PATHFINDER: The Dark Continent [System | PF1ed] (Members of evil cult needed!)

Started by PhantomPistoleer, April 26, 2021, 11:05:44 AM

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Current parties!
GM'S NOTE:  IF YOU WANT TO JOIN, BUT FIND THIS RECRUITMENT THREAD DAUNTING, PLEASE PM ME.  I CAN HELP YOU FIND A PLACE IN THE GAME.  As it stands, here is the following makeup of the game at present.  Scroll down for more information.

Here's what we currently have in terms of adventuring parties.


  • AP Leader: Miroque
  • ElvenSexGoddess
  • Zaer Darkwail
  • Kathadon
  • Curvy Kitten
  • indarkestknight


  • AP Leader: Latooni Saboota
  • Silim
  • Muse
  • Callie del Noire
  • Raku
  • Chulanowa


  • AP Leader: Firepyre
  • Hatless
  • 1651 Leviathan
  • Annaamaarth
  • Ixy
  • ??

SEPT of the Green Horizon

  • Leader: Hopefox
  • pdragon
  • Hexed
  • Mosos
  • Marie Reynolds
  • Phaia


  • Leader: Froggyboi


  • Miss Eleanora
  • Ershin

Without Home

  • Rhynarion

I know a lot of other people expressed interest in this thread, but they have either bowed out publicly or privately.


Howdy, folks!  Believe it or not, we've been playing for a month or so.  Let's go over what's happened so far!

1.  House Nox landed in TIDE POOL and met with the wizard.  They learn that the wizard wants to collect the DECK OF MANY THINGS.  They also learn that magic is DYING, preventing anyone from casting level 9 spells.  The party is now out and about, trying to find out more about the area.

2.  Crimson Dawn landed in TIDE POOL.  The captain of the expedition, Princess Aishah, has spurned the love of the wizard.  Now, they are also out and about, and have found an adventurer whose previous party perished beyond the barrier.  They have also made contact with the resident intelligencer, MOUSER.

3.  Team Fortune has been shipwrecked and stranded along a river!  They discovered that genies are buried along the shore.  The party saves a samurai from drowning, and now face hordes of undead sailors.

4.  A late addition, the SEPT of the GREEN HORIZON is sailing to the DARK CONTINENT, but they've suffered catastrophic losses!  As they draw closer, the party is met by a dreaded WYVERN!



House Nox OOC
House Nox IC
Fortune OOC
Fortune IC
Crimson Dawn OOC
Crimson Dawn IC
Sept of the Green Horizon OOC
Sept of the Green Horizon IC
Children of Zhar OOC

Character Concepts

Est. 34 K.R.
Illustrated Weekly Newspaper

5 coppers


By Garrett Campbell

2nd Oathday of Calistril

It is difficult to imagine that there should exist an entire undiscovered continent upon our spherical planet, but news has come and it is here: deep in the Southern Seas, beyond what is known by the ken of any of our most long-lived men, there lies an unexplored, mysterious land.  Upon hearing the news, dozens of adventuring parties have commissioned seaworthy frigates and set sail into the unknown in the hopes of obtaining wealth and fame.  Your trustworthy wordsmith should have liked to have accompanied them, but alas, my stalwart attorney and drinking pal, Bretno the Dwarf, has failed to obtain my timely release from prison.  For now, I can only sit in my cell and wonder at the rumors circulating with adventurer's halls, as they are committed in letters to me by old friends, of the wonders and mysteries that lurk within such a place that has for so long forbidden trespasses from civilization.


Welcome to THE DARK CONTINENT, an exploration-based Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that uses Kingmaker Rules for exploration and city-building.  This new continent is so vast that numerous adventuring parties can run at the same time.  The DARK CONTINENT is not much different from Golarion's Garund, except that this continent is far more uncivilized.  Players will play first-wave settlers, chartered by foreign nations to explore the mysterious region.


Characters may be any one or any thing, so long as they are built using the character creation rules in mind.  There is no thematic limit.  Can you play a sword and board knight?  Yes.  Can you play a katana-wielding ronin?  Yes.  Can you play some time-tossed traveler who is from the past?  Yes.  Can you play an individual who is from another dimension?  Yes.  Can you play someone who believes they are in a video game?  Yes.  It doesn't matter.

However, keep in mind that players have agency in selecting members of their adventuring party.  Your character may not fit in with an adventuring party and the DM is not going to obligate an adventuring party to take in your misfit.  Make the puzzle pieces fit.


