The magical harbor town of Greygull! Official Recruitment. CLOSED.

Started by LamentingQuill, July 23, 2020, 04:03:18 PM

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Welcome to the magical harbor town of Greygull

Please make certain to read everything thoroughly.

This game will be 98% sandbox with 2% GM guidance, the 2% being like fun events happening here and there, you post when you can, people are expected to be aware of this before engaging in scenes, I don’t want people being harassed for posts.

I wanted to create something friendly to people like myself that do not have all the time in the world and have a very difficult time getting into something where they feel rushed or pressured to post at the risk of holding others back from story progress.

So welcome to the magical harbor town of Greygull! This town was largely inspired for me from my love of the Nostalgic Halloweentown movie series, so if you are familiar with that, it should give you a fairly good idea… except of course, that our town is located next to a beautiful scenic harbor overlooking a stunning sparkling ocean.

Greygull is a pocket dimension that only denizens of a supernatural/magical origin can gain access to, it was created many centuries ago by the wizard Merlin, for magical folk to escape from the cruel and harsh judgements of mortals and live peaceful and normal (for them) lives without having to look over their shoulders anymore.

On citizens without special needs, visits to the human world may only occur on Halloween, when the portal is open to the Greygull inhabitants to use as they wish, this restriction is for the safety of Greygull. Special permits to leave on a regular basis may be applied for in regards to necessities, like for the special needs of vampires with blood and others with similar survival needs that cannot be obtained in Greygull without harming Greygull citizens.

We’ll have locations all across town that players can run, for example, I intend to run a charming little coffee shop.

I’m thinking of accommodating people with very hellish schedules that still want to have some fun when they can… we’ll likely open up a whole in game month to play with for like a real time length of two months, before we move onto the next month in game. Gives faster posters lots to work with, while slower posters have plenty of time to get to their scenes when schedules allow them to.

We’ll also have what is referred to as a ‘past events’ thread, for people to finish up scenes that they couldn’t for whatever pops up in their lives to prevent them.

Most supernatural/magical races/species will be available to play, but I will be a bit stricter with the rarer stuff like Nephilim, Arch demons and things like that, if you aren’t sure about something, just shoot me a PM and we’ll discuss it.


1. For the moment, only two characters are permitted per player.

2. Don’t be douchebag, act like a decent and civil individual while you are interacting with our players, sort out issues calmly and politely, otherwise bring issues directly to me. I won’t tolerate childish drama that should be beneath grown adults.

3. No God-modding without a player’s clear permission. That means asking every single time, getting permission once doesn’t give an all access pass.

4. No Meta-gaming. To meta-game is to use information in game that your character should never have been able to obtain, such a very carefully kept secret. Certain things plotted between you and another are a different story and permissible, just make sure that it makes sense for the discovery to have been made. Always seek permission about non-public information regarding another person’s character.

5. O/O’s are important, make sure to research a person’s on’s and off’s before engaging in sexual activities with their character. Pushing your kinks onto a person that does not share them is not okay.

6. Headers. With the large amount of time opened up, headers will be very important to help keep track of what is going on, you are expected to keep your header up to date with accurate information.

7. Faceclaims. Real people and digital art will be accepted. Anime will not. If you have a faceclaims name, I will reserve them for you. Unknowns are accepted as well, I understand that sometimes that perfect FC only did the one picture and didn’t put their name out there.

8. Do not pester. This is a sandbox game with a friendly slow pace, harassment for posts will be tolerated. I want people here to be able to relax, have fun and not worry.

9. If I say no about something, consider that I have not done so lightly and have a good reason. It’s nothing against you personally.

10. We are friendly to all orientations. However pushing a hetero character to become homosexual or bisexual if they are not comfortable doing so is not acceptable, neither is the reverse, if an LGBTQ does not wish a hetero match up, do not press the issue. As said before, this is a place for people to just relax and have a good time.

11. Any places of business must be cleared with me before being put into action in-game.

12. I should not have to tell people this, but I will anyway, all characters must be at least 18 years old. Underage characters are against site rules and will be rejected.

More to come when and/or if needed.

[b]Player name:[/b]
[float=left][img height=300][/img][/float][b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Nicknames (if you have one):[/b]
[b]Sexual orientation:[/b]
[b]O/O’s (required):[/b]
[b]Backstory:[/b] (As long or as brief as you like, just let us get to know your character a bit)
[b]Powers/Abilites:[/b] (limit of 4)

[b]Extra:[/b] (anything extra that you’d like known about your character)

Places completed profiles here for consideration. Please label them at the top of the page as ‘Submitted for Approval’.

