Caravanserai [The Lotus Restaurant | Calypso’s Bar]

Started by Flower, July 08, 2018, 08:25:45 AM

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Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: 11th, food oclock
Wearing: same
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, open.

I'ma play Southern states bingo here, soon. I grin hugely as Becky approves the food, and I tear into it, cutting quickly and eating with the fork in my left hand. Yeah, it's been like five hours since I've eaten. Way past time.

I chew quietly, making it through several bites as Becky talks about astrology. Taking a sip of water, I consider it. "Hmm. Well, I'm demisexual, so that probably over-rides my star sign propensity for sexuality. Points for looking for True love, and points for being frustrated if things are going poorly. "

I snort, though it is mostly delicate. " Mean? Me? Why I never." Then I have to laugh "I'm not mean, sometimes people are delicate. But I try not to hurt people's feelings. I admit that I don't really understand people who sit there and cry... But it takes all types, I suppose."

I glance down at my leg, and gently tap my staff on the floor "would you believe me if I said that I got run over by a tractor?" It's delivered pretty neutrality, so it might even be true. My face does indicate that I'm not eager to talk about it, but not opposed


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 11 June 2020, 5 PM Somewhere...
Wearing: White button down shirt open to the solar plexus, khakis
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Axel, Elizabeth, Open

Becky seemed much more interested in the redhead between the two of them than him. A shame,he'd been hoping to get back on her dance card since the night of the Masquerade. Maybe one day...

A waiter would come by. The face had a distinctive familiarity, but Edwards couldn't quite place it. "Woodford Reserve Old Fashioned and a Lime Tonic." He replied, feeling the need to have a drink in hand. He would listen to the pair talk star signs, acting more of a casual observer to their conversation, waiting for his spot to interject.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky, Elizabeth, Joseph | Open

Mood: OMG! + Ohh...

Of course, Joseph Edwards didn't remember one random bartender. Axel held back a sigh and nodded at him. "Right away!" He turned around and made a quick scan of their current stock while listening to the conversation between Becky and Elizabeth.

Axel was surprised with the realization that Becky had only needed a little push to jump right into flirting and talking about sex, basically.

The Woodford was mixed with the Demarara syrup, Angostura bitters and the Regan’s Orange bitters into the broad and short glass and decorated with orange pills. "Here you go, enjoy your drink." Axel slid the cocktail over to the man with a bright smile.

Hesitating for a second, he decided to be a little annoying. "Um, I know you... From the Davidson Bar." He leaned a bit closer, unsure if Joseph wanted to keep a low profile or not. "You played there a few times." Axel smiled a bit.

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Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Open

Well, the new redhead wasn't afraid to eat. That was good, because Becky sure as heck wasn't either. Despite her tight, revealing, low-cut, high-hemmed dress, she dug into the stir fry with her chopsticks eagerly, popping the sizzling, spicy bits between her plump lips and smiling with satisfaction as it settled down in her.

"Demi...sexual?" Becky asked, obviously confused. She glanced one way and then the other. Nope. No answers there. "What uh, what's that one mean?" She asked with the air of the lost kid in class who needs the teacher to help out. She was obviously deflated a little, having thought she was doing okay, and now running into terms she'd never heard before.

The comment that followed 'I'm not mean others are just delicate' Becky had to stifle a laugh and cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. "Oh my gosh, classic Aires." She couldn't help but giggle and give Elizabeth a playful shove and arm caress the one after the other. "Well you know, give me a chance to run before you make me cry, okay?" She asked playfully.

Becky glanced down at poor Elizabeth's leg and shrugged a little with a sympathetic smile. "Yeah, yeah I would." She said, obviously those sorts of injuries were all too common where she grew up. "I'm sorry that happened to you." She said, with a tone that suggested she meant it. She kissed the tip of her own finger then, and then pressed the tip of the finger to Elizabeth's nose, sharing the kiss by proxy. Baby steps. "Hope you recover." She said, glancing away quickly.

