Caravanserai [The Lotus Restaurant | Calypso’s Bar]

Started by Flower, July 08, 2018, 08:25:45 AM

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Name: Olivia "Liv" Evans
Date | Time: June 11th
Wearing: black sleeveless sundress with the hat
Location: Mirage Bar
Tagging: Joseph, Open

"Well," Liv set her pen down for emphasis. "If your collector finds anything interesting, I'd be curious to see it. No strings and off the record." She held up her hands with a bit of a chuckle. Even though she was hoping to eventually score a laid-back kind of life that paid for itself, Joseph seemed to be much more carefree and worry less than she was at heart. It was definitely envious.

She leaned back in her chair and contemplated what to ask when a server came by and she reached out with prettily painted nails to snag his attention. "May I get a fizzy water with lime?" She indicated towards her chatting buddy to see if he wanted to order anything while she picked up her pen again.

"So... tell me about your resort accommodations. What kind of room does a guest in residence get and what are the perks?" She was in one of the Qos rooms. It was beautifully decorated and nicer than any apartment or dorm she had ever lived in - but it was the cheapest of suits available. She wondered what someone who called themselves "bored rich" might live like.
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans
Date | Time: June 11 | 11:50 AM
Wearing: This
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Sean | Closed

Mood: Confused and overwhelmed... Or was it Dazed and Confused..? How did that song go? Focus, Axel!

Axel smiled when he was told there was no need to pay him back, but he was still going to at least take his turn and invite Sean for dinner someday. "Huh?" The man blinked, feeling a faint blush creeping over his face. "Well... You already said I didn't have to pay you back... So you missed your chance." He chuckled. Had he just find someone who could flirt as blatantly as he did? Maybe... Although Axel wasn't in the right mind set at the moment.

While Sean decided what he was going to have for lunch, Axel leaned onto the table, gradually feeling more at ease. He looked around for a bit, enjoying the calm atmosphere of paradise.

Paradise my ass... Axel thought, holding back a sigh. It still felt like one of life's terrible jokes. He came here thinking he was going to hear the question and he ended up hearing how obnoxious he could get to be. He wasn't obnoxious, wasn't he? And... People wasn't supposed to work at paradise... But anyway...

"You're right." Axel gave a firm nod, smiling at Sean. "And thank you, for being here." He laughed softly, but seeing the other man rolling his eyes Axel worried he'd said something annoying. And then Sean hit the table and snapped his fingers saying he knew what he meant. "You- You do..?" Axel stammered. Then Sean asked him to go out and Axel just sank into his chair, blinking at him.

"Um, okay... Yes!" He nodded, smiling once more. "Let's do it!" This had to be good for him. Going to a club was always the right way to leave all kinds of crap behind.

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Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 11 June 2020, 12:00 PM roughly
Wearing: White button down shirt open to the solar plexus, khakis
Location: Mirage Patio
Tagging: Olivia, Open

"Woodford Old Fashioned and a Lime Tonic." He said to the waiter. He would kill off the remainder of his drinks in short fashion."And could you put an ice ball in both? These chips are watering the drinks down too quickly." The waiter would nod and walk off.

"I'm in Quos residential number five. I could afford a bigger suite, but I don't need one. The ones with extra rooms are just too much. Hell, my suite puts my old studio apartment to absolute shame." He replied to her next question. "I have the most comfortable bed I've ever laid upon, a bathtub that could fit three grown men, and a view of the entire desert from the patio. I can't say that it gets much better than that."

Lovely Complex

Name: Sean Adams
Date | Time: June 11th | 12:00 PM
Wearing: Unfortunately, This
Location: Mirage Restaurant & Bar
Tagging: Axel | Closed

Sean let out a small laugh when Axel said that he had missed his chance of being paid back. He had shaken his finger towards him then leaned up a bit. "Oh, no. I meant you don't have to pay me back right now." Sean adjusted himself in his seat a bit. "But eventually, I am going to remember this." He had laughed again then shrugged his shoulders towards Axel. "I'm just messing with you, Axel." He had said then his back met with the back of his chair as his legs folded and hands clasped together.