THE DARK CONTINENT is an action roleplay with elements of drama, mystery, horror, and romance.  It isn't a comedy, though there can be instances of levity.  As far as smut goes, I like to think of adventurers as these wild and insane people who indulge in all the pleasures of earth because they are living in the moment.  After all, they are one trap away from certain doom.  But the game doesn't revolve around smut, though the DM understands that it happens a lot.  Players may form adventuring parties that are kink-centric.


In theory, everyone is invited to get involved in the game.  I tend to admit anyone who wants to play.  The trick is, players must join adventuring parties that are entirely player-run.  The GM can help guide you by making introductions, but it's entirely up to the player to socialize and be friendly.  It's important to maintain civility and good spirits, since PCs can theoretically eject a disruptive PC.


The game takes place on a mysterious and purposefully undefined continent.  Since the game anticipates characters who hail from a variety of different places throughout the known world and beyond, the world itself is purposefully undefined.  Players are free to define the regions of their personal histories, but given the nature of the game, it is unlikely that the politics and conflicts of their respective worlds will impact their time on the continent.

With that said, players are encouraged and rewarded for world building with XP, GP, and other rewards.


Posting expectations are largely up to adventuring parties.  An adventuring party may feel comfortable posting once every week, while another one may feel more comfortable with posting at least three times a week.  As far as post length, I am fine with characters who post two or three sentences, especially when the game requires GM-Player interactions.  All in all, I am DEFINITELY more of a LESS IS MORE sort of person.  I am not a good writer, so I don't want to put players through a wall of my writing and I expect people to extend to me the same courtesy.

SOAPBOX TIME.  One thing that I really dislike is the tendency for characters to soliloquize.  Implicitly, soliloquizing is like godmoding to me.  You are forcing another character to listen to your character when you haven't really asked the player whether their character would stay put to listen.  Please treat conversations like conversations.

Always seeking 5E games.



    Est. 34 K.R.
    Illustrated Weekly Newspaper

    5 coppers


    [ Rules ]

    This game uses the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game by Paizo.  Knowledge of the rules is unnecessary.  Access to the rules can be found here.

    [ Posting Commandments ]

    • Thou Shalt Avoid Walls Of Text
    • Thou Shalt Not Hog The Spotlight
    • Thou Shalt Not Assume The Actions Of Others
    • Thou Shalt Not Assume Outcomes Of Actions
    • Thou Shalt Not Derail Gameplay
    • Thou Shalt Use the OOC Thread

    [ Posting Conventions ]

    Mr. Etienne Sinclair

    Lvl 14 Human Male Rogue
    HP: 140
    AC: 30
    Standard Perception: 24

    Text will go here.  Text may be bolded, italicized, and underlinedIt can be in different colors, EXCEPT RED.  Red will only be used for asterisks ( * )

    Please do not use other fonts.

    Text may be in the first person or in the third person.  There is no requirement as to length of entries, as long as you are clear.  The GM will sometimes use the second person.

    GM Notice:  Notes to the GM must always be in red.  If the player needs for the GM to pay special attention to something in the narrative, please place a red asterisk next to it and then make any annotations regarding that in this section.  You may also use this section to ask questions or get better descriptions of what you see.

    Header Code

    [/list][float=left][img width=200 padding=10]CHARACTER IMAGE ???[/img][/float][font=impact][size=18pt][color=blue]NAME ???[/color]
    [i]Lvl ??? Race ??? Gender ??? Class ???[/i]
    [b]HP:[/b] ???
    [b]AC:[/b] ???
    [b]Standard Perception:[/b] ???


    [b]GM Notice:[/b]  [color=red]Text[/color]

      [ House Rules ]

      Our game has been modified for play-by-post.  All house rules aim to expediently resolve character actions.

      Quote//// COUP DE GRACE
      As a full-round action, you can use a melee weapon to deliver a coup de grace to a helpless opponent. You can also use a bow or crossbow, provided you are adjacent to the target.

      You automatically hit and score a critical hit. If the defender survives the damage, he must make a Fortitude save DC 10 + damage dealt) or die. A rogue also gets her extra sneak attack damage against a helpless opponent when delivering a coup de grace.  CHANGE:  You automatically hit and kill enemy NPCs with CRs that are lower than yours.


      Delivering a coup de grace provokes attacks of opportunity from threatening opponents.

      You can’t deliver a coup de grace against a creature that is immune to critical hits. You can deliver a coup de grace against a creature with total concealment, but doing this requires two consecutive full-round actions (one to “find” the creature once you’ve determined what square it’s in, and one to deliver the coup de grace).


      Initiative has been completely overhauled.  All enemies operate off of the same initiative.  The first round will consist of actions taken by allies who have a higher initiative than the enemies, then the enemies will act, and then all allies will be able to act in one huge initiative block.  Following rounds will simply consist of two initiative blocks: enemy actions and party actions.  Turn order is NOT respected.  Furthermore, you may perform free actions freely throughout, but those free actions may only be performed within six-seconds (since that's the length of the round).

      This game uses the "mastermind" rule.  What that means is that characters are given an ablative morale bonus per round based on the result of a Knowledge (Tactics) check.  This ablative bonus is intended to replace the need for players to devote time to "planning" an engagement.  The bonus modifies attack rolls, skills checks, and saves.

      10-14   +1
      15-19   +2
      20-24   +3
      25-29   +4
      30-34   +5
      35-39   +6
      40-44   +7
      45-50   +8

      Quote////BONUS SPELLS 
      You may use bonus spells from higher level spells as bonus spell slots for spell levels your PC can currently cast.

      Characters level equally.  Posting is encouraged and rewarded thusly:

      For every 25 IC posts = skill point
      For every 50 IC posts = trait
      For every 100 IC posts = feat
      For every 200 IC posts = +2 attribute points
      For every 500 IC posts = special ability (7th LVL or below)

      So a character who has posted 500 times in the IC will have received 20 extra skill points, 10 extra traits, five extra feats, +4 attribute points, and one special ability.

      Additionally, players will be rewarded as a group whenever the group completes consecutive rounds in a timely manner:

      First Round: 100 gp;
      Second Round: 200 gp;
      Third Round: 400 gp;
      Fourth Round: 800 gp;
      Fifth Round: 1600 gp;
      Sixth Round: 3200 gp;
      Seventh Round: GAMBLE, reset.

      On the seventh round, players will be rewarded with a random prize.  In my last game, players got an extra trait.
      Always seeking 5E games.



      Est. 34 K.R.
      Illustrated Weekly Newspaper

      5 coppers


      [ OVERVIEW ]

      Players will submit character concepts ("CCs") to the Dungeon Master ("DM") for approval.  Upon approval, players may modify their CC, generate a character sheet ("CS"), attempt to join an adventuring party ("AP"), or attempt to start their own AP.


      Players will submit the following CCs:

      Mr. Etienne Sinclair

      Race:  Human Class: Rogue

      Brief History:  A brief character history that is no longer than a paragraph.

      Brief Personality:  A brief overview of the character's personality that, again, is no longer than a paragraph.

      O/O: A list of the character's ons and offs.

      Adventuring Party:  Is your CC currently attached to an adventuring party?

      Connections:  Is your CC seeking connections with other characters?  If so, please check off the following:

      • [ ] parent
      • [ ] sibling
      • [ ] child
      • [ ] love interest
      • [ ] former love interest
      • [ ] friend
      • [ ] enemy
      • [ ] other

      [float=left][img width=200 padding=10][/img][/float][font=impact][size=18pt][color=blue]Mr. Etienne Sinclair[/color]
      [i]Race:[/i]  Human [i]Class:[/i] Rogue

      [i]Brief History[/i]:  A brief character history that is no longer than a paragraph.

      [i]Brief Personality[/i]:  A brief overview of the character's personality that, again, is no longer than a paragraph.

      [i]O/O[/i]: A list of the character's ons and offs.

      [i]Adventuring Party:[/i]  Is your CC currently attached to an adventuring party?

      [i]Connections:[/i]  Is your CC seeking connections with other characters?  If so, please check off the following:

      [list][li][ ] parent[/li]
      [li][ ] sibling[/li]
      [li][ ] child[/li]
      [li][ ] love interest[/li]
      [li][ ] former love interest[/li]
      [li][ ] friend[/li]
      [li][ ] enemy[/li]
      [li][ ] other[/li][/list]

      [ GUILD HALL ]

      You may put your CCs/Character Sheets at the following link: The Guild Hall


      The rules for character creation are:

      • Attributes:  25 Point Buy
      • Races:  Any Standard
      • Classes:  Any (Paizo)
      • Level:  4
      • HP:  Max
      • GP:  10,000 gp
      • Traits:  3
      • BG Skills:  No
      Please note: sheets are not needed for CC approval.

