The magical harbor town of Greygull! Official Recruitment. CLOSED.

Started by LamentingQuill, July 23, 2020, 04:03:18 PM

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It's basically lost and found, so ive set it up to be that's where she leaves all the things she takes
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated

Ivory Dawn

Player name: Ivory Dawn
Character name: Adria Kailani
Nicknames (if you have one): Ade, Adri
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Mermaid
Personality: Flirty, relaxed, total big-sister friend. Generous, but a focused business woman.
Sexual orientation: Pan
Occupation/Job: Runs the Tideflow Spa and Baths
Likes: Baths, swimming, making people smile, sushi, sunbathing.
Dislikes: Squid, cruel people, cheapskates, cold weather.
O/O’s (required): Enjoys anything and everything except: Scat, watersports, fisting, and vore.
Backstory: The daughter of the Sea King (which Sea King? Well, there's so many it hardly bears answering, you've probably never heard of him), Adria was born in the middle of the birth order, so there was little expected of her. When her youngest sister fell in love with a human and made a really poor set of choices, Adria peaced out - after an appropriate mourning period, of course. She wasn't going to be smothered because mother and father didn't know how to handle a teenager. She found her way to Greygull and found the perfect spot for her - where the Tideflow Spa and Baths would shortly be established.
Powers/Abilites: (limit of 4)
Split Infinitive - Like all mermaids, Adria can switch from tail to legs at will. She prefers to sleep in the water, however, and usually spends nights in the water unless she absolutely can't. This also enables her to breath air or water as needed.
Siren Song - Adria's singing voice is supernaturally lovely, drawing men and women (but especially men) to her. She refuses to use it to drum up business for the spa, but that's not to say she hasn't been tempted from time to time.
Potioncraft - The real secret to the Tideflow Spa's success. Adria has always possessed a natural talent for making items for beautification. She enjoys gathering as many of her own ingredients as possible and brews them together to make the treatments and tinctures used in the spa.
Extra: Adria is a good dancer, but rarely shows it off. She likes watching other people, and frequently hangs out at one of the bars in town to people watch and mingle.


Quote from: Foxy DeVille on July 25, 2020, 11:10:46 PM
Submitted for Approval (Warning: Naked Nereid NSFW)
Player name: Foxy DeVille
Character name: Marina
Nicknames (if you have one): Marina Neptune (professional name)
Age: Between 300 and 700 years (she can’t remember), appears late teen/ early twenties
Gender: Female (usually)
Race/Species: Nereid (sea nymph)
Personality: Upbeat and fun-loving, can be flaky and superficial at times. There is a definite hippie chick/surfer girl vibe to her. But if you cross her beware as she can be a vindictive enemy.
Sexual orientation: Pan
Likes: The ocean, wine, Ancient Greek culture, attention
Dislikes: Polluters, rules, most articles of clothing
O/O’s (required): An exhibitionist who loves oral, anal, and rough sex. She also likes watersports, which seems appropriate for a sea nymph. Her only dislike is scat, too messy for her.
Backstory: Marina isn’t quite sure how long she’s been alive. She remembers wooden sailing ships and feels bad about causing a few wrecks. Can’t a girl get a tan on some rocks without a nautical disaster happening? She is a bit of a cross between a spirit and a goddess, so she loves to have mortals gush about her. But she is also very independent and doesn’t want people too much in her business. Fortunately modern social media provides a solution. Calling herself Marina Neptune, she became an Instagram model and gained a large following. She has capitalized on this by moving into webcamming. Marina cares little about money and the vast majority of her income is donated to environmental causes. She has a small home in Greygull because the ocean doesn’t have WiFi and she likes being around folk she can be herself with.
Powers/Abilities: (limit of 4)
Aquatic Adaptation: Marina can breathe underwater and swim twice as fast as a human can run. Her vision still works well in areas of low light and her flesh is resistant to cold, which is good considering her aversion to clothing.

Aquatic Animal Empathy: She communicates with sea creatures at a basic primal level and they feel a kinsmanship with her. Marina frequently has a friend with her underwater.

Hydrokinesis: Marina can control water within thirty feet, shaping it however she desires… offensively, defensively, artistically.

Supernatural Sexuality: She’s a nymph, they got a reputation for a reason. Marina has an uncanny gift for seduction and can even shift to an androgynous male form to broaden her potential conquests.

Extra: Nereids keep part of their lifeforce in a shawl in order to maintain their longevity. Anyone who obtains a shawl can force that nereid to reluctantly obey their commands. Marina keeps her in Greygull, assuming none of her neighbors would commit a crime against her.

Faceclaim is Little Caprice

Looks alright to me.


Quote from: Ivory Dawn on July 26, 2020, 01:55:04 PM
Player name: Ivory Dawn
Character name: Adria Kailani
Nicknames (if you have one): Ade, Adri
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Mermaid
Personality: Flirty, relaxed, total big-sister friend. Generous, but a focused business woman.
Sexual orientation: Pan
Occupation/Job: Runs the Tideflow Spa and Baths
Likes: Baths, swimming, making people smile, sushi, sunbathing.
Dislikes: Squid, cruel people, cheapskates, cold weather.
O/O’s (required): Enjoys anything and everything except: Scat, watersports, fisting, and vore.
Backstory: The daughter of the Sea King (which Sea King? Well, there's so many it hardly bears answering, you've probably never heard of him), Adria was born in the middle of the birth order, so there was little expected of her. When her youngest sister fell in love with a human and made a really poor set of choices, Adria peaced out - after an appropriate mourning period, of course. She wasn't going to be smothered because mother and father didn't know how to handle a teenager. She found her way to Greygull and found the perfect spot for her - where the Tideflow Spa and Baths would shortly be established.
Powers/Abilites: (limit of 4)
Split Infinitive - Like all mermaids, Adria can switch from tail to legs at will. She prefers to sleep in the water, however, and usually spends nights in the water unless she absolutely can't. This also enables her to breath air or water as needed.
Siren Song - Adria's singing voice is supernaturally lovely, drawing men and women (but especially men) to her. She refuses to use it to drum up business for the spa, but that's not to say she hasn't been tempted from time to time.
Potioncraft - The real secret to the Tideflow Spa's success. Adria has always possessed a natural talent for making items for beautification. She enjoys gathering as many of her own ingredients as possible and brews them together to make the treatments and tinctures used in the spa.
Extra: Adria is a good dancer, but rarely shows it off. She likes watching other people, and frequently hangs out at one of the bars in town to people watch and mingle.