It was nice to be away from work, even if it was just for a little bit. This did feel a bit too nice though and he was still trying to figure things out about Axel but all of that came with time. He had eyed the male briefly for a moment then waved his hand towards him before his hands clasped again. "Don't mention it. Just being a human." Sean replied with the shrug of his shoulders then smirked a bit whenever Axel accepted the offer to go out.

"Great!" He had muttered with a bit of excitement. This going out wasn't just for Axel but also for Sean, as well. But that's something he was going to keep to himself for the time being. "So, pick a date and we'll have to arrange things from there." He said with a nod just as the waitress came over with their selected beverages and mentioned that their food would be out shortly. Sean smiled at her and thanked her then turned his attention back to Axel.

"So, what really brings to Cara?" He asked. "I mean, what's the real reason you're here?" He followed up with another question as he leaned up and placed his elbows onto the table and chin down onto his clasped hands. Sean was really eager to learn more about Axel but wasn't going to pry him for information at all. He just wanted to have a small chat with him and perhaps more but that's later down the road.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans
Date | Time: June 11 | 11:50 AM
Wearing: This
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Sean | Closed

Mood: Confused and overwhelmed... Or was it Dazed and Confused..? How did that song go? Focus, Axel!

Axel enjoyed the teasing they exchanged. It wasn't often that he could find someone that didn't get all flustered with his teasing and it wasn't common to find someone that could tease back. It was fun, and it helped Axel to relax a little bit more as they spoke.

"Alright! Just let me check my schedule, I'm a very busy man." Axel laughed, although it was true that he needed to check his working schedule as he hadn't memorized it yet.

"Um..." He wondered if Sean hadn't believed him when he explained to him that he had come here with his boyfriend, with the hope of having a ring on his finger after some nice dinner. It didn't matter. "I guess... My bad luck brought me here. Or maybe it was my good luck, but I don't have much of that." Axel chuckled slightly nervously. He had never been a very lucky person, but maybe this was the point where his life made a turn and changed for the better. Maybe...

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Lovely Complex

Name: Sean Adams
Date | Time: June 11th | 12:00 PM
Wearing: Unfortunately, This
Location: Mirage Restaurant & Bar
Tagging: Axel | Closed

It was nice to have some to do some back and forth teasing with. Sean usually dominated in that aspect but seems to have met his match with Axel, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing either. There was no awkwardness between them and that helped them both relax and open up a bit more. Or at least, in Sean's case, it did anyway. He could not take his eyes off of Axel now but it's not like he wanted to. Sean came back from his thoughts and from staring at Axel's face when he heard his voice again.

"You're a busy man?" Sean leaned back in his seat, laughing then leaned up to rest his hands on the table. "Surely you can flat out reject my offer, Axel. I won't be upset as it won't be the first time I've been rejected." He had said, not trying to make the mood around them deep but his comments did cause it to shift a bit. It went from light to cloudy by his comments and he had sighed then looked back up to Axel.

Of course, his question might've taken Axel aback because he did come here with his boyfriend but now, they were no more so Sean was trying to figure out his purpose for staying. Besides the whole job situation. "Well, your luck might be finally changing since you got a job here." Sean said as he leaned back in his seat again with a shrug of his shoulders. "Plus, you're eating lunch with a handsome guy. What was his name again?" He had jokingly asked, his index finger tapped at his chin then he looked at Axel, smiling that eventually turned into a laugh.