She noticed Joseph being smooth and classy, ordering his cool drink with his detached, badass air. This didn't help her suspicions of him at all! He was definitely gonna scoop up Elizabeth first chance he got once she noticed how cool he was! Unless ... well, what the heck did demisexual mean? Maybe that would screw it up! She glanced towards Axel briefly and almost died. He was fawning over Joseph like a little schoolboy. Goddamn. Becky couldn't roll her eyes hard enough. Of course. Of course this would happen to her! She sighed and looked the other way over her shoulder, still tilted towards Elizabeth.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

I can't help but smile at Becky, she really is a good person, my judgemental side decides.

"Demisexual means, basically, that it takes me a while to desire sex with someone, and it might never happen. I fall in love with her brain, then heart, then finally her body. The fastest I've ever had sex with someone is after knowing her for two months. "

I tense up at the shove, hands suddenly tight on my staff -life in Savannah wasn't always idyllic- but quickly realize it wasn't a precursor to an attack.

"Chase isn't a game I was ever really good at" I say a bit dryly, taking a long sip of my Shirley Temple.

I can't help but blush just a tiny bit at the proxy nose kiss, and smile at her obvious concern. "It happened a long time ago. It won't get any better, but it won't get any worse. I can deal with all the side effects. thank you."

I pensively stir my fry, thinking.


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 11 June 2020, 5 PM Somewhere...
Wearing: White button down shirt open to the solar plexus, khakis
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Axel, Elizabeth, Open

"Davidson was always a decent little dive...lot of us Music Row guys ended up there more often than not. Stage was always a bit small for my liking though." He replied to Axel, finally putting the details of the waiter's face together with his own memory, bourbon soaked as it may have been.

Listening to Elizabeth talk, she sounded like quite the romantic type. Although, the manner in which she used her pronouns clued him into the fact that she was more of the sapphic persuasion. Yet again, a shame.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky, Elizabeth, Joseph | Open

Mood: OMG! + Ohh...

Axel smiled brightly, happy that Joseph at least recalled the place he used to work at. "Welcome to Caravanserai!" The bartender chuckled. "Let me know if you need anything else." With this, Axel left the man alone and moved over the talking women.

"Ladies, can I get you anything?" He asked, sad that he had lost a bit of track of their conversation and wondering if he could ask Becky about Sagittarius. But, he would stop himself for the time being, not wanting to interrupt them.

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Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Open

"Oh." Becky said brightly to the definition of demisexual. That actually made her relax a little. She was still nervous about the idea of lesbian sex herself, and really the idea of having sex for love or even her own desire and not just commitment was still something she was working her way up to. So even if it went great with Elizabeth it would be some time before they got there. Honestly, that was great news.

"Well isn't everyone like that a little?" She asked with a smile, then instantly thought of several dozen examples against it. "Nevermind." She said holding up a hand. "I know." She laughed and took a bite of her stir fry, savoring the intense spicy flavor.

She took a moment to be proud of herself. She'd managed to start a conversation and hold it with a stranger and it seemed to be going, well, not great, but okay? But even if she screwed this up she wasn't going to let herself me upset about it. Nobody owed her anything of course, and just getting herself to get out there was an improvement on the Becky she'd been before heading out to Caravanserai.

Now that she could relax with herself a little she also reflected on maybe she should stop being so snappy to Joseph. Since learning Elizabeth was not in any sort of hurry, and knowing she herself wasn't really either, they could just relax and have a good time. And he was being nice about the star stuff even though she knew what he thought about it. Okay Becky, she told herself, we're gonna get drunk and weird anyway tonight, that was our goal, she told herself. And besides, she couldn't help but notice that the thirsty business types that had been sniffing around her earlier had basically vanished once Joseph sat down. She wondered if he was aware he had that effect on them.