      You may use a text-based character sheet hosted on E or a Myth-weaver sheet.  YOU MAY NOT USE A GOOGLE DOCS CHARACTER SHEET.


      Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, baby!  I am more than happy for you to reuse old concepts for characters you liked but are unable to play.

      [ GM NPCS ]

      Twin Oxenbridge
      Human Wizard X

      Twin Oxenbridge is an extremely long-lived human who appears to be in his mid-twenties.  He is a wizard of great renown who operates out of various enchanted fortifications in the DARK CONTINENT'S only settlement, TIDAL POOL.  Perhaps it is unfair to call TIDAL POOL a settlement, as it is composed mostly of temporary primitive shelters surrounding Twin's GREEN DRAGON INN.

      At the GREEN DRAGON INN, adventurers can obtain quests, barter equipment and artifacts, or communicate with the outside world.  As a powerful wizard, Twin has access to a vast repository of weapons and magical equipment, which he sells at market rates.  Honest and dependable, many adventurers place their loot in his care for safekeeping.

      Though he has many excellent qualities, Twin is a terrible womanizer.

      Twin is not available for adventuring parties, but PCs are free to know him how they please.  He has no interest in government or terrestrial power.
      Always seeking 5E games.



      Est. 34 K.R.
      Illustrated Weekly Newspaper

      5 coppers


      [ OVERVIEW ]

      When it comes to adventuring parties, this game does things a little differently.  The continent is large enough that it can contain various adventuring parties working in tandem at all times.  As such, players are charged with assembling their own adventuring parties.

      [ CREATION ]

      To create an adventuring party, a player must submit the following:

      Name of Adventuring Company: 
      Name of Adventuring Company Captain:  The role of Adventuring Company Captain is almost like a GM role.  You organize, marshal, and muster your fellow PCs to action.  Not everyone can be a company captain.

      Name of Party Members:  This is highly editable.  Sometimes, an adventuring party will have no party members as of yet.  Other times, the adventuring party will be partly formed.  If that is the case, you should post what you want to include in your party (ie., "Wanted: Tank").  You can advertise here, in the OOC, or maybe even in another recruitment thread.

      Purpose of Adventuring Company:  A simple statement of the purpose of the adventuring party.  You should state if the adventuring party is kink-centric here (ie., the party's intended purpose is to adventure; during its downtime, the male party members pimp their female comrades to other adventurers).

      Bylaws of Adventuring Company:  Here, you can state particular rules.  Most common are rules against sabotage, harm, and theft.  If the bylaws are largely ordinary, you can just put "ordinary bylaws" here.

      Distribution of Loot:  This is a really important aspect of adventuring--how will your loot be distributed?

      Posting Frequency:
      Always seeking 5E games.

      Elven Sex Goddess

      Very Interested,  plops in PhantomPistoleer's lap. 

      Concept; Elf Fighter (Archer)


      You are too early, ESG!

      But while you're here, I might as well take advantage of your CC.


      But, uh, I haven't really figured out how I want you to submit CCs.  o_o
      Always seeking 5E games.


      Bookmarked this thread, will keep an eye on it. What little you have so far is looking interesting!


      Quote from: Silim on April 26, 2021, 02:05:53 PM
      Bookmarked this thread, will keep an eye on it. What little you have so far is looking interesting!

      Always seeking 5E games.


      Quote from: Silim on April 26, 2021, 02:05:53 PM
      Bookmarked this thread, will keep an eye on it. What little you have so far is looking interesting!

      A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

      How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

      When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


      Thanks for your enthusiasm, Muse!

      It does help me plug away at the game.  :)
      Always seeking 5E games.


      Likewise bookmarked, curious to see where this goes.

      Callie Del Noire

      Miss Eleanora


      Posting an application in no time.

      @phantompistoleer: 3th party stuff is out, right? (as you said its paitzo game. So no psionists? Not that I was going toward one, but was thinking of possibilities)


      My ON'S and OFF'S:

      I'll do whatever pleases but I'll bleed 'em in the end.

      My BDSM test results.