"I think you should stay since you got the job. You might see that your luck changes day by day, minute by minute. Who knows?" He said before he took a breath and eyed Axel again. "Just think positive and positive things shall happen." Sean gave Axel a firm nod as the waitress came over with their food, placing their respective plate down in front of them. He had leaned up and grabbed his wrapped up utensils and looked at Axel again. "This looks great, doesn't it?" He muttered, really trying to change the subject and get that lighter tone back to fill the air around them.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans
Date | Time: June 11 | 11:50 AM
Wearing: This
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Sean | Closed

Mood: Playful~

The man's eyes went a bit wide when Sean told him he could reject him. Axel was now unsure if Sean was joking or not, and didn't know what was the best way to respond to him. He felt a bit awkward for a moment, pushing himself back against the chair but thankfully Sean decided to change the subject quickly.

Axel smiled, nodding at Sean before he let out a chuckle. "Oh! I don't remember~" The bartender laughed, teasing the other man. "He is quite handsome though." Axel giggled before going back to a more serious behavior.

Listening to Sean's words, Axel nodded slowly, briefly taking his eyes down to the dish displayed for him. "Yes, I want to stay..." His voice seemed weak for a second before his face lit up once more, and he looked into Sean's eyes. I'm just not used to things working out for me." He shrugged lightly.

Focusing back on his meal, Axel silently agreed with the man sitting across him and took a moment to try the pasta. "Oh man... This tastes better than anything I've ever had before... I'm gonna get fat working here." He chuckled, happy that he was sharing this moment with Sean.

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Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, PM if you'd like to join

Becky hummed to herself as she flipped through her closet. She'd decided she was going to go down to the bar and have fun. Maybe even hit on a girl for real this time? After most of her speed dating success she was feeling more confident and invigorated, even if the girls she'd hoped to actually land dates with seemed busy at the moment. Still, there had to be others in this hotel right?

So, she thought to herself, find something classy and sexy, but not just like overtly slutty to wear. A flip through her clothing confirmed that matched none of her outfits. Well, fuck. Show off some skin and see what happens? She smiled as she pulled out a little red dress. Show off some skin and see what happens it was!

A bit later she was down at the bar, ridiculous red heels matching her dress as she sauntered, sashayed, strutted, what have you up to the bar and slid onto the bar seat. No purse, no bag, not even a clutch tonight.

"Hello there." She said smiling at the bartender. "Watermelon Elderflower please!" She said brightly. She crossed her legs, plenty of bare thigh on display as she turned and scoped out the room for, well, she wasn't sure what exactly. She still wasn't sure how men or lesbians picked who to hit on. Something that said 'hit on me'? Maybe? Ugh this was already going badly.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky | Open

Mood: Werk!

Axel was still adjusting to this new, fancy job of his. After working in biker and gay bars for the last... For some years, he was used to a very different kind of people and atmosphere. He wasn't complaining. Hell no. He had just gotten a job at a dream place. This had been the first time in his life that his bad luck with guys led him into something good. More than good. Working at the Caravanserai was the kind of job Axel had never even dreamed of. And here he was, pouring drinks to some old suited mummies and old-fashioned hags until someone caught his eyes. Because there was no way to say I'm fucking here than a tiny, red dress.

The bartender's eyes sparkled for all the non-obvious reasons, and he couldn't wait to finally have someone interesting sitting at the bar to entertain him. Because bartenders fed off chit-chat and gossip and all that stuff, or at least he did.

As the brunette took one of the stools, Axel made his way toward her from the other end of the bar and smiled brightly at her. "Good evening." Because he did have manners. "Nice choice." He nodded at her with a little smile and got to work. Quickly, the watermelon was processed into juice and the bottles of Elderflower Liqueur and rum danced on Axel's hands as he mixed the drink. He took a short glass and filled it with the red liquid, added some thin cucumber slices and ice cubes, giving the final touch to the drink by adding a small slice of watermelon on the edge of the glass.

"Here you go." He slid the cocktail over the counter smoothly, showing a brief, dashing smile. Why not brag if he could totally do so?