Looks alright to me.


Quote from: Levi on July 26, 2020, 11:00:46 AM
It's basically lost and found, so ive set it up to be that's where she leaves all the things she takes

So... like a second-hand shop?


Alright! Approved people, you'll find a link to the navigation thread at the bottom of every first page from now on, you can find the character thread there.


Quote from: Metro Mech on July 26, 2020, 02:49:51 AM
Tartris of Flame (NSFW Warning)
Player name: Metro Mecha

Character name: Tartris of Flame

Nicknames (if you have one): Tartris

Age: 35 human years

Gender: Male

Race/Species: Elkinski (Insectoid Race)

Personality: Determined, Loyal, Brisk and a no nonsense personality, Tartris has long lived up to his role as a personal body guard or protector of those who sought his services. As of late he has been working more towards expanding his horizons and coming to the Greygull to find more employment opportunities

Sexual orientation: Hetero

Occupation/Job: Chief of Law Enforcement

Likes: Compliments, Working, Order, His Spear, Hunting Trips, Beans, Bacon and Whisky

Dislikes: Disloyalty, Others Exerting Dominance over him, Ice, Lettuce

O/O’s (required): Dominance play especially between him and superior in a role reversal way, willing to provide exhibition or humiliation to those he mates with, rough and tumble sex as he likes for his mates to fight back.

Backstory: His people have long lived under the earth's surface, far below the realms of man where his people have scratched out an existence between the many caverns that cross under the earth's surface. Born into the role of a royal guard he was trained to protect his queen at any cost but alas, rulers rise and rulers fall and he happened to be on the loosing side. Stripped of his rank and punished for his following he had his two lower limbs removed in that judgement. Exiled into the upper lands Tartris was thrust into a world he did not know but he had to adapt to survive. Hiding among the less fortunate magical folk he grew his reputation as a stalwart body guard and bouncer, later learning about Greygull, a place where he could peaceably settle down away from the humans who looked upon him in fear and disgust for his kind. A new home, a place to forge a new existence, a place he could call his own once again.   

Powers/Abilites: (limit of 4)

Hardened Carapace: His skin is leathery and touch but still quite flexible, ordinary damage to a human would be shrugged off by him allowing him to get rough.

Flame Resistant: Able to stick his hand into a brazer and retrieve coals his hand would remain unscathed tying into his dislike of ice for it weakens him.

Heightened Metabolism: Moving faster, stronger, more agile then a human thanks to his heightened body processes, this allows him to move through the world less hindered then others would, not to mention his ability to recover after exhaustion far quicker.

Extrasensory Organs: Being born his race, he can hear better, smell better and see better then any human, his eyes able to see in low light conditions, his nose able to track more and his ears able to pick up a mouse's whisper.

Extra: Tartris might seem gruff and intimidating but can easily be placated by sweets such as hard candy.


Looking for something different? Give the Beneath Our Paws Roleplay a try~!
O/o thread here.



Player name: AndyZ
Character name: Fiona Merryweather
Nicknames (if you have one):
Age: 1647
Gender: Cis.  Female unless in a male body, in which case male
Race/Species: Witch (more or less human)
Personality: Often outgoing and friendly, usually appearing as her apparent age but often tinged with the wisdom of her true age.  When she has a new project in the works, she can get absent-minded as her focus dwells upon it, but once it's complete, she wants to get out and celebrate.
Sexual orientation: Gynosexual regardless of form
Occupation/Job: Technowitch
Likes: Kindness, intelligence, new experiences, casual dalliances from time to time
Dislikes: Obstinacy, unintelligent people who refuse to listen to her, having her broom stolen
O/O’s (required):
Backstory: Fiona has been around for some time, having come with Merlin when he created the pocket dimension in order to keep things safe.  Back then, of course, she was only an apprentice under a wise and powerful wizard, replacing wards, tracing out runes, handling chores, and learning as necessary.  He taught her the process long ago to stop her aging process.

She's always had a brilliant mind, and remains ever captivated in learning more.  Often she leaves on Halloween in order to traverse the world for a time, taking on mortal disguises and acting as one of the eyes and ears for the outside world.

Things started to change significantly during the Renaissance, and then technology started to flourish, a beautiful art and science all its own which captivated Fiona's attention as well.  She took to learning such methods as best she could, usually being required to transform herself into a man during such times in order to be taken seriously.  Technology had any number of wonders to them, and many things she could either replicate or recreate entirely through a synthesis of magic and science when back in the safety of Greygull.

When the World Wide Web came to the human world, she soon received permission from Merlin to likewise set up her own, called the Cobweb.  She has little interest in running an actual store, preferring to sell her various creations wholesale and allowing others to handle the mercantile aspects of society.  Most of the time, her sights are set on her next work.
Powers/Abilites: (limit of 4) The only true supernatural ability that Fiona possesses is spellcasting, though she can do quite a bit with that.  Spells require Focus, either complete concentration, an object to assist in direct concentration (such as a wand), carved runes, reagents such as ingredients for potions, or something of the like.  The Cobweb requires a vast network of runed mirrors, glass models, and so on.

