Daughter's Playground - LGBTQIA+ Friendly - Recruiting Status [Closed]

Started by Kaia, February 27, 2019, 01:30:55 AM

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Seeking adult characters

Gamemasters:  Kaia and Lynnie

Party Status: Closed
Party Location: March Party: Solano House

This game is based around sexual exploration and major age differences.


Our main story is set a short time after the girls first started the Daughter's Playground.  It was ran by girls, and celebrated their sexuality, their womanhood in a way that most would shame them for.  They built a circle of like minded friends, who weren't there just to fuck and be fucked.  No, these were people who managed to be a community.  They cared for one another, as friends, if nothing else.  Sometimes, one or two of the gentlemen were a little forward, but that came with the territory.  For the most part however, the Daughter's Playground was a place of family.

Kismet, Amanita, and Kaelyn probably wouldn't have gone as far as they did on that fateful night, if it hadn't been for beer that Kismet had pilfered from her mom.  They'd been drinking through the night, and when it came time to play truth or dare, any sense of propriety went out the door.  Kaelyn was already down to her panties, and the other two girls had kissed.  The kiss was a first for Amanita, and she found herself liking it, much to her surprise.  The girl didn’t even know what she wanted or what she was into, just that she wanted it all.

Kismet had been playing with the idea of fucking someone older, much older.  Everyone her age just seemed to bore her, and she wanted something different than was socially acceptable.  She never was much good at following the rules.  Watching her friend stand there in nothing but her panties, the redhead got an idea.  Turning to Kaelyn, the teenager smirked, "I dare you to fuck my mom."  Kaelyn balked at first, that being something she had thought was out of the realm of possibility.  Amanita laughed, “I second the motion.  Go big or go home!”  The redhead was surprised but thrilled.  This sleepover was shaping up even better than she’d ever expected.

Her friends heard many things that night, leaving them in hushed whispers as they tried to imagine what might be happening in that bedroom.  Kaelyn had a night full of pleasure, grateful for the dare that she had not been prepared for.  The teenager told her two best friends all about it, happy in her new experience with Ms. Cerveny.

Some time later, the young women gathered at the Solano Estate for another sleepover.  The tight-knit trio found themselves talking about what had happened despite all of their best efforts to not bring it up again.  Amanita got an idea as they conversed, quiet as she thought it through.  Her dad had been going through a rough time lately, and she felt kind of bad for him.  Nothing seemed to be really filling him with joy these days, and Amanita was just desperate enough to try it again.  Later that evening, when it inevitably turned to games of daring and honesty, the latina posed the challenge to Kismet.

Excited, Kizzy realized that she was finally going to get to try an older man if all went well.  Biting her lip with anticipation, the redhead readily agreed.  Slipping into Mr. Solano’s bed, she eagerly awaited her own new experience, which ended up giving her an idea.  They could fuck each other's parents and get all the fun and experience that they wanted, but keep it a closed circuit.  And thus, the Daughter's Playground was formed.

This was the single most exciting thing to happen to them, something that seemed to only bring them closer together.  Eventually Amanita's dad overheard them talking about it during one of their many sleepovers.  Confronting his daughter, she told him what had been going on.  The girl wasn’t sure what he had expected, but when he called up the rest of the parentals to invite them over for dinner, he caught her by surprise.  Mateo doted on his daughter and would have done anything for her, so he sat down with the girls and their parents to talk it out.  After talking at length, the three families finally agreed that there wouldn’t be any harm in a little exploration; it might be healthy even in some respects.

  • You will have access to the current party thread, household threads, location threads, and more.
  • We have an unofficial discord for OOC chatter and plotting in addition to the normal OOC.
  • This is not a incest RP. Your characters might be into that, but it's not the primary focus in this game.