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Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, PM if you'd like to join

Becky accepted the drink with a beaming smile and lifted it, the cool condensation already forming on the glass as she took a short sip. Refreshing, fruity, watermelony, yes, all the things she wanted right now. She didn't even taste the booze. "Awesome!" She gave her review. "Best one I've ever had." She grinned, Okay sure she'd only ever had this drink twice before in her life, still didn't change that this was the best one.

"Slow night so far?" She asked glancing around at the rather quiet crowd. She leaned in a bit speaking a bit quietly, not that she really needed to. "Anyone in here acting like they're looking for a crazy time?" She asked hopefully. She blushed a bit glanced about and clarified. "Girls I mean." They both knew she didn't need to go looking for a man.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky | Open

Mood: Werk!

Axel smiled at her, nodding his thanks for the compliment. "And it totally matches with you." The man chuckled, eyeing the dress for a second.

Noticing the brunette wasn't there just for a drink, Axel didn't go to far and looked around as well when she asked him about the night. "Looks like." He shrugged a bit. "But it will probably get better." The bartender smirked. He didn't know how many guests were at the time, nor how busy nights were. Learning all that was all part of his fun and exciting job.

Seeing the woman leaned over the counter, Axel's eyes went wide open for an instant and got leaned forward as well. Something was about to happen. Hearing the question, and following clarification, Axel's mouth opened in a silent gasp. "Besides you?" He chuckled, standing straight once more. "I'm afraid I don't know, but we could find out together." There was another smile and a wink, and Axel moved away from her to refill someone's glass.

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Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, PM if you'd like to join

Becky laughed a sort of scoffing laugh, "Yeah, besides me" she chuckled a bit self-deprecatingly. Some other girl into getting drunk and weird and, well, whatever you wanna call it.

She sighed as she realized that as always the answer seemed to be no. She shrugged and took a deep gulp of her drink. "Well whatever, I'm rich enough to repair the damage drunk Becky gonna cause." She said, putting the drink down as she glanced around, pouting hard.

Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: the 11th, cocktail.. o clock?
Wearing: as pic, plus staff, camera bag and sketch pad
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Axel, open

After getting checked in and settled, unpacking my spare pair of jeans, four pairs of long sleeve shirts, and my socks and underthings (and possibly a quick nap) I brush my hair and teeth and wander out into the hotel.

The bar seems to be the busy place right now, so I limp into it and towards the bar. Of course, Becky immediately catches my attention, in that bright red dress.

Sadly, my first thought is that she's a prostitute. No, no brain, I correct myself, at a place like this they are called escorts. Then I remember that this is a fancy vacation resort, and outside of the South, so people probably dress like this for a casual night out.

I give her a friendly, but not particularly inviting smile, and head over to the bar, staff gently clicking on any tile. Slipping into a seat, cradling my staff in my left arm, I give Axel the friendly, commiserating smile I save for waitperson and helpers, though he almost certainly is making more than I ever have.

"Hi! Good evening. Could I please get a tall ice water, a Shirley Temple, and the menu? Thank you!"


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Open

Becky glanced up a bit hopefully as someone new walked in. Becky hadn't ever seen the short woman who walked with a cane before and wondered if she was a new arrival herself. If she'd known that Elizabeth was thinking she was a prostitute she might be amused, mortified, or complimented, depending on how the news was delivered, but at the moment she of course had no idea what Elizabeth was thinking.

Becky returned Elizabeth's smile with a hopeful one of her own, but the woman's was not as inviting as Becky had hoped and she sat down at the bar away from Becky.

She hesitated. Not sure what the next move was. Did she go hit on her or not? Had that smile been an invitation? Just politeness with nothing behind it? Becky got herself getting nervous as she realized once again how inexperienced it was when it came to hitting on women. Part of her brain worried too that this poor woman who walked with a can was just looking to get off her feet for a bit and Becky would be no better than all the thirsty guys who seemed to pop up wherever she went.

Becky took a deep breath, then stood and walked to where Elizabeth was sitting.

"Hi." She said brightly, but obviously a bit anxiously. "I'm uh I'm Becky." She said, already mentally kicking herself for how un-smooth this was, although she kept that big happy cheerleader smile on her face. "Can I uh, can I buy you a drink?"
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky, Elizabeth | Open

Mood: Werk!

Axel held back a laugh when Becky said she was rich enough to fix her mistakes and hoped she was also rich enough to leave him a generous tip once her party night was over.

The bar was always the best spot in any kind of establishment to see everything and anything that was going on, and from his privileged place behind the counter, Axel saw another young woman walking toward him. His eyes darted toward Becky and only let a sly smirk show up across his features. Of course, he didn't know if this woman would be interested in Becky or not, but anyway, the new arrival would certainly make things interesting at least for a little while.

"Hi." Axel greeted the redhead with a smile and nodded at her request. "Sure thing!" The bartender placed the menu and the ice water in front of her and moved on to prepare the drink. A Shirley Temple... It seemed like red was the color of the evening. Maybe it was Becky's lucky night.

Axel was fast, and in a minute the grenadine, ginger ale and lemon-lime soda filled the tall glass beautifully, along with the ice cubes and the maraschino cherries on top. "Enjoy your night at the Mirage." He smiled brightly at her.

Leaning back against the shelves, Axel took this free moment to watch Becky push herself off her stool and move over the cute red haired woman. Casually he stepped closer to them, because he wanted to be ready in case another order came to him and because, well, he didn't want to miss a second of it. He was probably a terrible person, karma would eventually catch up with him, but so far he didn't care.

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Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: 11th, bartime
Wearing: pic plus staff (5'5) and camera bag and sketch pad
Location: mirage
Tagging: becky,  Axel ,open

I smile up at Becky, detecting her nervousness and trying to calm it a little "hey Becky. I'm Elizabeth. Feel free to have a seat, though I'm already waiting on my first drink. Have you been at Caravanserai long? It's quite an impressive place"

I smile happily at the drinks "oh, here they are! They look fantastic, sir. Thank you so much."

I take a big drink of the water, then turn my Shirley Temple, admiring it, and the artistry put into the simple drink. I take a slow sip. "Delicious."

After a quick look over the menu "can I please get an order for the beef fry? Easy on the peppers if you can"

I look back at Becky, "I hope you don't mind me eating in front of you, I'm just craving something not airline food"


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Open

Becky seemed to relax visibly as Elizabeth didn't instantly tell her to fuck off. The girl smiled her beautiful smile and slid her wide hips into the chair next to Elizabeth. She swiveled the chair-stool so that it faced slightly towards the red-head, Becky's bare legs crossed towards her, her foot dangling only a few inches away from Elizabeth's leg. Becky set down her drink and glanced at what Elizabeth had. Hmmm. Non-alcoholic? Well that would sure impede Becky's plans for crazy bad drunken decisions. Maybe she could get her to start drinking once she ate?

"Oh i've been here about a week now. It's been amazing!" Becky said, gushing as she truly meant it. "I'm kicking myself I waited so long. So far I've been to a masquerade party, star-gazing, speed-dating, a pool party" she counted off on her long red nails, "It's been so much fun!" She gushed, bouncing a little in her seat. "You must have just got in then?" She asked at the reference to airplane food.

The sound of beer stir fry made Becky realize that it sounded amazing. "Oh uh, make it two." She said to Alex with a smile. "But extra spicy for me. Charge it all to my room."

She turned back to Elizabeth with a grin. And then froze. Fuck she had nothing to say. Why was she so bad at small talk?

"So." She began awkwardly, pressing her fingers together in front of her. "Did you uh, bring a swimsuit?" She smiled. "The pool's a lot of fun!"

Great, great Becky, she'll think you're some beach bimbo. The woman chided herself. But she kept her cheerleader smile up. She needs to think I'm fun! We're trying to flirt here! She attempted to shush her insecurities up.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky, Elizabeth | Open

Mood: Werk!