Without a wand, she has a degree of talent, but not nearly as much; it's preferable for her to telekinetically summon (or teleport) her wand into her hand when necessary, both of which she's practiced greatly.  Actually carrying her own body weight requires exceptional focus, and she prefers to use a broom in order to fly.  Her current preference for a wand is a laser pointer, something she picked up during one excursion to Earth and gave up on the old hickory altogether.

Changing her form comes far more often with potions, many of which she keeps pre-brewed, unless she wants to maintain her focus in order to keep herself or another transformed.  As such, a potion usually lasts for as long as it remains in the system of the person who drank it.  Similarly, runed objects last as long as the rune remains, or as long as the object is worn or carried.

Teleporting objects to herself is easiest when owning them and kept in her own home, but she's collected a number of odds and ends for this purpose, sometimes just for casual jokes if she's in a lighthearted mood.

Ultimately, just like science and technology, witchcraft works best under controlled conditions with practiced methods.  It's very hard to mix and match or improvise something she's never tried to do before, which is part of why she's spent so much time learning new methods and trying new things.  Often, she has the opportunity to pave the way for others, just like scientists in the human world who figure out how to make iPhones work, and it makes her happy when programs like Greystagram get started up using the stepping stones she's created for others.

Extra: (anything extra that you’d like known about your character) Faceclaim: Emma Stone
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Player name: ArtemisHighmore
Character name: Anders Skjeggestad
Nicknames (if you have one): None that he is aware of
Age: 347 but who counts after the first century?
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Werewolf
Personality: Soft spoken and kind.
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation/Job: Woodcarver
Likes: Spending time in the woods, meditating, hopping in mud puddle
Dislikes: Technology, loud noises and large crowds of people.
O/O’s (required):
Wordy History
Anders is nothing special to say the least. Born in a little cabin on the edge of an unnamed fjord, he spent his formative years running wild and free, learning his abilities, the uniqueness of his blood and the dangers that it would pose as he aged. Not that the dangers were the forefront of his lessons. If anything his parents and especially his uncle, William, who he spent the vast majority of his time with, preferred a more hands off approach to their raising, allowing him to wander into countless perils. When the need arose, someone would swoop in to rescue him with a lecture and a lesson.

Their pack was relatively small, consisting of his immediate family and a few other ‘relatives.’ Whenever he inquired about this the answer was generally about lying low, keeping to themselves or some such nonsense that any young upstart would let roll in one ear and out the other. Still he had subconsciously heeded the message right up until those rebellious teenage years. The end of the 1830s was fast approaching and Anders had begun to experience that delicious bloodlust that came with a full moon change. The unwary deer usually sated his needs, another subconscious lesson that his uncle had hammered into him time after time. But that moon had been different, a rare blood moon that had found him while he was out wandering. It had driven himself towards a little hamlet and he had killed, feasting upon a small family. His uncle had found him, confused, naked and covered in blood surrounded by human remains. Though he was comforted and given assurances that such things happened, his family knew the real consequences that might arise. In what would come to be known as the Third Great Conflict, a local and unknown mage collective used the murders to hunt them, pursuing them through the woods.

Anders has only vague memories of the time, having done his best to block out the horrors. Nowhere had offered any sort of safety to them, mages appearing before them or hot on their heels. They crossed local covens and rival packs, their numbers thinning until only his uncle and he remained on the run. The pair was separated in London, splitting up as the only escape from a potentially disastrous cornering by those cursed mages. That was the last time he encountered his uncle for a few decades. Catching a boat to the New World, Anders was lucky enough to find a country still filled with wild, unclaimed spaces.

Adopting the life of the wayward gypsy, he kept to the outskirts of civilization, scowling from the woods as the world advanced and spread, claiming more and more land. He’d never had much of a taste for humans and their proclivities, finding their ravenous hunger to surpass every beast he had ever known. It became evident to him that they would consume everything if they remained unchecked. Eventually his disgust had come to a head in the early 20th century, leaving a string of murders along the edges of civilization, growing a bit more feral and gruesome each time his ‘messages’ failed to have their intended effect. The darkness had nearly consumed him when his uncle had found him and quite literally saved him. Apparently his indiscretions and grisly leavings were drawing the eye of local mages.

Uncle William had set him straight, shown him a better, far more peaceful path to walk. He’d tempered Ander’s steel heart to be a bit more accepting, towards his own kind and especially towards the humans. Thought they remained together for nearly two decades, the global wars of the humans drew William back across the seas. Anders did not follow, knowing there would only be bloodshed and that would lead quickly to that dark hole within. Instead he went seeking rumors of a hidden town where he might find peace.

Powers/Abilites: Heightened sense of smell and hearing. Mild regeneration.

Extra: (anything extra that you’d like known about your character)


Quote from: AndyZ on July 26, 2020, 11:21:19 PM
Player name: AndyZ
Character name: Fiona Merryweather
Nicknames (if you have one):
Age: 1647
Gender: Cis.  Female unless in a male body, in which case male
Race/Species: Witch (more or less human)
Personality: Often outgoing and friendly, usually appearing as her apparent age but often tinged with the wisdom of her true age.  When she has a new project in the works, she can get absent-minded as her focus dwells upon it, but once it's complete, she wants to get out and celebrate.
Sexual orientation: Gynosexual regardless of form
Occupation/Job: Technowitch
Likes: Kindness, intelligence, new experiences, casual dalliances from time to time
Dislikes: Obstinacy, unintelligent people who refuse to listen to her, having her broom stolen
O/O’s (required):
Backstory: Fiona has been around for some time, having come with Merlin when he created the pocket dimension in order to keep things safe.  Back then, of course, she was only an apprentice under a wise and powerful wizard, replacing wards, tracing out runes, handling chores, and learning as necessary.