Reserved Faceclaims:

LamentingQuill- Ksenia Solo
LamentingQuill- Gackt
IvoryDawn- Abigial Ratchford
AndyZ- Emma Stone

Reserved businesses/locations:

Tarnished Halo Coffee Shop- LamentingQuill
(Unnamed atm) Spa/Turkish-style bath house- IvoryDawn
(Unnamed atm) Bookshop- Lior

Important NPCS (so far)


Navigation Thread

Foxy DeVille

Interested! Thinking about a sea nymph that's also an Instagram model, if Greygull has decent Wifi.  8-)

Ivory Dawn

*pokes head in* Mermaids?

Even if the answer's no, I'm still in.


Quote from: Ivory Dawn on July 23, 2020, 06:23:31 PM
*pokes head in* Mermaids?

Even if the answer's no, I'm still in.

Mermaids are fine. They would of course, have the ability to transform their tail into legs whenever they please and back again.

Ivory Dawn


I'm thinking about a technowitch: a centuries-old being who's studied both the arcane and technological arts and knows how to blend them together to some degree.  This would allow for things like Wifi where my character knows how to maintain the systems and cause the signal to enter and exit the pocket dimension.  Things can be spotty and sometimes streaming can be a little bad on peak hours, but the fine art of mixing the two sciences hasn't yet been perfected.  What do you think?
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: AndyZ on July 24, 2020, 11:27:33 AM
I'm thinking about a technowitch: a centuries-old being who's studied both the arcane and technological arts and knows how to blend them together to some degree.  This would allow for things like Wifi where my character knows how to maintain the systems and cause the signal to enter and exit the pocket dimension.  Things can be spotty and sometimes streaming can be a little bad on peak hours, but the fine art of mixing the two sciences hasn't yet been perfected.  What do you think?

If I think we can generate enough interest. I will PM you about that, I had some ideas myself.


A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


I’d be interested! This could be a good way for me to get my feet wet. I’m thinking a nature spirit like a Faun or Nymph running a book shop, perhaps.


May I just say that I absolutely love you for this idea of creating something that's just chill during these chaotic times. Definitely tickling my interest!

Metro Mech

I would like to put down my interest though I am curious if it is alright I play something that is humanoid such as a bug race
Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


Quote from: Metro Mech on July 25, 2020, 04:31:03 PM
I would like to put down my interest though I am curious if it is alright I play something that is humanoid such as a bug race

It shouldn’t be an issue as Halloween Town had crazy outlandish citizens, but to be safe, pm me an example of some kind :)


Quote from: LamentingQuill on July 24, 2020, 11:48:23 AM
If I think we can generate enough interest. I will PM you about that, I had some ideas myself.

Sounds good to me ^_^ One idea I'm playing with is that my witch has given up on conventional wands and likes using a laser pointer, but individuals will probably have their own personal styles.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


I think I feel confident enough we can generate sufficient interest. I will work up an official recruitment.


Updates have been made. We are not officially actively recruiting, I have promised PMs to certain individuals and shall have them all sent before I go to bed tonight.


A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Quote from: Levi on July 25, 2020, 09:42:12 PM
LamentingQuill would this be acceptable?

Yeah, I would still call that digital art or close enough.

Ivory Dawn

I'd like to reserve Abigial Ratchford as a faceclaim for my mermaid!

And she'll run a spa/turkish-style bath, I think :)


Quote from: Ivory Dawn on July 25, 2020, 10:53:07 PM
I'd like to reserve Abigial Ratchford as a faceclaim for my mermaid!

And she'll run a spa/turkish-style bath, I think :)

I’ll get that down soon as I get back to my computer.


A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated

Foxy DeVille

Submitted for Approval (Warning: Naked Nereid NSFW)
Player name: Foxy DeVille
Character name: Marina
Nicknames (if you have one): Marina Neptune (professional name)
Age: Between 300 and 700 years (she can’t remember), appears late teen/ early twenties
Gender: Female (usually)
Race/Species: Nereid (sea nymph)
Personality: Upbeat and fun-loving, can be flaky and superficial at times. There is a definite hippie chick/surfer girl vibe to her. But if you cross her beware as she can be a vindictive enemy.
Sexual orientation: Pan
Likes: The ocean, wine, Ancient Greek culture, attention
Dislikes: Polluters, rules, most articles of clothing
O/O’s (required): An exhibitionist who loves oral, anal, and rough sex. She also likes watersports, which seems appropriate for a sea nymph. Her only dislike is scat, too messy for her.
Backstory: Marina isn’t quite sure how long she’s been alive. She remembers wooden sailing ships and feels bad about causing a few wrecks. Can’t a girl get a tan on some rocks without a nautical disaster happening? She is a bit of a cross between a spirit and a goddess, so she loves to have mortals gush about her. But she is also very independent and doesn’t want people too much in her business. Fortunately modern social media provides a solution. Calling herself Marina Neptune, she became an Instagram model and gained a large following. She has capitalized on this by moving into webcamming. Marina cares little about money and the vast majority of her income is donated to environmental causes. She has a small home in Greygull because the ocean doesn’t have WiFi and she likes being around folk she can be herself with.
Powers/Abilities: (limit of 4)
Aquatic Adaptation: Marina can breathe underwater and swim twice as fast as a human can run. Her vision still works well in areas of low light and her flesh is resistant to cold, which is good considering her aversion to clothing.

Aquatic Animal Empathy: She communicates with sea creatures at a basic primal level and they feel a kinsmanship with her. Marina frequently has a friend with her underwater.

Hydrokinesis: Marina can control water within thirty feet, shaping it however she desires… offensively, defensively, artistically.

Supernatural Sexuality: She’s a nymph, they got a reputation for a reason. Marina has an uncanny gift for seduction and can even shift to an androgynous male form to broaden her potential conquests.

Extra: Nereids keep part of their lifeforce in a shawl in order to maintain their longevity. Anyone who obtains a shawl can force that nereid to reluctantly obey their commands. Marina keeps her in Greygull, assuming none of her neighbors would commit a crime against her.

Faceclaim is Little Caprice

Metro Mech

Tartris of Flame (NSFW Warning)
Player name: Metro Mecha

Character name: Tartris of Flame

Nicknames (if you have one): Tartris

Age: 35 human years

Gender: Male

Race/Species: Elkinski (Insectoid Race)

Personality: Determined, Loyal, Brisk and a no nonsense personality, Tartris has long lived up to his role as a personal body guard or protector of those who sought his services. As of late he has been working more towards expanding his horizons and coming to the Greygull to find more employment opportunities

Sexual orientation: Hetero

Occupation/Job: Chief of Law Enforcement

Likes: Compliments, Working, Order, His Spear, Hunting Trips, Beans, Bacon and Whisky

Dislikes: Disloyalty, Others Exerting Dominance over him, Ice, Lettuce

O/O’s (required): Dominance play especially between him and superior in a role reversal way, willing to provide exhibition or humiliation to those he mates with, rough and tumble sex as he likes for his mates to fight back.

Backstory: His people have long lived under the earth's surface, far below the realms of man where his people have scratched out an existence between the many caverns that cross under the earth's surface. Born into the role of a royal guard he was trained to protect his queen at any cost but alas, rulers rise and rulers fall and he happened to be on the loosing side. Stripped of his rank and punished for his following he had his two lower limbs removed in that judgement. Exiled into the upper lands Tartris was thrust into a world he did not know but he had to adapt to survive. Hiding among the less fortunate magical folk he grew his reputation as a stalwart body guard and bouncer, later learning about Greygull, a place where he could peaceably settle down away from the humans who looked upon him in fear and disgust for his kind. A new home, a place to forge a new existence, a place he could call his own once again.   

Powers/Abilites: (limit of 4)

Hardened Carapace: His skin is leathery and touch but still quite flexible, ordinary damage to a human would be shrugged off by him allowing him to get rough.

Flame Resistant: Able to stick his hand into a brazer and retrieve coals his hand would remain unscathed tying into his dislike of ice for it weakens him.

Heightened Metabolism: Moving faster, stronger, more agile then a human thanks to his heightened body processes, this allows him to move through the world less hindered then others would, not to mention his ability to recover after exhaustion far quicker.

Extrasensory Organs: Being born his race, he can hear better, smell better and see better then any human, his eyes able to see in low light conditions, his nose able to track more and his ears able to pick up a mouse's whisper.

Extra: Tartris might seem gruff and intimidating but can easily be placated by sweets such as hard candy.
Currently looking for a RP? Why not give my Thread a little look see, see if you can't find something you like?
A/A <- check here if I haven't replied in some time
I have taken the Oath of the Drake
Behold my O/O


I passed out, sorry folks I promised PMs to, will get on that as soon as I get my coffee.


Player name: Levi
Character name: Trixabelle Rosebud
Nicknames: Trixie
Age: 110
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Fairy
Personality: Trixie suffers from something called Shiny Eye, which basically means that if you leave anything shiny out in a room, be it by a window, on the stairs, out in the garden or anywhere that a fairy can get to then Trixie will take it. She can't help herself she is drawn to shiny objects be they a pair of keys or a priceless jewel to even a brand new watering can. Nothing is safe from this devious little fairy. Although she takes things without thinking, she seems unable to simply hand items back the fairy set up a shop where people can go to find what has been taken. Trixie isn't a mean hearted fairy and will always help someone in need. Fun loving and forever a prankster. She can also be rather self centered in the bedroom department.
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation/Job: owns a small shop called Taken
Likes: Shiny things, playing tricks, laughter, fun, sunny days, animals
Dislikes: rain, being locked up, dust
O/O’s : oral receiving, breast play, dress up, anal, toys, watching porn
Backstory: When a baby laughs for the first time, that's when a fairy is born.... That's what the elder fairies would like you to believe anyway! However Trixie is the result of a drunken night when her mother a simple flower fairy hit the town for the very first time. She fell hard for a pixie and they got hot and heavy. The relationship lasted long enough for him to score a home run in mom's womb then ran for it with a devilish grin. Nine months later and Trixie was born, although she is a fairy the woman does have an impish nature just like good old dad.
Shrink Trixie can adjust her size to fit into nearly any hole, how do you think things go missing from a locked up home? The smallest she can go is roughly the size of a mouse.

Flight Her wings adjust with her body size and she can fly, her wings become useless in rainy weather so folks shinys are safe on those days!

X-Ray Vison This particular power only works on objects, it's something that is as natural to Trixie as breathing, all she has to do is look at a building or a object and she can see inside it. Thanks to her condition her eyes are naturally drawn to shiny objects. This power doesn't work on anything else.

Extra: (anything extra that you’d like known about your character)
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Quote from: Levi on July 26, 2020, 10:54:46 AM
Player name: Levi
Character name: Trixabelle Rosebud
Nicknames: Trixie
Age: 110
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Fairy
Personality: Trixie suffers from something called Shiny Eye, which basically means that if you leave anything shiny out in a room, be it by a window, on the stairs, out in the garden or anywhere that a fairy can get to then Trixie will take it. She can't help herself she is drawn to shiny objects be they a pair of keys or a priceless jewel to even a brand new watering can. Nothing is safe from this devious little fairy. Although she takes things without thinking, she seems unable to simply hand items back the fairy set up a shop where people can go to find what has been taken. Trixie isn't a mean hearted fairy and will always help someone in need. Fun loving and forever a prankster. She can also be rather self centered in the bedroom department.
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation/Job: owns a small shop called Taken
Likes: Shiny things, playing tricks, laughter, fun, sunny days, animals
Dislikes: rain, being locked up, dust
O/O’s : oral receiving, breast play, dress up, anal, toys, watching porn
Backstory: When a baby laughs for the first time, that's when a fairy is born.... That's what the elder fairies would like you to believe anyway! However Trixie is the result of a drunken night when her mother a simple flower fairy hit the town for the very first time. She fell hard for a pixie and they got hot and heavy. The relationship lasted long enough for him to score a home run in mom's womb then ran for it with a devilish grin. Nine months later and Trixie was born, although she is a fairy the woman does have an impish nature just like good old dad.
Shrink Trixie can adjust her size to fit into nearly any hole, how do you think things go missing from a locked up home? The smallest she can go is roughly the size of a mouse.

Flight Her wings adjust with her body size and she can fly, her wings become useless in rainy weather so folks shinys are safe on those days!

X-Ray Vison This particular power only works on objects, it's something that is as natural to Trixie as breathing, all she has to do is look at a building or a object and she can see inside it. Thanks to her condition her eyes are naturally drawn to shiny objects. This paper doesn't work on anything else.

Extra: (anything extra that you’d like known about your character)

What exactly is her shop?