"So," she said, leaning back in her chair a little to talk to everyone and not just Elizabeth now, "Yes." She said to Axel. "I need another one of those. Joseph needs another one of -" she pointed to his drink having no idea what it was, "that thingy, and Elizabeth needs - " she paused to let her fill it in. "And put it all on my room. I'm buying tonight." She smiled at Elizabeth and Joseph both as if to say let's have fun and be friends and yeah, all that good stuff.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: 11th, food oclock
Wearing: same
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Axel, open.

Such a curious lady... Young, I decide. The vibe Becky most gives off is young, enthusiastic, and vibrant, but inexperienced. She seems a little calmer now, too for some reason. She also didn't follow up with awkward questions, so... Either she's polite, not curious, not in the mood for patience or... I'm over thinking things again. Oh well.

As Becky asks the question, I open my mouth to disagree, but she beats me to it. I start laughing, pretty hard and happily. "So do I, so do I."

Taking a deep breath and shaking my head, I smile at Becky and then Axel "thank you Becky. Another Shirley Temple, please. I think I am going to have a swim tonight. My body has no idea what time it thinks it is. "

I look around the room, not really seeing anything more interesting than Becky, and my food, possibly in that order. I finish off my plate of fry, pushing the empty away gently "whew... That was delicious. I'd say that I'm full, but it would be a lie. Do we have dessert options? Becky, do you want to split something? Fight over the last bite, and you can steal it and run off." Part of that was directed to Axel and part, obviously, to Becky


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 11 June 2020, 5 PM Somewhere...
Wearing: White button down shirt open to the solar plexus, khakis
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Axel, Elizabeth, Open

Joseph also noticed that people seemed to shy away from the two women since he had shown up. Sure, he himself had a certain that couldn't be quenched by alcohol or water...but, his gentlemanly manners got in the way of his hedonistic desires, for the moment.

"Actually, dessert wouldn't be too bad. Something light." The fact that Becky had volunteered to pay the bill had surprised him. Of course, he wasn't going to abuse such generosity, and he knew he'd have to pay it back the gesture eventually.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky, Elizabeth, Joseph | Open

Mood: Amused~

Axel nodded at Becky with a smile, briefly glancing toward Elizabeth and Joseph. "So an Elderflower, a Shirley and an Old Fashioned." He listed mentally.

Glancing over at Elizabeth when she mentioned dessert, Axel approached her and handed her the menu once again with bright smile. "Here are our options." Which he had no idea what they were, but he was only there to mix drinks, right? Food and desserts was the kitchen staff' thing.

When Joseph chimed in, the bartender offered him a menu as well and waited for them to decide. Axel rested his hands on the counter, feeling more fulfilled than ever in his life. He had always loved his job, now he loved his work place.

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Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Open

Becky raised a finger as Elizabeth placed her order and leaned in to her. "Okay see here's the problem now," she glanced at the drink that Alex brought back, pointing at it like it was something unpleasant, "As I understand, that doesn't have booze in it." She said accusingly. "And see that's just not gonna work for me because I plan to be a drunken fool tonight and I need help." She smiled at Elizabeth. "Please?" She asked, making a bit of puppy dog eyes at her.

She glanced towards the menu. "Ooooh." She looked at the dessert, her hand running over her stomach a bit self-conciously. "Oh screw it, yeah, let's do the cheesecake." She grinned at Elizabeth. "Is that ok?" She leaned forward a bit as she asked. "It's okay if it's not ok."

She glanced to Joseph. He was being quiet as usual which considering their topics so far was probably a good thing. She knew how he felt about astrology already. And she suspected he wouldn't ever get to 'drunken fool' no matter how long he sipped his ... whatever it was. Well, the man would jump in when he had something to say. That much she knew.

She looked at Alex. "Are you new here?" She asked, just having realized she hadn't asked him that before.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: 11th, food oclock
Wearing: same
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky,  Axel, open.

I look at my drink and then at Becky, my smile going a little strained but still amused and tolerant. "Well, I can't say that I particularly enjoy drunken foolery, sorry. And drunk don't mix well with my leg, or swimming. So probably no booze for me tonight."