She's always had a brilliant mind, and remains ever captivated in learning more.  Having slowed her aging process so that she ages only one day for every year and a day that passes, she often leaves on Halloween in order to traverse the world for a time, taking on mortal disguises and often acting as one of the eyes and ears for the outside world.

Things started to change significantly during the Renaissance, and then technology started to flourish, a beautiful art and science all its own which captivated Fiona's attention as well.  She took to learning such methods as best she could, usually being required to transform herself into a man during such times in order to be taken seriously.  Technology had any number of wonders to them, and many things she could either replicate or recreate entirely through a synthesis of magic and science when back in the safety of Greygull.

When the World Wide Web came to the human world, she soon received permission from Merlin to likewise set up her own, called the Cobweb.  She has little interest in running an actual store, preferring to sell her various creations wholesale and allowing others to handle the mercantile aspects of society.  Most of the time, her sights are set on her next work.
Powers/Abilites: (limit of 4) The only true supernatural ability that Fiona possesses is spellcasting, though she can do quite a bit with that.  Spells require Focus, either complete concentration, an object to assist in direct concentration (such as a wand), carved runes, reagents such as ingredients for potions, or something of the like.  The spell to slow her aging comes from a tattooed rune upon her left thigh.  The Cobweb requires a vast network of runed mirrors, glass models, and so on.

Without a wand, she has a degree of talent, but not nearly as much; it's preferable for her to telekinetically summon (or teleport) her wand into her hand when necessary, both of which she's practiced greatly.  Actually carrying her own body weight requires exceptional focus, and she prefers to use a broom in order to fly.  Her current preference for a wand is a laser pointer, something she picked up during one excursion to Earth and gave up on the old hickory altogether.

Changing her form comes far more often with potions, many of which she keeps pre-brewed, unless she wants to maintain her focus in order to keep herself or another transformed.  As such, a potion usually lasts for as long as it remains in the system of the person who drank it.  Similarly, runed objects last as long as the rune remains, or as long as the object is worn or carried.

Teleporting objects to herself is easiest when owning them and kept in her own home, but she's collected a number of odds and ends for this purpose, sometimes just for casual jokes if she's in a lighthearted mood.

Ultimately, just like science and technology, witchcraft works best under controlled conditions with practiced methods.  It's very hard to mix and match or improvise something she's never tried to do before, which is part of why she's spent so much time learning new methods and trying new things.  Often, she has the opportunity to pave the way for others, just like scientists in the human world who figure out how to make iPhones work, and it makes her happy when programs like Greystagram get started up using the stepping stones she's created for others.

Extra: (anything extra that you’d like known about your character) Faceclaim: Emma Stone

LamentingQuill, if you want, we can go over the list for various names and such like I mentioned in the PM, but I can also just start coming up with a lot more names and ideas to toss down for everyone.  As I figure it, she'll periodically come out with "newer" versions of things that have only minor improvements, like having the Runeboxes (cell phones) have a larger screen or the holographic-style displays one can see in Star Wars movies.

She's great, except for the fact that (and it's my fault for not covering this before), but she wouldn't really require to slow her aging, Merlin would have taught her a magical technique ages ago to use her own natural magical essence to halt her aging process entirely. She, like him, would essentially be immortal... albeit, they can be killed, but they will not age.

Other than that, she is clear as a bell. Again, not your fault, that was entirely mine.


Quote from: ArtemisHighmore on July 27, 2020, 12:10:28 AM
Player name: ArtemisHighmore
Character name: Anders Skjeggestad
Nicknames (if you have one): None that he is aware of
Age: 347 but who counts after the first century?
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Werewolf
Personality: Soft spoken and kind.
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation/Job: Woodcarver
Likes: Spending time in the woods, meditating, hopping in mud puddle
Dislikes: Technology, loud noises and large crowds of people.
O/O’s (required):
Wordy History
Anders is nothing special to say the least. Born in a little cabin on the edge of an unnamed fjord, he spent his formative years running wild and free, learning his abilities, the uniqueness of his blood and the dangers that it would pose as he aged. Not that the dangers were the forefront of his lessons. If anything his parents and especially his uncle, William, who he spent the vast majority of his time with, preferred a more hands off approach to their raising, allowing him to wander into countless perils. When the need arose, someone would swoop in to rescue him with a lecture and a lesson.

Their pack was relatively small, consisting of his immediate family and a few other ‘relatives.’ Whenever he inquired about this the answer was generally about lying low, keeping to themselves or some such nonsense that any young upstart would let roll in one ear and out the other. Still he had subconsciously heeded the message right up until those rebellious teenage years. The end of the 1830s was fast approaching and Anders had begun to experience that delicious bloodlust that came with a full moon change. The unwary deer usually sated his needs, another subconscious lesson that his uncle had hammered into him time after time. But that moon had been different, a rare blood moon that had found him while he was out wandering. It had driven himself towards a little hamlet and he had killed, feasting upon a small family. His uncle had found him, confused, naked and covered in blood surrounded by human remains. Though he was comforted and given assurances that such things happened, his family knew the real consequences that might arise. In what would come to be known as the Third Great Conflict, a local and unknown mage collective used the murders to hunt them, pursuing them through the woods.

Anders has only vague memories of the time, having done his best to block out the horrors. Nowhere had offered any sort of safety to them, mages appearing before them or hot on their heels. They crossed local covens and rival packs, their numbers thinning until only his uncle and he remained on the run. The pair was separated in London, splitting up as the only escape from a potentially disastrous cornering by those cursed mages. That was the last time he encountered his uncle for a few decades. Catching a boat to the New World, Anders was lucky enough to find a country still filled with wild, unclaimed spaces.

Adopting the life of the wayward gypsy, he kept to the outskirts of civilization, scowling from the woods as the world advanced and spread, claiming more and more land. He’d never had much of a taste for humans and their proclivities, finding their ravenous hunger to surpass every beast he had ever known. It became evident to him that they would consume everything if they remained unchecked. Eventually his disgust had come to a head in the early 20th century, leaving a string of murders along the edges of civilization, growing a bit more feral and gruesome each time his ‘messages’ failed to have their intended effect. The darkness had nearly consumed him when his uncle had found him and quite literally saved him. Apparently his indiscretions and grisly leavings were drawing the eye of local mages.

Uncle William had set him straight, shown him a better, far more peaceful path to walk. He’d tempered Ander’s steel heart to be a bit more accepting, towards his own kind and especially towards the humans. Thought they remained together for nearly two decades, the global wars of the humans drew William back across the seas. Anders did not follow, knowing there would only be bloodshed and that would lead quickly to that dark hole within. Instead he went seeking rumors of a hidden town where he might find peace.

Powers/Abilites: Heightened sense of smell and hearing. Mild regeneration.

Extra: (anything extra that you’d like known about your character)

Oh geez, Hikaru is just gonna love this guy, eh? lmao

You're all clear, dear.


We now have an OOC Thread added to the Navigation thread.

Also, I was curious what peoples thoughts were about a discord server? Yay? Nay?

Metro Mech

Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


Quote from: LamentingQuill on July 27, 2020, 12:07:33 PM
She's great, except for the fact that (and it's my fault for not covering this before), but she wouldn't really require to slow her aging, Merlin would have taught her a magical technique ages ago to use her own natural magical essence to halt her aging process entirely. She, like him, would essentially be immortal... albeit, they can be killed, but they will not age.

Other than that, she is clear as a bell. Again, not your fault, that was entirely mine.

Sounds good ^_^ And no need to apologize; spellcasting is always one of those things where nuance is required, and it can be hard to have everything all listed out.

Quote from: LamentingQuill on July 27, 2020, 12:24:55 PM
We now have an OOC Thread added to the Navigation thread.

Also, I was curious what peoples thoughts were about a discord server? Yay? Nay?

I'd also vote Yay.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Now we've cleared up the shop issue is my fairy a ok? Also nay to discord.
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Quote from: Levi on July 27, 2020, 12:52:03 PM
Now we've cleared up the shop issue is my fairy a ok? Also nay to discord.

Yeah, I've seen stranger in the Halloween Town movies, you're good. I am making a discord, but no one is required to join it.


Submitting a fun little air spirit for approval ^•^

Player name: Blueeyedbard
Character name: Esprit Ivo
Nicknames (if you have one): Es
Age: 469
Gender: Non-binary
Race/Species: Sylph
Personality: Positive and energetic. Curious and mischievous. Friendly and lonely. Loves to laugh, but not afraid to cry.
Es is an adventurer at heart, despite their retired lifestyle. Having a home is difficult for them, which is why it can be blown away with the breeze. They love people, in many ways, but only for short periods of time. It's always "Let's go back to your place…" rather than theirs. Which works out, because most can't spend the night in a cloud anyways.
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation/Job: Artist/Writer/Drifter/Illywhacker, Currently Unemployed
Likes: Star gazing, drifting around, gardening, creating art, dancing, playing pranks, people gazing, style (all kinds), drama, alcohol (even if they don't get intoxicated)
Dislikes: Enclosed spaces, not being able to see the sky, overly critical people, closed minded people, being apart of drama, being the victim of pranks, smoke/pollution
O/O’s (required): Es is very open minded, and willing to try most things once. Though bathroom things belong in the bathroom, and they don't like a lot of pain. Also, while they will play a little S&M they don't like the feeling of being tied down.

Backstory: From the beginning the lives of the Sylph and the lives of man were never meant to mix. That's why the Sylph would remain in their kingdoms among the clouds, always safely out of reach of the unpredictable human race. And while man would still make their presence known with massive fires and Earth altering destruction of the land, Sylph maintained their sanctuary in the clouds.

But of course the Sylph are a naturally curious people. So it couldn't be helped that now snd then one of the air spirits would dawn a physical form in order to interact with the beings below. Esprit was one such being.

At first man's construction snd shaping of the earth didn't bother Es much. They weren't using much more than they needed, leaving plenty of natural land for them to preserve the natural growth of the planet. Plus they found the architecture of humans to rather pleasing, in its own hard, rigid way.
They were able to meet people, make friends, even live amongst them for a time, sampling in all thd pleasures of human life, and there certainly were many pleasures to experience….again and again.

But over time their feelings on the humans, and their constant need to expand their world, and ultimately destroy the nature that Es loved so much, began to sour. They started spending less and less time amongst the humans, finding less pleasure in their fruits, and less joy in their company. Ultimately they stopped interacting with the humans all together, at least to their knowledge.

Es began spending their energy sabotaging mankind, and their rape of the Earth. Mostly through harmless pranks: tools and ladders that would wind up hung in the trees over night, a heavy rainstorm to ruin the foundation of a building, a strong wind to blow over some scaffolding, and the more man built, the more Es tried to hinder construction. At least until a group of humans caught on to their extranatural interference, and then caught Esprit in the act.

It was a ship of colonists that the air spirit was trying to blow off course. In a moment of arrogance, Es took on their physical form near one of the ship's masts when an observant sailor managed to throw a net over their head, and pull the spirit down to the deck.
Fear consumed the spirit as the sailors contemplated what to do with their prize. Many felt the Sylph could be used to their advantage in their colonizing efforts, others thought the abomination should be killed on the spot in the name of God, while some sailors had much darker desires for the exotic being.