Taking a moment to think about what he had experienced at the hotel since he arrived, Axel avoided frowning as the first memory that came to his mind was his ex-boyfriend telling him that he had met someone else at the speed dating thing. Who drops a year and so relationship over a random speed date? It was in the past now, recent past, as in like a day ago, but he had to put all that crap behind. Luckily for him, the bartender had tons of personality to spill all over the place, and the people around him.

There was a bright smile adorning Axel's features when he saw there was something like a conversation going on between the two ladies. He was ready to send Elizabeth's order to the kitchen when Becky intervened, and he nodded at her when she asked him to double the beef fry order and charge it to her room. "I'll send your order to the kitchen right away~"

Axel continued to listen to their exchange and wanted to facepalm right in front of them when Becky brought up the pool, although a pool could be fun at night too. "I'm sorry, what's your room number?" The bartender asked Becky, leaning over the counter. "Excuse me, but, I heard you attended to the star-gazing event, it must have been beautiful." Because stars sounded way better than pools while sitting at a bar with a drink in your hand.

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Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: 11th, food oclock
Wearing: same
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, open

I blink at the list of events, impressed. "Wow.... That all sounds really exciting! I'm sorry I missed some of those. I bet everyone looked amazing at the ball.." I chuckle. "Maybe I could have wrapped my staff in ribbons and put a little jester mask on it. Nobody would recognize me then!"

Becky's enthusiasm is both cute and a little catching.

"Yeah, just been here a few hours. Long flight from Georgia. Where are you from? Thank you for the meal! I've already heard praise for the kitchen. Hopefully they won't switch our plates."

I nod "I do so love to swim, actually. And I bet the stars are absolutely stunning out here.. I'll probably go up to the roof tonight. I didn't pack my swimsuit, but in all honesty I usually just swim in my jeans. How many people were at the pool party? "


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 11 June 2020, 5 PM Somewhere...
Wearing: White button down shirt open to the solar plexus, khakis
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Axel, Elizabeth, Open

Joseph had spent a lovely afternoon with Olivia. Though things didn't progress beyond drinks, he found himself unable to complain. After a few hours back on Quos Residential #5, he returned to his home away from home...away from home, The Mirage.

Seeing Miss Becky dressed as she was definitely sent his heart, among other things, quite a flutter. 'You miss the shots you don't take, eh?' He thought to himself. Waltzing over, he would take a seat with Becky and her redhead friend. If nothing else, the conversation would be interesting.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Open

Becky beamed at Axel, not only because he was so helpful and nice but because he also gave her a new conversation topic, which she'd been struggling for. She gave him her room number and then nodded. "Yes, it was wonderful to see all the stars so clearly, we even got to talk a little astrology which I love." She said putting her hand on her chest to gesture towards herself as she turned to Elizabeth with a smile. "Do you? I can tell you if you don't know, when's your birthday?" She grinned eagerly, happy to have a topic to discuss with someone she was hoping to get to know better.

She giggled at the notion of the kitchen switching their plates and reached out and put her hand over Elizabeth's consolingly. "I'll eat first honey, don't worry I'll throw a fit if it doesn't burn." She grinned and left her hand there for a second, letting it rub oh so gently to see the woman's reaction, before she slowly pulled it away.

When asked how many people were at the pool party Becky responded, "Oh there were dozens. Some better than others." She shook her head and smiled. "I just had a few drinks and floated around mostly." She shrugged. "Hey I'm on vacation." She laughed.