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~



-Include both Gms in PMs
-Minimum posting frequency is one post once a month for side scenes, once a week for group events such as parties. If you have not made a post in a while, the GM's will move your characters to inactive status, and you will have to get in touch with the GMs to be reinstated.
-Each monthly party will be placed in a separate thread. Once a party is over, the current party is merged into that party thread. Please let us know if you have a scene that needs finishing in a certain party and we will allow time for you and your partner(s) to finish said scene before closing.
-No drama outside of the RP please. Please be courteous to other players, their On's and Offs and their creativity.
-One paragraph minimum for each post. Always be sure to include the proper headers at the top of your post. This includes Content Warnings.  While we understand that people like putting cute content warnings, we do ask that any warnings that deal with kinks or triggers be listed clearly.
-At this time, each player is allowed to make two characters.
-Characters and NPCs must be original characters.  It's okay to take inspiration from the media, but if it's too close, you will be asked to change it.
-This game resides in the Bondage forum, so all scenes must include an enthusiastic consent.  If it's not clear that consent is given, this falls under dub-con/non-con, and is not permitted.
-No drinking and driving allowed IC.
-Not allowing any pot shops or other marijuana related business at this time.

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~



Q: What sort of group will this be?
A: With the potential for romance and smut and some kinky flavors, this will be put into Bondage - Human Freeform Groups.

Q: How do I get my character approved?
A: Post in recruitment or PM to both GMs so it can be evaluated by the GM's.

Q: How old for daughters?
A: 18-20. The older girls shouldn't be new to the party.

Q: How does this work?
A: Each monthly party will be placed in a separate thread. Once a party is over, the current party is merged into that party thread. There are household threads, location threads, and more for more Playground fun.

Q: Can I still join if the RP has started?
A: You can always join the RP by submitting a character sheet, but the party thread is not always open to new characters joining.  There are plenty of opportunities for side scenes while waiting for the next party, however.

Q:  How do the parties work?  How do I get started?
A: You're going to need to get invited to a party by an existing member of the Daughter's Playground.  This person will let one of the founding daughters know that they're sponsoring someone, and you will get to go to the party.

Q:  What is this about a sponsor?  How long do I need one?
A:  A sponsor is someone who is taking responsibility for you while you are attending the party.  You only need a sponsor for the first party, as the girls will debate on admittance into the hedonistic society.  Once deliberation is done, you will receive an official invitation, penned by Kismet herself, and be considered full members of the group.

However, that's just story canon and doesn't apply to actual mechanics.  For our purposes, we assume you pass all checks if your character is approved.

Q: When/how often will the game time roll forward to the next month?
A: There is no set timeline in real time for moving game time forward. As GMs, we do our best to gauge how far along the planned scenes for the month have progressed and make a determination accordingly to move time forward in game. You will always be notified before this happens, and we'll do our best to give everyone plenty of time to wrap up their current scenes before we do. If you do happen to have a scene take longer than the time we give, you're always welcome to continue it in the History section.

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~



We're currently open for recruitment.  We are looking for players of all types.  Come on in!  The water's warm!

Making Characters

In order to attempt to maintain the intimate, family atmosphere that we started with, we have a few things to keep in mind:


  • One must be to a current daughter (active, current member) of the Playground
  • The other must be to a founding daughter of the Playground.


  • We give a lot of room on what you can do, as long as you keep to the premise and backstory of the game.
  • Moms are encouraged!  This game is for all genders and sexualities.
  • Knowing who sponsored your character (hint: one of your connections is an easy way to do this) makes things easier, even if it is just story canon.
  • Parties are exclusive to those being sponsored and current members - ie:  You wouldn't just randomly hear about it.
  • STD's, Pregnancy, etc are not a risk in this game.  It's fantasy, and goes against the spirit of the game.
  • This game resides in the Bondage forum, so all scenes must include an enthusiastic consent.  If it's not clear that consent is given, this falls under dub-con/non-con, and is not permitted.
  • Not allowing any pot shops or other marijuana related business at this time.
  • All attendees are required to sign a paper prior to their first party that has the rules, expectations, and confidentiality clause.  This is canon, not RP'd.
  • First party for non-founding families can be from February 2019 - present

Please select and copy this code to use for your Character Sheets. You must post here or PM Character sheets to both GMs to have it approved.