Es had stopped paying attention to how they were affecting the weather around them, in their panicked state all Es could really think about was their own doomed fate. In the meantime the skys above got darker, the winds stronger, and the waves higher. Ultimately it was an unpredicted bolt of lightning that struck the ship and started the fire on deck. With how bad the storm was it was only a matter of minutes before the ship sank and every hand on board was lost at sea. And Esprit decided they wanted nothing more to do with the humans.

Shortly after that Esprit came to Greygull. They had learned of the sanctuary through their travels, and as soon as they arrived, they felt right at home. So much so that they immediately built themselves a high rise condo...very, very high. Still not caring for the kind of home most others in town lived in, snd not having any currency for rent, they made themselves the most perfect, puffy little cloud to live in. That's why, even on the sunnyest days in Graygull, there is always a perfect little white cloud floating just above the city.

One with the Sky: To say that Esprit can fly is a little oversimplifying. As a Sylph, they are air, and as such, can move freely above the ground. This airy weightlessness is also transmitted to someone they are holding onto while up in their air.

Esprit actually far prfers the air to the ground, so much so that they rarely set foot on any surface. Instead, when interacting with those on the ground, they will generally float just above whatever surface. Even when they appear to be walking, their feet remain a few inches above the floor.

Here one minute…: As an air spirit, Esprit can be invisible at will. When they are invisible, Es becomes more air than matter, and can slip through the smallest openings.

Esprit can still become trapped in their physical form when bound to the ground, or trapped beneath the earth.

Weather the Storm: Like all air spirits, Es has a strong influence over the weather in their immediate area. Bringing in hail storms one minute, and sunshine the next. This ability is also closely tied to their emotions, making it dark and rainy when they are sad, and bright and warm when they are happy. But get them angry enough and you better hold into your hat when the tornado touches down.

Ultra-Green Thumb: Esprit has an innate ability for making things grow, having control over the rain plays no small part in that. They are known for having the fullest, most colorful, most exotic, and most wild garden around.

One might think this ability would make Es an ideal landscaper for the community, until  they realize that Es is very indiscriminate about what they let grow. You could have the prettiest rose bush in town, that will also be surrounded by a growth of weeds, thorn bushes, shrubs, cacti, and even a tree. Es loves to make literally anything grow.

While Es, like all Sylphs, is ageless and could live forever, they are by no means immortal. A Sylph can be killed by injury, disease, drowning, poisoning. Which is why most their kind live in the clouds, and remain invisible to most on Earth.

"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum


Quote from: BlueEyedBard on July 30, 2020, 01:47:58 PM
Submitting a fun little air spirit for approval ^•^

Player name: Blueeyedbard
Character name: Esprit Ivo
Nicknames (if you have one): Es
Age: 469
Gender: Non-binary
Race/Species: Sylph
Personality: Positive and energetic. Curious and mischievous. Friendly and lonely. Loves to laugh, but not afraid to cry.
Es is an adventurer at heart, despite their retired lifestyle. Having a home is difficult for them, which is why it can be blown away with the breeze. They love people, in many ways, but only for short periods of time. It's always "Let's go back to your place…" rather than theirs. Which works out, because most can't spend the night in a cloud anyways.
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation/Job: Artist/Writer/Drifter/Illywhacker, Currently Unemployed
Likes: Star gazing, drifting around, gardening, creating art, dancing, playing pranks, people gazing, style (all kinds), drama, alcohol (even if they don't get intoxicated)
Dislikes: Enclosed spaces, not being able to see the sky, overly critical people, closed minded people, being apart of drama, being the victim of pranks, smoke/pollution
O/O’s (required): Es is very open minded, and willing to try most things once. Though bathroom things belong in the bathroom, and they don't like a lot of pain. Also, while they will play a little S&M they don't like the feeling of being tied down.

Backstory: From the beginning the lives of the Sylph and the lives of man were never meant to mix. That's why the Sylph would remain in their kingdoms among the clouds, always safely out of reach of the unpredictable human race. And while man would still make their presence known with massive fires and Earth altering destruction of the land, Sylph maintained their sanctuary in the clouds.

But of course the Sylph are a naturally curious people. So it couldn't be helped that now snd then one of the air spirits would dawn a physical form in order to interact with the beings below. Esprit was one such being.

At first man's construction snd shaping of the earth didn't bother Es much. They weren't using much more than they needed, leaving plenty of natural land for them to preserve the natural growth of the planet. Plus they found the architecture of humans to rather pleasing, in its own hard, rigid way.
They were able to meet people, make friends, even live amongst them for a time, sampling in all thd pleasures of human life, and there certainly were many pleasures to experience….again and again.

But over time their feelings on the humans, and their constant need to expand their world, and ultimately destroy the nature that Es loved so much, began to sour. They started spending less and less time amongst the humans, finding less pleasure in their fruits, and less joy in their company. Ultimately they stopped interacting with the humans all together, at least to their knowledge.

Es began spending their energy sabotaging mankind, and their rape of the Earth. Mostly through harmless pranks: tools and ladders that would wind up hung in the trees over night, a heavy rainstorm to ruin the foundation of a building, a strong wind to blow over some scaffolding, and the more man built, the more Es tried to hinder construction. At least until a group of humans caught on to their extranatural interference, and then caught Esprit in the act.

It was a ship of colonists that the air spirit was trying to blow off course. In a moment of arrogance, Es took on their physical form near one of the ship's masts when an observant sailor managed to throw a net over their head, and pull the spirit down to the deck.
Fear consumed the spirit as the sailors contemplated what to do with their prize. Many felt the Sylph could be used to their advantage in their colonizing efforts, others thought the abomination should be killed on the spot in the name of God, while some sailors had much darker desires for the exotic being.

Es had stopped paying attention to how they were affecting the weather around them, in their panicked state all Es could really think about was their own doomed fate. In the meantime the skys above got darker, the winds stronger, and the waves higher. Ultimately it was an unpredicted bolt of lightning that struck the ship and started the fire on deck. With how bad the storm was it was only a matter of minutes before the ship sank and every hand on board was lost at sea. And Esprit decided they wanted nothing more to do with the humans.

Shortly after that Esprit came to Greygull. They had learned of the sanctuary through their travels, and as soon as they arrived, they felt right at home. So much so that they immediately built themselves a high rise condo...very, very high. Still not caring for the kind of home most others in town lived in, snd not having any currency for rent, they made themselves the most perfect, puffy little cloud to live in. That's why, even on the sunnyest days in Graygull, there is always a perfect little white cloud floating just above the city.

One with the Sky: To say that Esprit can fly is a little oversimplifying. As a Sylph, they are air, and as such, can move freely above the ground. This airy weightlessness is also transmitted to someone they are holding onto while up in their air.

Esprit actually far prfers the air to the ground, so much so that they rarely set foot on any surface. Instead, when interacting with those on the ground, they will generally float just above whatever surface. Even when they appear to be walking, their feet remain a few inches above the floor.

Here one minute…: As an air spirit, Esprit can be invisible at will. When they are invisible, Es becomes more air than matter, and can slip through the smallest openings.

Esprit can still become trapped in their physical form when bound to the ground, or trapped beneath the earth.

Weather the Storm: Like all air spirits, Es has a strong influence over the weather in their immediate area. Bringing in hail storms one minute, and sunshine the next. This ability is also closely tied to their emotions, making it dark and rainy when they are sad, and bright and warm when they are happy. But get them angry enough and you better hold into your hat when the tornado touches down.

Ultra-Green Thumb: Esprit has an innate ability for making things grow, having control over the rain plays no small part in that. They are known for having the fullest, most colorful, most exotic, and most wild garden around.

One might think this ability would make Es an ideal landscaper for the community, until  they realize that Es is very indiscriminate about what they let grow. You could have the prettiest rose bush in town, that will also be surrounded by a growth of weeds, thorn bushes, shrubs, cacti, and even a tree. Es loves to make literally anything grow.

While Es, like all Sylphs, is ageless and could live forever, they are by no means immortal. A Sylph can be killed by injury, disease, drowning, poisoning. Which is why most their kind live in the clouds, and remain invisible to most on Earth.

He looks good. Just be aware, Merlin would place heavy restrictions on him with messing with the weather in Greygull, the wizard works very hard to maintain the pocket dimension. If it was important, he could go to Merlin's tower and make a request.


Quote from: LamentingQuill on July 30, 2020, 03:24:26 PM
He looks good. Just be aware, Merlin would place heavy restrictions on him with messing with the weather in Greygull, the wizard works very hard to maintain the pocket dimension. If it was important, he could go to Merlin's tower and make a request.
Well I can't see much reason they would mess with the weather in Greygull seeing as it's magic, and ideal and all. Plants probably get enough water without their help.

So long as they get to have their little cloud apartment  ^•^

And assuming nobody is trying to kill/hurt them  :o
"The ultimate in paranoia is not when everyone is against you but when everything is against you." P.K. Dick
Ad astra - but per hominum


Hiya LamentingQuill! Here is my character submission, awaiting approval. Please let me know if there is anything out of sorts.


Player name: Lior
Character name: Faustus Mephistopheles Greenwood
Face Claim: Ncuti Gatwa
Nicknames: Lucky, Tricky Mick
Age: 550
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Faun
Personality: Curious, observant, confident. Faustus strikes a balance between the general conceptions of Satyr and Faun - sexually adventurous and a keeper of information. Standing just over six feet tall, Faustus is of medium build, but physically stronger than a human. While he would appear introverted, Faustus is drawn to gatherings for the chance to hear a good story or witness something new.

Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation/Job: Proprietor of Greenwood’s Gainly Guides, a book shop here in Greygull. One can find anything from the occasional ancient text considered by mortals to be merely Myth, to the latest issues of Human sports or fashion magazines.

Likes: Knowledge - as a purveyor of knowledge, it delights Faustus to learn something new. He has spent a considerable amount of time and resources to building his book collection, which spans topic and regions both Magic and Mundane.

Witty Humor - Having spent his life in two essential pursuits - knowledge and trickery - He greatly appreciates Puns, wordplay, Riddles, and other such high-brow humor, which he considers the best kind of humor.

Vests - sweater or suit, it matters not. One will almost always find Faustus to be wearing one type of vest or another.

Dislikes: Aggression, Fire, Blood Magic, Travel by Air or Sea.
O/O’s (required): Here are my Player Offs, Ons, and the Like. Faustus appreciates spontaneity in his sexual encounters - a look that speaks attraction and leads to sex without even a word said. Very important to him is consent. Even when he would trick humans into serving him in other ways, sexual trickery was a direction he would never go.

Backstory: Faustus sometimes wondered if his parents had some form of precognition when choosing what his full name would be. Like Faustus of the human stories regarding the scholar Faustus, he loves knowledge and will endeavor to learn anything he can. Like Mephistopheles, he has been known to make magical promises to those who could provide him either some new tidbit of knowledge, or humans who would serve him in exchange. Often, instead of granting a humans desire, he conjured an illusion to the effect.

Eventually, a more clever, angry and observant group of humans grew tired of Faustus’ antics and came after him and his family. Faustus barely made it away from the torch-bearing mob which burned his home and murdered his wife and parents.

Since then, he’s rather kept to himself and other magical kind.