As she talked, she saw Joseph's tall form walk up and take a seat at the bar on the other side of Elizabeth. Becky's eyes narrowed and she had to restrain the urge to drag Elizabeth off with her. Trust him to come and try to blow up her spot. "Hi Joseph." She said a bit testily with an air of 'I saw her first!'
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 11 June 2020, 5 PM Somewhere...
Wearing: White button down shirt open to the solar plexus, khakis
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Axel, Elizabeth, Open

"I'm just here for a nightcap, Miss Becky." He replied, as if trying to be disarming towards her hostility. "Figured I'd say hello is all. After all, gotta have some of that ol' hospitality we're world renowned for, even halfway across the world." His accent came through a bit stronger here, he had learned when to dial it in, use it as a means to escape potential conflict.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky, Elizabeth, Joseph | Open

Mood: OMG! + Ohh...

Axel laughed at Elizabeth's comment and shook his head softly. "I'm sure that won't happen." He walked away, happy that his little intervention helped Becky to change the course of their conversation into something more interesting. The bartender noticed the lingering hand and smiled to himself, ready to watch the whole show while doing his work.

Although his work was abruptly interrupted when a third person made their way to the bar. Joseph Edwards! Axel almost yelped. He knew the guy! He'd seen Joseph perform a few times at a bar he used to work at and they had exchanged some words while the man relaxed after the show with a few drinks. Sadly, he was busy at the moment and couldn't go to say hi right away.

Once he was free, and after hearing the drums of war from Becky and Joseph' sides, Axel approached Joseph. "What can I get you?" He asked, trying to hide the excitement.

In that moment, Elizabeth and Becky's order was ready, and brought to them from the kitchen.

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Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: 11th, food oclock
Wearing: same
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Joseph, open.

I nod politely to Joseph, though I grin a little as I recognize his bluegrass accent. Seems like everyone here is from the South.

But my focus is mostly on Becky, with a little devoted to my top notch Shirley Temple.

"I can't say that I really believe in astrology, but I'm a late Aries. April 13th. How about you? If you don't mind me asking, what about it interests you so?"

I smile at her giggle and joke, but look a little sideways at the hand... Not a bad reaction, or a rapid pulling away or anything... Pretty much a acknowledgement of the flirting, but my look is 'not yet, but maybe.' I am a little flattered though, so I'll keep talking to her.

"I love hot tubs.. it's one of the few places my leg doesn't hurt. And swimming is fun. Helps me relax, and de-stress. I enjoy just floating, doing... Nothing. Maybe with a book if I'm in the mood. "

My eyes widen at the arrival of the food, practically drooling, but I am going to wait for Becky, since this amuses me. "ohhh, thank you... This looks so delicious..  "


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Open

"Well hello then Joseph." Becky said in a sugary sweet southern drawl, eyes still rather narrowed at him.

Their food came out super fast, and Becky picked up a pair of chopsticks and popped a small piece of beef in her mouth. She smiled as the flavors exploded. "Don't worry, they got it right." She smiled to Elizabeth, wondering how the girl would have reacted if she had switched them and had the redhead take a bite of Becky's super-spicy order.

"I love Astrology, it's so much fun, it gets into human foibles and the way we treat each other. So for like example," she said with a grin as Elizabeth asked for an explanation, toying with the chopsticks in one hand stirring around her food with them as she spoke, "Aries is a very sexual sign, whereas Taurus, like me, is more about being satisfied in a more general sense - sensual if you will, not sexual like you all." She smiled at Elizabeth as she compared the Bull and the Ram. "And we both are after our one true love, so we sometimes have problems staying in relationships if we don't feel like it's working out. Though the Aires," she grinned and narrowed her eyes mock accusingly, "is more likely to be the one who steps out."

She gave almost puppy dog eyes to the woman now, "And Aires can be very mean and poor Taurus will just sit there and cry and take it because we're too loving to do anything else."

"See?" She asked finally picking something with her chopsticks. "It tells us what our weak spots are and to watch out for them. I need to set boundaries cuz I'm a wussy Taurus. You need to find time to relax so you don't go all Aries on the rest of us."

She glanced down at the woman's leg, it finally having been brought up by her she felt like it was okay to mention. "How'd it happen?" She asked tenderly, taking a bite of her delicious noodles.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.