      Aishah Sabri, Ibnat Abni Al-Faris

      Race: Human
      Class: Witch (4)
      Brief History: Aishah is an daughter of Sheik Al-Faris, and she lived life of an princess in the dune palace. At her 15th birthday, she was given an prophesy by the wisemen, that she would endure great harm and pain, but would emerge as First among many. Like all prophesies, it was clouded with mysteries. Few years later,  when her fathers lands was over run by marauding army of desert riders and goblins, she was forced to flee. She witnessed from afar the devastation of her homeland, and during her escape into the night, the Desert's spirit granted her powers over elements. With these powers, and the spirts guidance, she would gain strength and power, to reclaim her lands.

      As Aishah was making her escape, with her trusted men, Wetlander magi, Twin Oxenbridge offered to help them into safety, and he transported them into the new continent.

      Brief Personality: Devout and driven. Aishah has passionate heart, but she is driven to success, with all costs. She will do her best to keep her word, if she gives it, but will not do so easily.

      O/O: Virgin, so no idea what she likes or dislikes in sexual context. (player's O/O is wide open and anything goes, except Gore/Vore in sexual context, as its just not sexual... )

      Adventuring Party: Leader of the Crimson Dawn

      Connections:  Is your CC seeking connections with other characters?
      • Sibling (Might work, another escapee from the destruction..)
      • Love interest (of course, dynasty must prevail...Maybe arranged marriage that did never happened?)
      • Friend (someone that she met, along the way .. or someone from back home?)
      • Other (Someone from the same clan, or loyal to her family)

        Adventuring Company: Crimson Dawn
        Captain:  Aishah Sabri, Ibnat Abni Al-Faris

        Name of Party Members: Zain el-Neman (Zaer), Tamaa ya Hamu (Elven Sex Goddess), YYY (Kathadon's unnamed fighter type), open for others that find arabian nights theme enticing

        Purpose of Adventuring Company: Gain money and power to reclaim Al-Faris lands from marauders and goblins. New continent is full of riches.

        Bylaws of Adventuring Company: Royal Hierarchy. backstabing and working against the ultimate goal is punishable by fate worse than death.

        Distribution of Loot:  Shares. 2 shares goes to uphold the company, 3 to captain, 2 to second in command, Able bodied get 1, rookes get ½, until deemed Ablebodied (commonly on second mission)

        Posting Frequency: daily would be prefered, but life might intervene.


      Quote from: Miroque on April 27, 2021, 02:32:21 AM
      Aishah Sabri, Ibnat Abni Al-Faris

      Race: Human
      Class: Witch (4)
      Brief History: Aishah is an daughter of Sheik Al-Faris, and she lived life of an princess in the dune palace. At her 15th birthday, she was given an profecy by the wisemen, that she would endure great harm and pain, but would emmerge as First among many. Like all profesies, it was clouded with mysteries. Few years later,  when her fathers lands was over run by marauding army of desert riders and goblins, she was forced to flee. She witnessed from afar the devastation of her homeland, and during her escape into the night, the Desert's spirit granted her powers over elements. With these powers, and the spirts guidance, she would gain strength and power, to reclaim her lands.

      Brief Personality: Devout and driven. Aishah has passionate heart, but she is driven to success, with all costs. She will do her best to keep her word, if she gives it, but will not do so easily.

      O/O: Virgin, so no idea what she likes or dislikes in sexual context. (player's O/O is wide open and anything goes, except Gore/Vore in sexual context, as its just not sexual... )

      Adventuring Party: Hopefully yes.

      Connections:  Is your CC seeking connections with other characters?
      • sibling (Might work, another escapee from the destruction..)
      • love interest (of course, dynasty must prevail...Maybe arranged marriage that did never happened?)
      • friend (someone that she met, along the way .. or someone from back home?)

        @Phantompistoleer: What is your take on RECRUITS feat? (and later Leadership). For future reference that is... as Recruits needs lv5, and leadership lv7...but both should be kinda fitting to Kingmaker-esque setting?
      Thanks for the CC.  I am not accepting CCs yet!  I am not done building the game.  In your CC, the little placeholder for “adventuring party” is so you can tell me if you’ve worked out joining a particular adventuring party already.  You don’t know that because I haven’t explained it.

      To answer your question, I generally hate zookeeper classes and feats, but so long as people keep track of their paperwork, it should be all right.

      Quote from: Miroque on April 27, 2021, 01:55:39 AM
      Posting an application in no time.

      @phantompistoleer: 3th party stuff is out, right? (as you said its paitzo game. So no psionists? Not that I was going toward one, but was thinking of possibilities)

      Only Paizo classes.

