Int: 12 [+1]
Wis: 10 [+0]
Cha: 18 [+8]

Hit Dice: 34

AC: 20 = 10 +4 Dex +4 Cha +1 Dodge +1 Deflect
Flat: 15 = 10 +4 Cha +1 Deflect
Touch: 20 = 10 +4 Dex +4 Cha +1 Dodge +1 Deflect

BAB: +3

Fort: 3 = +3 Class
Ref: 9 = +5 Class +4 Dex
Will: 3 = +3 Class

Unarmed Strike: +7 to Hit, 1d6+5, x2 Crit, B

Racial Traits-
+2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Int
Size: Medium
Type: Native Outsider
Speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Elven, Tian, Goblin

Fiendish Resistance: Cold, Elec, and Fire Resist 5

Skilled: +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Linguistics

Spell-like ability: Misdirection 1/day

Darkvision: 60ft

Fiendish Sorcery:-----

Quain Martial Artist: +1 bonus on unarmed strikes.

Maestro of the Society: +3 rounds of Bardic Performance.

Savant: +2 bonus on all Perform (Sing) checks.

Class Features-
Bonus Feat (Dodge) : Gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC, does not apply when Flat-Footed.

Flurry of Blows: As a full attack action, make one additional attack at the highest BAB. Stacks with stuff like haste.

Stunning Fist: Unarmed attack adds Fort Save vs (DC 10 + 1/2 Character Level + Cha Mod). If failed, enemy is stunned for 1 round. Stunned characters drop held items, can't take actions, lose Dex bonus to AC, and takes -2 penalty to AC. Can be done 1/day plus one more time per day for every four levels in non-Monk classes. Cannot be used on constructs, oozes, plants, undead, incorporeal, and creatures immune to crits.

Unarmed Strike: Improved Unarmed Strike with 1d6 damage.

AC Bonus: Add Charisma bonus to AC and CMD. Applies even against touch attacks or when the monk is Flat-Footed. Doesn't apply when immobilized, Helpless, using armor, carrying a shield, or carrying a medium or greater load.
Draconic Might: Can use Charisma instead of Wisdom for monk abilities.

Badic Knowledge: Add half class level to all knowledge skill checks.

Bardic Performance: 15 Rounds per day. Standard action to start a performance, free action to maintain. Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence.

Cantrips: 0th level spells that can be used at will.

Inspire Courage: +1 morale bonus on saves against charm and fear effects, and +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls, to all allies effected by this performance.

Versatile Performance: Can use bonus in a Perform skill in the place of other skills. Sing (Bluff, Sense Motive)

Well-Versed: +4 bonus on saves vs bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.

Inspire Competence: +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill to one ally within 30ft.

1: Weapon Finesse
3: Lingering Performance

Skills- (* = Versatile Performance)
Acrobatics (Dex) 11 = 4 Ranks +4 Dex +3 Class
Appraise (Int)
*Bluff (Cha)
Climb (Str) 8 = 1 Rank +4 Cha +3 Class
Craft (Int)
Diplomacy (Cha) 13 = 4 Ranks +4 Cha +3 Class +2 Race
Disguise (Cha)
Escape Artist (Dex) 8 = 1 Rank +4 Dex +3 Class
Intimidate (Cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) 5 = 1 Rank +3 Class +1 BK
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int)
Knowledge (Engineering) (Int)
Knowledge (Geography) (Int) 5 = 1 Rank +3 Class +1 BK
Knowledge (History) (Int)
Knowledge (Local) (Int)
Knowledge (Nature) (Int) 5 = 1 Rank +3 Class +1 BK
Knowledge (Nobility) (Int)
Knowledge (Planes) (Int) 5 = 1 Rank +3 Class +1 BK
Knowledge (Religion) (Int) 5 = 1 Rank +3 Class +1 BK
Linguistics (Int) 7 = 2 Ranks +3 Class +2 Race
Perception (Wis) 4 = 1 Rank +3 Class
Perform (Sing) (Cha) 13 = 4 Ranks +4 Cha +3 Class +2 Trait
Perform (Dance) (Cha) 13 = 4 Ranks +4 Cha +3 Class +2 Equip
Profession (Wis)
Ride (Dex)
*Sense Motive (Wis)
Sleight of Hand (Dex)
Spellcraft (Int) 5 = 2 Ranks +3 Class
Stealth (Dex) 8 = 1 Rank +4 Dex +3 Class
Swim (Str) 4 = 1 Rank +3 Class
Use Magic Device (Cha)