Character Sheet (for existing players)

[float=right][img height=400 padding=10]URL HERE[/img][/float]
[b]Gender:[/b] [Male, Female, Trans, etc]
[b]Incest y/n:[/b] [Yes only indicates that you are open to the concept and are willing to discuss]
[b]Age:[/b] [18-20] [36-50]
[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]Distinguishing Marks:[/b] [Tattoos, piercings]
[b]Sexuality:[/b] [Straight, gay, bi, lesbian, queer, homoflexible, questioning, etc.]
[b]Profession/Year in School:[/b]
[b]First Party:[/b]  [MONTH YEAR]
[b]Character's O/O's:[/b] [url=URL HERE]Ons & Offs[/url]



[img height=400 padding=20]URL HERE[/img]
[img height=200 padding=20]URL HERE[/img][img height=200 padding=20]URL HERE[/img]



[b]Story Arcs:[/b]

[b]Connections to other characters:[/b]
[li]NAME - TYPE[/li]  [One must be to an existing daughter who was established as a member before a certain point.  Please ask GM for the current criteria for this.]
[li]NAME - TYPE[/li]  [The second must be to any existing daughter of the Playground]
[li]NAME - TYPE[/li]  [Any connection]

[li]NAME - TYPE[/li]

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~


~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~


So, I was thinking of sliding back into this game with a new character.  A daughter, to start out, would that be cool?

I want to use Nyane Lebajoa as my face claim.


I might also be interested in joining this. May I put in a face claim for Luca Hollestelle?


My Mom Eva could use a daughter or two as she has adopted children.  If any new players want to take a look here she is. No incest plots with my ladies though. 

Eva Van Heusen

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Bibliophilia on February 27, 2019, 02:16:24 AM
So, I was thinking of sliding back into this game with a new character.  A daughter, to start out, would that be cool?

I want to use Nyane Lebajoa as my face claim.

Quote from: Mtpersson on February 27, 2019, 02:56:36 AM
I might also be interested in joining this. May I put in a face claim for Luca Hollestelle?

Both are excellent choices.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Seeking New Stories

You know you hypnotize me, always

The Lovely Tsaritsa


I look forward to reading the sheets ^_^  So excited to have you guys join us!

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


I'll most likely be bringing Chris back.  Yet I'll need a new daughter, so open in those aspects :)
“The Doctor: This is bad, I don't like this. [kicks console and yells in pain] Never use force, you just embarrass yourself. Unless you're cross, in which case... always use force!
Amy: Shall I run and get the manual?
The Doctor: I threw it in a supernova.
Amy: You threw the manual in a supernova? Why?
The Doctor: Because I disagreed with it! Now stop talking to me when I'm cross!”
Ons and Offs


Nice! Though I myself can't help you fill in a daughter role. But seems there some potential ones out there for you.


Yeah I could use a daughter for Eva.  Though I suppose her connection to Danika helps if I get no takers.  We seem to have a lot of characters with NPC daughters or fathers.  Would be nice to see if some of them could pair up so we don’t have so many NPC’s.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Austin Lang could use a daughter rather than having an NPC one.
Seeking New Stories

You know you hypnotize me, always

Lady Sakura


Definitely still taking character submissions.  We have several parents and daughters without pairings, so there's still plenty of room, and we haven't even started yet! 

Quote from: GnothiSeauton on February 27, 2019, 04:14:50 PM
I'm interested in joining up.

Woot!!  I can't wait to see what you come up with!

~ Who cares what and who we are as long as we no longer break ~

Lady Sakura

So I'm thinking of making a daughter who is an aspired business major. Her personality will be confident, outspoken, almost Type A but a little softer.

Anyone wanting a daughter be interested in her? I can make her sheet up and when it's posted see if there are any takers? Let me know ^^


I'm working on a daughter for ImpishCharm's Austin, and I could totally use some connections and stuff while putting the finishing touches on her sheet.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


Quote from: GnothiSeauton on February 28, 2019, 09:26:05 PM
I'm working on a daughter for ImpishCharm's Austin, and I could totally use some connections and stuff while putting the finishing touches on her sheet.

What’s she like Gnothi?  And is she interested in dads? mom’s? Both?

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Quote from: Crash on February 28, 2019, 10:03:51 PM
What’s she like Gnothi?  And is she interested in dads? mom’s? Both?

She's an outdoorsy kind of girl who likes both dads and moms.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories