Star Trek: Avenger (System: Star Trek Adventures)

Started by GloomCookie, August 26, 2019, 07:27:24 PM

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Sorry, I meant the ship stats related to the spaceframe for Star Trek Adventures.

You know, the attacks, talents, systems and department values. 


By the way, Captain America, you should join the Discord channel!  Would love to discuss plot with you.

Captain America

We have a channel for this? Oh my....I may have to take the plunge
Discord captainamerica_

Feel free to pester me.



My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022


Character Name: Morgan Nala
Also responds to: Chief and Nala
Character Species: Joined Trill
Character Gender: Female
Basic Description:

Intended Rank: Lieutenant (Junior Grade)
Intended Role: Chief Engineer
Brief Bio:

Morgan grew up on research station surrounding an anomaly within the beta quadrant. She grew up among machines, science, and tech and it filled her early life with purpose. Her parents pushed her to attempt to become joined due to them unable to get accepted themselves. Morgan applied to become a Trill initiate and after many years she was allowed to join with the symbiote, Nala.

Her life completely changed by the experience and joining, she chose to pursue Morgan's dreams of becoming a respected and well-known Engineer like her parents. She joined Starfleet academy into the operations career track and majored in Engineering, while also working on Science and Medical. She did well in her classes and adapted a hard work ethic that became a core part of her values.

After graduation, on her first voyage, there was a catastrophic accident with the warp engines. Which with her leading the engineering team, managed to pull off something seemingly impossible and save the ship. Soon, after that she developed an improvised drone to help with repairs in the Jefferies tubes of a ship, earning her some accolades and promotion to her current rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade.

Morgan is still new to Starfleet and knows from her past lives that she has a long way to go to achieve her dreams. She is to become the Chief Engineer of the U.S.S Avenger and hopefully blend in well with her crew and achieve that lofty goal.

I have created the Chief Engineer Morgan Nala. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I hope I will fit in.  :P