Spells Known-
0th: 6/Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st: 4/Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Read Weather, Saving Finale

Spells Per Day-
1st: 3 + 1 Bonus

PP: 60
GP: 47
SP: 12
CP: 10

Choker of Mighty Fists (Agile) 4000gp
Bag of Holding I 2500gp
Ring of Protection +1 2000gp
Entertainer's Outfit (Free)
Dancer's Garb 100gp (+2 circumstance on Perform Dance)
Silk Kimono 200gp
Cloak Reversible 1gp
Jewelry (Various) 100gp
Perfume (Rare, 10 doses) 100gp
Bedroll 1sp
Blanket 5sp
Soap (A lot) 1sp
Bathtub, Collapsible 15gp
Fishing Net 4gp
Compass 10gp
Medium Tent 15gp
Everburning TOrch 110gp
Mead (Gallon) 2gp
Wine (Common, various) 1gp
Wine (fine) 10gp
Wine (Sealord) 15gp
Trail Rations (20 days) 10gp
Crowbar 2gp
Flint and Steel 1gp
Waterskin (5) 5gp
Alchemist's Fire (5) 100gp
Acid Flask (5) 50gp
Grooming Kit 1gp

ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Quote from: Silim on April 28, 2021, 09:26:59 AMAnyone planning on leading an adventuring company so far beyond our arabian nights inspired troupe? That'll narrow down the notes I doodle down on if I want to make a leader-type or not eventually.

Any character I make is likely to draw attendants and hapless misfits into their wake.  But this isn't the kind of game where you have one party you always play in.  A few of you group up for one mission, then maybe split in different directions and join other groups next time you each go out.


Quote from: Silim on April 28, 2021, 01:30:01 PM
Aah yeah, that makes sense. Easy mistake to make, too.

Do I have the go-ahead to start on the character sheet?

Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: Latooni Subota on April 28, 2021, 12:25:43 PM
I just want to have my cute tiefling wearing dancing silks instead of armor, but still be able to not get wrecked in combat, is that so wrong? :(

pssst... sacred attendant...

Latooni Subota

ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


I want to make my own adventuring party despite the possibility of others doing the same. Hope that’s fine.


Quote from: Latooni Subota on April 28, 2021, 02:02:21 PM
Sacred Attendants are cool . . . but bard!
Arshea, Socothbenoth, Calistra, and the Green Mother's obediences!


Quote from: Sepulchritude on April 28, 2021, 01:54:38 PM
Any character I make is likely to draw attendants and hapless misfits into their wake.  But this isn't the kind of game where you have one party you always play in.  A few of you group up for one mission, then maybe split in different directions and join other groups next time you each go out.
That's not the vibe the post about adventuring parties is selling...


Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: Silim on April 28, 2021, 02:39:43 PM
That's not the vibe the post about adventuring parties is selling...
Oh, you're right.  I hadn't seen it so filled out.  Well, that's... not at all what I thought was happening here.  I'm gonna have a lot of questions for the GM about how that'll work in actual PbP I guess.

Latooni Subota

Thankies Phantom, I shall begin crunching numbers.

Edit: Are normal restrictions on traits removed, since we'll (theoretically) be earning extras over time? For example could we have more than one Faith trait, or take a campaign or regional trait that normally wouldn't apply?
ONs and OFFs be here:

If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Quote from: Latooni Subota on April 28, 2021, 02:44:47 PM
Thankies Phantom, I shall begin crunching numbers.

Edit: Are normal restrictions on traits removed, since we'll (theoretically) be earning extras over time? For example could we have more than one Faith trait, or take a campaign or regional trait that normally wouldn't apply?

Yeah, most trait restrictions are off.
Always seeking 5E games.


I’m going to make my character after work. It’s going to be a fighter from an eastern country, who just finished fighting in a large scale civil war. They want get land in this new continent for themselves to make a city.