I grin widely and nod "yes, I was absolutely thinking the cheesecake. It sounds absolutely fantastic to me now. I'm just worried we will both think we didn't get enough and have to split a second one"

I smile at Axel "one cheesecake, two forks please. And thank you very much for the drink, you make it superbly"


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Open

Becky blinked as if Elizabeth had just said something in a foreign language. Didn't drunk? Didn't enjoy drunken foolery? NO BOOZE? Well. Damn.

"Oh." She said staring at her glass like, well what am I supposed to do now?

She didn't really have a Plan B. If she was sober her old inhibitions and hang ups would slow her down from having any sort of fun. And that just wouldn't do. "Well uh, sorry in advance." She grinned and took a deep gulp of her drink. Things might not be meant to be between her and Elizabeth, but that was fine, there were plenty of fish in this drunken sea, and besides she was proud of herself for managing to say hi to a stranger even if she was making a fool of herself in the process. May as well go all in.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Apollo King
Date | Time | June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing:  Shown
Location:  Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, (Mentioning Juliet), Open

Apollo hadn't heard from Juliet in a bit, but he wasn't about to let this night go by without something in his system.  It wasn't like him to be out here in the middle of nowhere and he really wanted to take his mind off of things before he went back to the real world...whatever that was.  He thought the Mirage had a nice atmosphere.  He had no idea that his own little part of the world insisted on encroaching upon him.

He was inside the door when he saw her.  Normally it would have been Becky that caught his eye.  But he always had a thing for redheads!  Part of him wondered if she was the reason why?  Nope, she didn't break his heart and she wouldn't, but apparently someone upstairs thought he needed a friend here in the middle of paradise.  Even though he was more than attracted to Becky, it seems the caramel goddess had her eye on another which in itself was too bad she was amazing...and had a nice body too.

He moved up towards Becky only to take her hand in his dark chocolate one he kissed it.  "My Mocha goddess.  Good Evening Becky how are you?  Hope Hoppa-long Cassidy here isn't bothering you?"  He said teasing, he would have scooped Elizabeth up from behind then hugged and kissed her neck.  But he had taught herself self-defense and didn't want to check to see if the lessons had taken first hand.

He moved towards Elizabeth after greeting Becky, not as warmly as he would have liked but he understood if she had other tastes besides him.  He moved to hug and kiss his best friends neck as if he hadn't seen her in forever.  It had been a bit but he didn't call when he arrived either.  "I missed you...they don't know who I am here."  He whispered in her ear, hoping she got the message that he wanted to keep it that way.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: 11th, food oclock
Wearing: same
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Apollo/Dervus, open.

I grin at Becky " maybe you should try the arcade? It looked like a ton of fun."

I freeze, looking absolutely horrified as I hear a voice I recognize. Gently, I thump my head into the bar a couple of times, and leave it there "oh Goddess of Chaos, what have I, your faithful servant, done to offend thee? Please forgive me, and remove this burden from me"

I can't help but giggle at the nickname... But oh, he will pay. And yes, the self defense has been well learned, and put to use.

I wrinkle my nose at the kiss, sounding at least a little more playful than grossed out. "Ugh, germs! No! Now I need sanitizer..."

My eyes light up at the whispers, and I slowly sit up to look directly at Apollo. Like a cat seeing a flightless bird.

"Why Dervus! Imagine seeing you here! Are you on the cleaning crew? "

I take a sip of my drink to avoid bursting out laughing

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky, Elizabeth, Joseph, Apollo | Open

Mood: Amused~

While Joseph made up his mind about dessert, Axel busied himself with the making of a new round of drinks for his very interesting patrons. He was having more fun that he had expected at such a fancy place, and the more time he spent behind that bar, the better he felt about his decision of staying.