      Always seeking 5E games.


      I'll plant an interest flag here and tinker with a few concepts till it is time to apply. 


      Yeah, got that impression on the question.. but answered anyway :)

      to 3th party stuff: Im totally OK with them gone.

      to the Zookeeper characters: Gotcha. It was more to the Kingmaker part anyway (and for the future levels if there is going to be any), but for the paperwork beign done by player, I have no problem with it.
      And Familiars/Animal companions/Paladin mounts/Eidolons/What not will be under same rule (ergo, player needs to do the paperwork, AmIrite?)

      For the worldbuilding aspect: I was thinking that Aishah Sabri would come from "Arabian Nights" type of place..



      Correct re: companions.  Everything will be fine so long as the player keeps track of it.  If it becomes too much of a nuissance, the player may be forced to rebuild the character.

      Worldbuilding:  So, since the community builds the world, you can come up with a point of origin that is middle eastern-ish.  You just have to be open to other players adding to it.

      You could spearhead an adventuring party from that region, and your party members could be more like royal courtiers.
      Always seeking 5E games.


      Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on April 27, 2021, 08:28:07 AM
      Correct re: companions.  Everything will be fine so long as the player keeps track of it.  If it becomes too much of a nuissance, the player may be forced to rebuild the character.
      Worldbuilding:  So, since the community builds the world, you can come up with a point of origin that is middle eastern-ish.  You just have to be open to other players adding to it.
      You could spearhead an adventuring party from that region, and your party members could be more like royal courtiers.

      And/or from same extended family/clan enviroment. Im all good with that, if there are any takers for more "Arabian Nights" type of party. Or Aishah might have tagged along to some other group, as its years when she flew her home (to make her 18 as its the site rule).

      For gamewise. Aishah is debuffer (+healer) with limited first strike (ranged) capability. And what group do not want that? (healer in any degree is always needed... everything else is extra...)



      I would have few questions about the worldbuilding aspect..

      1) Would you like us to help on it?
      2) How much creative space you give us?
      3) World "laws" if any? We should know, before writing stuff to your world.
      4) Level of magic, level of tech, level of "grim dark" you want to incorporate to the world?

      Im sure, I will have more questions, if you allow us to write things.. as I was thinking if I could write the "arabian nights" part of the world in broad strokes, and some parts of it in more details.


      Quote from: Miroque on April 27, 2021, 08:49:56 AM

      I would have few questions about the worldbuilding aspect..

      1) Would you like us to help on it?  The game sort of demands it.  I imagine it being like building something out of Lego, with the caveat that once a piece is put down, it cannot be moved.
      2) How much creative space you give us?  A lot.  So much that it’s unseemly.  It all just has to coexist.
      3) World "laws" if any? We should know, before writing stuff to your world.  No laws provided.
      4) Level of magic, level of tech, level of "grim dark" you want to incorporate to the world?  It varies.  Some places are like Disney, some places are like Fallout. All that matters is that somehow, your characters have arrived to the Dark Continent.

      So I suppose that is one internal rule—your characters must have ARRIVED.  They cannot be FROM the continent.

      Im sure, I will have more questions, if you allow us to write things.. as I was thinking if I could write the "arabian nights" part of the world in broad strokes, and some parts of it in more details.
      Always seeking 5E games.


      So background (old continent(s)) are free to be writen in, and Dark Continent is off-limits, as its unknown to us.

      With world "laws" I ment, is there somethings you ban from the world (like there will be NO warforged, All gods are ideas, not something one can meet (like in Eberron), Every country has access to advanced laser weaponry (cause of XYZ happened). I did not ment "laws" pressed by societies, but as things you do not want to add, things you absolutely want to add..

      - Miroque


      Quote from: Miroque on April 27, 2021, 09:02:39 AM
      So background (old continent(s)) are free to be writen in, and Dark Continent is off-limits, as its unknown to us.

      With world "laws" I ment, is there somethings you ban from the world (like there will be NO warforged, All gods are ideas, not something one can meet (like in Eberron), Every country has access to advanced laser weaponry (cause of XYZ happened). I did not ment "laws" pressed by societies, but as things you do not want to add, things you absolutely want to add..

      - Miroque

      Ah, I see.  No, nothing is banned.  If it doesn’t fit, it can be extradimensional, or from the future or the past.
      Always seeking 5E games.