Powers/Abilities: (limit of 4)

Glamor - The magical ability to disguise one’s true appearance. The extent of it can include completely disguising his appearance, the appearance of objects, or, with considerable more effort, even the appearance of an entire building. Longer glamor durations are more likely the smaller the object. Faustus can hold glamour on inanimate objects for up to three hours and up to two hours on people. Glamour on himself can least nearly the day, assuming his magic use and physical exertion has been moderate.

Stamina Rejuvenation - the ability to refresh one’s stamina with only a touch. This can be used for himself or others. Uses range from extending physical exertion from travel, athletics, or labor, to being able to lengthen sexual encounters by resetting exhaustion experienced post-coitus.

Fertility Healing - the ability to heal or restore illnesses or conditions which would normally limit fertility such as hormone imbalances, poor biological function, and minor physical alterations such as vasectomy. With assistance from another magical being willing to funnel power through him, he may even be able to heal catastrophic reproductive roadblocks such as loss of reproductive organs. Performing a ritual such as this is considerably draining, and requires a recovery time of one to three days before a new attempt.

Shape Changing - Tight control over the ability to, if desired, appear fully Human, part Human/part Animal, as classically depicted, or even fully animal. In animal form, Faustus can appear as a Goat, a Llama, or Panther.

Extra: Nothing for now.



Quote from: Lior on August 04, 2020, 03:45:56 AM
Hiya LamentingQuill! Here is my character submission, awaiting approval. Please let me know if there is anything out of sorts.


Player name: Lior
Character name: Faustus Mephistopheles Greenwood
Face Claim: Ncuti Gatwa
Nicknames: Lucky, Tricky Mick
Age: 550
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Faun
Personality: Curious, observant, confident. Faustus strikes a balance between the general conceptions of Satyr and Faun - sexually adventurous and a keeper of information. Standing just over six feet tall, Faustus is of medium build, but physically stronger than a human. While he would appear introverted, Faustus is drawn to gatherings for the chance to hear a good story or witness something new.

Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Occupation/Job: Proprietor of Greenwood’s Gainly Guides, a book shop here in Greygull. One can find anything from the occasional ancient text considered by mortals to be merely Myth, to the latest issues of Human sports or fashion magazines.

Likes: Knowledge - as a purveyor of knowledge, it delights Faustus to learn something new. He has spent a considerable amount of time and resources to building his book collection, which spans topic and regions both Magic and Mundane.

Witty Humor - Having spent his life in two essential pursuits - knowledge and trickery - He greatly appreciates Puns, wordplay, Riddles, and other such high-brow humor, which he considers the best kind of humor.

Vests - sweater or suit, it matters not. One will almost always find Faustus to be wearing one type of vest or another.

Dislikes: Aggression, Fire, Blood Magic, Travel by Air or Sea.
O/O’s (required): Here are my Player Offs, Ons, and the Like. Faustus appreciates spontaneity in his sexual encounters - a look that speaks attraction and leads to sex without even a word said. Very important to him is consent. Even when he would trick humans into serving him in other ways, sexual trickery was a direction he would never go.

Backstory: Faustus sometimes wondered if his parents had some form of precognition when choosing what his full name would be. Like Faustus of the human stories regarding the scholar Faustus, he loves knowledge and will endeavor to learn anything he can. Like Mephistopheles, he has been known to make magical promises to those who could provide him either some new tidbit of knowledge, or humans who would serve him in exchange. Often, instead of granting a humans desire, he conjured an illusion to the effect.

Eventually, a more clever, angry and observant group of humans grew tired of Faustus’ antics and came after him and his family. Faustus barely made it away from the torch-bearing mob which burned his home and murdered his wife and parents.

Since then, he’s rather kept to himself and other magical kind.

Powers/Abilities: (limit of 4)

Glamor - The magical ability to disguise one’s true appearance. The extent of it can include completely disguising his appearance, the appearance of objects, or, with considerable more effort, even the appearance of an entire building. Longer glamor durations are more likely the smaller the object.

Stamina Rejuvenation - the ability to refresh one’s stamina with only a touch. This can be used for himself or others. Uses range from extending physical exertion from travel, athletics, or labor, to being able to lengthen sexual encounters by resetting exhaustion experienced post-coitus.

Fertility Healing - the ability to heal or restore illnesses or conditions which would normally limit fertility such as hormone imbalances, poor biological function, and minor physical alterations such as vasectomy. With assistance from another magical being willing to funnel power through him, he may even be able to heal catastrophic reproductive roadblocks such as loss of reproductive organs.

Shape Changing - Tight control over the ability to, if desired, appear fully Human, part Human/part Animal, as classically depicted, or even fully animal. In animal form, Faustus can appear as a Goat, a Llama, or Panther.

Extra: Nothing for now.

Glamour - The magical ability to disguise one’s true appearance. The extent of it can include completely disguising his appearance, the appearance of objects, or, with considerable more effort, even the appearance of an entire building. Longer glamor durations are more likely the smaller the object.

I think a time restriction would be good here, like say that depending on the appearance and size of the appearance, he can only maintain it for a range of two to three hours before it breaks.

Stamina Rejuvenation - the ability to refresh one’s stamina with only a touch. This can be used for himself or others. Uses range from extending physical exertion from travel, athletics, or labor, to being able to lengthen sexual encounters by resetting exhaustion experienced post-coitus.

Fertility Healing - the ability to heal or restore illnesses or conditions which would normally limit fertility such as hormone imbalances, poor biological function, and minor physical alterations such as vasectomy. With assistance from another magical being willing to funnel power through him, he may even be able to heal catastrophic reproductive roadblocks such as loss of reproductive organs.

Give these two a cooldown effect, like he could only use the fertility thing once per day as fixing a body would likely take a lot of energy and the stamina thing like perhaps three times a day.

With all that, Faustus is absolutely approved.