Following Elizabeth and Becky's words, Axel made a small face realizing that Becky probably felt a little disappointed, so when he approached everyone to offer their drinks, Axel leaned closer to Becky. "I can drink with you, but don't tell anyone." The man gave her a playful wink before sending his attention toward the figure walking over the bar.

Axel was pretty sure he had seen the guy at the pool party, probably before he was left alone there, as the memories after that brief moment were a haze for him.

"Welcome to the Mirage." Axel smiled brightly at the man. "What would you like to drink?"

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Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Apollo, Open

Becky was about to say something when from her free side a hand tugged at hers and she turned to see Apollo there, holding her hand and kissing it. She grinned at him, glad to see a friendly face and remembering their speed date. "Mocha goddess?" She started with a chuckle. "Well whatever you say Sir Baking Chocolate."

"Hop-a-long...?" She squinted, totally not following. She glanced to Elizabeth, not seeing any resemblance to the old cowboy from the show. Old reruns were about all that was ever on TV when she was a kid, not that she ever watched it much. "I'm not..." she said, obviously totally confused. Then she glanced down at the cane. "Oh my god." She covered her mouth. "Wow well, at least he didn't call you his Vanilla Princess." She said giving Elizabeth a smirk and shaking her head at Apollo.

"I'm not even two drinks in yet, Apollo you gotta give me time." She laughed, taking another sip. She glanced between them. "You two know each other? That explains a few things." She said with a knowing pout. She was turning back to Alex just as he whispered his secret to her.

"Really!?" She beamed. "Yes!" She clapped her hands together happily and eagerly, an almost childish manner as she smiled at him. "High five dr-" she caught herself. "- buddy!" She held up a palm for him. "Normal regular buddy." She said not at all smoothly.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 11 June 2020, 5 PM Somewhere...
Wearing: White button down shirt open to the solar plexus, khakis
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Axel, Elizabeth, Apollo, Open

"I'll take a slice of cheesecake as well." Joseph said to Axel as he came back around. He would kill off the remnant of his drink when the new one came about. Of course, he hadn't really drank for the sake of getting drunk in a long time. He preferred that state where one was loose, but still cognizant.

When Apollo showed up, Joseph was the odd man out. It had to be a slight on Apollo's part, as Joseph was definitely impossible to miss, even in a crowd. But, he would ignore that, and await his opportunity to get back into the conversation as Apollo greeted the women in a manner that was say the least.

The Green One

Name: Axel Evans.
Date | Time: June 11th | Evening
Wearing: Bartender uniform - Grey slacks and vest with a white button-up shirt and black tie.
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Becky, Joseph / everyone | Open

Mood: Amused~

Axel brought his hand up to Becky's and laughed softly when she seemed way too excited about getting a -not- drinking buddy, though he feared the woman wouldn't be able to keep it quiet until he finished his shift. Only a couple more hours... He looked at her for a second. She definitely looked like she could handle it.

Nodding at Joseph, Axel ordered the three Cheesecake to the kitchen and took away all the empty glasses. He kept himself nearby because he wanted to keep listening at whatever was going on with the new guy and because there were no other people around at the moment.

With a series of sly moves, the bartender poured himself a shot of Vodka and glanced in Becky's direction, quickly downing the shot, before pretending nothing happened. He was doing a terrible thing, drinking at work. At this work. The hotel wasn't a biker nor bear bar. In here, probably no one wanted to see a drunk bartender, but Axel had great alcohol resilience anyway.

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Name: Apollo King
Date | Time | June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing:  Shown
Location:  Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, (Mentioning Juliet), Open

He shook his head at Elizabeth and her claims to the goddess of chaos…who he thought she was in the first place.  “Burden?!?  How dare you woman!?!  You know you love me…I can’t say missed me!”  He stuck his tongue out at her.

“I can always scrub you down with bleach or hose you down.  It is what the cleaning crew would do.”  He said.

Apollo looked to Axel, he remembered him from the pool party.  It was barely, he was trying to place him, but he did have an idea that let him know who the man was.  He was surprised as he was working here, but what man could give up paradise when he was of a mind too.  “Thank you, Whiskey Sour to start.”  He said as he could drink almost anything, he had a good constitution when it came to alcohol.

He noticed the other guy there but didn’t know him or that he was with the group, not trying to be rude at all.  Joseph maybe?!?

“Sir Baking Chocolate?  You don’t even know if I can cook madam?!?”  He said teasing.  “She is hardly a princess, she is more apt to throw her glass slipper at me.”  He said as he looked at his old friend.  He winked at Becky thinking she was rather beautiful, he understood the attention that she received for sure.  “So give you time for?”  He said teasing wondering how much she needed to drink.  “Last I checked we grow up together and I didn’t hold her underwater long enough at the debutant ball.”  He said.

He was wondering what was having her so happy?  He wasn’t sure the cause, but it made her rather happy for sure. 

“I am sorry…saw you at the pool…but we didn’t meet…Apollo.” He said extending his hand to Joseph.

He did notice Axel skill at slipping a drink and he was smirking at the skill with which he moved.  It was subtle but it was him paying attention as usual.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: 11th, food oclock
Wearing: same, 5.5 foot staff
Location: Mirage
Tagging: Becky, Apollo open.

"burden. Yes. I stand by that. And I'd say tolerate, at best." I roll my eyes playfully at Becky. "By all that is unholy and evil in the world, if he dared to try to call me 'his Vanilla Princess' I'd chase him down and beat him with my staff, no matter how much it hurts. Me, not... Him."

I ponder " but maybe a glass slipper throwing knife would be good.. you can get surprising range from one of those, I hear. And it wasn't a debutante ball, it was Samantha's fundraiser. For sick horses or something. You spilled hot chocolate on my gown at that debutante ball."
I say, speaking just a bit primly.

" I think it was in retaliation for me killing your Dungeons and Dragons character"


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing: (as pictured)
Location: Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, Apollo, Open

Becky took a bite of the cheesecake happily, then froze mid chew as Elizabeth started talking about glass throwing knives. The heck? She gave the woman a rather weirded out look. Then glanced at Apollo. Then glanced at the cheesecake. "Hmmm. Glass throwing knives." She said evenly, taking another bite.

"I'm gonna need another." She said to Alex idly, as if it was no big deal, tapping her glass.

Her sense of dread was quickly replaced with complete shock, as she nearly choked on her cheesecake.

"Dungeons and dragons character?" She said, eye wide with surprise. She swallowed carefully then swiveled her chair around to face towards Apollo. "Oh do go on." She said, crossing her legs again and folding her hands across her knee eyeing Apollo with a very amused look.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Apollo King
Date | Time | June 11th, 2020 | Cocktail:30
Wearing:  Shown
Location:  Mirage Restaurant and Bar
Tagging: Axel, Elizabeth, Joseph, (Mentioning Juliet), Open

"When the knife hits it shatters causing more damage."  He said as Becky looked at him confused and even that look was cute as hell.

She was getting another drink, was she celebrating or not trying to remember?!?g"Damn woman you can't keep Ice water!"  He said as he looked at Elizabeth then at Becky.  He wasn't sure if Liz was trying to get him in with Becky or out.  But his coolness had went straight out of the window in favor of geekdom.  He was pretty sure that wouldn't go over well with the lush caramel maiden, but the look on her face spoke volumes.  Till she spoke, it was his turn to have a surprised look on his face.  "You friend here finally talked me into playing a few times, thinking it was only for crazy white people till she told me I could be a black elf.  So I did.  Yeah I am a geek!"  He admitted quietly, his first time doing anything quiet so to speak.  "Why do you play?"

Elizabeth Ecsed

"He played a Bard. Darius Silvertounge. Died after Quellen, dashing halfling rogue pushed him into dragon fire so she could escape."

I sip my drink, tone perfectly level. Some of that may be true, some not. Messing with Apollo is a hobby